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Rare Shark Filmed in Japan 156

[TheBORG] writes "A Deep Sea Frill Shark, whose normal habitat is between 600 and 1000m, was found and filmed off the coast of Japan recently. Normally they're caught (found dead) in fishermen's nets. This 'living fossil' was probably so close to the coast because it was sick. In its poor condition, the shark was moved by marine park personnel to a seawater pool where they filmed it swimming and opening its jaws. The shark died a few hours later after being filmed."
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Rare Shark Filmed in Japan

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  • 1000m? (Score:5, Informative)

    by COMON$ ( 806135 ) * on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:34PM (#17741748) Journal
    Correct me if I am wrong but humans can go a bit deeper than 1000 feet as mentioned in the article. a small deep submersible could be carried "piggy back" by the Seattle, allowing a small group of 2-3 people to board the deep submersible through a transfer lock and dive to depths of up to 3000 meters or more.

    • No Lasers? (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Not worth mentioning then
    • by Gr8Apes ( 679165 )
      You'd still have to find one. Same problem as with giant squids.
      • Exactly. Going that deep is one problem, trying to move around in that enormous pressure even with a sub and literally trying see anything in that pitch-black environment sounds like a mission impossible.

        At already 500m depth the pressure is ~50 atmospheres, if you'd be sent down there without any protection, any squid look like a giant next to you (maybe that's what the japanese are baffling about ? cause i really don't understand that giant-squid-mania).

        It's interesting however how that s
        • Re:1000m? (Score:5, Funny)

          by Sponge Bath ( 413667 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @04:26PM (#17743540)

          ... trying see anything in that pitch-black environment

          Maybe they could use one of those machines that go 'ping'.

          • Nah it'd be a real shame to drag valuable hospital equipment down there :P
          • Maybe they could use one of those machines that go 'ping'.
            I think you mis-spelled 'Ni'.
          • Maybe the sharks can hear the machines that go "ping." Maybe the sharks want to avoid things that go "ping."
    • The fact that you can get down that deep dose not mean you will EVER see the shark down there. Take giant Squid for example, we can get down the deep, but besides one that was cought on camera because it was lured by bait and hooked on a line for a bit, we have never relay seen one in its natural habitat. but there are people looking for them.
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      1000m is Meters, not Feet. About three times the distance you were thinking.
      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Matt Edd ( 884107 )
        From the link provided:

        7. How deep can the submarine dive?

        The Seattle 1000 is designed to dive to 305 meters, or 1000 feet. This is an optimum compromise that allows exploration at significant depth but also allows us to have very large viewports for exceptional visibility. If necessary, a small deep submersible could be carried "piggy back" by the Seattle, allowing a small group of 2-3 people to board the deep submersible through a transfer lock and dive to depths of up to 3000 meters or more.
        • more to the point. i don't think us sub has built a luxury submarine yet. at least not last time i checked their site. all their pictures are computer generated.
      • by COMON$ ( 806135 ) *
        ya caught my mistake after posting, I really should start previewing or at least proofreading. I meant 1000m.
    • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
      Current depth limitations of say the Seawolf class subs are classified, but the HY-100 steel that comprises their hulls provides for operational depths of between 300 to 533 meters although, Jane's quotes the depth of about 2000 feet. Smaller experimental hulls using HY-100 can allow for deeper dives, for instance Sea Cliff and Turtle were reportedly capable of reaching 10,000 feet.

    • Re:1000m? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Nos. ( 179609 ) <andrew&thekerrs,ca> on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:51PM (#17742082) Homepage
      Wow, a little research, and I found this: [].. . deepest dive, at almost 11,000m. That's impressive.
    • Re:1000m? (Score:5, Informative)

      by FridayBob ( 619244 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @06:59PM (#17745614)
      They mean humans with SCUBA equipment subjecting themselves to extreme ambient pressures -- not diving in submarines. Deepsea submarines have taken man to the very deepest parts of the oceans (about 11,000m), but the record for technical diving with special SCUBA equipment is 318.25m []: a record set by South African Nuno Gomes in Dahab (Sinai, Egypt) in 2005. Such dives are very dangerous and require careful management of multiple gas mixtures composed of oxygen, nitrogen and helium (trimix) to prevent problems like nitrogen narcosis, oxygen poisoning and decompression sickness (the bends). Deep dives like this also last so long (Nuno's dive was over 12 hours) that lots of other problems, such as hypothermia and dehydration, have plenty of time to develop.

      The deepest simulated dive is 685.5msw (meters of sea water) set at Duke Medical Center (Durham, North Carolina) by three divers in 1981. In cases like this, HPNS (high pressure nervous syndrome) is the limiting factor. HPNS is a syndrome of neurologic dysfunction with symptoms that include tremors, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, visual distortions and altered sleep. Tremors associated with HPNS have been reported as shallow as 128.72msw, but the deeper you go, the more likely HPNS is to occur. Eventually, it can prevent a diver from performing essential tasks during a dive.

