Giant International Fusion Reactor Draws Nearer 967
nnnneedles writes "BBC is reporting that scientists are deciding on where to build the world's first big fusion reactor. The international effort is described as the boldest nuclear initiative since the Manhattan Project, and holds promise for future unlimited, clean energy. The choice on where to build the reactor currently stands between Japan and France, but apparantly, the U.S. is opposing a french site because France opposed the war in Iraq." There's also an AP story.
Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:5, Funny)
Time to move on.
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, after somebody else started shooting at you first... Unlike other countries, such as most of the commonwealth countries.
I mean sure, Nazi Germany probably would have one if the US hadn't gotten involved, but stop acting like the allies one JUST because of the US. The US sluffed off and stayed out of most of the war, and it's contributions were no where NEAR as overwhelming as you seem to be implying. The US didn't - and COULDN'T have - won WWII on their own.
And frankly, I think the French leaders show some backbone in telling the US "We don't agree, now go away" on ANY issue.
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:3, Insightful)
France was conquered by Germany in WWII in a very short period of time. There was a valant fight by some (French and British), but the country was militarily impared to begin with.
Hitler was happy not to go to war with Britain, but (and this was a very very controversial decision at the time in the UK), Britain decided to stand by her European neighbours, hence the squadrons of French, Polish etc pilots fighting Germ
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:5, Insightful)
In the case of Iraq, a slim majority of the American populace was in favour of the war. In many other countries, public opinion was almost unanimously against the war, and yet the US berates them for not supporting it.
Check your facts.... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Check your facts.... (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't consider 72% in favor of a "slim majority"...
Sure, maybe 72% were in favour of the war after the invasion had begun. That is because 10-20% of Americans appear to be mindless automatons who automatically support their president during wartime (a sensability that is much lauded by the American media).
In the weeks and months leading up to the war, public opinion fluctuated daily (also depending heavily on what question was asked). Go read some of the other surveys on the site you referred to, including this one [gallup.com], taken shortly before the war began, in which the exact words "slim majority" are used to describe support for an invasion without a new UN resolution.
Why do I bother...? (Score:5, Insightful)
Excuse me but what statistics have you read? The war was probably about a 50/50 split in the US. Where did this slim minority BS come from?
Ok, so where are your stats.
Yes the many other Islamic countries were against the war. Islam has taken over 100 countries in the world now. If they feel threatened by anyone dealing with another Islamic country, then that's life.
There are a few interesting things I'd like to point out here. First, your use of 'taken over' in reference to Islam. How many countries has Christianity 'taken over'? Why do you think the country has been captured by a religion? And which hundred countries do you suppose this has happened to? I bet you can't name a dozen.
As far as France, Russia and Germany, yes they also didn't want the war. They were supplying Saddam and were owed billions. They still are. People forget that France was making the planes that Iraq used to gas its own people. That is why there was so much pressure against it. Those countries stood to lose money they were owed if the US invaded. You people are so easily swayed by propaganda instead of looking at facts that you really piss me off.
Ah, yes. It pisses me off too, which is why I'm replying to your bad information.
France, Russia, China, the USA, and Germany have all provided military equipment to Iraq. The USA has additionally outfitted Iran and several neighbours. The Russians, Germans, and French are owed money largely for infrastructure, electrical generators, sanitation equipment, and the like. But get this straight - no one is innocent in this, and the USA is certainly, far and away, the worst offender.
The helicopters - not planes - that Saddam used to gas the Kurds were from Bell Helicopter Textron and Hughes, [gwu.edu] which are both US companies. Any planes Saddam had have been grounded (and indeed, literally buried) since the No-Fly Zone was established after Gulf War 1.
So go check out that link and educate yourself, before the next time you go spouting off about things you know nothing about.
Fuck France
Oh, you don't want to get into that. France has much more effective curses to hurl back at you.
Re:Why do I bother...? (Score:3, Interesting)
I have seen that 1% stat before, and I don't believe it tells the whole story. The US has had a longtime policy of not selling any military equipme
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:3, Insightful)
There is some serious question over whether President Kennedy won the popular vote in 1960.
The technique used to decide who got the popular vote quite probably awarded votes to President Kennedy that he did not, in fact, get.
The following is from another source, but unfortunatley, the attributions are not there. My guess is that it is from the Wall Street Journal, but I am not sure.
