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Shuttles Grounded Once Again 685

PipianJ writes "After discovering that the piece of the shuttle that fell off mysteriously, not actually striking it, (as reported earlier) was a piece of foam insulation not unlike the piece that ended up in the destruction of Columbia, Yahoo News reports that NASA has once again grounded the shuttle fleet."
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Shuttles Grounded Once Again

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  • FP? (Score:5, Funny)

    by lukew ( 528994 ) <> on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:51PM (#13181462)
    So how are they going to ground the one in orbit?
    • Re:FP? (Score:5, Funny)

      by dancpsu ( 822623 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:55PM (#13181492) Journal
      Looks like NASA will have to send ground up to Discovery...
    • by panza ( 903190 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @08:39PM (#13182149)
      If they cannot land the shuttle there's always the Space Station. This would mean up to seven new astronauts/cosmonauts in addition to the two already stationed there. In which case they'd run out of food and other resources pretty quick. The Russians would have to launch a Soyez to send provisions until they figure out how to get off that island.

      "Now sit right back
      and you'll hear a tale,
      the tale of a fateful trip
      That started from Cape Canaveral
      abord this tiny ship.
      The mate was a mighty sailerman
      the skipper brave and sure
      five passengers set sail that day
      on a nine day tour
      The weather was impeccable
      but the insulation foam was lost
      if not for the courage of slash dot chat
      the Discovery would be lost..."
      The crew set foot on the ISS
      a small galactic isle....

      [...what comes next?!]
    • Re:FP? (Score:3, Interesting)

      Park it at the Space Station for use as quarters and an extra instrument platform, then send up a couple of extra Soyuz to bring the crew down??
  • Remember... (Score:5, Informative)

    by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:52PM (#13181466)
    Jokes about the shuttle fleet being grounded while one is on orbit aside, things fall off the shuttles all the time during launch and reentry. This is expected. Foam insulation (during launch), insulating tiles, and so on. In the previous 113 missions, the shuttles have been hit with debris over 15,000 times, mostly during launch. Additionally, NASA replaces about 100 protective tiles after every flight and repairs hundreds more.

    The point is, now that we're looking intensely for problems in this area, we're going to find them. We're looking with eyes, cameras, satellites, lasers, sensors, robotic arms - all with unprecedented scrutiny. What do we expect to find? The shuttles are the most complicated pieces of machinery ever built, designed to launch into space with a controlled explosion, and then return to earth. Regardless of whether some here think the shuttle is junk, whether it's unnecessary, whether Air Force jocks doomed the program for the beginning, whether manned spaceflight is sentimental tripe, etc., the fact remains that flying something like the shuttle is a risky endeavor.

    It's all about smart management of risk. Eliminating risk, especially for something like the shuttle, is impossible. This focus on debris falling from the shuttle is nothing more than a reactionary CYA tactic in the midst of a media circus in case something else like this were to happen again. Doing get me wrong: it's wise to consider the problem, to attempt to prevent it, and to ensure there is not undue exposure. But that exposure cannot be eliminated, and this intense focus on debris in particular beyond anything else, even in light of Columbia, is unwarranted.

    NASA is operating in panic mode: one more catastrophic shuttle failure, and that's the end of the shuttle program, and essentially the practical end of the ISS and a lot of scientific research to boot. If you're paralyzed with fear, you're, well...paralyzed.

    This New York Times article [], which I posted in the previous article on this, sums up the situation quite nicely, for those who may have missed it.


    ...all this inspection may be a mixed blessing. The more NASA looks for damage, engineers and other experts say, the more it will find. And the risks of overreaction to signs of damage while the shuttle is in orbit may be just as great as the risks of playing them down.

    "How do you distinguish - discriminate - between damage which is critical and damage which is inconsequential?" asked Dr. David Wolf, an astronaut who spent four months aboard the Russian space station Mir. "We could be faced with very difficult decisions, in part because of all this additional information that we will be presented with." ...if a crack is detected [...] "how is NASA supposed to explain that this is not a problem?"

