Astronomers Find Sun's Twin 132
mroch writes " is reporting that astronomers may have found a solar twin -- a star almost exactly like our own Sun. Interesting tidbits from the article include: "The star, 18 Scorpii, sits about 47.5 light-years away in the constellation Scorpio, and has long-been suspected of being Sun-like. [...] The star burns slightly hotter than the Sun, at 5,789 degrees Kelvin compared to 5,777 degrees. It appears to rotate slightly faster than the Sun, taking 23 days to complete a rotation rather than the Sun's 25." It boggles my mind to think that we can measure temperature that exactly from 279,000,000,000,000 miles away, and that they are complaining over a 12-degree difference."
Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:3, Insightful)
Indeed. Go read up on spectrum analysis methods of measuring black body temperatures. It's fairly straightforward actually, because stars are perfect emitters/absorbers (aka "black bodies").
Re:Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:3, Informative)
"Perfect", they're not. Spectral analysis relies strongly on the presence of emission / absorption lines. That's how helium (from Greek word for "sun") was discovered: by its emission lines in sunlight. I'd call those "imperfections", even though they're the most useful features!
Yes, you can measure temperature by the blackbody component of a spectrum, and a nice, hot plasma's spectrum has a very nice blackbody curve overall.
"Go read
Re:Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:2)
Re:Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:4, Funny)
What like this? []
Re:Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:2)
Re:Measuring temperature at great distance (Score:1)
They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:2, Informative)
And those dozen degrees are in Kelvin. These aren't your ordinary units of measurement we're talking about.
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:5, Funny)
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1)
or maybe the body temperaure of your wife? []
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1)
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1)
Whether the measures are funny depends on how you look at it I guess, as 373K is as arbitrary as 212F for boiling water. Not to mention you have to memorize arbitrary names like nano and deci in the metric system.
Temperature could be measured in fractions of an inch if you're looking at the wavelength of the light.
(And a delta of 12K is the same as a delta of 12C.)
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1)
Exactly, that's why i found that whole "That's not your ordinary degrees, that's Kelvin" thing funny, because for me "ordinary degrees" = Celsius.
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:2, Informative)
Actually, if anything Kelvin is a lot less 'arbitrary' than Farenheit. Kelvin is based on Celsius, with the only difference being the 0K is absolute zero (there are no negatives on the Kelvin scale). Celsius is based on wanter. 0 for freezing, and 100 for boiling. Unlike F, which is loosely b
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:3, Informative)
Well, unless I'm mistaken, water has different boiling and freezing points at different pressures..."less arbitrary" is probably not as good a description as "more consistent on earth at sea level".
Kelvin, being based on Celsius, (which is arbitrary because it's boundaries are defined by the reaction of a substance that is only reliable under specific conditions...p
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:2)
Oh, and *my* mommy can beat up *your* (AC) mommy! So there! (tongue sticking out, etc.)
And to the other ACpedants bitching about the modding, log in and quit posting AC, then you can have your OWN mod points to rectify situations like this...
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:3, Informative)
Re:They use...: arbitrary names... (Score:2, Insightful)
If you are measuring in inches, you have to memorize arbitrary numbers, because there are 5280 inches in one mile, and 12 inches in a feet, which makes calculations cumbersome and prone to error.
Metric system is intuitive, because every unit is a power of ten of a meter. This is the only thing arbitrary.
Face it. Metric syste
Re:They use...: arbitrary names... (Score:1)
In fact, nano is Italian and means dwarf.
And if you go a bit further:
femto and atto are Danish (I guess) and mean fifteen and eighteen (digits). Easy, isn't it?
Re:They use...: arbitrary names... (Score:2)
12in = 1ft
3ft = 1 yd
1760yd = 1 mi
63360in = 1 mi
Sometimes I long for the good old days of the dram and the cubit...
Re:They use...: arbitrary names... (Score:2)
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1, Flamebait)
Speak about yourself, Bushlover! I'm a European, and am not using any stinky Fahrenheit!
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:5, Informative)
Really, you shouldn't use the word 'degree' with the work 'Kelvin' as in the case used in the Story. It's preferable to write simply 5789 Kelvin.
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:4, Funny)
Since we're nitpicking... its kelvin, not Kelvin [].
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1, Funny)
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:1, Funny)
Re:They use spectrometry to measure the heat (Score:2)
Yes. They are.
