DNA, Fifty Years To the Day 202
An anonymous reader writes "Today being the fiftieth anniversary (April 2, 1953) of the Watson-Crick double-helical, DNA discovery [to quote, 'We wish to put forward a radically different structure...'], there is an interesting tally of completed gene sequences here, and ones still being worked, including the Ames strain of the anthrax bacteria. It also appears that the only lifeforms not using DNA for code storage are a few viruses like the common cold."
Games and books... (Score:2)
Seriously though, any future developments in this area of science will surely pave the way for a new novel from Michael Crichton.
DNA was what started (Score:2)
Re:Games and books... (Score:3, Informative)
In Other News... (Score:2, Funny)
Scientists are calling this the EVIL PAIR. Finding this in DNA insures that the organism is PURE EVIL.
Re:In Other News... (Score:5, Funny)
Lionel Hutz: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to prove to you not only that Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not being guilty. I refer you to my expert witness, Dr. Hibbert.
Hibbert: Well, only one in two million people has what we call the "evil gene". (holds up a card showing DNA) Hitler had it, Walt Disney had it, and Freddy Quimby has it. (chuckles)
Hutz: Thank you, Dr. Hibbert. I rest my case.
Judge: You rest your case?
Hutz: What? Oh no, I thought that was just a figure of speech. Case closed.
Re:In Other News... (Score:2)
Re:In Other News... (Score:2)
Wouldn't that be:
Even if you do learn to speak correct English, to whom are you going to speak it?
Re:In Other News... (Score:2)
Why? Because the poster whose sig to which I was replying ended his sentence with a preposition. Ordinarily I don't care much about such things, but the fact that he used incorrect grammar while trying to be a Grammar Nazi required me to correct him.
My sig, on the other hand, did not end with a preposition, and was a valid sentence.
This reminds me of a joke:
A woman from Arkansas gets on an airplane. Next to her sits a woman from England.
The woman from Arkansas leans over and asks the English woman, "
"In other news..." (Score:5, Interesting)
2. Skim the summary.
3. Reply and title your post "In other news..."
4. Take premise of article and twist it into something obviously absurd. Make sure it is not clever, original, or funny in any way.
5. Wait for dull, crackhead moderators with itchy mouse fingers to click it up into the various realms of Funny That Is Not.
I will either be modded down, someone will post another "step" to my list that references responses like mine, or some Anonymous Coward will copy my style as they usually do.
Re:"In other news..." (Score:2)
I don't do this. It's been done to me (without the redundant, enough people check posting times). I'm sure that there are also people who reply as an AC to their own posts with "MOD PARENT UP" posts. It must be a tough life being a karma whore. Me, I just try to be funny, interesting and informative.
Re:In Other News... (Score:2)
Another detection method is to check E bit in the header if there is one.
Re:In Other News... (Score:1)
To celebrate... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:To celebrate... (Score:2)
Re:To celebrate... (Score:2)
What I want to know is... (Score:2, Funny)
My real spider monkey can't wait that long to meet the world. Oooo AH AH AHHH!!!!
Seriously, happy 50th, DNA!
Re:What I want to know is... (Score:1)
Just make the check out to Japhar81...
Re:What I want to know is... (Score:1)
Rosalind Franklin (Score:5, Informative)
ABC's program on Rosalind Franklin (Score:5, Informative)
Here's a lot more of the story of her work:
Book Talk on "The Dark Lady of DNA..."
[Broadcast on Saturday 29 March 2003]
Listen via Audio on Demand from:
Brenda Maddox on why the young English biophysicist Rosalind Franklin was never to know how vital her own work was to Francis Crick and James Watson's discovery of 'the secret of life.'
The biographer of D.H. Lawrence, W.B. Yeats and Nora Barnacle, James Joyce's wife, Brenda Maddox talks about her life of Rosalind Franklin at the Cheltenham Festival of Literature.
See also:
"The Dark Lady Of DNA"
Author: Brenda Maddox/Rosalind Franklin
Publisher: Harpercollins
Physics Today Article about Rosalind Franklin (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Rosalind Franklin (Score:5, Informative)
So Watson and Crick did not do any experimental reseach, proposed a model based on Rosalind's unpublished results, never gave her any credit ... and, in the end, there was no conclusive proof that their modal was the correct model (in fact, it was Rosalind who provided that proof and improved on their model in the weeks following W&C's publication). Not to mention the fact that Watson performed an utterly dastardly character assasination on her in his book The Double Helix .... If it wasn't so tragic it'd almost be funny ...