What a crock! And we likewise... (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's not forget our good friends the French who, AGAINST WORLD OPINION decided to do a bit of above ground nuclear testing off of New Zealand back in '95-'96. They essentially told everyone else to fuck off and mind their own business when they did what they pleased. In the process, they ended up spewing even more radioactive waste across the planet. Yes, what peace lovers the F
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:5, Insightful)
So basically the US constitution applies equally to everybody. Inalienable rights, as long as your ancestors were not from France? At one point the US stood for freedom and equality. Quite a shame that it's degraded to this. A person from France can move to the US, attain citizenship, yet because of their name, accent, or history they will be boycotted? I have no problem with you or anyone shunning somebody based on their beliefs or actions. But if you shun someone based on their heredity, that makes you a bigot. Either treat people equally or move to another country where they don't have such a constitution.
Or are you so deluded as to believe that a person's cultural background always implies that they mimic the opinions of that culture's leaders?
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:3, Insightful)
Heck, most people in the US don't agree with Bush; what makes them think that the French agree with Chirac?
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:4, Insightful)
Your email address suggests you could have Indian origin. I'm from India, and even during the worst India-Pakistan tension I never saw the sort of crap in the Indian press about Pakistan that I continue to see in the US press (even "liberal" media like the New York Times) on a daily basis. At exactly the time when the US media was reporting on French exchange students being refused accommodation with American families, the Indian media was full of goodwill stories about a Pakistani girl who was undergoing a heart operation in India.
I lost all illusion of the US being a progressive country when I saw that anti-French onslaught. It's not just the Bushies, it's the entire media.
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeh, what have the French ever done for us! (Score:5, Insightful)
I mean, besides that whole concept of "liberty" and stuff... oh, and they:
*aided us with ships and arms in our most important time in removing King George from the colonies
*provided money for the expansion of our navy to defend our trade to the Barbary Coast
*became our number one trade partner when no king's nation was buying American goods
*admired and respected us that they acted in same manner to start a revolution for their people
*loved us so much that they gave us the Statue of Liberty, and we loved them so much all of our fashions and opinions came from France
*is our oldest national friend, and the first place that really recognized our sovereignity
opened our cultural gates to Europe when we needed help
*has been our staunch ally on the security council, believed with us that the spread of communism in Vietnam was so important that they got involved first, almost religiously backed our initiatives until we freaked out and launched a war unprovoked
*generally put up with our crap, and we them, for generations, out of FRIENDSHIP
*And most importantly, they would LISTEN TO US AND WE THEM WHEN WE DISAGREED
Besides that, what has France ever done for us. And by saying "done for us" I mean the LAST TWENTY MINUTES. After all, America is not good on remembering the truth about France and America, who were, at one time, the only two democracies backed into a corner in the world, struggling for the freedoms of their citizens.
Take that you anti-France bastards. We're old friends, it is about time you honored the contract, and listened to your friends, you petulant children.
By the way, we had larger influences in Iraq than you think. Read a little.
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:3, Insightful)
I agree. Look at Pearl Harbor and notice how the US treated the defeated Japanese as well as they treated the defeated Germans. You're right that the US takes threats to the homeland badly, if you mean very seriously. You're clearly wrong about it having anything to do with US magnanimity in victory.
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:5, Insightful)
More to the point, I can't agree with you that a public school can force a person to behave in a secular manner any more than I cann accept that a public school could force someone to behave in a religous manner. Forcing someone *not* to wear a cross is identical to forcing someone *to* wear a cross. Its religious oppression either way you look at it.
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:4, Insightful)
It is not reasonable. If a child can not behave in a respectable manner around other children who happen to be wearing a religious symbol or article of clothing, then the problem is the disruptive child, not the religious reference. That child needs to be disiplined and shown the correct behavior that is expected of him.
Same thing with gang clothes. The clothes themselves are harmless. It's the child's reaction to the clothes that is wrong. Educate the child. You'll find that he or she grows into a much better adult.
And for those slashdotters reading this who are thinking: "Don't shove your religion in my face!", you're exactly the kind of ignorant asshole that should have been taught better as a child. You have no right to dictate what other people may express. If you find such expressions offensive or disruptive, then YOU are the problem due to your intolerance. I believe in God. There, I got IN YOUR FACE with my RELIGION. Can you handle that? No? Tough shit.
After all, we're all going to have to live on this planet with people of different religions. Where better to learn about them than at school?
Re:Even Donald Rumsfeld..... (Score:5, Interesting)
I love the smell of krispy karma in the morning.
People can believe what they like but I don't want it forced on me.
Soooo... you believe that it's wrong to passively "force" religious beliefs on someone, but it's acceptable to agressively enforce secularism?
