Looking For Intelligence 269
Calgacus writes "We've all read stories about extra-solar planets being found by gravitational wobbles. The Scotsman has a story here about a planet in the Fomalhaut system being discovered because of its wake through a dust cloud. It's further out than other recently discovered planets and astronomers are saying it means there's an odds-on chance of intelligent life being out there. If only there was more on Earth..."
Looking for intelligence (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Looking for intelligence (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Looking for intelligence (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Looking for intelligence (Score:2)
Intelligent Life (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
I'll just run down to my local discount store and buy a quart of exotic matter. Oh, sorry, I'd expect exotic matter would be sold by the liter.
Ya gotta read the posting as a whole! My point was that the lack of aliens on our doorstep tends to reinforce Einstein. Given that such fabulous (the real definition thereof) theories as the one you reference allow anybody anywhere to travel at unlimited speeds, my point is only reinforced further, that since there are no aliens on our doorstep, there must not be any practical way to impliment them.
Oh wait, a UFO just landed in my backyard. Nevermind.
Let me clarify by making a simple analogy. An American Native of the mid-15th Century hypothesizes that earthwide teleportation should be possible using "exotic beads." These consist of a particular variation on the pattern of beads woven into a beaver shirt. All that is necessary is that the proper pattern be found. One can imagine that a discussion develops about whether such a thing is really possible. I won't get into the various arguments that could be presented. Suffice to say that a few years later the Europeans show up in wooden sail boats. Draw your own conclusions.
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
And as I also suggested, there ARE other explanations: habitable planets a dime a dozen, Earth-based life being at the early stages of development of life in the cosmos, etc. In the latter case, the American Native analogy is even more important.
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:5, Insightful)
Er, wormholes aren't a SF solutions. Look up "Einstein-Rosen Bridge". The problem with such a bridge is that matter won't survive the trip.
Digging deeper into the hat of theoretical physics, we have a possible solution. What needs to be done is to thread the wormhole with something that sounds a lot like antigravity. This sounds like a SF solution, but there is no theoretical reason why a negative gravitational force shouldn't exist. Its a mathematically viable solution.
OTOH, this could be a pretty expensive solution. First you need to find or create a bridge and then stabilize it. If your race has perfected suspended animation, it might be the cheaper way to go from one system to another. Or maybe there's some other reason.
Its flawed reasoning to think "There's no ETs visiting us, thus FTL travel is impossible." Maybe we're living in the cosmic equivalent of a natural preserve. Maybe intelligence evolves beyond the need for physical bodies. Maybe there are intersteller laws against messing with the locals. Maybe hydrogen based life is the norm. Or life that can live in a vacuum. Or maybe we've just been overlooked.
Just my $.02
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:3, Informative)
So you're talking about Fermi's Paradox [space.com]?
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:3, Funny)
As for your second point, the answer is economic. There's a big difference between building a bunch of wooden boats and manufacturing a fleet of intra-galactic star cruisers, even those of the common sublight variety. That kind of effort would require a relatively slow development of infrastructure along the colonized pathways. Unfortunately, there are no islands in deep space, no assurance that there will be habitable planets orbiting nearby stars, no friendly natives willing to teach the explorers how to plant corn, no equatorial currents pointed directly toward habitable areas, and most importantly, no recopied maps left over from Phoenician/Greek times with grid systems centered on Alexandria, Egypt.
And above all else, unlike Earth (and Star Trek), any intelligent beings encountered along the way will most likely not be human, and possibly not even humanoid. The fact is that exploration is one of those endeavors that just doesn't scale very well.
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:2)
Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:5, Informative)
If the big gasgiants are further away from the center of a solar system, then there is more chance that planets resembling Earth (or Mars, or Venus) will have formed.
With this discovery, it's become more likely that there is a significant amount of systems out there resembling our own solar system, and thus that we might some day discover the existance of recognizable life within those systems.
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:2, Informative)
As planet hunting is in its relatively early days at the moment we are finding all the ones that are easiest to find, and looking at current stats they are now detecting planets out to 2 or 3 AU.
Also, because this has only been going on a few years we haven't been able to see the "wobbles" for planets that have orbital periods of more than a couple of years.
Basically, within the next few years we should start to find more stars with planets further out.
