Happy Darwin Day! 69
proclus writes "In honor of the day, I have released
some autobiographical material, which forms the background for GNU-Darwin and
some other projects. Alternatively, you can celebrate by joining the Friends of Charles Darwin, or baking some Trilobite Cookies."
If you are fortunate enough (Score:3, Funny)
+3 Funny? Come on, mods, put some effort in! (-: (Score:3, Interesting)
MMMMMM Cookies (Score:2, Funny)
Cookies ?? (Score:1)
Actually, you wouldn't want to bake trilobites... (Score:2)
Better avoid Darwin's Finches, too, since they turned out to be homeostatic around a norm. And the wings are a bastard to get off the tray without breakage.
If you wanted glow-in-the-dark bikkies, you could try a coleocanth - except that all
Two Satanic Stories... (Score:2, Funny)
Insane (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Insane (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Insane (Score:2)
1. Evolutionists are no longer expected to prove their beliefs to be true, as long as they publish those beliefs in nice leatherbound books.
2. Donations to the Church become tax-deductible.
There's already a Church of Humanism (Score:2)
Re:There's already a Church of Humanism (Score:3, Funny)
That's appropriate in its own way... (Score:2)
A whacking great mirror across the front? (-:
And the hymns?
Re:Insane (Score:3, Informative)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newtonmas [wikipedia.org]
Plus, I think you're also forgetting things like Pi Day. Back when I was at Carnegie Mellon, it was a pretty hard-core holiday.
Re:Insane (Score:1)
Re:Insane (Score:5, Insightful)
the only reason there are no Gravitationists like there are Evolutionists (as you say it), is simply because gravitational theory does not directly contradict people's religious beliefs like the theory of evolution does. Evolutionists are evolutionists because anti-evolutionists call them evolutionists instead of calling them what they call themselves, biologists.
Re:Insane (Score:2)
Er, that's Mathematicians (Score:2)
Mostly because it isn't, if you set the boundary anywhere less than about 1e300,000 in a universe 1e18 seconds old and containing 1e81 atoms recombining 1e12 times a second. (-:
PS, is this day for Erasmus Darwin, or really for Charles? Erasmus has a better claim on having "invented" evolution.
Re:Er, that's Mathematicians (Score:3, Insightful)
Correction: some mathematicians Certainly not the majority who actually care to become intimately familiar with the subject.
Two: Evolution has occured irregardless of whether Darwinian theory of the mechanics of evolution are correct. The fossil evidence is massively clear.
The fossil evidence is indeed "massively clear" (Score:2)
From this, it is obvious that either there has been no evolution, or
Re:Er, that's Mathematicians (Score:3, Informative)
And just in case you were serious, it's actually mathemticians who are demonstrating that the mathematics of evolution are immensely more powerful than biologists realized.
If you have reasonable scientific and mathematical capability then I recommend googling on Implicit Parallelism. [google.com] Of course if you really do think that evolution is impossible then I suspect the mathematics and evolutionary systems of Implicit Parallelism are likely going to be over your head. Bu
Implicit parallelism is indeed powerful (Score:2)
Re:Implicit parallelism is indeed powerful (Score:2)
People get too hung up on mutation. Mutation is practically the least powerful thing going on. It's a little AA-battery in the turbocharged infromation processing powerplant of evolution. It mainly serves to keep the selection-and-recombination engine from stalling out. It's perfectly true that mutation is neutral or harmful in the overwhelming majority of cases. It doesn't matter because the information pr
I'm seriously impressed by the grandness... (Score:2)
However, it stuill stumbles over a few mundane problems.
Regardless of the species-level information processing capabilities available (and how would that come about in the first place? one wonders), the actual litmus test of a gene's suitability is the survival-to-reproduction or not of individuals within the species. The engine cannot be divorced from its parts. If these mutations are not lethal and are spread therough the population, then the whole spe
Re:I'm seriously impressed by the grandness... (Score:2)
The engine cannot be divorced from its parts.
Right, I left a lot out. I hoped that if I explained how an internal combustion cylinder can work that I wouldn't have to explain an alternator and transmission and the entire engine. There's a "car" sitting in front of your face in the fossile record and all of nature. There are entire post-graduate programs of study in the feil
Re:Er, that's Mathematicians (Score:1, Insightful)
It sounds like it's creation that they don't think is possible. For example, the one guy, Murray Eden, apparently claims "...that the genes of E. coli contain over a trillion (10^12) bits of data." However that's not true because the entire anotated genetic sequence is downloadable here: http://www.genome.wisc.edu/pub/sequence/U00096.2. g bk
An average strain of E. coli might have 5 million base pairs, each being one of A, C, G, or T, for a total of 10 millio
That's only the DNA sequences (Score:2)
That's actually more reasonable in statistical terms. Meet Dr Periannan Senepathy [mattox.com], respected biologist with many important papers to his name.
Your Pentium IV analogy is hilarious!
Who took parts of the
Re:Insane (Score:2)
Re:Insane (Score:2)
Re:Insane (Score:1, Interesting)
The questions should not be who is stupider? who is more close minded? or who is worse?
Re:Insane (Score:2)
I'd like to remind you that gravity is equally a theory.
