Dusty Disc May Mean Other Earths 289
DoraLives writes "According to the BBC, astronomers say they have evidence for Earth-like planets orbiting a nearby star. The star in question is Vega, which is nice and close (as stars go), quite young (also as stars go), and one of the brightest stars in the sky. Apparently, 'Vega has a disc of dust circling it, and at least one large planet which could sweep debris aside allowing smaller worlds like Earth to exist.' Should be interesting to keep an eye on it as the years roll by as the disk rotates and our optical powers keep growing."
three-two-one---contact (Score:5, Funny)
Soon... (Score:5, Funny)
Then the arms race starts.
Re:Soon... (Score:4, Insightful)
It would be like the pilgrims landing in the US. Complete colonization one way or other. Not much scope for an arms race...
Re:Soon... (Score:2)
not necessarily. Any one of a number of different events in earth's past could have slowed us down, and absence of other events could have sped things up - when you're talking about evolution of life - and then once intelligent life evolved, evolution of culture/technology. I'd say it's a toss-up, either way - with the PRIMARY indicator that they're more advanced being: they have not yet come to contact us.
Re:Soon... (Score:2)
This is the same with cultures the burning of the Library of Alexandria was said to set man kind back a thousands years. So it co
Re:Soon... (Score:2)
"It would be like the pilgrims landing in the US. Complete colonization one way or other."
Yeah, and in complete violation of the prime directive.
Damn pilgrims.
Re:Liberate Vega (Score:2)
you just know this joie [animallibe...nfront.com] was coming....
Re:Soon... (Score:5, Funny)
"i just hope no one gives them aids :)"
Don't worry. James T. Kirk was a fictional character.
Re:Soon... (Score:2)
Someone Get Jodie Foster on This ASAP! (Score:4, Funny)
So... (Score:5, Funny)
I'm off to eat some meat.
Re:So... (Score:2)
Re:So... (Score:2)
PS. sorry about the bad version of this post. I even previewed it, grr.
Dune... Arrakis... Desert Planet (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Dune... Arrakis... Desert Planet (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Dune... Arrakis... Desert Planet (Score:5, Funny)
"the mods probably don't remember that Dune was a satellite of Vega"
Slashdot Rule 1: Don't assume that the mods remember anything
No, Rule number one is we don't talk about moderation club outside of moderation club
woah...Carl Sagan was right!!!! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:woah...Carl Sagan was right!!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Hear me, Vega? The clock is ticking.
Another thing to consider: (Score:5, Insightful)
The likelihood of other meaningful life in the Universe just got better. And I for one welcome the possibility.
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
I've always considered the likelihood of other meaningful life in the Univers to be a statistical certainty. The problem lies in having that life exist close to us, both in space _and_ time. What's the use in having dozens of close neighbors that all killed themselves off 2000 years ago? Sure, it would give us some interesting ruins to poke around, and archaeology would be cool again, just like in the early 80's. My point is that o
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
Or download their pr0n. . .
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
Man, thehun.com would get really wierd....
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:3, Interesting)
Those that *do* make it past that mass extinction filter (nuclear? bio? nano?), to Singularity [kurzweilai.net], are probably so far advanced as to be unrecognizable and uninterested in us primitive biological ants.
It's a pity humans still have all their eggs in one basket; until we've got self-sustaining offworld populations, we're a ticking time bomb.
Re:What's interesting may not be answerable (Score:2)
I wasn't arguing with the parent, so I don't know what the hell you're going off about. I was simply adding my two bits to his comment. Since you have trouble reading properly, I'll spell out what my points were:
1. Given the infinite (probably) nature of the Universe, other life is a statistical certainty
2. Again, given the infinite nature of the Universe, intelligent life may be seperated from us b
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:3, Interesting)
I, for one, welcome our new Drake Equation [seti-inst.edu] overlords.
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
Not saying Humanity isn't great, I'm saying that there is a lot of room for improvement.
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
if not, the universe really is a waste of space.
And what else were you going to use that space for?
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
I don't. That means we can be invaded at any moment by an advanced race. If we are alone, we can't be invaded. Of course we might not be alone, but we might be the most advanced race in the universe.
If they are truly advanced they would not bother invading us. Firstly because they would have given up on war which is only destructive to civilization and secondly because there is nothing for us to offer an advanced race. Even warlike aliens would probably see little point in attacking a backwater planet
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:4, Funny)
Well, if they've been around longer than us and are more technologically advanced than us... odds are we're going to be infringing on some of their IP. Just ask Jack Valenti whether that's worth going to war over.