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:5, Informative)
That spin on it seems to have come from the newspaper. I work for one of the organisations involved, and you can see the original press release on [hawaii.edu] our website. [hawaii.edu]
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:5, Informative)
What the scientists are stating is that if a planet, surrounded by debris far a way from the Folmahouth system exists, it will act as a buffer to those planets that we cannot detect. If it exists in two systems, Sol, and Folmahouth, then the "odds" are that it exists in many, (as you know, the universe is either infinite, or close enough to infinite, that only Marvin the Paranoid Android can count all the suns in it.)
So I don't think this is too sensationalist- for these reasons.
1. this wasn't printed on the front page of NYT
2. slashdot isn't much of a sensation
3. this is on the science section from the science department. If jerry springer was reporting on it, i'd buy the sensation part
4. Finding a gas giant *far_from* the sun with lots of debris around it means that there are likely smaller planets closer to the sun made up of heavy elements (like our planet) and life is likely to be present in many parts of the universe/galaxy.
Re:Poor Write-Up (Sensationalism) (Score:3, Funny)
<melodrama>What are you saying! Are you trying to tell me that all of the countless hours I've spent reading Slashdot have been a waste fo time? That I've shot my productivity at work in the foot for nothing? Please, say it isn't so!</melodrama>
Intelligent Life? (Score:2, Funny)
If the inhabitants have learnt how to leave a trail of noxious chemicals behind their planet then they MUST be intelligent!
Odds on chance? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Odds on chance? (Score:3, Insightful)
It boils down to the assumption that if the physical conditions are judged to be similar to Earth's, the genesis of life and its subsequent evolution will follow a similar track. Suggesting that some scientists don't completely get the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions and need to take a remedial course in logic immediately.
All the statistics that float around about the prevalence (or absence) of life and/or intelligence in the universe are sheer guesswork based on untestable rules of thumb. Maybe we'll get to some of these places, or get a signal from somewhere, maybe we'll get some good samples of non-terrestrial life from our own solar system and will come to a better understanding of evolution and genetics to the extent that we can make a better educated guess... at the moment it's almost 100% fluff, color for the astronomy/cosmology set.
Numbers Game (Score:3)
That's no proof, but it's not like astronomers are asking people to believe there's an invisible pink unicorn listening to their prayers. It's the best estimate we have. Without an ftl jet or a working dimensional transfuctioner or whatever the gyroscope thing was in Conact [google.com], in this case absence of evidence is not strong evidence of absence.
Re:Numbers Game (Score:2, Insightful)
This is not quite true. In particular, nobody has been able to build life from scratch in a lab and nobody knows the exact reaction that needs to happen.
This means, that the probability of life arising on a suitable planet (f_l) is completely unknown. For all we know, it could be so low, that it is bound to happen at the most once in the entire universe.
Personally, I don't think that this is the case, and I am eagerly awaiting the results of future trips to Mars and Europa. If they find primitive life there, then that changes a lot.
Re:Numbers Game (Score:2)
One part I don't get... (Score:2)
SCUBA operates in the "submillimetre" region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which lies between infrared light and radio waves. Its detectors are cooled to just 0.1C above absolute zero, -273C. "
they're talking about a camera that can see this dust because it's really cold, and that can see this light that they can't even see from telescopes in space.
i thought that space was absolute zero for temperature, or at least something remarkably close. how in the world are they able to get something colder on earth than they can in space?
anyone know anything at all about telescopes and the like as to why Hubble wasn't able to see this before?
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:5, Informative)
You thought wrong. "Space" doesn't have a temperature in any very meaningful sense, but if it did it would be 3K, from the cosmic microwave background radiation. In the vicinity of a star, however, objects will reach a thermal equilibrium where the energy they absorb from solar radiation matches the infrared they radiate away. This is a lot higher in the neighbourhood of Earth orbit -- the Earth, for example, has reached a thermal equilibrium of around 285K (complicated slightly by extra heat produced by radioactive decay).
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:3, Informative)
Not really, because 0K is not exactly -273C. It's something more like -273.15K. That number's from memory though...
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:2)
Actually, no, its exactly 11.85 degrees celcius. 0K = -273.15 C not -273 C if you want to be exact. But, yes the scale is 1 to 1.