I hate to tell you "babe", but seeing a head scarf, cross, etc. doesn't force you to believe anything. If you're mind is so pathetically weak that you can be "forcibly" converted to a religion simply by viewing it's symbolic imagery, chances are pretty good that you're so fucked up right now by everday advertising that it's not really going to matter anyway.
There's a difference between not letting the school engage in or push any particular religious viewpoint on the class as a whole. It's a wholly different story when individual students decide that they wish to make their religious beliefs known or wish to engage in a religious activity at school. Barring disruptive behavior that interferes with other students, the school/government has no business telling individuals what they can and can't do regarding the subject.
There is no difference between a government that forces a religious belief on its people and one that forces it's people not to have a religion. I will actively fight any government official that would suggest EITHER or those paths was a good one.
Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:4, Informative)
The site selection has nothing to do with anyone's position on Iraq or else France would have the support of the other countries as well. As it stands, they only have the support of the EU for typical reasons.
Re:Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:5, Insightful)
You also obviously never cracked a book or else you would know that the French helped Saddam build a plutonium-enriching facility [fas.org], which Israel destroyed for fear Saddam would have nuclear weapons within the decade. We'll never know for sure how much we owe Israel for doing that. They got their hands dirty and took the criticism of the world for it, just like the U.S. had to do in Iraq.
Re:Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:5, Insightful)
Nice rhetoric, now try to look at what the people in those countries thought. In the UK Blair went against the wishes of a vast tract of the British public, cabinet ministers resigned over it and it came close (unfortunately not close enough) to destroying his career. He basically acted like a dictator, overriding the wishes of the country. The same thing happened in Spain, where Aznar faced huge opposition from the public. The story is repeated in every country that "supported" the US: in Turkey the pulic opposition was near universal (98% opposition in one poll).
No, the spineless governments decided to play nice with the new global empire.
Re:Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:5, Informative)
It SPECIFICALLY says this (after saying that Canada et al. support the Japan site):
That's it (Score:4, Funny)
We'll basically be like the Tlulaxu and Ixians, but without all the shape-shifting. All I need is money to buy the island and a tech base. Who's with me? I'll set us up a paypal account.
Re:That's it (Score:3, Interesting)
I think you're sort of missing the point. The question is, why do some people find bad arguments so persuasive? And, there is plenty of existing literature on the subject, in linguistics, psychology, behavioral economics -- Daniel Kahneman one a Nobel prize last year for basically addressing that question.
Re:That's it (Score:5, Funny)
Ok, so is your island for or against the war in Iraq?
Re:That's it (Score:4, Interesting)
At the age of 20, unable to handle such an emotionless and empty existence without any symbolic meaning or structure John Stuart Mill had a severe nervous breakdown. Fortunately before the depression and anxiety led to his much contemplated suicide, he happened upon the Romantic poets and their praise of life and its beauty. He credits them with having allowed him to face life and give it meaning. You will note that many religions have done the same thing for people.
People have had your wish in the past, and it has turned out to be false. Creativity, emotion and spirituality, though not rational, are important components of human existence. You may think you can live without them, but its been proven time and time again that the vast majority of people, even the most brilliant, simply cannot. You may not understand why, but your education has incorporated these things into your life and buttressed your existence.
Irrationality and chaos are fundamental aspects of life.
Re:That's it (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:That's it (Score:3, Insightful)
A: There are 10,000 year old cave paintings that show that humans were artistic, and probably spiritual, beings long before they were scientific beings. I suspect that the tradition continues long before we have any record of it. For as long as we've had brains sufficiently complicated that emotional well being was an important concern, w
Re:That's it (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why is this About US Opposing French Site ? (Score:4, Insightful)
If this is what the US is doing, it is no different than what the EU did when it choose the French site over the Spanish site. The EU chose the French site over Spain because Spain supported the Iraq war.
If you don't like the injection of politics into matters of science, I'm sure you'll rebuke the EU for what they did to Spain.
Or perhaps you'll ignore it since it fits into your worldview.
Care to support your claim? (Score:4, Insightful)
Really? Care to provide any evidence for that? Searching on Google, I found no articles among the top 20 that suggested any linkage between the decision for Spain to drop out and Spain's support of the Iraq war. Several of them said things like:
In fact, even if Spain's position on Iraq played a role, European diplomats would be less likely to do something as foolish as publicly stating it as a reason.
If you don't like the injection of politics into matters of science, I'm sure you'll rebuke the EU for what they did to Spain.