But while we're at it, don't forget that along side Rosalind Franklin was Ray Gosling, a PhD student who did a lot of the work and never got any credit at all. Just like most PhD students, I might add :)
FWIW, the Brenda Maddox's bio of Rosalind Franklin is fantastic reading - probably the best biography of any scientist I have read. It is inspiring, moving and extremely well researched (especially when the author, AFAIK, had no science background before writing the book).
Re:Rosalind Franklin (Score:2)
Re:Rosalind Franklin (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Rosalind Franklin (Score:1)
Re:Rosalind Franklin (Score:5, Insightful)
Even if you are unwilling to recognize this fact, I hope you will not unkowingly sully the name of Crick. Watson was responsible for accquiring the unreleased image of the B form of DNA. Whether or not Watson obtained this image without Franklin's permission, Cricks was unaware. If you must demonize anyone, it should be Watson. Everything he has said in the ensuing years has shown just how pompous and deceitful he is.
But no matter how detestable Watson may be, he and Cricks were the first ones to correctly determine that DNA was helical in shape. There is no evidence to suggest otherwise.
Re:Rosalind Franklin (Score:2)
they should.. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:they should.. (Score:2)
Not using DNA for code storage!! (Score:2)
Does that mean that NT admins considered a virus since they use hard drives for code storage, opposed to DNA.
What about the Ribozymes and Rosalyn? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Not using DNA for code storage!! (Score:2)
Some interesting info... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:5, Insightful)
<QUOTE>It's interesting to note that since their discovery of DNA's double-helical structure, neither Watson nor Crick have discovered or published anything significant since then.</QUOTE>
RUBBISH. Francis Crick proposed the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology [euchromatin.org], which is at least as important as his proposed model of DNA. In a nutshell, the central dogma states that the information encoded in the linear sequence of nucleotides in genomic DNA is transcribed into the linear sequence of nucleotides in RNA, and that the linear sequence of nucleotides in RNA is translated into the linear sequence of amino acids in proteins. At the time Crick postulated this, the link between RNA and the other two was very poorly understood. This was a remarkable contribution to the field. Crick did a whole lot more than just model building.
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:2)
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:4, Informative)
Ya know, if I only succeed at creating one entirely new field of knowledge in life, I think I'll look back on my life as a success. Also, as a note, for the last 20 years (or more?) Francis Crick has been working on the rather different field of neurobiology and specifically, the biological origins of human consciousness. In particular, "Crick has published extensively on the neural basis of attention, REM sleep, consciousness and visual awareness" to quote his biography blurb from the Salk Institute. Perhaps it hasn't made headlines, but that doesn't mean he hasn't done other important research.
Most importantly, you don't seem to realize that the way science works is that sometimes you don't really know exactly how important something is when you are working on it. Sometimes, only in retrospect does it become clear if a piece of work is an interesting and novel phenomenon on its own, or more deeply significant, "groundbreaking" research.
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:2)
Very true. Also, the parent poster claims that Crick didn't make any "post-DNA discoveries", which is an absurd thing to say. Most scientists focus intensely
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:3, Interesting)
Uhh, that is not really the case. Crick had contributions to the prediction of the polyproline II and collagen structures (collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, and the subject of my graduate research). And, IIRC, that is not Crick's only contribution. There is a hell of alot more science being done that isn't ending up o
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:3, Insightful)
I've heard it said that it takes anywhere from 10 to 30 years for the value of a scientific advance to be realized, and this fits with my own observations. If you look at the progress of crystallography since Franklin's DNA pictures, it took decades for the field to yield more than a handful of high-resolution macromolecular structures and only in the past ten to fifteen years has it really exploded. Yet much of
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:2)
Re:Some interesting info... (Score:4, Informative)
This is true in Watson's case, unless you count blatantly sexist, racist, unsupported "research" [mindfully.org] as significant.
Which we don't. Can you believe this guy received a Nobel Prize?
He's done at least one other "publication" like this, too.
Re:Since when is talking about sex sexist? (Score:2)
All he said was that sun exposure may be linked with sexual drive and that obesity lowers charisma.
No, this is not what he said at all. First, he wasn't saying that there was a link between sun exposure and sexual drive - he stated that the relationship was cause-and-effect. There's an absolutely enormous difference between the two, but I don't think I need to point that out. Second, his point about being fat was that it decreased ambition and drive to work, but i
Re:Since when is talking about sex sexist? (Score:2)
Most of us do not make the distinction when speaking plainly. When I say "linked" I imply that there may be a casual relationship. I am not explicitly stating the latter because of my low level of certainty. However, whenever I see a correlation, I usually consider it prudent to investigate the relationship further.