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:5, Informative)
In simplest terms, Hubble can't "see" it because it's too dark. Optical telescopes just scoop up light in the visible spectrum; if the object you're interested in doesn't produce enough such light, then you won't see it.
SCUBA isn't looking for visible light, though; it's looking for electromagnetic radiation in a different area of the spectrum (different frequencies/wavelengths) than visible light. Since the object produces significant radiation at these frequencies, SCUBA can "see" it.
Regarding temperature: yes, it's cold where Hubble is (in the shade; it's very hot if you're in the sun), but that doesn't affect its ability to detect visible light. What matters is whether there's other visible light to interfere with the visible light it's interested in. In other words, if you're an optical telescope, you want it to be DARK around you...in an ideal world, the only source of light would be from the object you're trying to observe. Optical telescopes are looking for the difference between "absolutely dark" and "not quite absolutely dark". SCUBA, on the other hand, doesn't care about darkness, because it's not interested in visible light, but it does care very much about temperature, because at the wavelengths it deals with, heat energy affects its ability to "see", so it wants it to be COLD all around it; it's looking for the difference between "absolute zero" temperature and "not quite absolute zero".
It might help to: instead of "see", think "detect"; instead of "light", think "electromagnetic radiation"; and, consider temperature, wavelength, and frequency to all be ways of describing which part of the spectrum you're interested in.
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:2, Informative)
I suspect that the important difference between SCUBA and Hubble in this case is not the temperature of the detectors, but the method in which light is collected and what regions of the spectrum they choose to collect. The "A" in SCUBA stands for array - This means that SCUBA is actually a collection of telescopes spread out to form the equivalent of a very large telescope.
Also, many molecules in space are really "hot" - they have a lot of energy, but there aren't many of them around. Space is cold, however, it's possible for molecules to remain in highly energetic states for long periods of time. Temperature begins to become ill-defined.
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:5, Informative)
I work for the organisation [hawaii.edu] that operates SCUBA and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
No - you're thinking of interferometer arrays. In this case SCUBA stands for Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array:
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:4, Informative)
Low temperature physicists make things colder than this all the time - the same way that we can make things colder than the ambient temperature on Earth.
From memory, so might be wrong: In SCUBA's case, we use a vacuum jacket, then liquid nitrogen, then liquid helium, and then what's known as a dilution refrigerator (which I won't even pretend to understand!). It involves a mixture of liquid He3 and He4 I think. Gets us down to under 100mK.
Although experiments do go quite a bit colder, in terms of its size and the fact that it runs for extended periods at this temperature, SCUBA is one of the coldest fridges in the world.
(I work for the Joint Astronomy Centre [hawaii.edu] who operate SCUBA and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.)
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:3, Interesting)
I work for the Joint Astronomy Centre [hawaii.edu], who operate both SCUBA and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Hubble is a telescope that operates in an entirely different wavelength range (optical, infrared), whilst the JCMT and SCUBA work at submillimetre wavelengths. SCUBA's looking at interstellar dust particles. At Hubble's wavelengths this dust just has an absorbing and obscuring effect, so you can't see it properly. However, SCUBA sees the heat glow from it.
If you go out on a clear night and look at Sagittarius, you're looking towards the centre of the Milky Way. You'll see lots of dark patches among the brightness, which are caused by the extinction of starlight by this interstellar dust. Because it's dark, you can't properly see it. However, if you could see with SCUBA's eyes you'd see this stuff glowing brightly!
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:2)
Actually the background temperature of the universe is 2.7K (look here [eso.org] about a quarter of the way down).
The theory is that leftover radiation from the Big Bang makes the universe that temperature.
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:2)
Not really. I'm not great on thermodynamics but I don't think anything can get to absolute zero. If there's literally nothing in a bit of space, then it doesn't have a temperature at all. You're right though that the dust is warmer than the 3K microwave background.
The fact that it has a temperature at all means it emits radiation, and hence shows up. You just need the right sort of telescope and detector (JCMT and SCUBA in this case [hawaii.edu]) to detect it.
No. From the press release [hawaii.edu]:
So it's a gravitational effect, not an optical shadow.
Re:One part I don't get... (Score:2)
Sorry if my original reply was a bit terse - it was the middle of the night here! :-) On re-reading it I sound a bit brusque.
