Fibs - Fibonacci-based Poetry 276
Gregory K. writes "April is National Poetry Month (and, it turns out, Math Awareness Month), and on my blog, I decided to get people writing poetry based on the Fibonacci sequence. The poems are six lines, 20 syllables long with the syllable pattern 1/1/2/3/5/8, though they can go longer, obviously. I've been calling 'em Fibs, and people have been writing them on pop culture, politics, math, and more."
First Post! (Score:5, Funny)
I bet
can beat me to it
with a Fibonacci poem!
Re:First Post! (Score:5, Funny)
you are.
First posting
is such a bad thing
But, I will say, yours was funny.
Re:First Post! (Score:5, Funny)
the mods
can have fun,
or I'll get modded
as a troll for my "first post" gag
Oh no... (Score:2)
To Think
the haikus
written on slashdot
were bad enough for all of us.
But who cares now, anyway?
Soon someone will write
A slashdot Fibs plus Haiku.
Re:Oh no... (Score:5, Funny)
All your base
Are belong to us
Somebody set up us the bomb.
Re:First Post! (Score:2, Insightful)
just []
you. []
Accent (Score:2)
(Shee-it hey-ed)
Re:Accent (Score:2)
Re:First Post! (Score:2, Funny)
Re:First Post! (Score:2)
How could
that happen?
I am sure I did
originally start with the
number twenty-one, but while I did count syllables,
I somehow managed to mutilate the twenty-one into twenty-three in my head.
But this time I think my poem is correct, although it may still be that I miscounted the syllables of the English words when writing it.
Seen elsewhere... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Seen elsewhere... (Score:2, Informative)
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
For You Tool Fans (Score:5, Interesting)
There's a Fibonacci in Maynard's lyrics, specifically the syllables:
black [1]
then [1]
white are [2]
all I see [3]
in my infancy [5]
red and yellow then came to be [8]
reaching out to me [5]
lets me see [3]
there is [2]
so [1]
much [1]
more and [2]
beckons me [3]
to look through to these [5]
infinite possibilities [8]
as below so above and beyond I imagine [13]
drawn outside the lines of reason [8]
push the envelope [5]
watch it bend [3]
I suppose it's not actually a true Fibonacci, since it does reverse itself.
Re:For You Tool Fans (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Seen elsewhere... (Score:2)
As for "The fact of the matter is, any moron can understand Tool"... there are plenty of people out there who listen to the music but ignore the lyrics completely, and couldn't
Too Cool Even for Geeks! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Too Cool Even for Geeks! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Too Cool Even for Geeks! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Too Cool Even for Geeks! (Score:2)
The devine proportion
just a pretty spiral thingy?
Re:Too Cool Even for Geeks! (Score:2)
It should rhyme with pie, and
with pee. Unless you are a Greek.
Hope that helps
at least some.
Re:Too Cool Even for Geeks! (Score:2)
Then again, I live the Western Pennsylvania, and the French would be appalled at how people here pronounce the names of the towns of North Versailles and Du Bois.
Obligatory... (Score:5, Funny)
tee pee
colon slash slash
slash dot dot org poem
For The
Beowulf Hot
Natalie Grits Goatse
Signal Eleven Penis Bird
Poem (Score:5, Funny)
My head,
Quake with pain.
Writing a poem based
On Fibonacci does the same.
Re:Poem (Score:4, Funny)
Damn (Score:5, Funny)
Will be
Tough for the
Mods, if they count all
the syllables in every post!
Fibonacci (Score:5, Informative)
Know That
The Sequence
Described The Humping Of Rabbits?
Re:Fibonacci (Score:2)
Re:Fibonacci (Score:3, Informative)
In the West, [the Fibonacci sequence] was first studied by Leonardo of Pisa, who was also known as Fibonacci (c. 1200), to describe the growth of an idealised (although biologically unrealistic) rabbit population. The numbers describe the number of pairs in the rabbit population after n months if it is assumed that:
in the first month there is just one newly-born pair, new-born pairs become fertile from their second mont
to 21 (Score:3, Funny)
compile mother bitch
and something about the seasons
no, wait, i am probably thinking about haiku
damn this package! it has me all confused to the point that i can't even write a poem.
Tool - Lateralus (Score:2, Redundant)
Re: (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:3, Funny)
But on the other hand, I actually enjoy listening to Tool.
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
This is manifestly, mathematicly false on so many levels that it's not surprising you got modded troll. ^_^
As far as Tool's music, what you're perhaps missing is that all the complexity lies in the rythmic space, not the melodic or harmonic.
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
So, you are calling me a liar?
I realise that "simple" is all relative, and from your lofty stratosperic perch all music made by four guys with drums and guitar must be be so simple as to numb your exultedly erudite brain, but to most rock listeners, lines with fibonacci number lengths, in 9-8-7 time [] (if it's a standard rock rhythm, name another rock song in the same time) are actually not at all simple, nor mindless, nor bubblegum
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
What utter rubbish. A simple chromatic scale doesn't repeat a tone until you've used them all but it's hardly 'complex'. You might also want to discover time and rhythm before you go on about a piece's work.