      Knowing this, you have to admire those sperm whales: mammals that are believed to be able to dive as deep as 3,000 metres and then go hunting for food at that depth!
    • Dericious
  • Ugh... (Score:3, Funny)

    by __aaclcg7560 ( 824291 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:36PM (#17741772)
    Looks the ugly step-child of a Resident Evil monster. With neighbors like that, no wonder Godzilla rampages through Tokyo every now and then.
  • Its really sad it died just a few hours after capture, though it would be expected if its usual surroundings are at immense pressure (600 metres down).

    Additionally, the researchers couldn't get the frikkin laser beam head unit to fit snugly without drilling.
    • by spun ( 1352 ) <loverevolutionary&yahoo,com> on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:43PM (#17741902) Journal
      He's pinin' for the fjords!
    • Probably it died after seeing the "ugly humans" studying it... hehe, jee, creepy shark!
    • > Its really sad it died just a few hours after capture, though it would be expected if its usual surroundings are at immense pressure (600 metres down).

      They should have left it in the ocean where i at least stood a chance. No point catching it unless they had a 600 m pressure tank. They speculate it wasn't well before, but putting it in a shallow pool they sealed its fate.

      Sadly, I know of one Japanese aquarium where they caught two whale sharks. Both died. They thought they had a new tourist attraction.
  • Frilled sharks in the pool~!
  • Does anyone think this could be due to a case of changing ocean currents? Which in turn causes different volumes of water to have drastic tempurature differences than normal. If this shark navigates waters based on temperatures rather than tempature/pressure, than this is plausible.

    I don't understand why a shark would surface if it was sick, that would just make it more vulnerable to unforeseen predators.

    • If we start seeing more and more frilled sharks all coming to shallow waters around the same time, I'll be worried. For the moment, though, this does look like an aberration.
    • by resonte ( 900899 )
      Oops tempature/pressure should equal lumanance/presure.
    • by dlt074 ( 548126 )
      nope. if so you'd see other residents of those depths swimming around to.

      it's a sick animal, they do stupid unforeseen things. their sick
    • by zlogic ( 892404 )

      I don't understand why a shark would surface if it was sick, that would just make it more vulnerable to unforeseen predators.
      Probably when it became sick it became even more stupid than it was before.
    • by Brushfireb ( 635997 ) * on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @03:13PM (#17742372)
      I don't understand why a shark would surface if it was sick, that would just make it more vulnerable to unforeseen predators.

      This is quite common in *many* animal species. Even dogs and raccoons do this. Obviously, when a creature gets physically sick (or old), often they are also mentally deficient as well, just like humans. With animals, however, they often wander into strange places, away from others of their kind, and generally do things they wouldn't ever normally do. This can be attributed to loss of sensory capabilities, perception, and many other things.

      In some ways, this is advantageous -- not to the individual creature, but to the overall population -- and can potentially be considered advantageous behavior. If a creature is infested with a disease, the further away it gets from its healthy kin, the better off they are likely to be. If the creature is just old, it can benefit the rest of the 'pack' by leading predators away, at very least, before it dies.

      Back on topic... This thing looked pretty beaten up. Granted, I haven't ever seen one before, but it looks to me pretty old and out of it. It was just its time -- I wouldn't attribute its death to anything else unless you start seeing many more similar cases. Then it makes sense to worry. Until then, this is just kind of 'cool' for us monkeys.

    • by adisakp ( 705706 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @03:49PM (#17742880) Journal
      I don't understand why a shark would surface if it was sick, that would just make it more vulnerable to unforeseen predators.

      One of the first symptoms of many types of sickness in most species of fish is difficulty controlling their buoyancy. If you have a fish tank and your fish is sitting at the top or bottom of the tank and moving slowly, that's a good sign it's a sick fishy.
      • by R2.0 ( 532027 )
        I found out our snail was dead by the fact that teh goldfich had pulled it out of it's shell and were trying to eat it.

        I can't wait for those bastards to take the Toilet Bowl Flume Ride to hell - I liked that snail.
      • by jonatha ( 204526 )
        Sharks don't have swim bladders.
  • Ah hah! (Score:5, Funny)

    by dreddnott ( 555950 ) <> on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:40PM (#17741840) Homepage
    More proof that cameras steal souls!
  • Sure... (Score:1, Redundant)

    by TodMinuit ( 1026042 )
    ... but does it have a frickin' laser beam?

    (I think this warrants me getting pelted with stones.)
  • by grasshoppa ( 657393 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:42PM (#17741884) Homepage
    But what kind of lasers were they armed with?

    Ok, now that we got that out of our system, we can procede.
    • by Feanturi ( 99866 )
      Ok, now that we got that out of our system, we can procede.

