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Most Planets In the Universe Are Homeless 219

StartsWithABang writes: We like to think of our Solar System as typical: a central star with a number of planets — some gas giants and some rocky worlds — in orbit around it. Yes, there's some variety, with binary or trinary star systems and huge variance in the masses of the central star being common ones, but from a planetary point of view, our Solar System is a rarity. Even though there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy for planets to orbit, there are most likely around a quadrillion planets in our galaxy, total, with only a few trillion of them orbiting stars at most. Now that we've finally detected the first of these, we have an excellent idea that this picture is the correct one: most planets in the Universe are homeless. Now, thank your lucky star!"
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Most Planets In the Universe Are Homeless

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 31, 2014 @08:32AM (#48277833)

    don't planets need some kind of gravity source to pull all the dust and shit together?

    • They could have formed inside of solar systems and then ejected into interplanetary space by encounters with other planets.

      • It's also possible they just didn't fall into a good resonance with a neighboring gas giant. There's evidence that planetary bodies shifted around while Jupiter and Saturn came fell into their final orbital parameters.
    • Planets are a gravity source to pull all the dust and shit together. The dust and shit is a gravity source too, for that matter.

      If you have enough dust to make a big enough clump, you get a star (and maybe orbiting planets, as sub-clumps). If you don't have enough, you get a planet by itself. If you have a whole fuckton-plex more, you get a galaxy. The same process happens at all scales.

      • by halfEvilTech ( 1171369 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:46AM (#48278731)

        this would also explain the dust bunnies that love to form under my bed

        • I once decommissioned a Windows 98 that a user had for eight years. Popped open the cover and found a grapefruit-sized dust ball next to the fan. That, ladies and gentlemen, was the red giant of dust bunnies.
      • by arth1 ( 260657 )

        Yes, a boatoad of these "planets" are failed stars - too little mass to start the fusion process.
        We're not talking Earth-like planets here, but gas giants like Jupiter - up to the size of brown dwarf stars.
        And they are likely not alone, but have their own satellites.

        Then there are Oort cloud objects around stars - ice objects too small and far away from a star to form water planets like Uranus and Neptune.

    • Planets are made of matter, matter is a gravity source. If that matter pulls together, but fails to ignite, you have a gas giant instead of a star. The same could happen with rocky planets. Obviously, smaller planets would take much longer to form on their own, but it could happen. And even more likely is that the planets form inside of a star system, but are ejected rather than settling into a stable orbit.

    • They formed around stars and then got ejected by meteor impact, star explosion or whatever.

  • by alen ( 225700 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @08:33AM (#48277849)

    so much resources out there for the taking, no need to come to earth

    • With a few trillion planets in orbit, makes me think that if life is a 1 in a million chance, we've got millions of planets with life just in our galaxy....with at least trillions of planets of life across the universe.

    • We're out in the backwater. All the action is happening in the core.
      • Maybe. The core's probably a pretty unpleasant place though, with radiation levels so high i's unlikely that life could evolve. Though admittedly by the time a race masters interstellar travel it's probably well on it's way to being able to colonize the galactic core, provided they don't mind living entirely indoors.

    • Most really advance races will have probably passed through their singularity – being mechanical-beings they won't really need stars providing warmth to live by. It could be that a huge percentage of these planets are colonized by post-biological-entities and the planets around stars are left as garden areas for new post-biological-entities to emerge from.

      Perhaps this is a new direction for SETI

  • This impacts Drake equation [] and might shed light as to why we have not detected any other sentient life in the universe.
    • Re:Drake equation (Score:4, Insightful)

      by aviators99 ( 895782 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @08:45AM (#48277993) Homepage

      This impacts Drake equation and might shed light as to why we have not detected any other sentient life in the universe.

      No, it does not impact the Drake equation at all. The drake equation is based on R* and f(p) which are the the "rate of star formation" and the "fraction of those stars that have planets" (from your link on wikipedia). Both of these numbers are not affected by this finding.

      • by sinij ( 911942 )
        Maybe I didn't read the article carefully, but my mistaken(?) impression that key finding was "fraction of those stars that have planets" is lower than what we previously believed.
        • my mistaken(?) impression that key finding was "fraction of those stars that have planets" is lower than what we previously believed.

