Nobel Laureate Agre Fears for Scientific Freedom 57
Scared Scientists writes "Peter Agre, who has just won the Nobel Prize for research on cell membranes, is finally a scientist with enough recognition to speak out about the policy of intimidation against scientists by the Bush administration. He says, with respect to Thomas Butler, a plague expert, "He was arrested and taken away in chains ... This is something that's bothered many of us".
Many scientists have been outspoken about these problems thus far, maybe a Nobel Prize laureate has enough influence to finally move something. He even wants to use some of his prize money to battle the intimidation by the government."
Re:AIDS RULES! (Score:2)
Apparently, smoking does kill.
Re:Good. (Score:1)
Politicians want money to further their grandeur, scientists want money to further theirs.
Remember if it wasn't for scientists trying to be great, there would be no nuclear weapons, little chemical weapons... if scientists had put their knowledge to true good they would have developed polution friendly methods of power, chemical weapons what made the enemy fall pass out instead of die...
Why didn't they develop these? Because they were on thei
Re:Good. (Score:2)
Re:Good. (Score:1, Insightful)
You mean Nobel himself???
Re:Good. (Score:2)
Why didn't they develop these?
They did:
Re:Good. (Score:1)
Re:Good. (Score:1)
Re:Good. (Score:2)
It is important to remember that when U.S. scientists were developing the atomic bomb, they knew that the Nazis were working on an A-bomb as well. As far as they could reasonable forsee at the time, the A-bomb was an inevitable reality. The only question is which world would be better, one where the Allies and Axis powers both had atomic bombs, or one where only the Axis did. Seen from that perspective, their actions are pretty understandable.
It took politicians from the U.S. and Soviet Union to create a
Re:Good. (Score:2)
Politicians want money to further their grandeur, scientists want money to further theirs.
You left out religious leaders. They have a big interest in keeping you afraid of an undetectable being so that you'll pony up on Sunday (or Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday as the deity dictates.)
Re:Good. (Score:1)
scientists dont work for good or evil, they are just looking for what is factual. it is not personal, the uses to which thier discoveries go are not always up to them.
They are also subject to finding funding -- w/o funding, there is very little research that can be done in most areas.
there are scientists who are curre
a quest for knowledge (Score:1)
Sometimes you need to know the nasty things to get to the good things.
It's not knowledge, but applications that could be wrong/harmfull.
Perhaps Bush has read one book, one about the spanish inquisition.
Re:a quest for knowledge (Score:1)
"presidenting for the compleate retard" is way beyond his level. daddy Dick has to read that one to him. when he can find him, that is.
Re:a quest for knowledge (Score:1)
Bush can't read, he is illiterate and requires aides to read him everything.
Also, this is why his speeches totally suck, because he doesn't use a teleprompter (can't read) and instead listens to his lines prompted to him over a hearing-piece he wears just for the occasion.
Bush is the ultimate puppet president.
yeah (Score:2)
Not a problem (Score:4, Insightful)
You can't have scientific freedom without scientific responsibility.
Re:Not a problem (Score:1)
So, governments should enforce "scientific responsibility" at gunpoint? The government should be trusted with the authority to decide what individuals are allowed to know? That way lies tyranny, falsification.
If you want to go there, fine. But don't support dragging the rest of humanity there with you. I cannot justify the FBI's actions in relation to those of Thomas Butler: who did Mr. Butler harm?
Re:Not a problem (Score:2)
Alright Mr. Hatfield riddle me this, if our government didn't take action against someone who illegally brought biological agents into the country and lied about their disposal sold them to a terrorist later and they caused an outbreak that killed a couple hundred thousand people what would you have to say. What did they know and when did they know it.
Its impossible to please people who think that the government is inherently bad and while I
Re:Not a problem (Score:1)
No, I would not say, "what did they know and when did they know it." I'd ask, "is the prosecution going for the death penalty?" I don't blame governments for the crimes of terrorists.
Also, pauldy, I'm not saying "government bad". I'm saying "government cannot be trusted". Government, like fire, has its uses. But would you want a fire to burn out of control?
Re:Not a problem (Score:2)
What has me particularly fired up on this matt
Re:Not a problem (Score:2, Insightful)
> If that is the case then why are you trying to
> make a case for a scientist who broke the law?
A google search [google.com] indicates that Butler is accused of 69 counts of "authorities and smuggling goods into the United States to embezzlement and fraud". He has not been convicted yet, so I see no reason to accept the government's word as gospel.
The burden of proof is on Uncle Sam, after all.
On the other hand I agree with you with regard to the "blame everything but yourself" meme so popular in this defectiv
Re:Not a problem (Score:2)
Remember this all started with a lie (he lied about them going missing or he lied about "accidentally" destroying them). I do not understand how do people simply look past tha
Public opinion is irrelevant. (Score:1)
Say what you like about public opinion, pauldy, but I myself agree with Vanderbilt: the public be damned. If this is still a nation ruled by law and not men, then opinion should be utterly irrelevant. What are the facts? Has the government proven either Butler or Padilla guilty of any of the charges against them?
The government says that Butler lied. The government says lots of things. Where's the proof?
Me, I'll wait for the jury to reach a verdict. They've better access to the evidence than I do, and are
Re:Public opinion is relevant. (Score:2)
Re:Not a problem (Score:2)
Forests are pretty. Forests after fires aren't pretty. But forests without periodic fires to cleanse them of decades rotting wood and dried-out tinder are disasters in the making.
If you lie about illegally importing a biohazard, and lie again about what you did with it, what else might you be lying about?
Given the choic
Re:Not a problem (Score:2)
If you accept this little fire, government will start burning books 451-style before you can say "freedom of speech". Do you want that? I though so.
