Town Networks Defy Myth Of Pristine Rainforest 38
torpor writes "An interesting article being published in Science magazine discusses the ways tribes in the Xinguano region cultivated and integrated the Amazon rainforest into their culture by building 'networks of towns and cities, geometrically structured' to accomodate better use of the surrounding forest region. From an article at agriculture.com: "Brazil's northern Amazon region, once thought to have been pristine until modern development began encroaching, actually hosted sophisticated networks of towns and villages hundreds of years ago, researchers said on Thursday." ... When I saw some of the satellite pictures, I couldn't help thinking it would make a very interesting software model ... Starcraft, Xinguano-mod, anyone?"
7 Cities of Gold (Score:5, Funny)
False alarm, folks. Indiana Jones, better stay home this time.
Re:7 Cities of Gold (Score:1)
Think about it, the management of these villages and the structures they built has some parallel to the "Age of Mythology" resource-management paradigm.
I'm sure it would be interesting to develop computer models of the surrounding flora/fauna based on human impact as well as provide an interface for managing their road systems geometrically
Complete lack of surprise (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Complete lack of surprise (Score:2)
The surprise is that we thought that THIS part of S.America was never settled. We--that being, "everyone who has ever even heard about native American culutres"--aren't surprised that they existed at al
Welcome ! (Score:4, Funny)
Rapacious Republicans (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Rapacious Republicans (Score:2)
Stereotypes and Impact (Score:5, Interesting)
The big stereotype is the naked savage. In Manifest Destiny days, this allowed people to justify land grabs and massacres by thinking in terms of "progress" and "dying races". The post-Hitler era is less sanguine, but still likes this stereotype -- "noble savages" make for nice guilt-tripping.
The reality is a lot more complicated. There were hunter-gatherer bands in the Americas. But there were also agricultural communities, towns, cities, and everything in between. I'm not just talking about the famous civilizations south of the Rio Grande. The first settlers in what is now upstate New York found large settlements, even nascent cities. These soon disappeared of course -- too vulnerable to epidemics and raids.
And of course these cultures had their environmental impacts, as human cultures always do. It may be comforting to think of natives as ecologically wise -- but any wisdom they actually have, they acquired the hard way. Yes, Pueblo folklore is full of sound ecological concepts -- but it also contains nasty folk memories of the Anasazi culture that was too successful for its own good.
The bottom line is that ecological impact is just a part of being human. To manage this impact we need to find a good middle path between naive romanticisim and glib "progress and development" stupidity.
Good book Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:4, Interesting)
In particular the animals are crucial- animal power is much more efficient than human power, so any animal that can be domesticated multiplies farming effectiveness up enormously; that means that surpluses are produced that creates trading, and that leads to villages, towns and eventually cities.
Additionally, living with your animals means you are more likely to catch diseases from them- that's why the europeans carried nasty diseases that practically annihilated native populations that lacked domesticated animals. The europeans themselves had built up a tolerance over time, so were mostly immune.
Anyway, putting the book to one side, this discovery is particularly interesting. The sustainable farming technology that these 'primitive' people found is actually better than the slash and burn that is used in the Amazon currently. Who would have guessed that stirring in some graphite into the Amazon soil would improve it so much that long term the soil is preserved? In fact the soil they made is still good nearly 5 centuries later, and is sold commercially.
Re:Good book Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Good book Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:4, Insightful)
A theory like 'primitive people are too stupid to create civilization anyway' is too simple (they can't all be that stupid); and actually looking at the archeological evidence, or even evidence from 'backward' peoples today, it doesn't really line up with this view anyway (if you have a reasonably open mind anyway- you can't really expect racists to suddenly decide that Africans lacked key resources.)
The evidence in the book is nigh-on overwhelming; it's excessively detailed, and having read it (even 1/4 of it), I atleast can easily see that it cannot really have been any other way.
Re:Good book Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:2)
No; I repeat, I pick the simplest one. Only if there are several, equally simple theories do I get to pick and choose. And even then it's usually a good idea to experimentally test wherever possible. (And if it isn't possible- that's usually a good sign you've got a rubbishy theory.)
