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Earth Science

Arctic Posts Second Warmest Year On Record In 2018, NOAA Says ( 207

According to a new report released on Tuesday by the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, the Arctic had its second-hottest year on record in 2018. "Arctic air temperatures for the past five years have exceeded all previous records since 1900," according to the annual NOAA study, the 2018 Arctic Report Card, which said the year was second only to 2016 in overall warmth in the region. Reuters reports: The study said the Arctic warming continues at about double the rate of the rest of the planet, and that the trend appears to be altering the shape and strength of the jet stream air current that influences weather in the Northern Hemisphere. "Growing atmospheric warmth in the Arctic results in a sluggish and unusually wavy jet-stream that coincided with abnormal weather events," it said, noting that the changing patterns have often brought unusually frigid temperatures to areas south of the Arctic Circle. Some examples are "a swarm of severe winter storms in the eastern United States in 2018, and the extreme cold outbreak in Europe in March 2018 known as 'the Beast from the East.'"
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Arctic Posts Second Warmest Year On Record In 2018, NOAA Says

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  • by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @06:02AM (#57796944)
    I won't spend my holidays there.
  • by WuestenFuchs ( 5531924 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @06:08AM (#57796956)
    Since even the president of the US is convinced that global warming is a Chinese hoax, we have to be impressed by the way China is playing this game. The Chinese manage to really create ever warmer weather year after year, just to fool us into thinking global warming is real. They are truly brilliant.
  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @08:54AM (#57797478) Homepage Journal
    This graph from the report is particularly scary: []
  • by hyades1 ( 1149581 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @09:13AM (#57797554)

    It's sad to see Slashdot taken over by anti-science scumbags, posting as "Anonymous Cowards" and lying that Global Warming isn't happening even with evidence all over the place. And then there's the overwhelming support for GW in the scientific community. What do they know!

    I have to admire the plucky band of billionaires, conspiracy nutbars and oil companies bravely fighting back against all that nasty, evil science. Of course, the downside is that their kids will line up to piss on their graves.

    • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @09:30AM (#57797626) Journal

      It's sad to see Slashdot taken over by anti-science scumbags, posting as "Anonymous Cowards" and lying that Global Warming isn't happening even with evidence all over the place. And then there's the overwhelming support for GW in the scientific community. What do they know!

      I have to admire the plucky band of billionaires, conspiracy nutbars and oil companies bravely fighting back against all that nasty, evil science. Of course, the downside is that their kids will line up to piss on their graves.

      Browse with only +2 visible and you won't see most of that.

      As far as the PR effort goes, global warning was way oversold initially and the early dire predictions (that were sold via the media) didn't happen, or didn't happen anything like they were sold. That had a crying wolf effect.

      Also, demonizing people and calling them stupid isn't a great way to win them over.

      That said, any solution is going to be technological. Top down command and control isn't doing what you want it to do; it isn't succeeding (and yes, succeeding politically and socially is part of succeeding).

      • The problem with global warming is that its effects are too slow to be perceived as a threat by a population that only cares about immediate events or at most within one year in the future.
      • I don't completely agree with you, but it's good to have a reasoned conversation on the matter. And some of your points are either completely or partly valid.

        My main disagreement is that I don't believe at this point there's any reason to waste valuable time and effort trying to persuade people who have proved pretty comprehensively there is absolutely nothing that will change their minds. It would probably be best to just ignore them, but I find from time to time I can't resist showering them with a litt

      • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak AT yahoo DOT com> on Thursday December 13, 2018 @12:24PM (#57798552) Homepage Journal

        Initially? It has been discussed since 1895. It was confirmed by NASA in 1968. It was in textbooks in 1982. It was in the nrws in 1992.

        Whose initial?

        And who oversold it? The scientists? Or the deniers in their claims of what the scientists were claiming?

    • by citylivin ( 1250770 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @10:54AM (#57798082)

      "It's sad to see Slashdot taken over by anti-science scumbags"

      Its not sad, its pretty normal. We have literally the best moderation system on the internet here. Avoiding the echochamber of reddit and the lowest common denominator of youtube comments. I would argue its the SOLE reason that this website still exists. That and people can post pretty much anything they like.

      Its like flat earhers or any other wacky conspiracy that no one of consequence really believes. Its impossible to ignore the climate changing over the last 20 or 30 years. The willfully ignorant will always exist, I wouldn't let it bother you.

    • It's not anti-science to disregard alarmists. The reality is the global temps during the mid-holocene were about the same or higher as they are now. The mid-holocene is when mankind discovered civilization and writing, so returning to that era of temps just doesn't concern many of us.

  • by kbahey ( 102895 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @11:44AM (#57798318) Homepage

    Obligatory: Earth Temperature Timeline [], courtesy of XKCD.

  • by Straumli Perversion ( 1601929 ) on Thursday December 13, 2018 @12:08PM (#57798440)
    It's interesting that there was no large drop in sea ice extent or area this year to match the exceptional warming. The numbers came in around where the last few years have, and much higher than 2016 or 2012.

    Sea Ice Area: []
    Sea Ice Extent: []

Too much is not enough.
