Sequence-Detecting Nanoscale Sensor 16
Makarand writes "A nanoscale sensor made of a single molecule - just 20 nanometers long - capable of detecting a specific
short sequence in a mix of DNA or RNA molecules has been created by physicists at UCLA. This nanoscale
sensor could be used to detect the early stages of cancers for which genetic markers are well known or extremely minute traces of biological weapons.
When a target molecule binds to the probe molecule in the sensor,
the probe molecule changes shape and pulls on the sensor. The motion of the sensor is detected
by an optical technique to measure conformational changes in the probe molecule at the nanometer scale."
Re:A step closer to immortality (Score:1)
I wonder how well they could isolate the sequences between a cell dividing normally and a cancerous one.
How long does it take? (Score:4, Insightful)
It's a good start, but clearly there's a long way to go before it is more than just a 'lab' tool.
Re:How long does it take? (Score:4, Insightful)
Still, the ability to bind and report the binding of a single molecule of DNA of a (presumably) highly specific sequence is quite the accomplishment.
Re:How long does it take? (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes. The probe would be either a cocktail of all the permutations of the listed sequence, or it could be AIICTGICCTT, where I is inosine. Inosine is a nitrogenous base derived from adenosine which can pair up with any of the four standard nucleotides.
First ... (Score:1, Interesting)
Might be useful for detecting contagious diseases (Score:5, Interesting)
Distributed computing to the rescue? (Score:3, Insightful)
dependent upon DNA hybridization (Score:5, Informative)
Re:dependent upon DNA hybridization (Score:5, Informative)
What matters is the relative concentration of the target DNA sequence, and of all other remotely similar sequences. Roughly speaking, for each base pair that is different between your ideal target and your actual target, you get a difference of a few kcal/mole in binding energy.
Every 1.36 kcal/mole (roughly) corresponds to a ten-fold decrease in binding affinity.
So, roughly speaking, a single-nucleotide mis-match is going to have 1/1000 times the binding affinity of a perfect match to the probe. This means, that under IDEAL circumstances, you can detect your target against a background of 1000-times its own concentration in single-base substitutions. Of course, under circumstances where your probe is long enough that random DNA will tend to bind indiscriminately, this won't work.
Contamination with single-stranded binding proteins, which do exist, might also be a confounding factor, either giving you a false positive or fouling up your probe.
Anyway, this may or may not be good enough for any particular application. I suspect that this technique will never actually be as sensitive as PCR, wherein the binding-affinity experiment is effectively "repeated" each replication cycle. If you choose a sequence carefully enough - and use a longer probe so that close matches are not so likely to appear at random (a ten nucleotide probe appears one in every 2^20 ~= 1/billion times, at random. The human genome is likely to include one instance of every decamer,) you might get performance good enough for the applications they describe.
Re:dependent upon DNA hybridization (Score:3, Informative)
I disagree. While PCR can detect single copies of sequences in theory, it rarely (if ever) does so in common practice. There are tweaks you can do that will help amplify the system, and use of specialized detection equipment can get it down pretty low, but in my experience, anything less than ~100 copies of target is unreliably detectable, at best.
As for targets, a decamer is good in theory, but in practice you run into several problem
Re:dependent upon DNA hybridization (Score:2)
*SNP - Si
A leap forward (Score:5, Insightful)
For those in the field, imagine being able to assay the ammount of your transcript of interest in an RNA sample as easily as you are able to measure total RNA. Pop a cuvette in a specialized spec and get a reading? You could have your answer in seconds as opposed to hours. Granted, the tech is not at that point yet, but it could easily get there in a few years.
Again I ask....what company is buying this? I want stock in them NOW.
Biochip (Score:1)
However, would you want to know?