          It's "the fraction of the planets that have stars" which does not affect "the fraction of stars that have planets" because the new thought is that there are _way_ more planets than previously estimated.

          To be fair, the conversational second-person italics! style of the article is maddening to read, and far worse to skim.

      • This.

        The Drake equation addresses the probability of finding civilizations -- not the probability of finding planets.

        As mentioned earlier, planets are not necessarily formed near stars. They can be created when enough mass coalesces to gather in one place and meet the definition of planet.

        Also, some planets should be ejected from solar systems. Early solar system formations are exceedingly unstable.

        As for explaining dark matter, unbound planets and proto-planets and similar partials could explain some of th

        • by sinij ( 911942 )
          If you have less planets that previously assumed, it follows that there would be less planets that contain civilizations, and less civilizations.
          • TFS suggests that there are MORE planets than previously thought.

            However, "homeless," planet is probably a very good description because planets need a source of energy to support life.

            Some could have hot cores and life could exist sub-surface, but in order to be detected, we really need some life forms on the surface.

            • The ratio of gas giant to terrestrial homeless planets may also be tilted more towards gas giants than terrestrial. A lot of these homeless planets may be gas giants that failed to achieve fusion and become a star.

              • Homeless planets probably do fit to origin theories: 1.) Ejects and 2.) Self-formed.

                Ejects would have a better chance at being smaller and denser because of the dust and debris field in the vicinity of the proto-star.

                The self-formed more than likely are giants.

              • Gas giants could have moons that receive heat from gravitational changes and radiation from the gas giant. These moons might have life on them. It's an outside chance, yes, but given how many planets there are out there, I'd say the chances of one of these being in this situation is probably high.

            • There's also the possibility of dense star formation, or other sources of intense radiation with nearby rouge planets.

              A dense stellar nursery will have lots of interstellar dust, (and a shitload of local radiation), and will also have a good chance of producing such rouge planets, because of the presence of the large interstellar cloud, and the perturbations caused by the protostars.

              It takes time for these dense star forming regions to push each other apart from radiative pressures, and without a local star

          • by arth1 ( 260657 )

            If you have less planets that previously assumed, it follows that there would be less planets that contain civilizations, and less civilizations.

            Fewer. Not less.
            And no, it doesn't follow. Having a million times as many gas giants won't increase the chance of civilizations noticeably. And in this case, we're talking mostly super-Jupiters, consisting almost entirely of hydrogen and helium.

            What Drake's equation counts isn't planets, but "the average number of planets that can potentially support life".
            Life as we understand it can't exist in a ball of gas and liquid hydrogen and helium. We cannot rule out that such life exists, but it would be an ex

      • This impacts Drake equation and might shed light as to why we have not detected any other sentient life in the universe.

        No, it does not impact the Drake equation at all. The drake equation is based on R* and f(p) which are the the "rate of star formation" and the "fraction of those stars that have planets" (from your link on wikipedia). Both of these numbers are not affected by this finding.

        Really it doesn't matter much since proposed numbers for the various factors vary so wildly, but it could change the Drake equation if you wanted (there are other factors listed on the Wikipedia page that could change it as well). In this case, the first three multipliers, R* x fp x ne, estimate the rate at which habitable planets form, but since those terms focus entirely on planets around stars, it ignores habitable homeless planets. So you might replace that with (R* x fp x ne + Rh x fhh), where Rh = r

    • No it doesn't. This is just saying that most planets don't have solar systems, which in no way indicates that most solar systems don't have planets. The numbers given here put the ratio of planets to stars in the neighborhood of 10,000 to 1, so even if 0.1% of planets have homes within a solar system, that means an average solar system has about 10 planets.
    • by rossdee ( 243626 )

      "This impacts Drake equation"

      If planets are not orbitting a star, its unlikely they would evolve life (as we know it, Jim) much less a technical civilisation

      • Exactly. Biological life seems to need a certain amount of warmth; a rogue planet, which doesn't receive any heat from a parent star, is going to have a very cold surface, even if the interior is warm. Life as we know it wouldn't probably evolve on such a planet; it'd just be an ice world.

