Hydrogen Fuel Cells Running On Sunflower Oil 82
tigersaw writes "You've heard about Biodiesel , Greasecars, and Fuel Cells for a while now. At yesterday's meeting of the American Chemical Society, researchers from the University of Leeds in England described a novel approach that combines these ideas in a fuel cell device that employs steam and two separate catalyts to generate hydrogen using sunflower oil. Experimental results show a hydrogen yield of 90 percent, versus 70 percent in other hydrogen fuel cell technologies. 'The sunflower oil used is the same type found on grocery shelves. "We would happily toss our salad with it," says the researcher, who adds that the process can also work with other types of vegetable oils.'"
We would happily toss our salad with it, (Score:4, Funny)
Re:We would happily toss our salad with it, (Score:2)
Ya--goatse's been following these guys for a long time now.
Maybe it's because I'm English... (Score:2)
...But I don't get it. Tossing a salad in a dressing is what you do. Once you put dressing (e.g. oil and vinegar) on it, you don't stir the leaves or whatever around, you 'toss' them.
Yes, I am aware of other meanings of the word, but do you snigger when somebody tosses a ball to you? So what is the joke?
Re:Maybe it's because I'm English... (Score:2)
Tossed salad [toss-my-salad.com] is usually served alongside a nice, hot bowl of cock-flavoured soup [gracefoods.com].
Re:Maybe it's because I'm English... (Score:2, Informative)
It obviously escaped someone that such a benign comment also has a decidely "non-benign" alternative meaning. That kinda makes it funny.
Yikes... (Score:5, Funny)
They need a much, much better PR person.
Re:Yikes... (Score:1)
i should reconsider my plans (Score:2, Funny)
4. microsoft historian
3. slashdot moderator
2. crop flyer
1. sunflower farmer
Re:i should reconsider my plans (Score:2)
Re:i should reconsider my plans (Score:1)
Re:i should reconsider my plans (Score:2)
Re:i should reconsider my plans (Score:1)
Re:i should reconsider my plans (Score:2)
Here are some links to pictures of fields that are re
Ultimate hippy car (Score:5, Funny)
Especially as a VW combi van.
Tossing Salads (Score:2, Funny)
That's it I now officially hand in my slashdot account.
Sounds Good--- (Score:2)
Re:Sounds Good--- (Score:2)
Re:Sounds Good--- (Score:2)
This could actually be really cool... (Score:5, Insightful)
Distribution for H2 is pathetically inefficient. In order to ship it at an efficient level, they have to compress it into liquid form. That takes up a lot of energy, along with the associated costs of now transporting a very cold liquid (yeah - not very energy efficient either).
If H2 can be made using a novel approach, you can minimize the huge potential transport and distribution costs by setting up a lot of small production facilities (local refineries?).
This could be a pretty big deal.
Imagine... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Imagine... (Score:2)
Re:Imagine... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Imagine... (Score:2)
Re:This could actually be really cool... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:This could actually be really cool... (Score:3, Interesting)
The alternate is producing the H2 at a location with cheap power (hydro, desert solar collectors), and then shipping the H2 where it needs to be. But that has its own issues, as you pointed out.
I'll be honest - I'm not holding o
Re:This could actually be really cool... (Score:2)
It takes a lot of power (Score:3, Informative)
Re:It takes a lot of power (Score:2)
Re:It takes a lot of power (Score:1)
Your original post is correct in that the actual conversion is relatively efficient, i.e. 1W of electricity translates to 1 W (equivalent) H2, minus small losses. However, the energy requirements of autos & trucks are relatively high. So you would be adding to the electrical load on the grid by a lot.
H2 is an energy transport mechanism, NOT a generation source. The initial energy must come from somewhere. Currently it comes out of the ground in t
No, I'm not agreeing with you (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:This could actually be really cool... (Score:2)
What I wonder is how does a sunflower powered fuel cell compair to the same sunflower oil being burned in gas turbine of even in deisel?
Re:This could actually be really cool... (Score:2)
Re:This could actually be really cool... (Score:1)
Only if you ignore the realities (Score:5, Interesting)
You don't know? Didn't even stop to ask?
I didn't think so.
Being a wet blanket bugs me sometimes, but somebody has to do the dirty work of dragging everything back down to earth and facing facts. Here are some:
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:2)
by politicians as dodging the immediate issues.
It always seems that the promises will bear fruit AFTER the next election. Funny how that always seems to be the case. Until H2 storage problems are solved, all of this is a pipe dream. Make the switch to biodiesel blends, add ethanol to every tank of gasoline and insist on low-sulphur fuels NOW, not tomorrow, not next week,not 3 years from now and the atmosphere will take care of itself.