Here, I'll state it: any nation that determines the location of an unrelated scientific research facility based on whether a war they started was supported by other nations is behaving in a childish manner. Furthermore, if the diplomats and research establishment of that nation publicly give lack of support for the war as the reason for their decision on the location of the research facility, those diplomats are incompetent.
I don't see exactly how the EU could have done what the US did, given that the EU has not started any wars recently, but if they have and if they make such a foolish decision, then, yes, I fully condemn their actions.
Indeed, the EU favors France over Spain (Score:5, Interesting)
France may not have helped the US, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
Does no one else remember Pearl Harbor? Or is it just short attention spans? Yeah, that was a long time ago, but I don't recally France ever actually attacking the US at all.
Frankly, I think this whole thing is stupid. What bad would come of a French fusion reactor? It's not like they're going to steal it and use it to power Iraq or something.
Just tell Bush that if the reactor explodes, this w
Okay! (Score:3, Insightful)
Socialism (Score:5, Funny)
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
waiting for Godot... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:good point...but (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:good point...but (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:waiting for Godot... (Score:5, Insightful)
That was solved by the Russians many decades ago. The only problems they had before then were the appearance of regions of instabilities - the plasma would pinch itself off at certain points. Switching from a ring to a torus solved this problem.
Ok, so why don't we have fusion reactors? Because to build them powerful enough to generate more energy than they consume has been cost-prohibitive.
All anyone really -needed- to do was build a reactor similar to the UK's JET reactor, but a few thousand times larger, and with magnetic fields many orders of magnitude stronger.
You also want to start it from very cold. The idea here is to pack as many protons into the reactor as you can. The colder they are, the more you can pack in.
Once you ignite your super-cold plasma, the nuclei are already much closer together, and can't move apart (density too high, plus magnetic field containing the plasma). Your ideal starting material would be a Bose-Einstein Condensate. You cannot get a better density than that, using just conventional means.
This is why you'd need the stupendous magnetic fields. What I'm suggesting is not fusion of a low-density gas, but fusion of a pseudo-liquid or pseudo-solid. To retain that kind of density, when the material is undergoing fusion, would require fields vastly greater than those currently used in fusion research.
The longest-lasting fusion reaction so far demonstrated is that of the hydrogen bomb. The reason it works better than the research reactors is that the designers wanted to maximise the energies, not keep them within a level that can be controlled on some PhD grant.
The idea of my little idea above is to go the same direction. Forget the design parameters, get the energies to where we know sustained fusion will take place, and then figure out how to keep the thing from splitting the planet in half.
With this kind of physics, this is the only way you can work. Single-team budgets will never yield enough cash to do what you want, so instead of "making do" with what you have, go for something that'll work well and make it irresistable for investors.
What I am picturing eventually happening is someone building a reactor comparable in height to the proposed "Freedom Tower" (French Tower? :) - about 1700 feet - and then about 1700 feet in radius.
Why so big? Well, the actual core - where the reaction would take place - would be very small. It doesn't need to be any larger than current systems. However, you have four other important components to consider.
First, the electromagnets. We want something that'll contain a fusion reaction in what would be hydrogen metal, if there were any electrons present. Even without fusion, the pressures involved are going to be substantial. The idea of the supercooling is to keep the pressures within reasonable limits, prior to fusion taking place.
But once fusion starts - at that density, you'd be looking at the kind of energy released in a few dozen hydrogen bombs, and you're trying to keep it compressed to something the size of a small two-storey house. Besides cost and effort, the other reason research reactors use gas is to keep the speed of the reaction slow. We're talking about throwing that out the window, and letting the reaction run as hot as we can possibly contain.
The way you'd work it is, once the reaction is started, expand the bubble the reaction is in, rapidly. The reaction is then uniform, but is slowed down by the expansion. Hopefully, by enough that you can keep the thing from either exploding or shutting down.
The second problem is getting "spent" fuel out. The larger a nucleus becomes, the l
Re:waiting for Godot... (Score:5, Informative)
Building a stable, sustained, controllable fusion reaction is relatively easy. That isn't, and never has been, the problem. You contain the plasma in a magnetic field that has a single half-twist in it.
Building a stable, sustained, controllable fusion reaction is _incredibly_ difficult. Yes, plasma can be contained by a toroidal magnetic field, FSVO "contained." A nice, cold plasma, at a few tens of thousands of degrees? No problem. At higher temperatures, though, collisions knock lots and lots of ions and electrons off-axis and into the walls of the reactor. This is a major mode of energy loss in magnetic confinement fusion experiments. As you mentioned, instabilities are also a tremendous problem, and that problem has not been solved.