    "...the harder they look, they'll find more things."

    "There is risk in anything you do."

    July 27, 2005

    Intense Hunt for Signs of Damage Could Raise Problems of Its Own


    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., July 26 - Now that the Discovery is in orbit, the examination begins. Its 12½-day mission will be the most photographed in the history of the shuttle program, with all eyes on the craft to see if it suffered the kind of damage from blastoff debris that brought down the Columbia in February 2003.

    There were cameras on the launching pad, cameras aloft on planes monitoring the ascent, cameras on the shuttle checking for missing foam on the external fuel tank, and a camera on the tank itself. One camera caught a mysterious object falling from the shuttle at liftoff; radar detected another, about two minutes into the flight. Cameras aboard the shuttle and the International Space Station will monitor the Discovery until the end of its mission.

    But all this inspection may be a mixed blessing. The more NASA looks for damage, engineers an

    • code. Imagine a company actually waited until no more bugs could be found before shipping a product. We'd never see applications on sale.

      • That's probably because a leaky DLL never caused the server to explode, instantly killing the entire IT staff.
        • by NitsujTPU ( 19263 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:30PM (#13181741)
          Not true.

          Certain computing systems absolutely must operate reliably. Unfortunately, modern engineering does not offer a solution to the problem due to a number of constraints.

          Essentially, teams setting out to write flawless systems will be practically incapable of doing so in reasonably complex instances.

          Because of this, we use redundancy. It is of note, however, that people have been killed by buggy software, and that this is something that we can control with proper practices (by which I don't mean any of the more asinine things that the industry has come up with).

          Instances of software both behaving well, and killing people because of malfunctions, can be found in domains such as health care and the military.
      • Embedded Systems? (Score:5, Informative)

        by Beardo the Bearded ( 321478 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:10PM (#13181605)
        I guess you've never heard of an embedded system.

        Those can't ship with bugs. Try applying a patch to several hundred 512 byte micros that are controlling the charging systems on the shock paddles in hospitals.
        • Let me think about some embedded systems I have personal experience of:
          1. Linksys network storage device - firmware updates downloadable to fix bugs
          2. Garmin GPS - firmware updates available to fix bugs (does shoddy filtering count as a bug?)
          3. Calculators - most new ones bugs of one sort or another. Some have firmware updates.
          4. Palm. Is that en embedded system? It's buggy as hell.
          5. Game consoles - definitely have bugs but this time game developers find workarounds. Of course the games ship with bugs.
          6. Steering con
        • Two ways (Score:3, Insightful)

          by DragonHawk ( 21256 )
          I guess you've never heard of an embedded system. Those can't ship with bugs.

          They can and do, as anyone who has ever used a flakey piece of such equipment can atest. The big diff is they usually just lock up or reset without any indication of what went wrong, so all you can do is curse and shrug. And buy a new product.

          Now, embedded systems do tend to have higher standards of quality then, say, a word processor. I suspect that's due to a number of factors. One is mindset (people expect "computers" to be
      • There's 2 kinds of software developer working in Washington State. Those with your attitude, live in Redmond. Those that know better, work for Boeing.
    • by DaveCar ( 189300 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:09PM (#13181593)
      We're looking with eyes, cameras, satellites, lasers, sensors, robotic arms

      <slap> You look with your eyes, cameras, satellites and lasers, not your robotic hands! And you can put your sensor away too!
    • Bu but ... (Score:5, Funny)

      by DysenteryInTheRanks ( 902824 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:11PM (#13181608) Homepage
      Jokes about the shuttle fleet being grounded while one is on orbit aside But I ... was just about to .. then you ... and I ... You preempted my clever +5 Funny -- which I was all about to post with a high degree of self satisfaction -- in the first CLAUSE of your comment, DAMN YOU DAVE SCHROEDER, DAMN YOUUU! Give the rest of us a chance at some karma, wouldja? ... I told them not to touch the red stapler ... then on Slashdot ... said to put the joke aside ... aside, I tell you ... going to burn down the server ...
    • Re:Remember... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by demachina ( 71715 )
      "and essentially the practical end of the ISS"

