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Spectacular New Martian Impact Crater Spotted From Orbit 99

New submitter kc123 writes: "The team that runs the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has released a photo showning a new impact crater on Mars, formed sometime early this decade. The crater at the center is about 30 meters in diameter, and the material ejected during its formation extends out as far as 15 kilometers. The impact was originally spotted by the MRO's Context Camera, a wide-field imaging system that provides the context—an image of the surrounding terrain—for the high-resolution images taken by HiRISE. The time window on the impact, between July 2010 and May 2012, simply represents the time between two different Context Camera photos of the same location. Once the crater was spotted, it took until November of 2013 for another pass of the region, at which point HiRISE was able to image it." Reader astroengine adds some more Mars news: "On Thursday at 3:41 p.m. EST (20:41 UTC), Mars rover Curiosity beamed back a photo from its rear hazard avoidance camera (Hazcam). In the shot we see wheel tracks in the downward slope of the dune bridging "Dingo Gap" with the peak of Curiosity's eventual goal, Mount Sharp, on the horizon. This can mean only one thing; the one-ton robot has successfully conquered its first Mars dune! Curiosity has also taken a picture of Earth."
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Spectacular New Martian Impact Crater Spotted From Orbit

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  • Slashdot Beta craters faster and makes a bigger mess than even the one on Mars does.

    Kill the Beta with FIRE!

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by edibobb ( 113989 )
      I'd upvote this if upvoting wasn't broken.
      • It occurs to me that if they didn't let people moderate except from beta, they could effectively stifle opposition.

        • by Anonymous Coward

          It occurs to me that if they didn't let people moderate except from beta, they could effectively stifle opposition.

          Then we would all move to [] even faster.

          • Well, altslashdot is certainly alternative. Just a pretty red box and a bunch of whitespace.

            Even beta is better than that (and that aint sayin much)

        • It occurs to me that if they didn't let people moderate except from beta, they could effectively stifle opposition.

          Where is the "-1 Be Quiet!" mod?

      • I had replies to my shitty comments and scores of 5 recently and I have not received any voting points either.

  • Whoops! (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 07, 2014 @03:49PM (#46189047)

    Wrong link!

    • This is probably the one time in the history of slashdot I can see why the editor got the link wrong:

      1. The submitter failed to include a link in the original submission.
      4. And everything on slashdot seems to be out of order lately.
      2. The editors are probably, uhh, preoccupied.
      3. Soulskill probably still had the wrong link in the copy+paste buffer and didn't bother to check before posting.

    • by edibobb ( 113989 )
      Seems typical of recent /. quality control. Even if the link were the correct link, a 30 meter crater on Mars is far from "spectacular". With a thin atmosphere, there are many meteorites that hit Mars that would burn up before striking Earth.
    • by kc123 ( 3513107 )
      Sorry, I missed the link in the original post and someone added the wrong link. Here is the correct article - []
  • by emmagsachs ( 1024119 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @03:50PM (#46189051)

    Mr. Moderator, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies: I just can’t believe everyone in here is a friend, and I don’t want to leave anybody out. The question tonight, as I understand it, is “The Slashdot Revolt, and Where Do We Go From Here?” or "What Next?” In my little humble way of understanding it, it points toward either the pitchfork or the codefork.

    Although I’m still a Slashdotter, I’m not here tonight to improve my karma. I’m not here to try and change your karma. I’m not here to argue or discuss anything that we differ about, because it’s time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem, a problem that will make you catch hell whether you’re a Troll, or a Shill, or a First Time Submitter or a Karma Whore. Whether you’re educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you’re going to catch hell just like I am. We’re all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man. He just happens to be a work at Dice.

    Now in speaking like this, it doesn’t mean that we’re anti-Dice, but it does mean we’re anti-Beta, we’re anti-SlashBI, we’re anti-Slashcloud. And if Dice doesn’t want us to be anti-it, let it stop forcing Beta on us. Whether we are Trolls or Shills or Karma Whores, we must first learn to forget our differences. If we have differences, let us differ in the closet; when we come out in front, let us not have anything to argue about until we get finished arguing with Dice. If the late President Kennedy could get together with Portman and exchange some grits, we certainly have more in common with each other than Kennedy and Portman had with each other.

    If we don’t do something real soon, I think you’ll have to agree that we’re going to be forced either to use the pitchfork or the codefork. It’s one or the other in 2014. It isn’t that time is running out — time has run out!

    (And a thank you to arth1 [])

    • I vote for pitchforks and guillotines.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      I don't care about beta anymore. Deleting posts and modding down stuff that they don't care is MUCH WORSE - THAT'S whats really killing slashdot.
      So farewell. See ya at reddit.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Not that you're going to be here to read this, but don't you think that the downmodders may just be normal people who are tired of reading this shit? I know I am. And I have mod points.
        • Not that you're going to be here to read this, but don't you think that the downmodders may just be normal people who are tired of reading this shit? I know I am. And I have mod points.

          Yesterday, entire threads were getting hit with "offtopic" mods at exactly the same time. It was obviously the work of the "editors." Normal moderators don't work in concert like that.

          The post that timothy made, though, has at least made me decide to stop trashing the comment threads for the time being. I figure that they can have a little time to get their act together and determine that the classic slashdot interface won't be going away. Might as well give them until after the boycott from 10-17 Feb.

    • Good morning. In less than a week, nerds from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest boycott in the history of Slashdot. “Slashdot.” That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s irrelevant that next week is February 10th, and you will be fighting for our freedom Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution but from annihi

      • I saw what they're planning to do. They're like locusts. They're moving from website to website... their whole company. After they've consumed every natural resource they move on... and we're next. Nuke 'em. Let's nuke the bastards.
    • At first, it as purely anti-beta. But Dice's response to censor posts and ignore community opinion has made the problem anti-Dice. They seem to have no clue about PR, or nerds, or even effective web page design. Taking queues from for how to design your own web site a Bad Thing (tm).