Once you ignite your super-cold plasma, the nuclei are already much closer together, and can't move apart (density too high, plus magnetic field containing the plasma). Your ideal starting material would be a Bose-Einstein Condensate. You cannot get a better density than that, using just conventional means.
This is why you'd need the stupendous magnetic fields. What I'm suggesting is not fusion of a low-density gas, but fusion of a pseudo-liquid or pseudo-solid. To retain that kind of density, when the material is undergoing fusion, would require fields vastly greater than those currently used in fusion research.
As far as Bose-Einstein Condensates go, BEC's occur at temperatures in the nanokelvin range -- that's a full, what, 12 or 13 orders of magnitude too low in thermal energy to overcome the Coulomb potential keeping the nuclei apart. BEC's are notoriously tricky to create; you need to go through several cooling stages involving precisely tuned ultrastable lasers, and at the end of all that work, you get a ball of maybe a few billion atoms. It is simply not feasible to produce BEC's at any larger scale, nor to keep them condensed at fusion temperatures.
And as stupendous magnetic fields go, well, the best anyone can do right now is a sustained field of about 25 Tesla. I don't know offhand what fields they use in Tokamak experiments, but I'm betting it's no more than 10 Tesla, nor less than 1. Either way, there is no way we know of to make steady-state magnetic fields "many orders of magnitude stronger."
It's late now, and I'm getting tired, but suffice it to say that there's a lot more to be done than just making everything bigger. The energy scales are enormous, nobody really knows how to keep a plasma hot and contained, and it's going to take a lot more R&D before we can get usable energy out of fusion.
Figures... (Score:3, Funny)
Childish behavior (Score:4, Insightful)
Not to sound like an ass or something but this seems like a really childish behaviour.
Re:Childish behavior (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Childish behavior? (Score:5, Insightful)
France does have a large muslim population due to its old (fairly disastrous) colonial association with Algeria but, as many people have pointed out, muslim != terrorist. I'm sure France is making every effort to root out any terrorists that may be hiding there.
There is far more evidence for active terrorist cells in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Birmingham than France. That doesn't make Germany an untrustworthy country, either.
Re:Childish behavior? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Childish behavior? (Score:5, Funny)
Also, can you consider that there is no "need" to adapt fusion power to weapons, it is called the H-bomb and I'm pretty sure France already has them.
Re:Childish behavior (Score:3, Flamebait)
Putting aside the merits of locating the project in Japan. I would love to know how not rewarding financially and ally that caused us considerable trouble is childish ?
If you think that France and Germany were operating on
Re:Childish behavior (Score:3, Insightful)
Freedom Reactor (Score:3, Funny)
Not to mention the French sensibly rejected calling it the "Freedom Reactor".
Japan is the obvious choice! (Score:5, Funny)
Personally, my preferred choice would be Canada, somewhere on the Canadian Shield.
Re:Japan is the obvious choice! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Japan is the obvious choice! (Score:5, Informative)
Sorry, I took a Natural Disasters class last semester and it was awesome. You can get back to your topic now.
Re:Japan is the obvious choice! (Score:3, Insightful)
Not quite (Score:5, Informative)
The best fuel for igniting fusion is a tritium/deuterium mix because it fuses at a lower temperature. Tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen with 2 additional neutrons. It is "bred" from lithium, but it's still a very radioactive substance. Technically speaking, fusion reactions do use radioactive material as fuel. DD reactions are possible, but they require higher temperatures and are less likely to be viable.
Secondly, the DT reaction emits neutrons. It's a simple matter of math - you have a deuterium and tritium nucleus which collide and produce helium. There's a neutron left over, with high amount energy and no electric charge. It will "ping" right out of the magnetically confined plasma. Most such neutrons will be absorbed by the lithium shielding (creating more tritium) but some will fuse with other parts of the reactor, creating, you guessed it, radioactive waste.
Commercially viable fusion reactors, if they ever exist, will almost certainly produce radioactive byproducts. It will be a great improvement on fission power, as there will be less waste in total with a shorter half-life, but radioactive waste is radioactive waste. Like fission waste, fusion waste will be expensive to deal with and be around for many generations.
For more info, here's a link to the Wikipedia entry [wikipedia.org].
Re:Not quite (Score:5, Informative)
This is relying on the obsolete Tokamak design... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:This is relying on the obsolete Tokamak design. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:This is relying on the obsolete Tokamak design. (Score:4, Informative)
Argh, stupid Liberal government (Score:3, Interesting)
They talked about it in a recent Quirks and Quarks [radio.cbc.ca] episode (available in Ogg Vorbis!) Really sad.
