3D Scans Of Ancient Tablets 25
clonebarkins writes "The BBC is reporting on a new project to create 3D scans of ancient tablets written in cuneiform. They are using software from Kestrel 3D. Just wait till Project Gutenberg gets a hold of these!"
Just wait till Project Gutenberg gets a hold... (Score:3, Funny)
Sumerian texts (Score:5, Informative)
You can already find some Sumerian texts on the Internet, along with translations:
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature [ox.ac.uk]
Re:Sumerian texts (Score:2, Interesting)
not my joke (Score:3, Funny)
Well... (Score:2, Funny)
Dr. Evil> Or completely obliterated and burned to a shard by a friggin laser beam.
what will this cost? (Score:1)
However, it seems that this technology would be pretty expensive to run, both labor and mechanical costs. What I want to know is, if this technology was used to provide images for people to view on the Internet, would there be a price? Or any
Oldest Dupe! (Score:1, Troll)
5000 year-old Cuneiform tablets Go Digital
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=3D02/0 5/17/1842 37
[0]purduephotog writes "In an effort to preserve and expose scholars
around the world to [1]rapidly plundered historical texts, a joint
project between the University of California and the Max Planck
Institute have [2]photographed and digitized aroun
Re: Oldest Dupe (correct link here) (Score:1)
Btw, without the info in your post, I would've never found it. Thanks for the details. Hopefully, others aren't modding it further into oblivion.
Re: Oldest Dupe (correct link here) (Score:2)
I tried searching for it but never got anywhere... a google search turned it up but was inactive.
I can usually find anything on the net... but searching slashdot was downright impossible.
Re: Oldest Dupe (correct link here) (Score:1)
I basically used the link you provided and compared it to the standard format for
Actually, I just searched "purduephotog" on
Taking a joke too seriously (Score:5, Interesting)
There's a hell of a lot of work involved in transcribing something like this (or translating, for that matter).
Re:fecal sound (Score:1, Offtopic)
Oh the humanity!
Unless of course - puts pinky to mouth - I get ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Where can I find an Assyriologist? (Score:2, Interesting)
Anyone know where I can find an Assyriologist to help me read my tablet? Such people seem to be very few and far between.
Egyptologists, OTOH, are relatively easy to find and self-education books on Middle Egyptian are readily available.
Hmmm (Score:3, Funny)
Scones = Yuck (Score:1)
Re:Mission Accomplished (Score:1)
in front of an open fire and then buttered...