      And why would that be? It might be the end of NASA and U.S involvement in the ISS. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians would keep ISS going. They have an inexpensive, ultra reliable pair of spacecraft unlike NASA, and can service it though at modest levels. They wont ferry any more U.S. astronauts there because NASA has been a deadbeat for the duration of the last 2 1/2 years, and hasn't paid Russia to carry U.S. astronauts and supplies to the ISS (becau
    • Re:Remember... (Score:5, Interesting)

      by demachina ( 71715 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @08:54PM (#13182204)
      "the shuttles have been hit with debris over 15,000 times, mostly during launch."

      You can rationalize it all you want but the fact is its a bad design. A couple basic reasons:

      - The foam is applied by hand to the ET, it is a hack added after the design was done to deal with all the ice that they had to know would be there. but chose to TOTALLY ignore in the original design. Applying that foam by hand is an accident waiting to happen, because it ends up different on every tank. If there are air bubbles under it at the wrong place its going to blow off and hit the shuttle. Most of the time its non fatal but it can be fatal anytime. The foma that did fly off was heading in the general diretion of the leading edge though it didn't get close.....this time. Its always a gamble.

      - Prior to the Shuttle U.S. spacecraft had all the most delicate and important manned part of the stack, that had to survive the whole mission, and keep the crew alive at the top of the stack. Debris and ice rained down all over Saturn V but there wasn't anything fragile to hit and the stuff on the bottom is ditched early and isn't around for reentry. The crucial heat shield was totally protected since is was between the capsule and the stage below so it couldn't get damaged by debris. All the new designs return to putting the vehicle at the top of the stack because that is a good design. Handing it on the side of a cryo tank was a now fatal mistake.

      The shuttle by contrast has a massive, very fragile array of heat shields all of which are out in the open and most of which are right next to the ET which sheds debris and or ice every flight. Its an accident waiting to happen. Its a crap shoot if debris falls off in the right place to strike the wrong place on the shuttle. In Columbia it did. There are odds it will happen again, so now NASA knows it has to spend half of every mission just checking to make sure a debris strike or a faulty tile isn't in the wrong place, and it can't fly any place but the ISS in the event the roll snake eyes again and get damage to the heat shield in the wrong place.
    • Re:Remember... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ChadN ( 21033 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @11:59PM (#13183173)
      You say that foam shedding is "expected", and yet that misses the entire point of the post-Columbia investigation results. (And post-Challenger) for that matter.

      Foam shedding was NOT expected when the shuttle was designed; the foam came in late in the game apparently. The tiles and wing structures were not designed with the intention of being struck by so much debris at such high speeds, and so initially the foam was seen as a real risk to the shuttle integrity. However, over the course of many launches, as the foam debris strikes piled up, it came to be an "expected" event, and the risk it posed was downplayed. And although you may "expect" a car with failing brakes to not crash everytime you move it, that doesn't mean you should drive it that way.

      The mindset that foam was not likely to cause loss of structural integrity, was so strong for NASA shuttle managers that when the Columbia launched for the last time, they did not have a proper way to evaluate the extent of damage from foam. They had lots of data on small foam hits, and this was a BIG foam hit, and at very high speed. But since previous ones hadn't broken the shuttle, there was an "expectation" that even big foam hits probably wouldn't; they really weren't sure. The engineers obviously knew that F=ma could be a large number, even for small m, and they attempted to adapt some tools to calculate the possible damage. But the mindset that "foam is an expected event, it hasn't led to shuttle loss before" was already too well entrenched, and so the risk of wing impact damage was essentially dismissed.

