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Land Bridge Migration 27

CowboyRobot writes "One 'advantage' of global warming is the increasing availability of fossil records fom the frozen north. For example, new evidence shows that many of the most common mammals in North America walked across the Bering land Bridge from Asia thousans of years ago. Reuters and Discovery Channel have other versions. (sorry, no pics)"
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Land Bridge Migration

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  • Increasing heat directly translates to increasing bikinis.
  • It would be interesting to see how beaver lodge building has evolved over the last 5 million years, if at all.

    I think this could give us an unusal look into the evolution of complex behaviour.

  • Didn't we learn about this in elementary school?
  • I know scientists have followed human migratory habits over the land bridge, primarily using artifacts like arrow heads or old campsites to track it, but animal migration I've never heard much of before. Very facinating to read.
  • Let's go back (Score:2, Insightful)

    by utahjazz ( 177190 )
    So, animals are not indiginous to the americas. I say we remove them all, restoring the land to it's natural state.

    In fact, at some point, there were no plants either. I think we should just nuke the whole planet, restoring the natural enviornment.

    We'll leave behind a note for any future life that emerges, asking them to do the same if they ever infect the earth.
    • Insightful? More like funny! Whatever mod actually believs that we should evacuate America because it's not the continent our ancestors started on is crazy. By that logic, we shouldn't be in Europe or Asia either, seeing as how the human race evolved from Africa. Has anyone considered that maybe our desire to explore our planet is, in fact, natural?
    • So, animals are not indiginous to the americas. I say we remove them all, restoring the land to it's natural state.

      Your cynicism is misplaced and betrays a lack of understanding. The motivation behind restoring ecosystems to their "natural state" is not to make them conform to some silly romantic ideals, it is a simple, practical motivation: when foreign species invade, the consequences are often diseases, pests, reduced productivity, and erosion. Restoring the ecosystem to its "natural" state, a state

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