        So this finding is interesting, but I don't see how it would affect the Drake Equation. If we want to find life that resembles us, we're probably only going to find it in star systems, on rocky planets within the star's

    • I always thought that the greatest argument in favour of intelligent life existing in the universe is that none have tried to contract us.
      • s/contract/contact/ damn autocorrect.
      • none have tried to contract us.

        They'd have to really dislike us to put out a contract on us at interstellar distances....

        On the other hand, we might get a ticket for littering by and by, if Voyager ever wanders near an interstellar traffic cop.

  • >> most planets in the Universe are homeless

    I wonder if they also smell like urine (

  • Yes, there's some variety, with binary or trinary star systems and huge variance in the masses of the central star being common ones, but from a planetary point of view, our Solar System is a rarity.

    Just because most planets belong to a solar system doesn't mean that most solar systems don't have planets. That it is atypical for a planet to orbit a star in no way indicates that it is atypical for a star to have orbiting planets.

    • Just because most planets belong to a solar system doesn't mean that most solar systems don't have planets.

      You're reading that wrong.

      Even though there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy for planets to orbit, there are most likely around a quadrillion planets in our galaxy, total, with only a few trillion of them orbiting stars at most.

      So, there are "around a quadrillion" planets, and only "a few trillion" of them orbit stars.

      So, there's 10x, or 100x, or even 100x as many planets which, DO NOT b

  • Great.... (Score:3, Funny)

    by alaskana98 ( 1509139 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @08:54AM (#48278093)
    Now not only do I have to be thankful that I have a roof over my head, now I have to be thankful I have a star over it to.
  • you'd think most of them were captured in larger gravity wells rather then wizzing around.

    • Re:Very odd... (Score:5, Informative)

      by jeffb (2.718) ( 1189693 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:11AM (#48278299)

      As I understand it, getting "captured in a gravity well" is actually pretty tricky. Unless you form in orbit around a larger body, you're most likely by far to just do a hyperbolic single-pass encounter. To be captured, you need to impact the larger body (a very rare occurrence), or dissipate your momentum in its atmosphere (almost as rare), or have some sort of multi-body interaction (probably rarer still).

      This is all approximate -- technically, I guess everything orbits everything within its historical light-cone. Almost none of those orbits are anything close to periodic, though.

      • Actually, I suspect multi-body interaction would be the most common form of capture, far more common than impact (aerobraking included). Impacting a planet requires hitting a pinprick in a football field almost dead center, there are many orders of magnitude more paths that will result in a near miss and gravitational slingshot, half of which will rob you of angular momentum. You'd likely need to hit several such "losing" planetary slingshots in a row before being captured by the sun, but the odds would s

  • by sproketboy ( 608031 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:00AM (#48278163)

    Actually these are not planets according to the new classification.

    First, it must orbit the Sun.
    Second, it must be big enough for gravity to squash it into a round ball.
    And third, it must have cleared other objects out of the way in its orbital neighborhood. []

    • By that definition, there's only 8 planets in the entire Universe. They may need to update their definition of planet, especially the first point.

      • It means to be a planet it at least needs to be orbiting a star. So these are rogue planets.

        • It's pretty clear in the definition that "Sun" is a proper noun denoting, specifically, the star that we orbit.

    • Re:Classification (Score:4, Informative)

      by PhilHibbs ( 4537 ) <> on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:24AM (#48278441) Journal

      There are "planets". 8 of them.
      Then, there are a bunch of "dwarf planets" - Pluto, Ceres, Eris, etc.
      "Minor planets" - there are thousands, millions, I'm not sure, but a lot of these.
      "Exoplanets", let's divide these into two categories - system exoplanets, that orbit a star like our planets, dwarf planets, and minor planets, and systemless exoplanets that do not orbit a star.
      These are all different kinds of planet. In astronomical terminology, the word "planet" by itself is reserved for the Big Eight, but all these other things are a kind of planet.

    • Actually these are not planets according to the new classification.

      The IAU classification only applies to bodies within this Solar System. It does not apply to bodies outside the solar system.


      The IAU therefore resolves that planets and other bodies in our Solar System, except satellites, be defined into three distinct categories in the following way:

      (1) A "planet" [1] is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) sha

  • by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:05AM (#48278235)

    Space 1999 was so prescient!