That Ockham Thing (Score:3, Insightful)
This is a very basic problem. In any discipline, you run the risk of falling in love with a theory. Even the physical sciences have this problem. But they at least have Experiment
Re:That Ockham Thing (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't think that matters as much; provided the people who are checking your reasons are logical, they broadly should come to equivalent conclusions.
It all depends on your general world view.
I think you need to include your world view in with the assumptions.
Note, that strictly, Ockhams razor does not determine truth. It merely identifies the theory that is least arguable given the evidence.
For example, if you apply Ockhams razor to religion- it usu
Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:1)
So much for the 'ecological native Americans.'
Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:2)
I was arguing for a non-romantic attitude towards native peoples, not racist garbage.
Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:1)
The fossil record speaks for itself. There were horses on the North American continent. They were driven extinct shortly after Man arrived on the continent.
Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:2)
But I still have a couple of criticisms. First, it is rude and lame to lecture me on the whole "noble savages" thing when you're replyi
Re:Stereotypes and Impact (Score:1)
It wasn't just horses mind, there were a number of large mammal and avian species that went extinct around the time we think humans first made it to the Americas.
These species had one cr
Horizon link on this topic (Score:3, Interesting)
Basically, the soil 'terra preta' is the secret to how these peoples managed to prosper on land which is currently considered to 'poor soil' only suitable for slash and burn. This soil holds on to the soil nutrients even in the face of high rainfall; and enables farming; it's made by mixing charcoal into the soil.
Amazon rain forest a human artifact? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Amazon rain forest a human artifact? (Score:2)
Re:Amazon rain forest a human artifact? (Score:1)
Re:Amazon rain forest a human artifact? (Score:2)
Book of Mormon (Score:3, Interesting)
A young farmer, Joseph Smith, translated a book written on gold plates in the 1820s that described several societies that inhabited the Americas for thousands of years. The American Indians are descendants of one of them.
This book is called the "Book of Mormon" and is translated into hundreds of languages. Ask a friend who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for a copy and they will gladly give you one for free.
You can read about the heights of their civilization -- 400 years of no wars and complete harmony and prosperity for all -- and the depths of their civilization -- complete warfare including women and children, to the complete destruction of a race.
You'll also understand why some Native Americans had a ceremony of drinking the blood and eating the body of their God (in symbol, of course), and why Quetzecoatl resembles Christ. The strange tribes of Indians who spoke a language resembling Hebrew, as well as the Egyptian-like enscriptions on their tombs and pyramids will also make a lot more sense.
Re:Book of Mormon (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Book of Mormon (Score:2)
Think about that for a moment. Just because someone doesn't use Linux doesn't mean it isn't an OS.
The Book of Mormon, I agree, makes a horrible archeological guide, however. It is a wonderful spiritual and religious record however, written specifically for our day and age.
Re:Book of Mormon (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Book of Mormon (Score:3, Informative)
In any event, there were no Native Americans who had a ceremony that resembled anything like Holy Communion. The Mayans had several blood sacrifice ceremonies, and the Aztecs were pretty brutal in their human sacrifice, but none of them believed they were consuming the body and blood of God, thus joining with him in Spirit. And they sure as hell didn't believe their God became human and died for their sins.
Last I checked, Christ didn't look like a giant feathered serpe
Re:Book of Mormon (Score:1)
The Book of Mormon does not teach that "Indians" are children of the devil. Now the LDS church does teach that the Native Americans are descendants of the people of the Book of Mormon, but not that they are children of the Devil.
And I don't even know where you got the idea that the Book of Mormon condones slavery for Blacks.
As for the chattel cooment, I can guarantee you that it does not t
"myth of pristine rainforest" (Score:2)
The fact is: those people aren't living there anymore, and they haven't lived there for a long time. And it wasn't Europeans that killed them. Obviously, that environment is not a great environment for humans to live.
Besides, this hardly sounds all that unusu