      Wait, wait, we need someone to play spelling Nazi before we can truly proceed. There, that's better.
  • Good thing they didn't have to tangle with a jaguar shark []. That's the kind of thing that can give you crazy-eye [].
    • by p0tat03 ( 985078 )

      I'm sorry, but the current evolutionary version is the "Tiger Shark". There is no current release date for "Leopard Fish".

      Jaguar sharks are deprecated and should be evolved at the soonest opportunity.

  • ..because of all the polution we're dumping into the oceans.
    • There are a few too many reasons animals die to speculate at one point, especially one that is so unsupported. We would need an autopsy and a few more dead frill sharks to start pointing and a wider problem then the animal specific such as infection, age, injury, dieses, abnormalities, predation, etc...
    • Yeah, that must be it. Good thing we have your learned input. Obviously your research has shown you that there's no pollution at the shark's natural habitat, right?
      • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

        by Kazrath ( 822492 )
        Love the blanket statements that are regirgitated from someone elses mouth. What ever happened to the slashdot crowd thinking their own thoughts and posting intelligently?

        Yeah pollution is harmful. But to make a statement that you are unable to prove is identifying only that your stupid or a politician with an agenda.

    • The solution to polution is dilution...
    • by spun ( 1352 )
      Hehe. I first read the word as "politicians" not "pollution," and I thought every good idea has it's downside, doesn't it?
  • by Pippen101 ( 970618 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:49PM (#17742014) [] Youtube video of the shark
    • by KKlaus ( 1012919 )
      Am I the only one that thinks the sharks tail looks like it pushes water perpendicular to a point _below_ its center of gravity? Somebody needs to evolve... I mean jeez, get yourself together mr. deep seel frill shark.
    • My theory (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Vicegrip ( 82853 ) on Thursday January 25, 2007 @01:03AM (#17748294) Journal
      Interesting, in the video it looks like it is keeping its gills crazy-open none-stop. It looks like its desperately trying to get enough water across its gills. Maybe it just died of exhaustion because of the effort? Kind of like what people go through when not used to mountain atmospheres and get out of breath fast.

      My free guess: it almost got caught by a fishing net which wounded it. The damage caused the fish to become disoriented. Lack of oxygen further disoriented it and all it could to stay alive was try to get more water across its gills. Eventually it died from exhaustion.
      • Oxygen leves go up drasticly the higher you get, so there should be a lot more oxygen at the surface than 2000 meters down. But... its colder down there so that means more oxygen than at the warmer surface. Bah, I guess I have no idea what I'm talking about. :-)
  • Doesn't looks like something I'd like to eat but hell, after eating Macdonald, i guess my stomach could endure anything ?
  • by Kirin Fenrir ( 1001780 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @02:59PM (#17742208)
    Japan huh? And now it's dead?

    That's going to be the most expensive plate of sushi ever!
  • It's sashimi time.
  • WTF did they have to capture it for?

    They clearly moved it so a shallow area where it couldn't find its way back to the depths.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by unchiujar ( 1030510 )
      So someone can study it maybe ?
    • by snero3 ( 610114 )

      Judging from the article and the video of the poor creature it was already pretty sick and in quite some distress. So it was prpobably going to end up dead in some trawlers nets anyway. Why not bring it back and study it and maybe even give it a chance to recover free from predators?

  • What the hell did you expect it to do without its laser?!
  • I for one welcome our new deep-diving wait...its dead. I guess I was a little hasty in my previous declarations. I would like to formally really myself with this race and may not be perfect but its the best thing we have. For now.
  • After watching the video, it looked like an eel but with an ugly face. :)
  • Taste (Score:2, Funny)

    by Joebert ( 946227 )
    Damn it !
    They've always either been dead for too long, or have somthing wrong with them, when are we going to get to taste one of theese things ?
  • Why is it everything the Japanese have been bringing up lately (see giant squid article) dies during or shortly after capture? That and their continued whaling for "scientific research".

  • We see something rare, we catch it and put it into captivity. It dies, and we say it must have been sick. What's sick is this whole sad episode. I bet someone's making rare shark-tail soup about now.
    • by geekoid ( 135745 )
      To be at the shallow depth it what indicates it is sick. Like most marine animals.
  • Wow, that thing is crazy ugly. It looks more like an eel toward the back than a shark.
  • heckova case of the bends.
  • The water at 600m - 1000m is at something like 60-100 times the pressure of water on the surface. Do deep sea animals have the same kind of trouble breathing in shallow water that a human has breathing in the thin air on the top of Mt. Everest? I realize that many oceanic creatures come to shallow waters when they are sick or dying, so that's probably the same here. But could the capture of the animal into a (relatively) shallow area contributed due to low oxygen density?
  • by coalrestall ( 973453 ) on Wednesday January 24, 2007 @10:57PM (#17747590)
    The part of Japan it was found has a narrow gulf on a plate with some very very deep water. It's not unusual after an earthquake for all manner of freaky sea creatures to surface, apparently fleeing the depths.
  • ... refuse to finish this joke for fear of lynching.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. -- Albert Einstein