Another way of thinking about it is indeed very much like the wave of a boat... the thing is that the variations in the detection of the disk (this 'wake') are probably due to varying amounts of 'stuff' rather than the differing brightness or darkness of the stuff. So this dust, which is dark in visible light but bright in submillimetre light, is also 'piling up' in certain places around the star due to the gravity of this inferred planet.
Only Here.... (Score:5, Funny)
I think that's why I keep coming back to SlashDot; only here does a story begin like that and nobody blinks an eye...
God luv yuz...
Too much Intelligence (Score:5, Funny)
Bigger, dumber human says: "And now, for the severe beating of an intelligent human..."
I'm confused (Score:4, Funny)
So in other words, don't believe the hype?
Let me get this straight -- now that we've found conclusive (?) evidence of another planet that most likely wouldn't support life, this increases the chance of finding intelligent life in outer space. Makes sense.
Re:I'm confused (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:I'm confused (Score:2)
Intelligent Life (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:3, Insightful)
That's a funny crack at the US, but it's simply not true. The US holds more Nobel Prizes for sciences than any other country. The secondary school test scores could use some improvement, but University-level education is considered one of the highest in the world.
On the other hand, if your crack was some sort of political snipe at the US, then fine-- but it's funny how most people are really trying hard to get to the US.
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:3, Insightful)
When you have 250 million people, you are bound to spit out a few intellegent deviants.
But have you been driving or grocery shopping lately? Have you seen the news? Do you ever wonder where News of the Wierd and the Darwin Awards get their material?
We *are* a nation of idiots. We've got some smart people here, but with so many carbon lifeforms bumping around this continent thats bound to happen.
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:4, Insightful)
Most grad schools are full of foreigners.
If you want to measure the intelligence of the US public don't look at school.
Re:Intelligent Life (Score:4, Interesting)
but it's funny how most people are really trying hard to get to the US.
Nothing new. Particularly Europe, but most of the rest of the world feels a lot of frustration that their opinions are basically irrelevent in what happens in the world. They take this frustration out in foolish (one might say childish) criticisms of anything the US does.
But you know what really galls them? That the US cares so little what the rest of the world thinks. This particularly irritates countries like France who still want to think of themselves as a world power.
Then you factor in the fact that Europe enjoys what freedom they have through the power and defense of the US (they would be speaking Russian right now without the US, and probably would have had several more world wars by now) -- not to mention that we rebuilt the place after WW/II -- and it's inevitable that resentment builds up in many people. Particularly younger people who don't have any historical perspective.
Search for Terrestrial Intelligence (STI project) (Score:5, Funny)
They're planning to use the 90% unused brain power in every person out there, with the STI@Home project, but their Antartica station is still under construction...
That's not talking about the find... (Score:5, Informative)
"However, [Dr Holland
before that his unrelated comment to the finding was...
"Personally speaking, I think it must be odds-on that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and I think one day we will find it - or they will find us."
Please read the article all the way through before you jump to conclusions.
Life isn't likely there. (Score:2, Troll)
We like the stars and all, but... (Score:5, Funny)
Something tells me my wife won't be excited by this and I'll still get yelled at for not doing a better job of cleaning up the living room.
Do we REALLY want to find them??? (Score:2, Insightful)
Let's face it folks
Consider this: If we are able to communicate with extra terrestrials, odds are that they are more advanced technologicaly than we are. That being said, what if these aliens are aggressive beings that are looking for a conquest? Do we really want to make their job of finding a planet of slaves any easier?
Has anyone considered the possibility that we might be putting a big red target on our planet?
Just some food for thought
Re:Do we REALLY want to find them??? (Score:3, Interesting)
That is to say it is guaranteed that life exists with no intelligence, and is guaranteed that life does -not- exist with infinate intelligence
All life is on a scale somewhere between no intelligence and infinate intelligence. Hence the odds are that if/when we find extra terrestrial life they will, in fact, be less intelligent.
Re:Do we REALLY want to find them??? (Score:3, Interesting)
I agree with:
but using humans as a standard is somewhat close minded (although I guess we don't have any other standard at this time)
Honestly, I believe the odds are closer to 1 than they are 0 that we'll find life more intelligent than us
Some additional food for thought
Re:Do we REALLY want to find them??? (Score:5, Insightful)
This whole "evil" alien thing is ridiculous. To make an analogy- imagine you are an explorer and scientist in a vast sandy desert. You have traveled thousands of miles on foot only to stumble on a TINY oasis. In that oasis is a fantastic looking insect that you are the first to discover in the universe. Would you smash it and move on? or study it and attempt to disturb it as little as possible?