An increment of 1 degree Kelvin is exactly the same as a 1 degree Celsius increment. The difference between the two scales is only where the 0 is.
0 degrees Kelvin is absolute zero, or -273.15 degrees Celsius (approximately). 0 degrees Celsius is 273.15 degrees Kelvin. To convert between the two, simply add or subtract 273.15 depending on the direction of conversion.
For example: 1 degree Celsius would be 273.15 K
Measuring a star's temperature. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Measuring a star's temperature. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Measuring a star's temperature. (Score:3, Informative)
True, with minor nitpicks. Temperature is indeed based on careful spectroscopic measurement of colour. However, intervening interstellar dust will slightly redden the appearance of more distant stars. (Shorter, bluer wavelengths are scattered more effect
Re:Measuring a star's temperature. (Score:1)
(No, I'm not saying that it isn't!)
Earth's twin? (Score:5, Interesting)
How long before we can actually check these stars for Earth-like planets? Last I heard, we now had the ability to detect planets slightly smaller than Jupiter. Will we find, or even see, an inhabitable planet within a few decades?
Re:Earth's twin? (Score:1)
In 100 years time we will know the answer :)
Earth's twin, 300e6 years ago (Score:4, Interesting)
As cool as it is to find a star that's a twin to ours, it's incredibly unlikely that we'll find a planet even remotely similar to Earth.
For one thing, the article notes that 18 Sco is 4.2 billion years old, while Sol is 4.5 billion years old. If everything else were exactly equal, it would be like stepping back 300 million years back in time. A quick Google finds that one of the more complex forms of life found 300e6 years ago [] on this planet was the Velvet Worm [] -- not a species known for its technology.
But even that is unlikely, given the Earth's unusual formation. This planet has an unusual mix of minerals on its crust, plus plate tectonics to keep them mixed, and an iron core that's magnetic enough to keep out the sun's ionizing radiation. Plus, a moon big enough to stir up the oceans, and a tilt to generate asymmetrical solar heating... and all that apparently due to a one-in-a-million collision [] between a proto-Earth and a Mars-sized planet not long after Sol formed.
I can't find the quote, but someone calculated the odds of finding another sentient species as tiny. It's not that it doesn't develop elsewhere in the galaxy... there are billions of chances, so surely more than one came up all 7s. It's just that the distances are so vast, and the chances of favorable development so small, that entire civilizations (or species) could rise and fall by the time their transmissions reach another civilization's satellite dishes.
But still, at less than 50 light years, it would only take a few hundred years to get there and back. Are the generation ships [] ready yet?
Re:Earth's twin, 300e6 years ago (Score:2)
Re:Earth's twin, 300e6 years ago (Score:1)
Life on our own planet spent the 1st 2.5-3.5^9 years on this planet being unicellular. Only in the last ~650^6 years have complex organisms been around to our knowledge. All of the genetic and fossil evidence seem to point toward the evolution
Re:Earth's twin, 300e6 years ago (Score:2)
The way I see it why dont we go there an colonize the planet before any inteligent life forms so we dont have to have some giant war over it.
Re:Earth's twin, 300e6 years ago (Score:2)
Don't forget the star is 12 degrees warmer, who knows what those Velvet Worms could have accomplished with an extra 12 degrees!
Political Wings Explained:for the hard-of-thinking (Score:2)
Re:Political Wings Explained:for the hard-of-think (Score:2, Informative)
"Left" and "right" have their origins in the seating arrangements of a pre-Revolution French parliament []. Nobles sat on the right, commoners (or rather, their representatives, who weren't quite so common) sat o
Re:Political Wings Explained:for the hard-of-think (Score:1)
Liberal and proud.
Re:Political Wings Explained:for the hard-of-think (Score:1)
You've had your chance to announce to the world that you're an ignorant fool.
Welcome to my pile of -1s, you'll be in good company.
Re:Political Wings Explained:for the hard-of-think (Score:1)
Does this have to be off-topic? (Score:1, Funny)
Kelvin, not degrees Kelvin (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Degrees Kelvin, not Kelvin (Score:5, Informative)
The kelvin (K) temperature scale is an extension of the degree Celsius scale down to absolute zero, a hypothetical temperature characterized by a complete absence of heat energy. Temperatures on this scale are called kelvins, NOT degrees kelvin, kelvin is not capitalized, and the symbol (capital K) stands alone with no degree symbol. [In 1967 the new official name and symbol for "kelvin" were set by the 13th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM).]