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
From what I understand, Tool is head-and-shoulders above most rock music (not that that's very hard).
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:3, Insightful)
There is only one rule about music, and it's a subjective rule. That rule is that the music must sound good.
If people find Tool sounds good, then it is good (to them at least) regardless of whether music snobs are whining that it is missing five tones. Part of music is not necessarily being too much. For example, many people love blues yet much of it only uses three chords and a pentatonic scale. It doesn't make it anything less - to those who love that kind of music, it obeys
Re: (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2, Informative)
Actually, that's not entirely accurate... I really don't like Tool much at all, but one thing I found unique about them was that a lot of their songs don't use the traditional 4/4 (drumBASSdrumBASSdrumBASS) type rhythm. Don't they have some tunes in 9/8?
Considering just about every rock song that comes out anymore sounds exactly like every other, a break from the 4/4 rock beat is noteworthy. Of course, all of my exposure to Tool at all comes from years ago...
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
There's an entire genre called "math rock" that does exactly this - makes music in weird time signatures on purpose. Most recently, Mars Volta does things like this. Some times it sounds good (Dismemberment Plan, usually) and other times it's just ridiculo
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
Like them or not, they are playing with music in a way very few other bands that have achieved any measure of popular success have. Definitely worthy of a little respect.
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
Re:Tool - Lateralus (Score:2)
All I wished to point out is that this is a good prior example of Fibonacci numbers used this way. Thanks for your other examples, it's a pity that you didn't expand on how they used Fibonacci numbers, and chose to whinge instead.
Re: (Score:2)
FIBS? (Score:2)
Fibonacci pineapples. 9 liner. (Score:4, Interesting)
01 is
02 really
03 not taxing
05 to create a Fib,
08 but still they are interesting
13 sequences of numbers. We are familiar with
21 the 'rabbit generation' origins of the sequence, but it can also describe
34 the number of petals on a flower, or the number of curves on a sunflower head, on a pineapple, or even on a pinecone.
Re:Fibonacci pineapples. 9 liner. (Score:2)
Not true.
It is simple.
Don't blindly split prose,
produce a poetic stanza!
Eas-y (Score:2)
Nice Try
First line wrong,
That's unfortunate,
I so wanted you to be right!
Re:Eas-y (Score:2)
My bad,
Damn my eyes!
Checked the longer lines,
Forgot the simplest of errors.
Good come back! (Score:2)
Fuck it!
you were close,
and a great reply.
Guess it is harder than it looks!
Another mistake. (Score:2)
wrong again,
That's four syllables!
Try counting them one at a time.
Re:Another mistake. (Score:2)
I see.
Perhaps if
I wasn't slightly
Drunk I would make better sense, eh?
Re:Another mistake. (Score:2)
It was pretty good
and your replies were much better!
Cutting it off at the pass (Score:5, Informative)
You blocked the pass ... (Score:2)
fibs on fibs? (Score:2)
Most fibs
I have seen
are about the fibs.
Fibspam (Score:2, Funny)
Call Now
We're Waiting
Do Not Hesitate
Lincoln Building Tether Pineapple Goat
colors, material science, and the art of dance (Score:2)
Are plastic.
Disco is
But this poem is
Tom Caudron []
Palindrome version (Score:5, Insightful)
It's fib,
version A.
Edit idea...
No! Is rev B, if still a dog.
Must... stop... fibbing (Score:4, Funny)
Got to get...
back to my haikus!
So many syllables... wasted!
I've thought about this before (Score:2)
1. Starting with one-, two-, and three-syllable lines leaves the stanza generally sounding forced.
2. Once you get to 21-syllable lines, you've generally reached the limits of absurdity within good taste.
That leaves you with lines of 5, 8, and 13 syllables, and perhaps 3 or 21, if the circumstances are right. That just isn't as interesting as it initially looked.
That said, perhaps I should RTFP now, to actuallly see how well the writer got it to work.
A Presidential Fib. (Score:2, Funny)
that the
weapons of
mass distruction in
Iraq posed an imminent threat.
Fibonacci Sequence Memonics (Score:2)
Three times.
Three and five make eight.
Eight and five will make eleven.
Eleven and eight will make number nineteen.
© Frightened_Turtle 2006
Re:Fibonacci Sequence Memonics (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Fibonacci Sequence Memonics (Score:2)
I gone done reel gud on my vurbil STA! My math scor wuz eevin all most az gud!
Ah, well! So much for my moment of fame! I guess I should have taken off my shoes when I started getting over 10... :P
Thanks for catching it guys! It would have been weeks before I noticed. :-D
Here's the corrected version:
Three times.
Three and five make eight.
Then eight and five will make thirteen.
Thirteen and eight gets twenty-one.
On and on we go, counting every syllable hoping that the count will be correct
Conformity (Score:4, Funny)
Makes me wince.
Perhaps I should try...
Running around naked with my hair on fire screaming, "ANARCHY! ANARCHY! Take that Fibonacci, you wiper of other peoples bottoms! go away and I shall taunt you no more!"