      This was made famously clear, when during the post-Columbia loss investigation, Scott Hubbard demanded that the foam gun tests be performed (ie. launching foam at a mock-up of the shuttle wing) in order to convince shuttle flight managers of the risk it posed. At that point, the majority of the investigation team already knew that the foam had been the cause and didn't press for those tests, but Scott knew the NASA culture, and knew they would not accept it unless proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Against NASA's objections, the tests were performed, and we all saw the results.

      It is important to remember that the exact same problem in mindset doomed the Challenger flight. The O-rings were not designed to allow any burn through of the rubber. When it started to occur, it was accepted as an inevitable consequence of launch, rather than a fatal design flaw. Because it had not burned completely through on previous flights, it was accepted that some burn through would happen, and not be catastrophic. NASA management downplayed the risk so much that even when engineers insisted that such a failure was more likely on a cold launch, their objections were not well understood. Burn-through was "expected", so how much of a risk could it be?

      There is a lot to be learned about engineering, and management, by these examples. Engineering has been called the art of compromise. However, when so much compromise has been made, it becomes easy for people to not properly evaluate all the consequences. Meanwhile, management has pressures that go outside the engineering realm, and the psychology of that situation can lead to completely unrealistic assessments of risks and liabilities.
  • Huh now? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Akardam ( 186995 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:52PM (#13181469)
    Isn't that kind of hard to do with one of them already in orbit? I thought that the idea was that they could scramble Atlantis for a rescue mission if Discovery was seriously damaged...
    • Re:Huh now? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by daveschroeder ( 516195 ) * on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:59PM (#13181510)
      Except Discovery is not "seriously damaged".

      (And another shuttle would hardly be "scrambled".)

      And the fact that the over 15,000 pieces of debris that hit the shuttle on the previous 113 flights didn't cause any problems 112 of those 113 times. You might say once is too many, but we're only finding issues here because we're looking so hard.

      And, no, it's not "hard to do" with one shuttle on orbit. The fleet is grounded. Discovery is on orbit. Once it returns, no further shuttles will be launched until further notice. Quite simple.
      • Re:Huh now? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by iocat ( 572367 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:01PM (#13181530) Homepage Journal
        Maybe they should start painting the foam again, as called for in the initial design spec. I know if was heavy and expensive, but it might stick together better.
        • Re:Huh now? (Score:5, Informative)

          by CharlieG ( 34950 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @08:45PM (#13182167) Homepage
          How about switching back to the older foam that shead less. NASA switched to an "envrionmentally friendly" foam a few years back, even though they have an exemption...
          • Re:Huh now? (Score:3, Informative)

            by DerekLyons ( 302214 )

            How about switching back to the older foam that shead less. NASA switched to an "envrionmentally friendly" foam a few years back, even though they have an exemption...

            That's partly truth and partly fiction. The 'enviromentally friendly' foam is used for acreage foam (and has lead to the 'popcorn' problems). The ramp that broke off was made from the older "enviromentally unfriendly" foam. At any rate, Columbia flew with an older tank, all if it's insulation was the older "unfriendly" foam.

            Much has been m

    • by Tumbleweed ( 3706 ) * on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:59PM (#13181513)
      I think that Atlantis is in need of a new Zero Point Module before it can be used for any rescue missions.

      (*Damn* I hate that show.)
  • Spaced (Score:3, Funny)

    by fembots ( 753724 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:52PM (#13181470) Homepage
    Does that mean Discovery is Spaced?
  • They mean "grounded except for Discovery" right? I think it's going to be pretty hard to ground as it's orbiting at the moment.
    • The mission continues. Likely, if a problem surfaces, Atlantis would still be sent up after them. There's no sense in bringing down the orbiter until the assessments they already had planned for this mission can be completed. Right now, the shuttle does not appear to be damaged; it was a close call. Once Discovery lands, though, that's it until the tank's fixed.
  • by chill ( 34294 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:53PM (#13181475) Journal wake up to, if you're on the Shuttle in orbit! That has just GOT to be a major morale booster for the people currently in space.