People forget the any alien species sufficently advanced to contact us will have implicitly passed the test of its adolesence. What is the test of adolesence? It occurs when a species technology is sufficently advanced that it can easily destroy itself and the millions of years of evolutionary and cultural development it took to reach the test. Humans began there adolesence with the development of the atomic bomb (more so with fusion based bombs) and probably won't emerge from that adolesence for generations to come.
Interstellar travel and communication is a level of technolgy that is reached after adolesence (atleast the way we understand the universe). First you split the atom then you develop faster than light communication, etc. This is an assumption based on one data point (ourselves) but seems reasonable. How could an alien species exit the gravity well of its own solar system without understanding the process that fuels that star, ie fusion.
Therefore, any alien contact will be a member of a self selected group from the universe of intelligent alien beings that have existed in the universe - the ones that did not destroy themselves.
This post is already getting kind of long be the other thing we know about aliens willing to contact us is that implicitly they want to conact other beings in the universe. Once agin implicitly they are explorers and scientists with respect for other beings.
The last point I'd like to make is that aliens aren't going to mine the earth for its resources or enslave the human race. That is the dumbest idea I have ever heard. Why would an alien species come all this way for matter that is spread all over the universe? Why would they need it anyhow? They will have fusion reactors that can make any element. Their ship will use anti-matter or something we haven't dreamed of yet. Why do they need slaves? Won't they have robots 100 times smarter than humans to do everything?
Aliens that can contact us MUST be peaceful. It would be disruptive but not violent. These aliens would likely have practice making contact. Read some Carl Sagan books and turn off the 50s B movies please!
Assumptions (Score:3, Insightful)
So if an Alien species finds earth, that explorer and scientist crew might see money to be made by exploiting us.
Re:Assumptions (Score:2)
I think it would be extremely rash to risk the future of our species upon the assumed altruism of a species which we know absolutely nothing about. The one very simple explanation, imho, for the reason that we have found no evidence of advanced civilizations is that the true measure of an advanced civilization is found in how well it conceals its existence- because it only takes one wolfling race in all the universe to exterminate or enslave every single nice, peace-loving race as soon as the first primitive radio signals are detected.
So the question becomes not "what are the odds that a civilization which attains the ability to travel between the stars will be peaceful", but rather, "what are the odds that ANY psychotically xenophobic advanced civilization, ANYWHERE in the galaxy, will manage to build starships". Unless this number is zero (not vanishingly small, but literally ZERO) we have to be incredibly vigilant against detection, because it is a hell of a lot easier to destroy a planet than it is to guard yourself against its inhabitants forever, especially if you consider nanotechnology and viral warfare as legitimate tools of conquest. And we have to assume that the penalty of detection by a wolfling race is death.
And, if you want to be cynical about it, every other rational civilization must assume that we (and all other n00b civs) are a wolfling civilization in the making... which means that we might be judged worthy of deletion by even the most peace-loving B.E.M. out there. Hell from their perspective we might not even qualify as intelligent (or even alive)- maybe we are nothing more than insects or plants to them, and therefore they would have no more ethical qualms about killing us that we have about mowing our yards.
Another counter argument (Score:2)
Perhaps they have developed an ethos or instinct that ensures they are not *self* destructive but that is no guarantee they are not *other* destructive or care that much about *others* at all.
Re:Do we REALLY want to find them??? (Score:2, Insightful)
assume they're peaceful because... (Score:2)
Our civilization cowers in fear at the idea of naughty people getting their hands on nukes. Space is BIG, and any way you cut it, the energy it will take to cross interstellar space makes our total capabilities look like a firecracker. We see how difficult an unsuccessful a time we've had "containing" our mere firecrackers. An interstellar civilization will have ready access to tremendous energies, and it must be reasonably widespread. If they had our self-destructive tendancies, they would have had ample time to fulfill them prior to achieving interstellar capability.
Caveats to this:
An immature race discovered or stole the technology from a mature race. (Footfall, Niven/Pournelle)
Alien/xenophobic psychology - Hive minds, Benford's mechs, Saberhagen's beserkers.
