Prions, Darwin's Friend 48
blamanj writes "Prions, the recently discovered bits of protein thought to be responsible for mad cow disease are turning up all over. It has been shown that prions change the behavior of yeasts, and may therefore offer a speedy way for yeast to evolve."
How (Score:1)
You know what this means... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:You know what this means... (Score:5, Funny)
Mad Beer Disease! Beer that kills your brain cells! Oh, wait...
Mad Yeast Disease? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Mad Yeast Disease? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Mad Yeast Disease? (Score:2, Insightful)
Some prions are *linked* to (causes of) diseases, but they're not necessarily always "bad things". It's like saying "oh no, I won't eat cow meat anymore, because some cows have the MadCowDisease", or even more obvious, "I'll never eat anything organic again, because it has genes, and some genes cause genetic disorders, so I'm afraid".
Yup... lack of logic can be damag
Re:Mad Yeast Disease? (Score:1)
Re:Mad Yeast Disease? (Score:5, Informative)
Except that these prions are not at all related to the Mad cow disease ones. "Prion" is a class of infectious substance, akin to "bacterium" or "virus". It's a relatively new class, so the mad cow disease ones are best known, but saying "Yeast prions will give you vCJD" is like saying "plant bacteria will give you tuberculosis".
Re:Mad Yeast Disease? (Score:2, Informative)
And as for beer... well, some things that are sold a beer bear a remarkable similarity to a liquid that we all produce without using any yeast
The Selfish Protein (Score:4, Funny)
Somebody call Dawkins. I smell another book.
Now if they could only get humans to evolve again (Score:2)
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:2)
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:2)
Be patient, Grasshopper.
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:3, Informative)
(though, there's differences in average height and whatever, i guess that would count as evolution that those change between distant generations)
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:1)
It's neat to see that prions are involved in inheretance. We inherent only DNA from our fathers, but there are lots of cell parts that don't come from nuclear DNA, but divide from our mother's egg. Not to mention that our genes can be "active" or "inactive" when we get t
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:5, Interesting)
_Every_ animal and plant species trivially descends from one individual (counted as females from mitochondrial DNA for simplicity, but it holds for the "real" DNA as well). Nothing strange about it.
What makes our recent past interesting is that the youngest common ancestor is a lot younger than the species. That can indicate a population crunch - though it is not proof of it by any means.
A speciation event would look just the same, for instance - a separate subgroup splits off and grows to dominate, while the original species dies off. Of course, nobody would see it as a speciation event until enough time has passed for the distinct groups to actually differ enough to no longer be able to interbreed.
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:2, Interesting)
Star Trek: TOS touched on human evolution with Khan's supermen, as well as with the two personnel (the commander(lieutenant?) and the psychologist) who got zapped by an ion storm.
Isaac Asimov touched on it in his universe with the Spacers. (Specifically one of the first fifty or so worlds colonized from Earth...that one developed a race of huma
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Now if they could only get humans to evolve aga (Score:2)
Great.... (Score:2)
On the contrary .... (Score:3, Funny)
As an Israelly, I would say one needs smart bread especially on Passover.
I can see the adds now: "your merchandise will evade religious/government inspectors by itself ! A fortune saved in bribes !"
Hmm... (Score:2, Funny)
Taco, what are you trying to tell us exactly?
More and more of the neat stuff is epigenetic... (Score:5, Interesting)
Newsflash: bad is good (Score:1)
So what does that article tell us?
That, by having a protein (infectious variant prion) that causes others to malfunction (generating altered proteins), so, in some cases, it *can* cause a "spontaneous" (read:accidental) mutation/selection that will (in the short run) allow that cell to survive when it normally wouldn't have, thus creating a evolutionary "short-cut".
Wellcome to the "Darwin's Evo
You're missing the point. (Score:3, Insightful)
If this is true, and if this is widespread (at least in prokaryotes), than this may be a significant addition to the understanding of epigenetics's role in evolution. Very much NOT 19th century.