Fair enough. I was saying that Watson had explicitly made the cause
Bake a Cake (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Bake a Cake (Score:2)
Computer virus (Score:1)
Well I find it interesting to compare this with a computer virus which is nuthing but a software program (usually larger than 240 bits). Which makes me wonder, if we can create a virus... can we someday create a more sophisticated life form?
I don't know what you're smoking.... (Score:1)
What the article said is that prions do not use DNA for code storage. Prions != virii.
Re:I don't know what you're smoking.... (Score:1)
I don't know what you're smoking.... (Score:2)
Re:I don't know what you're smoking.... (Score:2)
You're correct, and the summary had absolutely nothing to contradict that also. *most* viruses use DNA for their genetic code. *some* use RNA. (hence the comment 'except for a few viruses').
And after 50 years... (Score:1)
The government has finally collected a sample from every citizen for the TIA database.
Remember, they didn't discover DNA! (Score:5, Informative)
1865 - Gregor Mendel shows that heredity is passed in discreet units
1900 - Three scientists independently verify Mendel's work, and formulate the laws of heredity
1909 - Willhelm Johannsen coins the term gene
1911 - Thomas Hunt Morgan shows that chromosomes contain genes
1929 - Phoebus Levin discovers that genes are made up of nucleotides (i.e., genes are made up of DNA)
1943 - William Astbury obtains first X-ray diffraction pictures of DNA
1951 - Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction images show DNA has two different forms, and that it takes the form of a helix
1953 - Watson and Crick formulate their model
Vocabulary, please (Score:1)
Discrete - Consisting of unconnected distinct parts.
I dont think Mendel meant to say that the passing is done in a modest fashion.
acknowledgements.... (Score:5, Interesting)
Here's a brief NPR review [npr.org] of a recent biography of Rosalind Franklin and a more extensive review [sciam.com] in Scientific American which details the theft of data by Watson/Crick/Wilkins.
Re:acknowledgements.... (Score:2)
Of course hers was a very significant contribution to the discovery, and she would certainly have been included on the Nobel prize, were it not for the simple fact that she was dead by the time they got around to awarding it, and Nobel's aren't awarded posthumously.
Incidentally, she did produce data that went along way to hel
viruses are DNA? (Score:2)
I was under the impression that viruses were just floating pieces of DNA that get into a cell and reprogram it to produce more of those strands of DNA. How can you say viruses are not using DNA when that is basically what they are? (or else high-school biology has taught me wrong).
Re:viruses are DNA? (Score:1)
Re:viruses are DNA? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:viruses are DNA? (Score:5, Informative)
Influenza, measles, mumps and polio are all RNA based viruses.
DNA viruses include herpes and hepatitis. I think HIV is a DNA type but I don't recall offhand.
Re:HIV (Score:2)
Also of interest is the fact that this enzyme - reverse transcriptase - is a favorite target of antiviral drugs. AZT is probably the best known drug of this type. What makes it an attractive target is the fact that nothing other than retroviruses use any form of this enzyme - so taking it out shouldn't harm the host. What makes this more complicated, however, is the fact that the enzyme is similar in oper
It's a pitty... (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:It's a pitty... (Score:2)
What a strong woman.
(I'm sure you've all seen the photo of the model, it's huge and must be quite heavy too with all the metal parts.)
Douglas Adams (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Douglas Adams (Score:2)
Also in this month's Smithsonian Magazine (Score:2, Funny)
Now if they could only create a DNA custom engineered beowulf cluster of atomic supermen...
Now.. (Score:1)
Viruses (Score:1)
Not a very good link (Score:3, Informative)
Here is the *definitive* page for completed genomes:
Re:Not a very good link (Score:2)
If a genome is sequenced, it's sequenced. True, the human genome project is a little quick to declare completion when it isn't really done. But other projects aren't so quick to declare completion.
Also, many projects are required to release results early by the NSF. They don't want to fund projects that are going to use their money to gather data and then hoard it.
DNA (Score:1)
born March 11th, 1952
died May 11th, 2001
I know, different DNA, but hey...
DNA and turing machines (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:DNA and turing machines (Score:2)
A Question for Dr. Watson (Score:1)
It turns out... (Score:2)
April Fools... (Score:1)
genetic algorithms (Score:3, Informative)
The Eagle (Score:2)
April Fool's? (Score:2)
I Was Thinking... (Score:3, Interesting)
It seems strange to me that while, in principle, the discovery of the structure of DNA was a wonderful thing, it doesn't seem to have affected the average person's life very much. Far less, it seems, then Dr. Fleming's noticing that bread mold contamination was killing his bacterial cultures.