Different neighborhood - Imagine multiple inhabitable planets in one solar system. Or how about the nearest start being quite a bit closer? It might be possible to make baby steps to interstellar travel, relieving some of the "pressure cooker" effect we have living on one little planet.
There are so many objections to this notion (Score:2)
Except this one: The idea of contacting ET is predicated on the idea that, in all the universe, life would happen in both an accessable region of space, and during a time in history when the two species are actually BOTH ALIVE.
Time seems to always be left out of the equation.
The human race, in one form or another, has been on Earth for, what, tens- to hundreds of thousands of years? That's not even a molecule of a drop in the bucket of eternity. The chance that, right NOW (or even in the forseeable future -- let's be generous and suppose that humans will last another, oh, 500,000 years) there is some alien race out there evolved at least to the point that we can contact or that would contact us... well, it's laughable. The chances of historic overlap are worse than astronomical. You'd be better off predicting that a Dilophisaurus will be seen touring around New York City, barring Michael Criton's interference.
I think if we ever have contact with aliens, it will not be through living representatives. From one direction or the other, it will be through artefacts or other long-dead signals in the noise. Theirs or ours.
In short: Overcoming the gulfs of space isn't the only problem. There's just too much time for things to happen in. History on the cosmic scale is a pretty spread-out resource.
Also on space.com (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Also on space.com (Score:2, Informative)
The MP boys said it best (Score:5, Funny)
How amazingly unlikely is your birth,
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.
-- The last lines from The Galaxy Song - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
flamebait now acceptable in /. stories? (Score:2, Insightful)
6 billion isn't enough for you? grow some respect, kid.
Bombardment of the third kind! (Score:3, Insightful)
The intelligence of the discovery (Score:3, Interesting)
That's a whole lot of intelligence to look into one of the last places capable to harbour Life and state that "we can find some intelligence"... Couldn't they count yellow stars and say we have lot of chances to find intelligence?
Or maybe there is some intelligence out there? Exactly on that star system? So I hope that the dust will cover Earth from their view. We are a paradise compared to these Armageddonians...
Earthly conceptions of life may be wrong? (Score:5, Insightful)
a) Life
b) Intelligence
he said there was little chance of finding life on the planet because it was under constant bombardment from a surrounding belt of comets.
In the case of (a), for the most-part we are looking for carbon-based lifeforms that function in a similar way to human beings. This isn't to say that were looking for a bipedal species with human characteristics, but that we ignore other possiblities. There could be lifeforms that are not carbon-based, as is life on earth. Indeed, a planet that is completely inhospitable to earthly life may provide what another race/species needs to exist, but is overlooked due to the fact that "we" couldn't live on it.
If that is the case, then why shouldn't there be planetary systems like our own that contain Earth-like planets?
In the case of (b), we qualify intelligence as matching a particular set of humanistic functions. Among these would be the ability to manufacture tools, buildings, monuments, etc that are recognisable to us as such.
There's no reason why (possible) life on other planets should conform to these classifications. Indeed, there could be lifeforms that are not x-pedal (have feet, etc) in nature, are
Outworldly life is greatly unknown. There's nothing to say that such life would be in any way similar to our own, and to us may resemble a rock more than a human being.
We're all limited by our own sense of being - phorm
Re:Earthly conceptions of life may be wrong? (Score:2)
Scotty, beam me down some cement so I can make a bandage for the silicon rock creature....
Re:Earthly conceptions of life may be wrong? (Score:2)
We won't know until we see (Score:2)
By then it will be all retrospect - phorm
Point well made. (Score:2)
*Gender equity note: He used in general because it's easier than typing he/she.
Heck, half of the time we don't understand life on earth, or even our own species.Perhaps once we understand what makes us and our planet "tick" then we'll be better suited for out-of-world exploration
Can anybody explain "females"? - phorm
life and probability (Score:3, Insightful)
We have a sample group of 1 so far. You can't predict anything from a sample of 1. Its basic math.
Re:life and probability (Score:4, Informative)
Re:life and probability (Score:4, Insightful)
Fl = The fraction of hospitable planets on which life actually arises
Fi = The fraction of arisen life where intelligence develops
Fc = The fraction of intelligent life which develops communications technology
L = The 'lifetime' of intelligent life possessing such technology
The Drake equation doesn't give us a probability of anything. It just kind of states what we would need to know before we could take a guess.