  • Two points (Score:3, Funny)

    by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:05AM (#48278237) Homepage
    1) This is not dark matter. We can detect these, as proven by the fact that we just did. They convert visible light into infrared light and we can measure the total heat coming from galaxies and compare with light.

    2) These should be called slacker stars. They had so much potential, but just blew it all and eventually their parent's kicked them out.

    • Actually, sounds like most of them probably never had parents to begin with - they created themselves with no help from anyone, and just couldn't finish the job because the first planets to the party had already gobbled most the gas for themselves to become stars, and then proceeded to scatter the remaining gas to make the job even *more* difficult for the latecomers.

      Maybe we should call these planets the galactic 99.9%.

  • by Agent0013 ( 828350 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:05AM (#48278241) Journal
    I wonder if the basic formation of a planetary system can occur without the center mass becoming large enough to be a star. Could you have a system of only unlit planets orbiting around each other. If the gas and dust is swirling around and clumping together, it could conceivably do that even though the mass at the center never gets big enough to ignite. Perhaps something about the way the center star is supposed to push the lighter elements out further away would cause something to not work out right, but to me it seems like it should still work in a similar fashion.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:33AM (#48278569)

      We've seen that with Jupiter, if it were not for being in orbit around Sol, Jupiter and its moons would effectively be their own dark solar system.

      • by MacTO ( 1161105 )

        It depends upon how stable orbiting systems are formed. There has to be a transfer of angular momentum. That angular momentum is probably transferred via magnetic fields. The magnetic field needs something to interact with, such as ionized particles. Ionizing particles requires an energy source, such as a hot central body. For Jupiter and it's moons, that could very well be the Sun.

        (Note: it has been a while since I studied this stuff, so I may be a bit off. But the most important point is that it is

  • I'm sure those planets would prefer to be thought of as "free".

  • I will naively assume planets generally form around stars during stellar formation, and don't just spontaneously show up.

    So, the homeless planets either spun out during formation ... or ... what, are subsequently ripped away by some other phenomenon? Possibly passing gravity? That about right?

    So, if they're hard to see because they don't emit light ... can they possibly be part of the whole dark matter thing? Or is that one different?

    If there's quadrillions of planets, and trillions orbiting stars ... th

  • I thought orbiting a star was one of the criteria for an object to be called a planet.
    • That definition applies only to our star in general. And there are plenty of reasonable arguments that it needs to be revised. Those planets not circling a star tend to be referred to as "rogue planet" anyway. Frankly, we really don't have a good definition for, or a good classification system for "planet".
  • Sheesh. So is this the simple explanation to "dark matter" problems in cosmology?

  • This makes sense (Score:5, Interesting)

    by confused one ( 671304 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @09:43AM (#48278699)

    Systems composed of multiple stars (binaries, etc.) are more common than singular stars, like our Sun. A binary system is a risky place to be -- there is a strong probability that the gravitational interaction between the paired stars would, given enough time, eject any planetary body which forms there -- the "stable" regions depend on the orbital parameters of the two (or more) stars and can be limited to very narrow bands. So, if planetary formation is a typical process around stars and binaries are more common, then it's likely that the galaxy has a large population of planets ejected from unstable orbits around binaries.

    For what it's worth, conjecture is that the Sun formed in a cluster and was, itself, ejected. Nearby stars with identical spectra (implying they formed from the same source material) have been identified.

  • by Megahard ( 1053072 ) on Friday October 31, 2014 @10:27AM (#48279209)

    It's true, just saw one on the corner. Had a cardboard sign, "Will orbit for $$$".

  • But here’s the funny thing: when we work out the numbers of our best theoretical calculations, the ones produced by getting kicked out of young solar systems represent far less than half of the rogue planets that we expect.

    So the author tries to explain a huge number of expected rogue planets, but fails to describe how we've arrived at the number in the first place. "Work out the numbers"? Yes? Could you please share? Why didn't you start with that in the first paragraph?

    Also what's with all the exclamation marks? Is this article pitched at grade-schoolers? Fine but if so, what is it doing here?

This is clearly another case of too many mad scientists, and not enough hunchbacks.