    "Uh, yeah. Remember Columbia? Well, to make sure it doesn't happen again, none of the Shuttles are going to fly. Oh, except you guys. You're cool. Trust us."
    • by javaxman ( 705658 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:10PM (#13181599) Journal wake up to, if you're on the Shuttle in orbit! That has just GOT to be a major morale booster for the people currently in space.

      And their families back on the ground...

      Seriously, I'd hate to be the one who has to answer the question "Is daddy going to be OK?".

      Of course, you have to think, yea, they checked out their ship, yea kid, they'll be fine, we just have something to work on before we do our next launch, it's no big deal... and yea, this is just fairly normal stress for families of astronauts ( it's not like they're serving in Iraq or Afganistan or living in downtown D.C. or anything ) but all the same... not exactly the news you want to hear. That supersonic plane you're flying? We just recalled it. Have a nice flight...

  • by sTalking_Goat ( 670565 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:53PM (#13181477) Homepage
    That what I've been hearing from all the "experts" the vibration from take-off always shakes stuff loose, so aren't they overreacting just a tad.

    This sounds like the death of US space travel, but maybe this will speed along a space shuttle replacement.

    • by RatBastard ( 949 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:08PM (#13181584) Homepage
      Well, it wouldn't be a problem if the heat shields weren't as fragile as empty eggshells. This isn't a problem with the tank or the insulation on it. It's a fundiimental flaw in the design of the orbiter. It's never going to be fixed because there is no way to fix it.

      The shuttle fleet should be mothballed and replaced with a workable vehicle.
    • > That what I've been hearing from all the "experts" the vibration from take-off always shakes stuff loose, so aren't they overreacting just a tad.

      Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.

      NASA has lost two vehicles by disregarding safety issues as "overreaction" and proceeding with optional takeoffs.

      NASA has now found evidence that the design flaw that brought down the last shuttle is still present. By saying "OK, no more takeoffs until we have a better solution", NASA has done the right thi

    • by constantnormal ( 512494 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:35PM (#13181769)
      maybe this will speed along a space shuttle replacement.

      If they had continued with development of the X-33 [] instead of turning it over to the Air Force and canceling the NASA development work, we would probably have a replacement by now. Instead, it will take probably a decade and substantially more money to bring a replacement vehicle to fruition from this point.

      I suspect that politically, the manned space program is dead here in the US, given the huge budget deficits and slipping technology base.

      There is the possibility that a superior insulating technology will be arrived at quickly and the remaining few shuttles might fly again, but I wouldn't bet on it. There is too much to be gained politically by stabbing the wounded for that to be allowed to happen.

      • by cmowire ( 254489 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:51PM (#13181863) Homepage
        Not really.

        The X-33 was over-budget, late, and suffering major development problems. The performance was getting worse and worse. And then you would have had to hope that Lockheed-Martin was willing to put up their portion of the funds to build the production booster.....

        And, at the same time, Iridium was bankrupt, "Dark Fiber" was eating into comsat requirements, etc.

        And worst of all the Skunk Works had said, "Hey, we've been building all kinds of classified stuff all these years. I know that nobody in the public field can make a multi-lobed composite hydrogen tank, but we can pull one off, winkwinknudgenudge" So when it was shown that they couldn't, people lost faith. Especially because the only actually novel, testable parts of it was that multi-lobed composite hydrogen tank and the linear aerospike... everything else wasn't going to be getting a proper workout because it wasn't going to have enough speed to really properly test the metal skinned TPS or much else.

        The problem was the X-33 was the riskiest design of the three contenders. So it was mostly doomed from the start....

        No, they'll probably figure out how to dust off the shuttle yet again and fly it. Remember, it's just the PAL ramp that's the problem, so they might just be able to change it to using a metal cover.
  • NASA is a failed government venture and has become a laughing stock and waste of american tax dollars.

    we need to give money to the private sector if we ever want to advance in space.

    if aviation had stayed strictly military air travel would never have been as available as it is today.
  • by skelly33 ( 891182 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:55PM (#13181491)
    What do you suppose Burt Rutan could have done with that kind of funding? This is a disgrace.
    • by Tiger4 ( 840741 )
      Burt would have bought a ton of good publicity for himself, then built a smaller and less capable shuttle, and taken the remainder and retired.