      Dice seems determined to go forward with new UI, regardless of community opinion, so the time has come for the codefork.

    • This situation is so unfortunate. Slashdot has been my favorite site for so many years that I think I first came here before the new millennium. It saddens me so much.
  • by illestov ( 945762 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @03:52PM (#46189071)

    Please post this to new articles if it hasn't been posted yet. (Copy-paste the html from here [] so links don't get mangled!)

    On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design. Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system.

    If you haven't seen Slashdot Beta already, open this [] in a new tab. After seeing that, click here [] to return to classic Slashdot.

    We should boycott stories and only discuss the abomination that is Slashdot Beta until Dice abandons the project.
    We should boycott slashdot entirely during the week of Feb 10 to Feb 17 as part of the wider slashcott []

    Moderators - only spend mod points on comments that discuss Beta
    Commentors - only discuss Beta [] - Vote up the Fuck Beta stories

    Keep this up for a few days and we may finally get the PHBs attention.

    -----=====##### LINKS #####=====-----

    Discussion of Beta: []
    Discussion of where to go if Beta goes live: []
    Alternative Slashdot: [] (thanks Okian Warrior (537106) [])

  • Obliterate the Beta (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Please post this to new articles if it hasn't been posted yet. (Copy-paste the html from here [] so links don't get mangled!)

    On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design. Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot d

    • by Arker ( 91948 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @04:01PM (#46189157) Homepage
      Beta is so pretty, I love how they use these wierd little boxes with cryptic codes inside instead of graphics, and manage to fit 20% of the information on the page while still wasting the entire right third of the screen on empty space. And refusing to load any comments sure is a time saver! With nothing but the usually erroneous (and only semi-intelligible) blurb to see, and no ability to reply, the hour or two a week I currently waste on slashdot will certainly be spent doing more productive things in the future.

      Thanks Dice!

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )
      Or... you know, you could actually trust the better judgement of people who really don't like the beta format for their own reasons to just stop using slashdot entirely on their own accord, without people like yourself endlessly repeating the same drivel over and over again, and without any need for any formal boycott.
      • One of the obstacles to change is achieving a critical mass. If the Betahaters won't come out of the closet, so to speak, many are bound to think they're in the minority, and powerless at that. How would you know that others feel the same, if everyone simply stops posting, one by one?

        Let your voice be heard!

    • Where I live, they asked for public input to name a new bridge, like it was a new baby elephant and they were hungry for publicity, all the while preaching how they wanted to include feedback from the community. After the voting was closed, they went behind closed doors and came out with a committee chosen name that wasn't even on the list from the public. It's all too normal for the powers that be to say they're sensitive to 'outsiders' and users, but in the end, it's just a dodge so they can move ahead wi
    • Let it go...
      I fully commiserate with you, but it's over. Read the excerpt below from the Dice 2013 full year financial report.

      Slashdot Media was acquired to provide content and services that are important to technology professionals in their everyday work lives and to leverage that reach into the global technology community benefiting user engagement on the site. The expected benefits have started to be realized at However, advertising revenue has declined over the past year and there is no improvement expected in the future financial performance of Slashdot Media's underlying advertising business. Therefore, $7.2 million of intangible assets and $6.3 million of goodwill related to Slashdot Media were reduced to zero.


      They've basically written off slashdot as worthless and are now in desperation mode trying to minimize their losses, and if that means turning slashdot into a Justin Beiber Fan page on Facebook then that is what they will do. The original slashdot "audience" is worthless to them and they don't give a damn if we are unhappy and threaten to go elsewhere.

      The slashdot that we

  • Working link (Score:5, Informative)

    by djupedal ( 584558 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @03:53PM (#46189081)
    Link that works: []
    • "NASA estimates that the rock was a modest 10 or so feet across"

      And that gets a title as Massive asteroid impacts Mars?

      • This being the internet, I've learned to filter out descriptors, including 'massive', 'spectacular' and 'huge' :) Especially when NASA is mentioned by any means. But yeah, not massive.
      • And that gets a title as Massive asteroid impacts Mars?

        Only after a contractor converted the dimensions to metric.

      • You want one of those on YOUR head? Look at the nice picture. That debris field is so big you can see it from orbit!

  • Link is wrong. Beta sucks too.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      We should think of the Beta as a great opportunity : we get to diss a bunch of corporate asshats and build a community site we love.

      altslashdot needs a kickstarter fund that gives us founders stock and owner-voter power in exchange for contributions.

  • I wanted to post something about crater, but then i remembered the BETA is coming and that we are in a big hole as it is.
  • A link that shows the photo! [] Imagine that, 2 seconds to proof click an article.
  • Wrong again (Score:3, Insightful)

    by CheezburgerBrown . ( 3417019 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @03:57PM (#46189121)

    Will beta correct the wrong link in the article? Didn't think so

    fucking beta

  • >> Spectacular New Martian Impact Crater...formed sometime early this decade

  • by jafac ( 1449 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @04:04PM (#46189191) Homepage

    I need a 320x200, heavily compressed jpeg, with a logo watermark across the bottom 1/3.

  • by aepervius ( 535155 ) on Friday February 07, 2014 @04:18PM (#46189289) [] trully spectaculare.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Please post this to new articles if it hasn't been posted yet.

    On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design.

    Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks [] the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system. If you haven't seen Slashd

  • Another spectacular and original thing filthied by the machination of the humanity.

  • Reminds me of the Genesis probe parachute failure [].

  • That was the site of Mars' Slashdot beta.

Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!
