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Space Science

Neutron Stars Partially Dissected 26

mmol_6453 writes "An article at ScienceDaily details and explains observations that offer the first proof that what we consider neutron stars really are neutron superfluids. The original press release can be found here."
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Neutron Stars Partially Dissected

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  • Okay, if it's a superfluid, then is there an adult swim?
    Seriously, is ther a star smaller than a quark star but bigger than a black hole? Call me dense, but I've not been more than a casual observer of astronomy.
  • Is this anything other than a summary of this? []
  • super fluids (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 08, 2002 @08:11PM (#4629768)
    I would imagine at those super pressures found in a neutron star that our ways of defining states of matter would be of no relative importence. In the soup that is a neutron star, nuclear forces would dissasemble the parts of an atom. Now as we all know, there are 3 states of matter, solid, liquid, and gaseous, but a lot of people don't know about about a forth or even beyond. When one heats up a gas to super temperatures (like that found in a neutron star) the atoms will no longer be bound by their forces within them and neutrons will fly from protons in the nucleus, while the electrons would also start acting strangly. If we up the temp even more, the subatomic particles will start breaking down into their quarks and neutrinos. I am not sure what that state of matter is called, but that can happen in a neutron star. (just for fun, if you keep on heating the quarks and such, you would eventually rip a hole in space/time and I would really recomend leaving the room where you are doing this :)

    Now my question is, this slush of various subatomic particles in the star: can you call it liquid? Another question is if you were to disect a neutron star, the subatomic particles would quickly reassemble themselves and you would be left with Hydrogen, wouldn't that leave you with almost no insite to a neutron? I could see how exciting this would be in an attempt to explain the seconds after the big bang, but just to explain superfluids?

    • forgot plasma (Score:3, Informative)

      by wotevah ( 620758 )
      As we all know, there are actually four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma.
      • No, five! (Score:2, Funny)

        by Black Parrot ( 19622 )

        > As we all know, there are actually four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma.

        As every Slashdotter knows, there are five states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma, and beowulf cluster.

      • As we all know, there are actually four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma.

        I believe this was already covered:

        but a lot of people don't know about about a forth or even beyond

        Come on mods, check your sources!
        • It is generally accepted (read "taught in schools") that there are four states of matter, no ifs and buts. Therefore, the statement "as we all know there are three" is not quite correct.
      • Re:forgot plasma (Score:4, Interesting)

        by The Red Rooster ( 613993 ) <rburgess@[ ].edu ['gmu' in gap]> on Sunday November 10, 2002 @03:11AM (#4635901) Journal
        There are actually several more:
        Bose-Einst ien Condensate
        Quark somethingorother

        BEC's are ultra-cold bodies of matter where all atoms in the conglomerate 'march' to the same drum. In effect, each atom behaves not just exactly the same as all other atoms, but as if the whole she-bang were one single atom.

        With the Quarks, inside super-hot, super-dense areas, quarks free themselves, something not normally allowed. The quarks end up shielding themselves from each other so that they cannot recombine quite as easily. IOW, you can actually cool the cloud down just a bit.

        Superfluids are states not unlike BEC's wherein all sorts of strange things happen. Helium is the famous example. You can get superfluidic helium to flow uphill in the right conditions.
    • A liquid is a substance which retains its volume, but not its shape. A solid retains both, a gas neither. A neutron star is liquid, as it's volume is stable (due to the balance between gravity and other forces), but any slight deviation from spherical (or non-spherical, if it's spinning... neutronium does weird stuff when it spins, it's not just an ellipsoid) is quickly overwhelmed and pulled flat.

      Also, I seem to recall that neutronium is metastable, which would mean that you can at least fiddle it a bit when you dig it out of a star... of course, technical difficulties are another issue entirely.

    • Super hot gasses you refer to are plasma. Actually, that doesn't happen in a neturon star. The gravity is so strong in a neutron star that all you are left with, literally, are neutrons. If I remember correctly, the main force that prevents them squishing in further is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In other words, you can pack neutrons on so closely before what you try to achieve goes into the realm of "exact location/position/energy, etc." and we can't ever have that. To go beyond this would require a black hole and nobody knows what goes on in there...

      The only subatomic particles that are in neutron stars should be neutrons...nothing else. So making water out of slices of a neutron star is definitely out of the question...
  • My understanding is that when a neutron star becomes too dense it collapses into a black hole. From this it would seem that the size boundaries for quark stars would be very tight, the star would have to be dense enough to liberate the quarks but not so dense as to collapse into a black hole. Or am I on crack here?
  • yeah I just had a question for whoever knows the answer. Ok so when a star gets old and dies and whatnot and collapses into a black hole, isn't it true that there is no way for any matter to escape at this point? I thought that this was because the gravity was such that space time curved so sharply that even light would find itself in a perpetual orbit around the black hole if it fell below the event horizon. I always have this picture in my mind of how that might work. ( of course there is no way to visualize it because light couldn't communicate information in a human decypherable way in this state, but you know. ) My thought was that if you could shine a laser at the exact point of the event horizon, the light would instantly loop around and form a perfect eternal circle arount the black hole, If you kept shining the laser for a year, and then were able to look at the event horizon as if it were coming straight on, like watching the sun rise, you would see all of the photons you had propelled into the black hole over that years time all at once, in a perpetual orbit. That is, assuming some space rock or star or something didn't cross their path while plumeting to their doom. Just sick visual imagery, I don't think I am getting my point across. ok But my question was this: If the big bang was an explosion of energy that contained all of the energy ever to exist (and later to cool into matter -- I don't understand that at all, btw) Why was the gravitational pull of all of this shit not enough to curve/rip spacetime into the one big black hole, and creation end there? Also I have heard something to the effect that black holes slowly evaporate by emitting X-rays. If other forms of electromagnetic radiation (light and such) can not escape, then what is special about X-rays? And if black holes do slowly lose mass due to x-ray evaporation, then do they explode all at once when they get back down to a mass that can not sustain such compression, thus weakening gravity, thus exploding bigger, thus weakening gravity some more? Any insight? sorry for my ignorance in physics.

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