      Remember, SpaceShipOne is not orbital capable. It is capable of going straight up, then straight back down. Achieving orbit (and recovering to earth sucessfully) requires 30 - 50 times more energy due to the much higher velocities to get to orbit.

      Lots of speed = lots of heat, and you need a way to shed it if you don't want to burn up. They've known that for years
  • by Tiger4 ( 840741 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @06:56PM (#13181496)
    NASA needs to re-adopt the paint on the external tank. At least on the shuttle side of the tank, the foam insulation needs a coat of paint to eliminate the porosity of the foam. That will lock the ice out of the foam and prevent it from tearing it off the tank.

    The paint probably ought to be non-stick coated to inhibit excess ice formation too. Then put heaters in critical locations to break up the ice while the shuttle stack is sitting on the ground, or still moving at slow speeds. That way, supersonic chunks of ice won't go zinging into the shuttle body and we don't have to wonder if we've launched another one way mission to space.
    • i think they always had debris issues, even with the paint.
      have you ever read how much weight the paint added? it was enough that it had significant impact on fuel use calculations.

      heaters may be shaky in such an environment. remember this is not ice that is 30 F and requires a little warming.
    • by brer_rabbit ( 195413 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:10PM (#13181596) Journal
      The paint probably ought to be non-stick coated to inhibit excess ice formation too.

      Ok Einstein, exactly how do you intend to get this non-stick coated paint to stick to the external tank? ;)

    • by ciroknight ( 601098 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:10PM (#13181604)
      Comes at an expensive cost; paint has weight, and when you're coating that much surface area, the weight adds up. More weight on the tank, less the shuttle can lift as currently formatted.

      No, the real thing we need to do is replace the fleet, and go through with the current redesign plans to place the shuttle's body utop the fuel tank. That way anything that falls hits an SRB and not the shuttle's hull.

      Personally I think it pedantic and panicky to ground the whole fleet due to some insulation falling, but it was that which harmed Columbia. I mean every launch has had parts fall.

      But, I guess I will side with them for now, until we get more information these next few days.
    • by NOLAChief ( 646613 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:12PM (#13181620)
      Nice idea, but it won't work. Ice formation on the tank has nothing to do with it. The trouble with hand-laid foam insulation(which is what this was) is that large air pockets can form during the forming process. These air pockets are at atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi). As the craft climbs higher into the atmosphere, the surrounding air pressure drops, causing that pocket to expand. Eventually the pocket can pop like a balloon, knocking off a chunk of foam. Were the tank painted, the paint would just come off along with the rest of the piece.
  • maybe this is a case where the private sector will eventually take care of this. it took a ton of tax dollars from the USA and USSR to get their space programs to where they are now, but maybe something like the shuttle should be picked up by 3rd parties?

    i might be oversimplifying things, but all the data on the space shuttle exists, after 20 years there is enough info that another country, corporation, whatever could pick it up and run with it. i realize it is an incredibly complicated and dangerous thing
  • It would certainly aid in the evaluation of why the insulation fell off this time.