I've seen this movie... (Score:4, Funny)
Hot fusion is not "clean" nuclear power. (Score:5, Interesting)
The more conventional gamma rays, alpha radiation (helium nucleii), and beta rays (fast moving electrons) are dangerous enough but at least they aren't infectious: you can irradiate food with gamma rays and it doesn't turn radioactive. Neutrons get absorbed by nearby nuclei, which then themselves become unstable and radioactive. Ick.
That's not to say we shouldn't explore nuclear fusion as a power source -- just that it is not the perfectly clean energy source that it is often made out to be.
Re:Hot fusion is not "clean" nuclear power. (Score:5, Insightful)
So, if a reactor is active for 30 years, stored for 100, then recycled into a newer model I think we're doing pretty good.
There isn't much we do that has an effect on the local environment (inside the structure only!) for that short of a timeframe.
If you consider this prototype is 500MW and nuclear reactor prototypes are 500kw to 1MW -- with production being close to 1GW... I predict a fusion reactor with 1TW output levels within 50 years.
Re:Hot fusion is not "clean" nuclear power. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hot fusion is not "clean" nuclear power. (Score:3, Informative)
Protons can be contained by magnetic fields, neutrons can't. That means less rad worries.
Ah, Politics (Score:5, Insightful)
All your base belong to US (Score:5, Interesting)
Why is that relevant? What are they going to do, recharge their battery powered Humvees?
Re:All your base belong to US (Score:3, Insightful)
Let's see... in recent years we've seen France finish up their campaign against free speech (making sure folks like Yahoo don't publish things the French government doesn't like) and now they're moving against free expression of religion in schools (starting young). I see no reason to believe they'll stop there. Democracy is rather useless without free thought. At least in the US our courts are making headway
Re:All your base belong to US (Score:3, Insightful)
Let me get this straight. (Score:4, Funny)
Why not host the site in the U.S. ? (Score:3, Funny)
"Hi, we're the guys who orchestrated the French Fry Ban in the Rayburn Office Building Cafeteria, we know exactly how to run everything, who is and is not in the Axis of Evil, and you can't play Nuclear Reactor with us."
Mixed up priorities... (Score:3, Insightful)
So instead, they thought they'd like to build it in the country that bombed Pearl Harbor?
Europe did it first... (Score:4, Insightful)
Europe did it first to Spain for it's SUPPORT of the Iraq war. If you don't believe me here's a link (NYT -registration required etc..):
Not that's I'd expect Slashdot (or the BBC) to get the whole story. As much as I like Slashdot this place is definitely ultra liberal and has an agenda to go with that... so always helps to verify anything you hear on this first before you believe it. (As everyone should on ALL media sources before they go spouting it as fact)
Easy way to resolve US vs France dispute (Score:4, Interesting)
The English will have no choice but to either fund the French effort or invade. As the rest of the EU would frown on invading, that just leaves making sure the French reactor worked perfectly.
In turn, with two fairly substantial doners then backing a French effort, other countries would see no point in funding another, so would join in.
Once America is the lone holdout, the US taxpayer must either pay 100% of the costs of a fusion reactor (which would cost congressmen a lot of votes) or the US Government would have to give in.
Y'see, the important thing in politics is not who is right, or even who is richest, but rather who is the better gambler.
Thank You Slashstupid.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Please PLEASE keep it about "News for Nerds" and "Stuff that Matters"
How do they know? (Score:5, Insightful)
Just because some reporter makes this claim doesn't make it true. What is the source of this? There is nothing in the article to back it up. Maybe the claim comes from a source that is simply guessing as to the US's motives. Maybe the source is trying to divert attention from legitimate objections by claiming this is all politically motivated. We don't know.
Take this article with a grain of salt.
Shut up US (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Shut up US (Score:3, Insightful)
If the US wants to help the countries that help them, why souldn't they do so? If the French want to make matters difficult for the Amereicans then they should feel free, but they shouldn't get all whiney when the US then decides to help someone else.
What ITER is about (Score:4, Informative)
EO = energy outflow (cooling of plasma)
EF = energy produced by fusion reaction
EI = energy input (external heating)
then the following equations can be set up:
1) EO 0, the above equations 1 & 2 are hard to maintain. Why? Because hot plasma is cooled down by the reactor walls (+ other kinds of cooling).