Perhaps I'm missing something, and understanding the structure of DNA is contributing more than I think. But, it occurs to me that if we could put a man on the moon in about 10 years, we ought to be able to do something more with DNA in 50 years.
I suspect that science has become too bureaucratized and institutionalized to know which end is up anymore.
Re:I Was Thinking... (Score:2)
Re:I Was Thinking... (Score:2, Informative)
Gene therapy is NOT a standard treatment for anything. It is still experimental and has been shut down completely two or three times in the last decade because of unexpected deaths of patients. The only success of gene therapy to date has been a French study in which 9 children with SCID (Severe Combined Immune Deficiency) were succesfully treated with gene therapy. Even this study has been halted for now because two of the patients have developed leukemia-like
Re:I Was Thinking... (Score:2)
I don't know much about the details of gene therapy, but seven out of nine were ok?
What is the success rate for SCID otherwise?
Re:I Was Thinking... (Score:2)
Noticing something kills bacteria and then feeding that to people, while being something of an intellectual leap, wasn't exactly a great effort in terms of making mass quantities of it. Using DNA research to actually do someth
Re:I Was Thinking... (Score:2)
That we have a (mostly) completed human genome sequence only 50 years after the discovery of the structure is absolutely astounding. This of course is only the first step, the practical applications (while they exist alr
Re:I Was Thinking... (Score:2)
What in the FUCK are you talking about? The entire modern field of molecular biology is partly based on understanding how genetic information is stored and replicated. If you seriously believe that the past 50 years of advances in biology have yielded no benefits to society, you're stoned. Every single advance in fighting infectious diseases, cancer, and inherited disorders has been enabled by
April 2nd... (Score:1)
Or probably people believed more those days (there was no
Topic Choice? (Score:1)
Are viruses lifeforms? (Score:3, Interesting)
But perhaps the thinking on this has changed...
Correction... (Score:2)
Basic geometry wrong (Score:2)
This is a truncated icosahedron. The one formed with pentagons and hexagons is special because it's the roundest polyhedron possible with this number of faces or vertices, which probably has something to do with the success of this shape in virii.
An icosahedron is formed of
Re:As always, (Score:5, Informative)
Watson rips on Franlin pretty hard in the book, but mainly because of personality conflicts. He acknowledges in the end that without her contributions, they wouldn't have achieved the same success.
Re:As always, (Score:5, Interesting)
If you are interested in learning about the abusive mistreatment of women researchers look no further than The Double Helix.
Re:As always, (Score:3, Interesting)
Hmmm ... you might be interested in reading what Brenda Maddox has to say about that in her biography of Rosalind Franklin, "Rosalind Franklin: the Dark Lady of DNA". I'm sorry, but Watson's portrayal of her was at best stupid and insensitive and at worst a cruel deliberate character assasination of someone who was not only dead and could not reply, but had also been a good friend of his in the years following the
Re:As always, (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:As always, (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh, I don't know about that. Watson and crick came up with some realizations that were pretty important, even if you NEVER actually saw the molecule.
One of the realizations that they made was that there had to be a minimum of three identification units to code for each amino acid, and that more than three would be wasted. Now that sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? But even if you get to see the molecule, if you don't understand that you need to look at three sequential base pairs (a codon) togethe
Re:As always, (Score:1)
Re:As always, (Score:4, Insightful)
Pauling did publish a proposed structure for DNA a few weeks before W&C's paper (in fact, it was his publication that drove them to have another shot at model building) - but Pauling's model was attrocious. Like W&C's first attempt, it was a triple helix with the phosphates on the inside, not on the outside (a fact which, incidentally, was demonstrated by Franklin a year before).
But, W&C or Pauling would have certainly figured it out much faster if they had access to her information.
I don't know what you're talking about here - W&C did have access to her data, without her knowledge or permission - and it was the only way they could propose a model. To put it simply, her oft-reprinted photo was the supreme evidence that the B-form of DNA was a helix.
And Rosalind Franklin (and Ray Gosling, her PhD student) were very, very close to solving the structure, not only of the B-form of DNA but also of the dehydrated A-form of the molecule. They had recognised that both forms were a double helix and had come close to recognising the significance of the the Chargraff ratios of base-pairs at the time of W&C's publication. Their only "failing" was that they wanted to make sure that any model they proposed was in fact the correct one by having X-ray crystallographic data to support it. W&C never cared about any of that, and never bothered to check whether their model was accurate. That's why they "figured it out faster"!
I wish (Score:2)
Re:not lifeforms (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:not lifeforms (Score:2, Interesting)