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:5, Informative)
And then since hydrogens's only a carrier (like a rechargeable battery - there is no such thing as a "hydrogen well") you still need a real energy source to "charge" it. Sunflower oil might be a potential source...until you do a back-of-the-envelope on how many arable acres you would have to grow it on and what percentage (most) of the US's arable acres are only so due to energy-intensive and oil-intensive farming providing water, fertilizer, pesticides, etc. and how much of the "naturally arable" land has been paved over for suburbs and cities (e.g. the entire Santa Clara valley aka Silicon Valley).
Even this sunflower one makes me wonder: what are the fertilizer and farm equipment inputs? where does the energy for the steam come from? So what's the net energy return? I'd put money on it being no better than ethanol!
An interesting post I saw else where: for good energy return on low density sources like biomass you want to have minimal energy inputs from petro or other sources. As an energy cash crop you want to have something that grows pretty much like a weed. Guess what produces good quality oil and grows like a weed? :-) Well, "weed" of course, or actually hemp. Wouldn't it be funny if we need to rely on hemp for the "Peak Oil" time.
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:1)
Only a matter of time. Could you imagine the affect on existing markets if hemp/weed/pot became legal? Oil, cotton, alcohol, tobacco and otherwise? It would be a bloodless revolution. Well, maybe.
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:2)
I'm not saying hemp is a dead end or anything, but many advocates claim it is a virtual panacea for all our woes. Even if
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:1)
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:3, Informative)
Really? Where do you get your numbers from?
According to the Wikipedia entry [wikipedia.org]. Considering the whole life-cycle oil has a yield of 1:1.843 for diesel petrol, and bioethanol one of 1:2.34
> until you do a back-of-the-envelope on how many arable acres you would have to grow it on
With high-yield rapeseed, 3% of the arable area of the US would be needed to cover its need of oil for transportation.
Some Algae have even a be
Did someone mention realities? (Score:3, Insightful)
Consumption of diesel fuel in the USA in 2002 was 2.455 million barrels/day, [blogspot.com] or 39.4 billion gallons per year. At the high yield figure of 145 gallons per acre and 100% conversion to biodiesel, that would require the production of 271 million acres, or 425 thousand square miles.
Total area of the USA is 3,618,784 square miles, [atlapedia.com] so you're talking 12% of the total land area (including Alask
Re:Did someone mention realities? (Score:2)
According to the University of New Hampshire [unh.edu], listed in the Wikipedia entry:
Need: 140.8 billion gallons
Required surface with algae: 9.5E06 acres
Estimated Costs: $308 billion to build the farms.
Total arable land in the US: 1030E06 acres
More realities (Score:2)
High-yield rapeseed, 145 gallons/acre/year (1.52 KWH/m^2/year)
Algae-derived oil, 50000 gallons/hectare/year (212 KWH/m^2/yr)
Silicon PV cells at 15%, receiving 700 W/m^2 average, 6 hrs/day: 230 KWH/m^2/yr
Future PV cells at 50%: 766 KWH/m^2/yr
Algae is pretty impressive, but doesn't hold a candle even to present-day solar panels (and the energy from solar cells does not require conversio
Re:More realities (Score:2)
The advantages of algae are that they reproduce themselves and oil is more easily stored. Looks like the combination could be a winner.
This is the issue - wheras electricity can be made by many routes (Nuclear being the cheapest and most practical), fuels for transportation are much harder. Of all the biofuel approaches I've seen, only algal biomass comes close to making a large scale contribution, since it actually considers things like land requirements (deserts, which don't get used for anything much
The thing about arable land is... (Score:2)
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:2)
The ethanol number is corn/maize ethanol - other non-energy intensively farmed plants certainly could do better.
Rapeseed sounds interesting. It's weedy too so it might not take too much energy-intervention.
Hmm. Algae has the issue of either which natural water resources (lakes, estuaries, oceans) you use for it (and how to get to it for harvest/maintenance) or what type of man-
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:3, Interesting)
Hemp played a big role during WW2 when our hemp supplies from the Phillipines were cut off by the Japanese. Even though the Marijuana Tax Act of the late 1930's
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:4, Insightful)
The real problem is the efficiency and the practicality. (Your other points)
Biodiesel and Ethanol are good examples. Biodiesel can be made from a variety of sources, is efficient enough to be workable now, is compatible with the existing energy infrastructure, and is compatible with a large number of diesel engines (In fact I use B20 nearly exclusively). Ethanol is problematic in a number of ways, but still more or less workable. So given the right situations alternative energy sources can be useful, despite the fact that an entire economy doesn't use them. And given enough alternatives western societies can lessen their dependence on energy sources which must be purchased from unsavory regimes. This can be nothing but a good thing
Unfortunately the site is down so I haven't read the article so I can't comment about this specific implementation. However, I view anything H2 related as problematic because of both its incompatibility with existing energy delivery infrastructure and the ridiculous hype surrounding it.
