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Space Telescope Reveals Weird Star Cluster Conundrum 80

astroengine (1577233) writes "We thought we had star formation mechanisms pinned down, but according to new observations of two star clusters, it seems our understanding of how stars are born is less than stellar. When zooming in on the young star clusters of NGC 2024 (in the center of the Flame Nebula) and the Orion Nebula Cluster, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory teamed up with infrared telescopes to take a census of star ages. Conventional thinking suggests that stars closest to the center of a given star cluster should be the oldest and the youngest stars can be found around the edges. However, to their surprise, astronomers have discovered that the opposite is true: 'Our findings are counterintuitive,' said Konstantin Getman of Penn State University, lead scientist of this new study. 'It means we need to think harder and come up with more ideas of how stars like our sun are formed.'"
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Space Telescope Reveals Weird Star Cluster Conundrum

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 08, 2014 @12:42AM (#46946555)

    A couple of billion years ago, stars *did* form from the gravitational collapse of vast clouds of dust and gas. But around that time, the Tenctonese in Andromeda went through their 3D printing revolution and ever since then, most stars are 3D printed. It's the future, and only Luddites would think otherwise.

  • old news! (Score:5, Funny)

    by cripkd ( 709136 ) on Thursday May 08, 2014 @03:15AM (#46947001) Homepage
    Of course they need to re-evaluate how our sun was formed. It' 5000 years old!

So... did you ever wonder, do garbagemen take showers before they go to work?