Re:Degrees Kelvin, not Kelvin (Score:1)
Re:Degrees Kelvin, not Kelvin (Score:2)
Re:Degrees Kelvin, not Kelvin (Score:1)
However, it's worse than that - they fuck up grandly in places.
5 million Kelvin ('K', no 's') h
ten million degrees Kelvin (degree, 'K', no 's')
20 Kelvin ('K', no 's') tml
10 million degrees Kelvin (degree, 'K', no 's') tml
In fact I can find more fuckups than 'kelvins' on physics
Re:Degrees Kelvin, not Kelvin (Score:2)
hey idiot mroch (Score:3, Interesting)
Who's complaining?
Observation != complaint.
for my 2 pence, this twin bit is just bunkum
They are 0.3 billion years different in age (presumably USian billions)
Which is almost 10% of their total age, that's like your human twin being born when you are 8 years old but you both weigh the same!
It is a bad analogy.
oops I meant 4 years old (Score:2)
Re:hey idiot DrSkwid - 40 years (Score:2)
billions (Score:2)
US and UK billions are now both 1,000,000,000. The UK changed some time ago in order to make financial reports and transactions across the atlantic a lot less ambiguous.
Re:billions (Score:2)
makes me sad though
was it really so difficult to say one thousand million?
Re:billions (Score:1)
At least you can still say one milliard [].
Re:billions (Score:2)
So a trillion is what I used to call a billion.
At least I now I can put the US $374 billion budget deficit [] into numbers.
George W. Bush inherited a $127 billion fiscal surplus but ran through all of that and more in his first year. He has turned a $5.6 trillion 10 year forecast surplus into a $3+ trillion forecast loss-an almost unimaginable reversal of $9 trillion in only three years. And this, in an
Re:billions (Score:1)
50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:5, Informative)
I like David Nash's list of 50 nearby sunlike stars within 50 light years [].
18 Scorpii is on there, as is the infamous Tau Ceti. 18 Scorpii was one of the four closest matches.
Re:50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:5, Funny)
Binary geeks can count to 1,023 on their fingers
Lots of people do this. Just the other day, a guy in traffic showed me the how he could convert the decimal number 4 into binary.
Re:50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:1)
Re:50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:2)
How is Tau Ceti infamous?
Re:50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:2)
geez, everybody knows that.
I think he's referring to Tau Ceti being the first [] solar system observed by SETI. SETI is just a bunch of whackjob kooks, doncha know, so everything they touch is tained and infamous.
Or maybe Tau Ceti just has a colorful entry in the Guide.
Re:50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:2)
Well, at 11.9 light-years away, it's the closest unary G-class star, so it has made its appearance in a number of science fiction novels (Transition, The Sails of Tau Ceti, Arthur C. Clarke's The Fountains of Paradise, C. Cherryh's Cyteen, etc. etc. etc.) and video games (System Shock, Marathon).>/p>
It's not always the focus, but is even more often simply referred to as a colony. I guess too close = not exotic enough for some folks :)
P.S. Whatever you do, for goodness sake's, don't flash 132 in bina
Re:50 closest, closest matches to the sun (Score:2)
I don't believe it, how can they possibly know? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:I don't believe it, how can they possibly know? (Score:1)
Re:I don't believe it, how can they possibly know? (Score:3, Informative)
Also, single wavelength filters (like your green sheet of plastic) aren't a natur
Re:I don't believe it, how can they possibly know? (Score:3, Informative)
Wrong. Your filter can reduce the brightness at various wavelengths, but you CANNOT(*) change the wavelength. You can forget about brightnesses and calculate the temperature by measuring frequency behaviours.
(*) Footote: Yes, there are a handful of materials that can double or halve the wavelength of light, but there is no way in hell an enormous
Interseteller Probes (Score:4, Interesting)
does anyone here know what advances would be necessary to send probes & recover data about nearby star systems? Ion drives seem to be moving in the right direction, to use a phrase, but would they be sufficient in longevity & speed to make a multi-light year journey? And what sort of remote communication would be possible at such distances?
A corollory to this is, does anyone know what (if any) systems the Voyager spacecraft are going to encounter, and when?
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:3, Interesting)
Would it be possible to use the sun for a gravitational assist to "slingshot" something at realativistic speeds, and out of the solar system, or would practical considerations (tidal forces, acceleration, heat) get in the way?