    I noticed that the view from one of the tank-mounted cameras showed the tank kind of oscillating; going from perfectly round to oval in one direction then the other. It was really visible, clearly not an artifact of vibration. The struts, shuttle, etc. were perfectly still. I'm sure that's accounted for in the pliability of the foam insulation, but still it must be one of the challenges to keeping the foam intact.
  • by someonewhois ( 808065 ) * on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:05PM (#13181557) Homepage
    I see it! I see it! .shuttle/top.shuttle.debris.jpg [] See that red arrow? THAT'S what hit the shuttle!
  • Parallel Plight (Score:2, Interesting)

    by cryptocom ( 833376 )
    Let's see here: budget cuts, failing space program, failing economy, global criticism regarding human injustices abroad, rapid decrease of freedom and increase of governmental power...sounds alot like the SOVIET UNION doesn't it?
  • The shuttle as currently configured is simply a bad design. If they had just put the booster tank behind the shuttle like every previous rocket, instead of beside the shuttle, then it wouldn't matter what fell off the booster -- it couldn't possible strike the shuttle! I've been told the shuttle was originally designed to be launched off the back of another aircraft at a high enough altitude that it wouldn't need the booster. If this is true, then the booster itself is a last-minute kluge -- no wonder it do
  • by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:16PM (#13181652) Homepage
    Need A Shuttle Alternative
  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) * on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:20PM (#13181677)
    I wonder how risky was the cross atlantic sailing were in the mid 1500's. I am sure mortality was a lot higher then 1% then it is with the shuttle program. If you are going to ground the fleet when a takeoff was near perfect and inspection did not show any problems, but there was a bit of derby that the experts expected anyways, just seems like the politicians are in control and have no courage, because there are a few winers about it (Which would consist of probably the same percentage of people that the morality rate of the shuttle). Yes compared to Airplain, Boats of this era, and even cars, The shuttle is dangerous, that is why highly skilled pilots are on board, because it is dangerous.
    • No, you are talking nonsense,

      the entire reason for the shuttle was to make
      frequent, 3 x weekly, launches, which it has never

      The design is a failure, that much is obvious,
      what is not obvious is hou long the oversight,
      which should come from the Congress will let this
      waste of taxpayers money coninue.
    • by patternjuggler ( 738978 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @10:24PM (#13182709) Homepage
      I wonder how risky was the cross atlantic sailing were in the mid 1500's. I am sure mortality was a lot higher then 1% then it is with the shuttle program.

      Although life was worth less then, at least there was an immediate economic incentive to making such a risky voyage. You could even frame it in terms of thousands of colonists that depend on those ships for trade. The only reason to send people into space currently is to send people into space. I personally think that's a decent reason, but I for my money's worth I'd rather put up a few new space telescope to find nearby planetary systems with or whatever, or send off a few robots to explore Mars or the moons of the gas giants.

      The other problem with your argument is that no matter which century you live in, if given the choice between two transportation systems, all other things being about equal you should go with the more reliable one. Russia has a safer system, we should use it until we've built something comparable of our own.
  • watch it grow... (Score:3, Informative)

    by alkaloids ( 739233 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:20PM (#13181680)
    so, Thom Patterson - CNN reported last night that it was a 1.5" piece of tile. MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer - on the yahoo! news - says that it's a "sizable chunk of foam insulation -- the very thing that doomed Columbia" - but then later says that it was indeed a 1.5" piece of tile while in the latest report from yahoo! it's simply "a large piece of foam insulation broke." interesting to see this evolve. at least it's not being sensationalized...
  • Conspiracy Theory? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by THotze ( 5028 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:33PM (#13181758) Homepage
    So a piece of foam that was like the one that hit Columbia fell off - the key difference being, that this one DIDN'T hit the shuttle.

    On one hand, I can understand NASA's safety concerns - but, at the same time, it seems that they didn't do a lot to change the external fuel tank - its construction, etc. In fact, you could even say that this is why the shuttle was grounded from a July 13 launch - the sensor that was faulty was built in 1989.... they considered it to be in 'good condition', but, I mean, if it's a 16 year old piece of equipment, how good of condition is that? (I'm not exactly sure how this could be true - external tanks aren't reused, and so unless NASA stockpiled them in the late 80's, the tank would be newer; did the article just mean that it was a 1989 design?)

    On the other hand - we know that pieces of foam have fallen off twice in the past 2 launches - once with devastating effects, and once without. I don't know if anyone at NASA saw fit to review old launch tapes and look for falling insulation à la the stuff that struck Columbia, but it seems possible that, given the construction of the external tank, it might be relatively common - and thus, nothing THAT BIG to worry about since its only been a problem 1/115 times. (Its still an inherent design flaw).