Re:Only if you ignore the realities (Score:3, Insightful)
"Producing hydrogen from sunflower oil could provide a more environmentally-friendly alternative by reducing [pollutants such as carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane] while offering an abundant, low-cost and renewable resource that reduces dependence on foreign oil," says the study's lead researcher Valerie Dupont, Ph.D., an energy engineer with the University of Leeds in England.
Of course, carbon dioxide and methane are also produced by the process, so I'm
Toss away. . . (Score:2)
So.... (Score:3, Interesting)
It's like an all-electric car... sure it uses no gas but that power has to come from somewhere to begin with. You've only moved the problem to someone else's back yard.
At least with Biodiesel you get out more energy than you put in to make the conversion (the balance of the energy comes from the sun, which the plants have collected and turned into the raw oil).
Centralised Power (Score:5, Insightful)
That's the whole point: one problem to solve (at the power plant) instead of many to solve (at the cars). If you run many electric cars from a single power station, then you have:
Re:Centralised Power (Score:4, Interesting)
one point to filter for emissions
That's not necessarily a good thing. Basically you would be concentrting all of the resulting pollution in one area instead of spreading it out more or less evenly. Assuming nature cleans up the pollution at a certain rate (say, as by density of plant life and large bodies of water to absorb and recycle CO2) then you actually made the problem much worse in some areas.
no car pollution in cities
Ah, well, as long as it's not in your back yard I guess it's okay then!
an easy upgrade path when you replace your coal plant with biodiesel or solar or fusion or whatever
Except that the existing power distribution system is already strained and aging such that it can barely keep up with peek demands today. It would cost billions upon billions to construct new powerplants and additional infastructure to handle the additional demand of the now millions of electrical vehicles feeding off of it.
possible economies of scale
See above. In general you try not to build powerplants too far from where the power is used (obvious?). And you will definately need more of them right from the start.
Now take a straight biodiesel economy model:
Virtually no infastructure costs. Everything you need to produce, transport and distribute liquid fuel is already in place.
Less pollution on the grand scale. BD burns cleaner than the oil and coal (especially coal) used in powerplants, and the resulting pollution is spread out evenly such that nature can process it more effectively. If you're worried about soot (which BD produces less of anyway) there are already very effective filtering systems for small vehicles in widespread use.
Excellent scaling economics. Unlike electricity you CAN produce/refine all of the BD in one spot for the entire country (even though you probably wouldn't want to). There is basically no restriction on the location of the refineries, and the distribution infastructure of trucks, boats and pipes is more flexible than high voltage transmission lines.
The only problem is "where does te energy come from in the first place?", which the centalized electric system doesn't address either. Fusion power has to actually exist before you can even consider it, and all of the other possibilities such as oil, coal and nuclear all rely on the very same sources we're trying to get away from.
I have read articles about the possible use of algae for BD production. According to the article (which I found a version of [unh.edu] on google) you can farm a high-oil content algae species for the purpose, which eliminates basically all of the problems of cultivating and fertilizing land for growing plants (algae doesn't need tilling...) Simply excavate a shallow lake somewhere relatively low and let gravity fill it with seawater, then start growing. If you're clever you can use a system of dykes to let the tide purge the lake for you and filter off the algae as the lake drains. Then you run it through a giant juicer and add a little methanol and lye to remove the glycerin from the product, and you got Biodiesel ready to burn in just about any existing vehicle.
Re:Centralised Power (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, all of your pollutants would be centralized as well. But a modern oil burning power plant will release dramatically less pollutants than the equivalent (ICE) internal combustion engines. With a power plant, weight doesn't matter. That allows them to focus on production efficiencies and reducing pollutants. As new technologies are invented they only have
Re:Centralised Power (Score:3, Interesting)
There are frequent brownouts in many urban areas during the summer because people are running their air conditioners. It's less frequent where I am, but it still happens. If the existing system can't fully satisfy peak demands, then switching everyone to electric cars is only going to make the problem worse - even "off-peak" charging, since off-peak will then become peak as millions of pe
Re:Centralised Power (Score:3, Insightful)
That's not necessarily a good thing. Basically you would be concentrting all of the resulting pollution in one area instead of spreading it out more or less evenly. Assuming nature cleans up the pollution at a certain rate (say, as by density of plant life and large bodies of water to absorb and recycle CO2) then you actually made the problem much worse in some areas.
I think that the poster's point was the potential to use technology to reduce pollution, such as stack scr
Re:Centralised Power (Score:2)
Except that the existing power distribution system is already strained and aging such that it can barely keep up with peek demands today. It would cost billions upon billions to construct new powerplants and additional infastructure to handle the additional demand of the now millions of electrical vehicles feeding off of it.
A strange argument. Because your power grid is in havoc you don't see a chance for electric cars?