Math is everywhere you look (Score:4, Interesting)
If you read this alound (or at least subvocalize), you'll see a patern, and patterns in my opinion are quintessentially mathematical:
What makes this pattern interesting is not what it is, but what it is not. It's like you can hear a quantum entanglement with the poem it is not, but easily might have been. A lesser poet would have written: "TIGer, TIGer, BURNing BRIGHTly", which would be a metrical form called "trochaic quadrameter". A trochee is a two syllbale unit (or "foot") with stress on the first syllable (like this: dah DUM), as opposed to an iamb which stressed the second (va VOOM).
Hiwawatha is an example of trochaic quadrameter:
Four footed forms are very solid and predictable, but are seldom chosen by profesional poets because they quickly become monotonous and susceptible to parody, as in this excerpt of a Geroge Strong's lampoon of Hiawatha:
Tiger's unusual and broken meter gives it a haunting feeling (haunted by the missing syllables?) that fits its subject perfectly.
Getting to the subject of the article, efforts like this are often successful at getting people who are interested in poetry to try their hands at it. I think in part because it's so easy to be write bad poetry, it's helpful to have the safety net of a highy arbitrary form to fall back on: after all, what can you expect given the restrictions? The 5-7-5 structure of Haiku is also popular for the same purposes and reasons.
I wonder whether a similar effort could be made using patterns in scansion, like in "Tiger". Maybe you could create a set of rules encoding messages in stress and rhyme, and then set out a task to "encrypt" a message as verse.
SPAM Filters Blocking Poetry (Score:2, Funny)
Click Here
Penis Enlargement
Satisfy your woman tonight
A true fibonacci poem: (Score:2)
Spiraling out of control (Score:2)
is \
going \
to spiral \
way out of control \
I can see the disaster now \
Websites, blogs, podcasts, and wikipedia entries \
All written in Fibonacci sequences, getting longer and longer as they go... \
oblig too (Score:2)
Re:oblig too (Score:4, Funny)
In soviet Russia
fibs poems
Techno Mantra (Score:2)
Emacs beats vi
Re:Techno Mantra (Score:2)
Emacs beats vi
OK, I give up: how do you pronounce ";)" ? Apparently it's got zero syllables.
My Fib Poem (Score:2)
Makes one
Sound just like
A Captain Kirk speech.
Fib fight (Score:2)
Yeah, you.
With the face!
What you lookin' at?
Gonna break my foot up yer ass!
Troll Fib (Score:2)
Mod me down
Not up for this fib
Karma can't lie, I am a troll
Re:Troll Fib (Score:2)
a monkey
but you don't know me
I am Anonymous Monkey
A Fib (Score:2)
Art form
Based on math
Beauty meets reason
Or is it just a long haiku?
Starting with a different number (Score:3, Funny)
Here's a fib that starts with zero:
Re:nice! (Score:5, Insightful)
A sentence
Into syllables
Does not a poem make - how pointless
Re:nice! (Score:5, Insightful)
your options,
you may be surprised.
You might become more creative.
Re:Wasting time (Score:2, Funny)
Readers had
More important things
To write about; but I was wrong.
Re:Wasting time (Score:2)
at how much
time some people have...
Wasting time? Say not so. (Score:2)
Much fun, cool exercise of the faculties, and you'ld be amazed at the stuff I've seen people free associate after trying it.
geek-/. culture: Wasting time? (Score:2)
I'ld say that if /. is going to carry "news" about Star Wars movies and be paid for in part by toy vendors like Think Geek[1] then fibonacci poetry fits right in. The real
Re:Mandatory (with HTML this time) (Score:5, Funny)
For One
Will Welcome
(It's Mandatory)
Our Fibonacci Overlords!
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Tool- Lateralus already does this. (Score:3, Funny)
"What took Tool so long?"
Being born?
Re: (Score:2)
Re:no digg (Score:3, Insightful)
But yeah, personal blog self-promotion - uber lame.
Surprised no one came up with this: (Score:5, Interesting)
....print "Display"
....print "Fibonacci"
....count = prevcount = 1
....while prevcount <= 7000:
........print prevcount ; count, prevcount = count + prevcount, count
The way *I* read the program (pronouncing each special character except for the quotes and colons), it's a fib. AND it does something useful. It displays the first twenty Fibonacci numbers!
(1) try
(1) foo
(2) ex cept
(3) print dis play
(5) print fib on ac ci
(8) count e quals prev count e quals one
(13) while prev count less than or e qual to sev en thou sand
(21) print prev count sem i col on count com ma prev count e quals count plus prev count com ma count
Now that's *real* nerdy. Geeks should be proud.
Another try... (Score:5, Funny)
Then Two.
Three is next.
Five, of course, comes next.
Then Eight. It's getting hard to do.
Next is 1D. We're counting in Hex - this is slashdot!
Gotta love the surprise ending!
Ha ha! (Score:2)
been quoted,
This is what you get
For not clicking on the preview!
Now I, slashdot math Nazi, can rest and read more posts.
Ode to the slashdot poet. (Score:2, Funny)
ry real-
ly should nev-
er be written ex-
clusively by geeks on a for-
um such as slashdot. They tend to really sound horrib-
iirc (Score:2)
Re:iirc (Score:2)