Ask yourself a question - what is more likely:
1) A government, abusing it's authority and commiting injustice on a large scale.
Even a Nobel Prize Winner can be Wrong (Score:1)
The issue with Thomas Butler is that he lied to FBI agents about how he disposed of samples of the plague. In terms of deadliness, the plague is far worse than any bazooka. So, the FBI agents justifiably arrested him. The government is entitled to protec
Security through obscurity (Score:2)
Re:Security through obscurity (Score:2)
short of lobotimizing everybody in the world... hmmm, maybe Bush is working on that
He is, indirectly, via corporate media brainwashing. That's why 70% of US residents believe Saddam was responsible for 9/11, among other fallacies.
Break the corporate media backbone . . . promote and use P2P.
Technological Development, Not STO (Score:3, Interesting)
Biological weapons are indiscriminate by nature, making them useless in most battle scenarios. Unfortunately, even a primitive biological is an excellent tool for terrorizing civilian populations. Parallels with the nuclear physics are not valid. There are just too many paths toward the development of this kind of terror weapon to support security through obscurity. A far more realistic path is to develop advanced diagnostics with the ability to detect components and whole pathogens.
Without diagnostics, each person is a potential conduit of disease. With diagnostics, every person is a potential sentinel.
michael's at it again (Score:2, Flamebait)
Not that I'm saying this story is without merit, I'm just saying michael's a pathetic editor because he shoves honesty aside by frequently approving opinionated and exaggerated stories. It seems michael could care less about protraying the truth when he's got an activist bone to pick.
In this case article writer decided to spin story by saying "policy of intimidation against scientists by the Bush administration
Re:michael's at it again (Score:2)
Re:michael's at it again (Score:2)
Also, Bush is one of the few points where I have a really difficult time shooting down criticism. Bush *has* done some very frusterating things over the past two years.
Re:michael's at it again (Score:2)
Trying to enforce a little political correctness, are we?
If the article would have blamed things on Bill Clinton, you probably would have just nodded in agreement and moved on.
Re:michael's at it again (Score:2)
I will say that my perception is that /. is no less sensational than the Drudge Report, or NPR. Like NPR, /. puts a prettier face on it perhaps, but when it comes down to it, the Science section doesn't seem to contain much scientific discussion. I find peer reviewed journal web sites to be a better source of scientific information than an
Re:michael's at it again (Score:2)
So tell me which administration is this happening under? I dont see jimmy carter around anymore.
Since The white house is in charge these things are happening under the bush administration. and legitimately so, regardless if the article says it or not. The guys at the tops are still responsible for the actions of the minions.
Also which truth are you insinuating isn't being portrayed. Put some money where your eating orifice is instead of merely adding your own
Not worth defending (Score:4, Insightful)
There is an old saying, "Is this the hill you want to die on?" If I was going to speak out about scientists being harassed by the government, I wouldn't choose to defend one that was caught lying about illegally importing plague, and lost them! We're not talking fuzzy bunnies here, this is a toxic substance, scientific negligence, and fraud. How about we defend leaking classified rocket technology to the Chinese? Information wants to be free, after all. Or what if someone "accesses" a computer, downloads, and distributes the source code to a soon-to-be-released game? Oh, the oppression!
This man made some awesome discoveries, and for that he was awarded. Of all people, you would think he'd recognize bad scientific practices. I can only hope that he never engaged in moving his samples like this other scientist... but now you have to wonder why he'd defend it.
Re:Not worth defending (Score:1)
It was a parody, right?
Re:Not worth defending (Score:2)
Re:Not worth defending (Score:2)
Just out of curiosity, what makes you think the Chinese are at all a threat to any western nation? I know it's a common enough suspicion, but I just don't get it. From where I stand, China has become heavily dependent on trade with the west, and Chinese politicians don't want to risk losing business to other developing nations. Siince their economic reforms of the early 1990s, they are in some ways much more capitalistic and unreg
Re:Not worth defending (Score:1)
China has been a threat to the stability of the United States since the 1800's, which is *why* there are such tight trading ties between the two countries - free trade agreements are the first defense, since it ties the economies of the two nations to a common cause.
Why is China a threat? Simple: its population, which is freakin' HUUUUGE. It is the hungriest, largest, most virile demographic of humanity on the planet. If that population gets hungry maybe, 2 or 3 years in a row (drought, epidemics, famin
Re:Not worth defending (Score:2)
Get your facts straight. People like you started a war on Iraq over non-existing weapons of mass destruction and other people like you believed them.
Most virile?
Re:Not worth defending (Score:1)
The only thing that would give you right to pass such rapid judgement would be your own stupidity.
As for statistics - I know where I get my stats, I do not know where you get yours, but virile does *NOT* mean 'population growth'.
virile- [reference.com]
Having or showing masculine spirit, strength, vigor, or power.
Now go back and re-read what I said.
The Chinese people have their own weapons of mass destruction, and
Re:Not worth defending (Score:2)
But, using the correct definition of virility, what makes you think Chinese are the most virile? Why not French, or Swedish, or Egyptian? Why not Russia, for example? Why do you want to consider the country which have shown such patience in the past? What would the USA do if China openly supported Alaska in trying to defect from the US, if China bombed a US embassy an
Re:Not worth defending (Score:1)
"Now, remind me, who was the greatest threat on this planet?"
It was more like:
Now, remind me, who was the greatest threat on this planet
I'm not saying China is. I'm just saying its a big one.
The Man Should Be given another.. (Score:1)
It has happened before... (Score:2)
Re:It has happened before... (Score:1)
I hope that after we determine that we are not going to 100% eliminate the "terror threat" and regain some sense (and abolish [petitiononline.com] some [indexonline.org] laws [publicintegrity.org]), that our ex
Hey, I know this one... (Score:1)