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:2)
Finding an advance race, that has prior art to all those bogas/over reaching/long lasting patents!
Re:Another thing to consider: (Score:3, Insightful)
But the search for ET life is just that, a search for life, not humans - we cannot say that life can only be found on earth like planets, we can't even say that in our solar system life can only be found
Not the first, (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm still all about developing a means of getting us out there to explore these places.
Plus, it would certainly be nice to finally find a backup for our planet. You can't tell me there aren't at least a few people out there who have been rather alarmed at all of our recent unexpected solar activity.
Re:Not the first, (Score:2)
I definitely agree with you that we need to start developing our long-range space transport systems, we are advanced enough to at least do some deep explorations of our solar system within a hundred years. By that point we'd likely be ready to start sending sub-light speed probes out that can get to nearby stars within a few decades.
Now t
Re:Not the first, (Score:2)
"it would certainly be nice to finally find a backup for our planet. You can't tell me there aren't at least a few people out there who have been rather alarmed at all of our recent unexpected solar activity"
I think the real threat to our planet is ourselves, not our sun.
Thus, I hope we do not find a backup planet.
I hope this is it. If we foul our planet to the point it is unlivable, we deserve our fate.
Another planet would be a convenient way out.
Not, of course, that I am in any posit
you may be wrong on several accounts (Score:3, Insightful)
I think the real threat to our planet is ourselves, not our sun.
I think you ment biosphere, not planet
Thus, I hope we do not find a backup planet. I hope this is it.
If we foul our planet to the point it is unlivable, we deserve our fate.
First, IMHO this is utterly wrong factually: once a society colonizes
space, all it'll need is energy and materials. I suggest that actually
there may be few solar systems which are completely uninhabitable.
Second, from the pragmatic POV, this sounds to me li
Contact (Score:2, Insightful)
Terrestrial Planet Finder Links (Score:5, Informative)
Here are Terrestrial Planet Finder links at:
Life imitates art (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Life imitates art (Score:3, Informative)
Vega was the source of the extraterrestrial signal in Carl Sagan's "Cosmos."
You mean "Contact," surely. And unfortunately, although it was the source of the signal, the system itself contained no life. So I don't think we can draw any parallels here.
Re:Life imitates art (Score:2)
Hmmm (Score:2)
If astronomy was any other field of science... (Score:2, Insightful)
Seriously, there's a chance that a big planet might have cleared enough space so as to not preclude the existence of a planet the same size as ours
more likely... (Score:2)
Ok, ok people, no Aliens... (Score:4, Insightful)
1 - Vega is 25 light-years away. That's around the corner and "today" in astronomical terms
2 - Carl Sagan picked Vega not because of planets, but because there were none, just a bunch of dust... There was a RELAY there, not aliens...
3 - The news actually said about process that could happen; a balance between a dusty ring and an outer planet...
Contact Smontact! I have my space suit, will trave (Score:4, Funny)
Vega, as ALL REAL GEEKS know, was the home of Mother Thing of Robert Heinlein's "Have Space Suit, Will Travel".
And if they are watching Earth circa 1978, we'd better be damn thankful they don't rotate us 90 degrees just on general principles!
Dusty Disk Man May Mean Other Earth (Score:2)
Re:Dusty Disk Man May Mean Other Earth (Score:2)
Vega (Score:3, Funny)
Vega is too big and to young (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Vega is too big and to young (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Vega is too big and to young (Score:2)
Define "interesting" -
Some scientists are still finding "interesting" the life-like chemical reactions detected by Viking on Mars. "interesting" enough to keep sending more probes.
As long as there are human beings, there will be people looking under every rock in the universe for something "interesting" - even if it's a guessed-at fossil of a shred
Re:Vega is too big and to young (Score:2, Insightful)
-This could mean an opportunity to observe the very transition from a "pre-DNA world" (based om RNA or even more primitive genetic substrates) to a "DNA world" -this is itself probably even more interesting than watching the planet-forming process around Vega.
Probably not "finished" terrestrial planets yet... (Score:4, Interesting)
If you send a probe there, it will not be able to find a cool surface on any of the larger planetesimals (growing proto-planets).
The Vega system is interesting because it provides a snapshot of the early phase of planet formation.
If you want to make a "Star Trek" style tour of a system, landing on the planets and checking for the presence of life, you need to find a more "mature" system, where the planetary crusts have had time to cool off, and where most of the orbiting debris has alredy been swept up by planets.