( Disclaimer: IANAB )
Re:You're missing the point. (Score:5, Interesting)
If prions are acting as a form of epigenetic plasmids then... wow. I mean, just wow. The sheer possibility for customized prions for gene therapy in somatic eukaryotic cells could be huge.
Re:You're missing the point. (Score:2)
I know that mutations naturally occur, do these pions accelerate the process or tailor the process to more effective mutation?
Re:You're missing the point. (Score:1)
The one way that this could be akin to a "protein plasmid" would be custom designed prions that would prionize* with native regulatory proteins (either at transcription or further downstream somewhere, heck you could even prionize the final, presumably broken, gene product)....
* prionize: to exhibit an alternative protein configuration that catalyzes t
mechanism for variable expression in vertabrates? (Score:5, Informative)
This is interesting for a number of reasons, but the one that sticks out in my mind is the transfer of plasmids [cmu.edu] between prokaryotes. Eukaryotes, like eyu and me, don't pass our DNA around as casually as, say, Staphlococcus Aureus does. This has the benefit that our DNA is relatively stable, meaning that we are almost guaranteed to be able to breed with someone two or three generations younger than we are ourselves (hellOOOO, Hef!) but the trade-off is that we're not very responsive to environmental stressors that require quick adaptation to survive.
In simpler terms, through conjugation live bacteria can pick up spare DNA from other living bacteria and immediately "evolve" to meet a new environmental challenge without needing to wait for another generation to be born before the mutation can take effect. The plasmid DNA is then passed along to the daughter cells of successuful bacteria. This obviously confers huge selective advantages on bacteria which pick up plasmids that code for antibiotic resistance genes.
I interpret this prion research in yeast to suggest that yeast can experience the same kind of variable protein expression as bacteria, throught the mechanism of prion inactivation. This is significant because eukaryotic cells do not experience conjugation, and generally do not have plasmids, but DO transport various small proteins across the cell wall and into the cytoplasm.
And if it works for yeast, perhaps the prion mechanism is intended to perform the same function in humans, or in the cows that end up with BSE. The test would be to find some gene in a higher mammal that expresses one way when a prion is in conformation A, but expresses another way in conformation B...
Re:mechanism for variable expression in vertabrate (Score:5, Informative)
In this light, the mechanism of yeast prion action is more akin to some error prone repair and replication mechanisms in bacteria, which are triggered by stress and result in an increase in spontaneous mutations. This is different from plasmid transfer, which is a directed transfer of well-defined genetic information
In case of mammalian prions, I see no indication of a similar mechanism. Human prion protein huPrP is a cell surface protein which does not interfere with the translation apparatus or with genetic processes in the nucleus. It rather appears to be involved in regulatory processes which transduce signals from outside into the cell.
Yeast and mammalian prions share no common characteristics except for the ability to exist in to different conformations and to autocatalytically propagate one of these conformations. In general, prions are no functionally homogenous group. Another example would be the prions of slime molds, which play a role in the exchange of genetic information by cell fusion. Here the prion-conversion mechanism creates some kind of incompatibility groups, shutting down the fusion zone if two cells belonging to different compatibility groups try to fuse.
The prion phenomenon is a basic biophysical characteristic, it has not to be bound to a certain function. The fact that yeasts and fungi have found a way to use this physical property of certain proteins does not implicate that other prions have to have useful functions also. It is absolutely possible that mammalian prions are a purely pathological phenomenon.
Macro Evolution - Khan! (Score:3, Interesting)
Imagine a ship travelling to our nearest neigbouring star, it would take several generations for us to reach there so the colonists when they arrived wouldn't actually be "human" like we are!
Now if we can work out the environment on the alien planet before we send off the ship, we could engineer the prion/environment to force evolution's hand to create the modifications required to live in the environment they're going to.
I feel a novel coming on!
Prions are basically acting like a mutagen.. (Score:1)
Recently discovered? (Score:2)
You have a strange meaning for "recent"...
hOLOA hHa (Score:2)