Simply put, EO (cooling) is an area dependent function.
EF (energy from fusion) is a volume dependent function.
Thus, if you just build a large enough reactor, you can increase the EF/EO rating as much as you wish. However, a larger reactor costs more.
If we build a big reactor (r=20m) it would produce net energy output. It would NOT be commersially usable.
The ITER or Not-ITER discussion is about whether a large expensive test reactor would be worth its investment, or if the money rather should be used for base reasearch and computer simualtions.
There are two fundamentally different fusion reactors, the "tokamak", and the "stellarator" (IIRC). You want a magnetic field inside the reactor that keeps the plasma away from the walls. In the conseptually easier tokamak, that magnetic field is caused by letting a large (Mega Amp) current flow through the plasma. This current is produced in the plasma using the same concept as a AC voltage-transformer (the plasma is considered one of the spools). However, this means that the current in the "other" spool needs to increase linearly in order to maintain constant plasma current. In reality, this limits the time the reactor can operate to a few seconds (then you lose the plasma and need to restart).
A stellarator uses a very complex set of spools around the reactor to create constant magnetic field inside the reactor. "Very complex" means "not yet practically solved". Actually, its primarily a computational task.
THE EQUATIONS (Score:3, Informative)
1) EO < EF + EI
2) EO < EF
1) means that we have a net energy output (assuming 100% efficiency)
2) means that we have a "lit", self sustataining reactor
French and Nuclear Technology (Score:4, Interesting)
Could it possibly be because France tends to sell [bbc.co.uk] all of their nuclear capability to the highest bidder (i.e. Iraq!). Who do you think provided Iraq with the reactor that the Israelis bombed? [worldnetdaily.com] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know...the US sold Iraq weapons too. How about a graph [command-post.org] to show you the truth. The US sold Iraq 1% of its weapons and France sold them 13% of all of their weapons. Oh course, Russia was Iraq's #1 supplier. No wonder Russia and France were so adamantly opposed to the war in Iraq (I'm not saying the war was a Good Thing, BTW). Russia and France wanted to get paid by Iraq and they were afraid a war an ensuing chaos would cause them to have to forgive Iraq's debt. The war wasn't a good thing -- I hate it. However, we must realize that France's and Russia's opposition to it was not an act of kindness, either -- it was about money. The only possible good guy in all of this was Germany, although Iraq also owes German firms a LOT of money for work done there (mostly civil engineering, public works, etc).
whyh are the two storys so different? (Score:4, Insightful)
The technical aspects of this are much more interesting than the political ones.
Technology will always devolve to the least common denominator. Polictics will always devolve to the marginalized just bitching.
No Fusion -- God Save Old Europe! (Score:3, Insightful)
For the politicial assault in the teaser of the article against France - here we go:
There is not much difference between 'Old Europe' and the US till the end 199x. And for am I was born in Eastern Germany behind the wall there were a lot of reason to thank the US for standing and thus save whole Europe (otherwise there had been no hold for the russian divisions at all).
But since the neoconservative Bush junta has taken over the power in the US all our picture of you has changed as dramatically as it could. Maybe we are driven apart before, but maybe all Europeans loved Clinton too much to see it. As where we stand now for me I can say: I see really two USA and they are as different as they could be. It's like you are a other land after the change from Clinton to Bush.
As where we now stand I would suggest you in the US to read 'After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order' by Emmanuel Todd - despite it will hurt you should get a lot of truth from it.
One of the main conclusions in this book is the change of the habbit of the US empire after the beginning of the 1990's from a good saving empire to a aggressive imperalistic empire.
Here are some main differences between the US and Old Europe as good as I get it together. Hopefully we do not see here a other clash of civilisation Huntington may have left in his book.
We do not believe that your President has been legitimated in a fair democratic election at all.
(In no land in Europe this whould be able to happen - to have diffences in voting machines between 2-10% - and not count all votes via hand or arrange a new ellection.)
Dead Penalty is not human and is showing a low state of civilisation.
The agenda of Kyoto has to be ratified by the US as the biggest destroyer of our enviroment.
The international curt in the Haag is the only authority for war crimes. Nobody here is seeing where you will have the right to think you would be out of this!
You have no right to begin assault wars without legitimation of the UN security counsal - there will be no world order without the rule of law.
There is also a big thinking of standing out of the law as empire. You have no right to deal like you do in Guantanamo! This is the tradition of Stalin and Hitler.
So we see a fall of democracity in the US swapped against nationalism.