One other interesting point about the Vega system though: It is bound to have an amazing number of large, highly visible comets ! In mature systems, most comets have either been kicked out to the Oort cloud or crashed into a planet.
Yours Birger Johansson Sweden
Re:Probably not "finished" terrestrial planets yet (Score:4, Funny)
Hm, given that Vega is 2.3935E14 km away and that Voyager I is travelling at 62500 km/h, a probe sent there will be travelling for about 437169 years. So maybe, by the time it gets there the planet will be ready :-)
Re:Probably not "finished" terrestrial planets yet (Score:2)
The problem is if humans survive for that long, by current trends in our history I suspect they won't. Probably another type of lifeform would evolve and attempt to reach Vega (i.e. cockroaches).
Wow... (Score:2, Insightful)
Sloppy definition of "Earthlike." (Score:5, Interesting)
By Earthlike I believe they mean terrestrial; a rocky world, as opposed to a gas giant.
Other known terrestrial worlds include baked-out Mercury, greenhouse-wracked Venus, and dry, cold Mars. Most people would not consider these "Earthlike" in the Star Trek Class M sense of the word.
That said: Even given the existence of terrestrial planets, Vega isn't a great place to go looking for a habitable, life-bearing world. It's a bright, hot star, which also means that it is a short-lived star. In a few hundred million years, when its potential planets begin to cool to the point where water would condense, Vega would be getting ready to wander off the main sequence and get way unpleasant to be near.
Another strike against life developing on Vega worlds: a greater percentage of its energy output would be in "bluer" wavelengths, including UV. Once it got started, life might adapt to UV, but to get started in the first place it needs some stability. I can see a influx of UV ripping apart delicate chemical chains in Vega Prime's oceans, greatly reducing the chance that life would get a foothold.
All this said, this is hopeful news, because the existence of one planet-forming debris field means there are probably others . . . some around more genial F and G and K class stars.
Re:Sloppy definition of "Earthlike." (Score:2)
You can't expect all planets roughly 10000 miles in diameter to be just like Earth. Hopefully the Vegans have much better television.
Re:Sloppy definition of "Earthlike." (Score:2)
Hortas would live on (in) terrestrial planets, but not Earthlike terrestrial planets.
Silicon life is a toughy. You need really special conditions and there are lots of design constraints. (I don't have the references on hand, but as I recall the silicon-life metabolic equivalent of CO2 would be a solid, so your hortas would be breathing out powder.) But Vega's planets might offer as good a place as any.
Stefan "No Kill I!" Jones
Earth is a proper noun.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Earth is a proper noun.. (Score:2)
I agree regarding Earth, unless you're referring to the generic "earth", meaning dirt. But saying other solar systems does make sense. Sol is the proper name of our solar system, just as Alpha Centauri is the proper name for that particular solar system.
Re:Earth is a proper noun.. (Score:3, Informative)
No, Sol is the name of our sun. The system of our sun is the Solar System.
Re:Earth is a proper noun.. (Score:2)
Doesn't make sense in the same way we descrive the "moons of Jupiter"?
Language changes when our perspective changes.
And oh yeah, there's no need for an apostrophe when you pluralize words. Earths
And later at 11... (Score:2)
... more information regarding the Vegan Orbital Fort discovered in the dusty disk, including a panel discussion on whether it is heading our way, and what we're going to do if it is.
Nothing like watching planets form (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, because the 1st billion years (or so, give or take a couple hundred million) of Earth's existance were oh so exciting. And don't even get me started about the 2nd billion! Wow!
And the third billion... oh, my, god!
As the years roll by? What is that supposed to mean? That maybe, we might be lucky enough to see a planet form over the next 100 million generations or so? Wooppee!
I'll be excited when someone turns that slideshow into an animated GIF, ok?
Oh man... (Score:2)
"Dusty Disc Man Means Other Earths".
And I'm thinking, "How can they tell all that from a DiscMan? Way to go Sony!"
Audible spectrum (Score:2)
Can this improve SETI's guessitude? (Score:2, Interesting)
Or "Mercury-like", or "Venus-like", or "Mars-like" (Score:2)
This article jumps straight to the rosy suggestion that just because a planet is small and dense (ie: non-gaseous) that it is "Earthlike".
This is extremely poor journalism.
It would be like saying, "Human-like life found at the bottom of the sea!", when what you found in fact was a carbon-based multi-cellular organism.
Don't believe the hype.