How about a huge solar sail? Would an RTG be any use for on-board electrical supply, or even a very small fission reactor using plutonium or enriched U, or even used as a
Lookie: (Score:1)
Re:Lookie: (Score:1)
Why's that? Will the speed of light be increasing in the future? :-)
The first one (Score:1)
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:1)
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:2)
Would it be possible to use the sun for a gravitational assist to "slingshot" something at realativistic speeds, and out of the solar system...?
Did you just read Rendezvous with Rama?
The answer is probably "no" because anything launched from Earth will be in orbit around Sol. If you're in orbit around a body, you're stuck in its gravity well. You'll always need to expend (or capture) some kind of energy to escape that well and that amount of energy is a fixed quantity. For example, the Voyager probe
Self Acronym Nazification (Score:1)
Better catch this before someone else jumps on it -- IRRC should be IIRC.
I apologize for any computer crashes, wars, or deaths this may have caused.
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:2)
That said, I seriously, seriously doubt we've transferred enough energy to tiny spacecraft to accomplish this.
What about tall structures. (Score:1)
Re:What about tall structures. (Score:2)
Don't we also affect spin...
Nothing near to what the drag from the tides do. The tidal drag will slow Earth's rotation down until it's locked with Luna's orbit. One day, Luna will only be visible from one of Earth's hemispheres -- just as Earth is only visible from one of Luna's hemispheres.
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:1)
Unfortantly, i don't think that the Voyager craft will meet up any systems, at least not while under power, as I think they have about 20 years left before thier power is gone.
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:1)
Let's see. Oh, look here: Voyager isn't attempting to crash at high speeds onto a planet with almost no atmosphere. Instead, we gave it a shove and it's just floating away passively now, far away from any body that could harm it. Maybe that could just be the reason???
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:2, Informative)
This [] answers the question of what advances are needed. Basically, we need either laser-powered solar sail
Re:Interseteller Probes (Score:2)
Ion drives are better about that than rockets, but they still need fuel, so the problem is still there, just smaller. Given the very small acceleration of current ion drives, you'd want to be accelerating just over half the way there, then turn around and decelerate f
Wrong distance... (Score:2, Informative)
186,000 miles/second x 60 seconds/minute x 60 minutes/hour x 24 hours/day x 365 days/year x 47.5 years.
Re:Wrong distance... (Score:1)
Dude, if you're going to insist on filling your answer with so many digits of precision, you need your data to have that many to begin with.
You have only 3 digits of precision in both your speed of light (186 000) and your distance in light-years (47.5), so it's 2.79 x 10^14 mi.
Re:Wrong distance... (Score:1)
(yes, I know.)
Re:Wrong distance... (Score:1)
I should have known better, too early in the morning. I was just suprised that no one else had noticed the distance was so far off.
Re:Wrong distance... (Score:1)
What do you mean wrong distance? This is correct: 2.79 * 10^14 -- you only have three significant digits unless you specify the 47.5 light-year term with more precision.
Re:Wrong distance... (Score:1)
My thought process was after reading the article post was:
- 279,000,000,000,000 miles?
- Wow, light travels 186,000 miles per SECOND (roughly)
- There can't be nearly enough zeros in that distance.
- Calculate the value.
- 2.79 * 10^14 sure sounds a lot bigger than 279,000,000,000,000 (at least to my feeble mind).
- Post to Slashdot and look like an idiot!
That said, my apologies to simoniker.
awesome.. (Score:2)
metrics (Score:2)
Considering the fact that they used the same method to measure the temp of this new sun as they probably used to measure the tmep of our existing sun which is also considerably far away (albeit it closer to us) I'd say the measurements are just as accurate as they could be.
wow! (Score:2)
Spoiler alert! (Score:1, Funny)
Degree difference (Score:2)
Umm.. we are talking about kelvin here. It's not like they're measuring in F or C. That would truely be impressive.
Re:Degree difference (Score:1)
What's the difference between measuring something in Kelvin and measuring it in Degrees Celsius? I mean, you just add 273.15 to the figure. It's no more or less impressive in terms of accuracy. Or did I miss a smiley somewhere there?
12 degrees (Score:2)
So it's less like the difference between a warm day and a cool day, and more like the difference between a warm day and a cold day.
Re:Heh (Score:2)
It's not as if it MATTERS if the meaning is clear.
Re:Heh (Score:2)