If you read the Article... (Score:3, Informative)
Meanwhile, "Canada, China, Russia, South Korea, the United States and Tokyo itself are reported to be favouring Japan".
It seems like its the EU against the world on this one.
International? Why? (Score:3, Interesting)
If they build an international fusion reactor, there will be endless squabbling about every little detail.
The US should just build one for itself, and leave the others to their own ideas. Why should our scientists, resources, and military, and production benefit other countries? It's a bad deal for us because we never seem to charge for our services.
What's the point of being a sovereign nation these days...
Funny... (Score:3, Insightful)
The big problem is neutron flux (Score:4, Interesting)
Well, if you look at the topics of a conference (11th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials) [kyoto-u.ac.jp] in Japan just a few weeks ago, that problem has not gone away yet.
Umm, why france? (Score:3, Interesting)
As an American, I'd rather see the reactor built in Japan. There's a laundry list of reasons (the French seem to handle internation opinion & criticism about as well as we do), but if it makes you Euro's feel warm, fuzzy, and supieror, then fine;
"I don't want them thar frechies building nuthin' cause they didn't support the war. Damn Frogs. God Bless America! Power of Pride! Never Forget!"
Have I reinforced the stereotypes enough? Or should I post a link to pictures of my pickup truck?
The U.S. could get the whole planet laid, and they'd still complain. If we supported the French Project we'd be unjustly shutting out Japan of an economic opportunity.
Should build it in Greenland, Iceland, or Siberia (Score:3, Funny)
They should build it in Greenland, Iceland, or Siberia. Then they could achieve cold fusion.
Where would you prefer to work? (Score:3, Funny)
And the perfect answer is... (Score:3, Interesting)
That way everyone will have an interest in seeing Iraq rebuilt and made safe and Iraq will also be able to better repay its debts...As apparently its oil is not enough.....
Don't be stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
Basically, the current US administration wants to hurt, as badly as is conveniently possible, and as often as is conveniently possible, any county that does not cooperate fully with the whims of the US government. Regardless of the convictions and ideals of the populace or the government.
So, since France's people overwhelmingly did not want to be a party to the war in Iraq, and because France's government actually listened to its people, instead of listening primarily to the US and only secondarily to its people, it is clear that France is not sufficiently in thrall to the US, and therefor must be punished.
Iraq was just a test. France failed.
Or passed, depending on your viewpoint.
Re:Don't be stupid (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah, it's called looking out for your nation's best interests, and EVERY nation does it.
Re:Don't be stupid (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, but some country's leaders are smart enough to do so without being obvious enough to turn the rest of the world's countries against them. Our current leader, sadly, does not appear to be that capable. He does seem to be crudely effective at bombing relatively defenseless countries into rubble, though, so that's something. On the other hand, I don't see much benefit from doing that without some additional inter
Re:Assuming it works... (Score:5, Informative)
It's not. This is apparently an experimental reactor. We haven't made this work yet; this reactor is being built so we CAN make it work through experimentation. After that, I would imagine all the countries will simply build their own reactors to supply their countries (and neighbors who wish to purchase energy and/or share in the construction costs) with energy.
What did you think, we'd build one reactor and supply the whole world with energy? Please. At the very least each country will want their own simply so their energy source simple to guarantee the existance of their own energy in case of war or natural disaster.
If this technology WORKED, you think the US in particular wouldn't drop $10bil on it in a heartbeat to build it ourselves? It doesn't work yet, and that's why we all want to build this experimental reactor.
Re:Assuming it works... (Score:3, Informative)
You seem to be reading even more into the BBC article than what wasn't there. It's bad enough that this formerly excellent news organization has become so biased in its "reporting", but even in their article it didn't say that the US was stating the reason was because they were mad at France - it's
Re:Cart Before The Horse? (Score:3, Informative)
Indeed, but this project is explicitly designed to be the next "scale up" towards that goal. A design goal of 500MW of fusion power output is nothing to sneeze at....
On the other than, practical fusion is much further away than is advertised, since it requires fusing helium 3, which doesn't produce neutrons, but is a lot harder to fuse. Otherwise your reactor's atoms are slo
Re:France (Score:5, Informative)
If it doesn't involve nonsense like orcs, mithril armor and little twerps playing 'witch' games, then no Slashdotter will read it.
I suggest Keegan's "The First World War" to dispell any Merikin foolishness about how cowardly the French are in wars. The US showed up in the Great War well after the shit went down. Also, according to cca 1941 GOP policy, WWII was "Roosevelt's War." Godless unpatriotic queers!