So I guess the answer is No. (Score:2)
Get yer terminology right (Score:4, Funny)
who knows (Score:2, Funny)
Main importance of Earthlike planets is scientific (Score:2)
No One's Found Earth-Like Planets at Vega...Yet (Score:4, Informative)
Good news, though, but not as good as imaging a small planet and getting positive results for water, oxygen and methane.
ah, yes, this makes sense (Score:2)
Dusty? (Score:2)
Dusty, eh? Guess those other Earth haven't yet invented this [homemadesimple.com].
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:5, Funny)
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:4, Interesting)
They would probably be more interested in the political situation. They would be watching the throes of the Nixon impeachment crisis in the West, China would still be in the middle of the cultural revolution, Vietnam would have ended but only just. The USSR would be in mid collapse. Latin America is run by cliques of corrupt generals who murder tens of thousands (Pinochet) or hundreds of thousands (Argentina).
There has just been a war in the middle east. The Iranians are about to kick out the Shah (a brutal thug on a par with Saddam Hussein) and the Ayatolah would appear soon after to pervert the democratic revolution the same way Lenin appeared on the scene in Russia after the Tzar was deposed.
Things don't get any better for quite a while and they get worse before they get better. The nuclear arms race accelerates, the US and the USSR are engaged in a series of proxy wars that appear likely to turn nuclear. If you look at the situation from the outside even the events of 1989 might be considered evidence of further instability rather than a good sign.
On the whole I don't think that they are going to be avoiding talking to us just because of the disco music...
I think we should get our act together globally before we start to try to join extra-terrestrial clubs. If there is anyone out there worth talking to they already know about us.
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:2, Funny)
No they wouldn't, they'd be looking at Jane Fondas tits!
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:2, Funny)
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:3, Funny)
no, actually, they'd be looking at us in 1978 and saying "dude, check out the shitty clothes."
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:2)
You're correct. Disco inferno is indeed proof of technologically advanced lifeforms. If that song isn't strong evidence for an understanding nuclear reactions, I don't know what is!
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:2)
Except, if you read the article, it states that Vega is 25 light-years away. This means we're each only looking at 1978. Say what you will about Earth at that time, but there were definately signs of advanced life.
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:2, Funny)
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:4, Funny)
So...not unlike my ex-girlfriend, then.
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:3, Funny)
You sir, truly live up to your name.
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:3, Informative)
Well, yeah, actually. Like what would have happened to Washington and Moscow if the Cold War had gone hot, as opposed to what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Not just one big boom, but a whole lot of them, one after another, until absolutely nothing is left.
Re:to bad we're looking in the past (Score:4, Funny)
Nar aliens have tachyon telescopes. They can see us in real time. They're watching us sitting around Slashdot and going "nope, no life."
Re:too bad we're looking in the past (Score:5, Funny)
Second, Vega is only 25 lightyears away, meaning that the horrid bug-eyed Vegans are peering through their observoscopes and lusting after Farrah Fawcett.
Re:too bad we're looking in the past (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Maybe Schmaybe One Billion, Blah (Score:3, Insightful)
What makes you believe that you/we are the most intelligent and important civillisation in the universe? The universe is pretty big, and that's a very arrogant assumption to make.
Re:Maybe Schmaybe One Billion, Blah (Score:2)
If we were created through evolution, then the same conditions would very easily exist elsewhere in the universe. If we were created by God, then God is an intelligent lifeform elsewhere in the universe, maybe even outside of it.
You are wrong.
Re:Thanks for a timely reply: Better luck next tim (Score:2)
Life here on Earth has evolved in virtually every nook and cranny of this planet, even in places where we thought life could not be sustained. Even the coldest darkest places of the planet (like the sea floor) are teaming with life. Life isn't so delicate that it'll only occur under a very precise roll of the dice.
"---Only "If""
You were either created by the big bang or by God. If there's a 3rd option, I'd like to hear it.
Re:Maybe Schmaybe One Billion, Blah (Score:2)
1. Pick up a phone.
2. Call 411 or what ever number you have for information.
3. When a person answers look around. Are they in they in the room with you? If not they are elsewhere in the universe.
You may have meant that there is no proof of life on planets obiting other starts. You are right but if you do not look you will never know for sure.
As too your statment "There is NO scientific theory that supports intelligent life elsewhere
Re:Cliche (Score:2)
I, for one, don't. If they're as dusty as the story suggests, its going to be a
bitch to get the carpets clean after they visit.
Re:Dusty Disc (Score:2)
Re:Movie Contact (Score:2)
I've never read about that in this thread!
Cool discovery! Yay! Now I need to change the pants I peed in!
No. (Score:2)