    So, now the shuttle fleet is grounded again - will it be another 2 1/2 years? Making it early 2008 before the shuttle flies again? I mean, if it seems like foam just flies off of external tanks, the only way to REALLY solve this problem would be either encasing existing tanks in a new (heavy, expensive) "exo-tank," or just designing new tanks, right? I mean, this isn't some minor design consideration.

    All this makes me think... with NASA already pressing for a new manned vehicle by 2010, are the powers that be in NASA just saying, "We don't want to fly the shuttle anymore, its a $2bn death trap, doesn't get us cool places and is damned inefficient at lifting cargo" and asking instead to concentrate on a new vehicle, just forgetting about the shuttle? I mean, if NASA spends $500m and 30 months modifying the shuttle fleet just to retire it 24 months after that, that seems dumb, right? Even by government standards?


  • A suggestion (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jafac ( 1449 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:39PM (#13181798) Homepage
    Since the reason for the foam insulation on the tank is to prevent condensation from forming on the ground between the time the tank is filled with liquid fuel, and the time of launch, and is not needed past T-0, how about this?:

    Jettison the foam at T-0, during engine ignition.
    Velocity at that point in time is low enough that no foam strikes will have any chance of damaging orbiter tiles.

    The foam and ice stay on the ground. The orbiter, and tank, go up. Probably a few thousand pounds lighter, as well.

    Sure, there's the problem of getting all of the foam off in a few seconds, leaving none behind. Maybe by forming the foam around a fine, mesh netting, and attaching that netting to the ground via cables, it all slips right off at T-0.
  • by Keeper ( 56691 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @07:58PM (#13181902)
    ... is that the average slashdot poster is not as smart as a rocket scientist. :p
  • by aphexcoil2 ( 878167 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @08:16PM (#13182017)
    Part of the problem here is that space exploration is inherently dangerous and risky. There is no way you will ever remove all of the risk -- and because of this there will be future accidents and loss of life while we explore the stars. The men and women who volunteer to do this are extremely courageous individuals that should be honored and thanked many times over. Each time a shuttle goes up, there are a million ways something can go wrong yet only one way everything can go perfectly. NASA, along with the government and general public, must understand that although the risks associated with space flight are huge, the potential rewards are far greater. Hopefully our government will give NASA the funding needed to develop a better way to put people in orbit. Until that time, we must realize that there are risks associated with each launch but we must keep aiming for the stars because, in the long run, humanity stands to gain far more than the risks from occasional loss of life that occur when something goes horribly wrong.
  • by michaelmalak ( 91262 ) <> on Wednesday July 27, 2005 @09:33PM (#13182392) Homepage
    Feb. 4, 2003 Orlando Sentinel article []:
    In one presentation last year at Tulane University, a Lockheed Martin external tank researcher wrote that a change in the foam formula led to "unanticipated program impacts, such as foam loss during flight." The change was prompted by environmental concerns over using freon to spray on the foam.

    [...] Hundreds of the heat-resistant tiles were damaged during a Columbia flight in 1997 when chunks of the foam broke off and hit the spacecraft. Some of the gouges were 15 inches long.

    During that event and in the incident from October that Dittemore cited Monday, the foam came loose from a ridged part where the tank's liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen sections are joined together.

    Technicians traced at least part of the problem to a chemical called HCFC 141b, which Lockheed Martin began using in the mid-1990s as a replacement for the freon gas used to help spray on the foam.

    The new chemical may have contributed to "popcorning," which happens when the tiny cells within the tank's foam start to expand and break loose from the rest of the material.

    The cells expand as the outside pressure decreases during the shuttle's ascent and the temperature rises from air friction and hot exhaust gases. The chemicals in the foam may also vaporize, increasing the pressure.

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