No, because there are no Gravitationists like there are Evolutionists.
Well "Gravitationists" and "Evolutionists" generally call themselves scientists and physisists and biologists and whatnot. Some of them simply call themselves ordinary rational people. We just don't have a bunch of idiots running around thinking that the sun goes around the earth and calling calling other people "Grav
Re:you know what.. (Score:1)
Who fucking whom?
I'm sorry, but that's just a bad image. I'm all supportive of healthy homosexual relationships among men or women, but I'd prefer you keep your gay pr()n to yourself.
Re:you know what.. (Score:2)
Yay Satan! Booze, babes and bankroll.
Actually, I've done a little research on Satanism, and they are a fairly nihilist bunch of people. Not really my cup of tea, even if I weren't an atheist.
"Freeer" Distros are Important (Score:2)
Unlikely? People would have said a situation like the SCO debauckle was unlikely. If companies supplying Lin
Re:God is a fag (Score:1)
Re:God (Score:1)
Since ID and C cannot be DISproven, they are not science.
The above poster relies on the logic of "If it's too complicated to explain today, God must have done it." This is unscientific thinking, and so this logic cannot be used to debunk anything scientific. In order to debate science, one must use science. On the reverse, to debate religion, one must use religion, since disproving the existance of God is impossible.
Science explains the natural world
Re:Darwin is a fag (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Darwin is a fag (Score:2)
You must be new here
I for one welcome our new ever-evolving overlords..?
Now that's what I call (Score:2)
Ironically enough, "fag" - a diminuitive of "fagot" or kindling - was originally applied to Protestant Christians burned at the stake for being honest and helpful, then came to mean anybody burned at the stake, then settled on the narrower meaning of "pervert suitable for burning at the stake" and finally seems to have come to rest as a descriptor for male homosexuals.
I've never seen a lesbian called a "fag" but OTOH I don't hang out in or near gay nightclubs.
So, you were expec
What's the weather like on your planet? (-: (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah, well, I can understand why you'd mod him down for the homophobia, but I think this part of the post deserved a +1, Funny...
Science and religion are not enemies. (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Science and religion are not enemies. (Score:1)
Re:Science and religion are not enemies. (Score:1)
Perhaps his is broken? (Score:2)
Enter key doesn't seem to work (Score:1)
Re:Enter key doesn't seem to work (Score:2)
This is your last polite response. :-)
Re:Science and religion are not enemies. (Score:1, Insightful)
A) The theory of evolution is not the theory of macroevolution. The theory that states that a species can change into a different species-- the theory macroevolution-- is a natural combination of math and information theory, AKA indisputable science. The theory of evolution is the supposed evolutionary history of the Earth, and is subject to debate.
B) Neanderthals did not become Homo Sapiens at a later stage in their evolution. This theory has be
Re:Science and religion are not enemies. (Score:1)
How evolution works (Score:1, Informative)
Yes, very clever. Now if you could explain... (Score:2, Funny)
One major problem with existing mutations is that they all represent destruction of information. My favourite analogy is of a blind man trying to improve the structure of a Lego diorama using only a rifle from across the street. There seems to be no way to add new and useful information, which is kind of essential, nor to prevent any which somehow mag
Re:Yes, very clever. Now if you could explain... (Score:2)
As with many creationists, you seem to apply magical thinking [wikipedia.org] to the idea of "information", assuming it is something that can only be generated by an ineffable intelligence.
A genome is a bit stream. One can add information to it by inserting or flipping bits. Useful information is, in this context, changes that incrementally benefit reproduction.
That analogy may be your favourite, but it's also fairly silly, primarily because there is no select
In brief... (Score:2)
Mutagenic influences don't just move blocks, they damage and randomise them.
The selection feedback is the shop assistant removing the damaged blocks and replacing them with fresh ones (and presumably calling a glazier about the window).
In Evolution (capital E for molecules-to-man) there is no observer, only a blind man with no feeling in his hands.
Genetic evolution requires a complex computer, and rules. Another way of
Re:How evolution works (Score:3, Informative)
Darwin's theory of evolution isn't this at all (DNA was discovered in the second half of the twentieth century). His theory was that of natural selection, meaning that there are (random) variations in individuals (that can be caused by crossing over and mutations), and that those better adapted for the environment are more likely to be passed on to
Re:How evolution works (Score:2)
Do urself a favour (Score:1, Funny)
buy this book
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0895 262002/qid=1108195258/sr=8-10/ref=pd_bbs_10/002-06 91541-5684038?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 [amazon.com]Evolution Myth or Science
and how many transitional species exist today.
Name one species which is 'evolving' today.
and Read the last chapter of origin of species
and Darwin was a racist(Read the damn book)
Reggae Darwin (Score:1)
To celebrate Darwin Day (12th February) two academics have performed extracts from The Origin of Species in dub (hybrid form of reggae) as the Genomic Dub Collective [bham.ac.uk]. The BBC has an informative piece [bbc.co.uk] about the inspiration for doing this.
The aim is to create a new musical genre, Genomic Dub, that celebrates recent successes in the field of genomics and evolutionary biology. They also aim to highlight common threads that link current scientific, artistic and social issues with the past (e.g. t