So, you don't plan to fix your power grid?
You don't plan to reduce energy consumptio
Re:Centralised Power (Score:2)
No, the entire power distribution system does need to be upgraded and expanded. But the question is by how much?
If all-electric cars become popular in the market, electrical demand would not just increase, it would explode. Unless you've prepared for the surge in extra demand t
Re:So.... (Score:2)
At least with Biodiesel you get out more energy than you put in to make the conversion (the balance of the energy comes from the sun, which the plants have collected and turned into the raw oil).
Even that isn't a given. I wouldn't be surprised if the energy needed to plant sunflowers, reap them, move them, extract oil from them, get rid of the waste, etc is already more than the energy present in the oil. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the other way around either (I just don't know), but people often
Re:So.... (Score:1)
Re:So.... (Score:2)
I wouldn't be surprised if the energy needed to plant sunflowers, reap them, move them, extract oil from them, get rid of the waste, etc is already more than the energy present in the oil. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the other way around either (I just don't know), but people often forget these costs.
Then be surprised: its the other way around
In germany there is a big research project regarding that topic and we currently supply our diesel needs to 0.5% from bio diesel.
Re:So.... (Score:2)
It's like an all-electric car... sure it uses no gas but that power has to come from somewhere to begin with. You've only moved the problem to someone else's back yard.
This is a general missconception repeatred all the time on
Suppose you drive your car wih gasoline, then about 15% of the energy combusted is hitting the road in terms of acceleration.
This does not even take into account refining and distributing gasoline. A common number
Byproducts (Score:2, Insightful)
hydrogen cars? Helium Blimps! (Score:1, Interesting)
Why hydrogen? (Score:3, Interesting)
Why not use a fuel that's liquid at STP? Ethanol, say? The energy-per-unit-mass is lower, but it's so much denser you end up with a far higher energy-per-unit-volume. Storing and pumping liquids is a solved problem; you can use the existing infrastructure built by the petrochemical industry. Ethanol can be burnt and synthesised by fuel cells, too.
So what's with the hydrogen obsession?
Re:Why hydrogen? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Why hydrogen? (Score:1, Informative)
The second problem
Re:Why hydrogen? (Score:3, Interesting)
And besides, there's other ways of using the stuff. Steam reformation will break methanol down producing hydrogen, which you can then feed into the fuel cell. If all else fails, just burn the ethanol in an IC engine.
And as for produ
Re:Why hydrogen? (Score:2, Interesting)
The methanol fuel cells being produced by Toshiba use a polymer electrolyte at low temperature. The low temperature only forms CO2 without the formation of coke.
SOFCs on the other hand, are generally high temperature (1200K), that will form coke if fed hydrocarbon fuels directly
Cute but bunk ... (Score:3, Insightful)
1) by-products are carbon dioxide and methane.
2) unseen by-products: whatever is required to grow sunflowers (fertilizers & their production, tractor fuel by-products, etc)
3) scaling: how many sunflowers does it take to make how much usable fuel?
4) scaling: how much viable farm land can afford to be lost to the production of "fuel" vice "food"?
Fuel cells are really neat. The problem of fuelling fuel cells is huge. Even without fuel cells the whole concept of biomass based fuels simply can't scale to current demand [doe.gov] . Think about it, the U.S. produces amounts of oil measured in millions of barrels per day to sustain current consumption (let alone what it imports)! What quantity of biomass is required to come close to that and what are you willing to sacrifice to do it?
Sorry, but this story is a non-starter. If we're serious about addressing the dangers of fossil fuels, then we have to cut back on our energy consumption first and foremost. Anything else is just a "diet pill" approach. Don't change your fuel or engine, learn to live without/depend less on the vehicle(s).
Amazing... (Score:2, Informative)
BBC also has a story on this... [bbc.co.uk]
Re:Amazing... (Score:1)
Cigarettes the greater enemy ... (Score:2)
A better catalyst? (Score:4, Informative)
I wonder if they have tried this one [scienceblog.com]. It's designed to supress methane production and increase hydrogen production.
From the article:
...a Raneynickel catalyst, named after Murray Raney, who first patented the alloy in 1927.
Raney-nickel is a porous catalyst made of about 90 percent nickel (Ni) and 10 percent aluminum (Al). While Raney-nickel proved somewhat effective at separating hydrogen from biomass-derived molecules, the researchers improved the material's effectiveness by adding more tin (Sn), which stops the production of methane and instead generates more hydrogen. Relative to other catalysts, the Raney-NiSn can perform for long time periods (at least 48 hours) and at lower temperatures (roughly 225 degrees Celsius).
What about.. (Score:2)
Information source about H2 economics (Score:2)
That link covers efficiency and basic major players in europe. Its the portal site to the companies doing EU funded research in hydrogen power and also to prducts currently available.