Odds-on??? Dont bet on those odds... (Score:2, Insightful)
Now, go out a few million more miles, and your on one of these planets, who's temperatures make Pluto look like the Bahamas... NOW what are your odds?
The one thing that amuses me... is that the astronomers know the odds of finding life in the universe... infinitesimal, but life is out there. Yet, even when knowing this, they still hold hope of finding that life HERE in our own solar system.
Heres to the infinitely optimistic astronomer... Cheers!!!
Proof of Solar Systems? (Score:2, Insightful)
And then to take this proof, and amek the jump, if there are solar systems, then there should be earth like planets - that is a huge assumption. And finally, to go from solar system to intelligent life, that just took it from huge assumption, to science fiction. Not that I don't like science fiction, but not is a scientific article!
Cthugha lord of the fire vampires (Score:2)
Now that we have located intelligent life, all we need to do is contact it (which, under the new rules [wizards.com], will cost us a permanent wisdom point.)
An artist's rendering (Score:4, Informative)
of the Fomalhaut system and planet is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day [nasa.gov].
lame article (Score:3, Informative)
What the article meant to say is that the existence of a huge planet in a far orbit from its star increases the probability of finding Earth-like planets in the habitable zone.
Life exists on this planet because it is protected by the big ones (Jupiter, Saturn) that attract comets and asteroids. So, scientists assume that a solar-like system will also have big planets orbing its outter rings.
The article is so bad that it says "other solar systems". There is only one solar system, and that is the one with the 'Sun' in it.
Maybe "planetary system" is a better term.
Our methods are too crude yet (Score:4, Interesting)
It's right up there with the (earlier) idea that because we were finding supergiant planets so close to stars, it must mean there aren't many Jupiter-sized planets out there in mid-range orbits to suck up comets in their gravity wells -- so there must be less chance of life, right, 'cause all those comets would scour inner planets clean? That one got floated when they were first finding the big whoppers that caused stars' images to wobble. 'Course, it was based on assumptions about the fundamental role of comets in planetary life -- the whole dinosaur thing was in the news then -- and about how every star system must look like ours, and so on.
We're still in the data collection stage of figuring out extrasolar planets. Our means of seeing them are dependent on flaky situations -- planets that travel through dust trails, planets that are so huge they cause stars to spin funny, stuff like that. We can't say anything really solid about the frequency of different types of planets, because our methods of looking for them are still picking around the edges, seeing the outliers rather than getting any sense of the norm.
(Personally I think some of the outrageously adaptive bacterial life on earth argues pretty strongly for life wherever there's the slightest opening. If you wanna argue the likelihood of extraterrestrial forms, take a look at the conditions bacteria can get by in. Life can get by.)
Drake's Equation (Score:2)
For all the easily disappointed posters blaring on about how this has nothing to do with the chances of extra-terrestrial intelligence, it's not that hard to decipher the science from the hyperbolic headline. This observation just allows us to infer higher values for the f p and n e terms of Drake's equation [seti.org]. It improves the odds a little.
(OT, but didn't we used to have <sub> tags here?)
Re:Drake's Equation (Score:2)
Re:Drake's Equation (Score:2)
You know, the thing I love best about Slashdot is being told I know nothing about a subject by a poster that provides no links, no references, no details, no indication of their own level of competence and no alternative solution.
For the record, I'm an astrophysics graduate, and I'm well aware that Drake's Equation is a back-of-the-envelope toy that you fill in with any suppositions you like to arrive at the conclusion that you were looking for in the first place. But (as you'll probably realise when you calm down) this sort of data is exactly what we need to quantify Drake's Equation (or any other you care to name).
By the way, if you have a better method, perhaps you'd like to share it with us.
Re:Drake's Equation (Score:2)
Now about Drake's equation. This thing is just a combination of simple assumptions without considering that these things are related to each other. The problem is not in that we lack the data but how the equation is written. You cannot just go by, ignore time, the relations and laws between the equation factors and consider you have some number giving you a fair idea of what is going around. The biggest problem is that even from start, Drake's equation does not go well with star ages. That that's already some level of error to find other worlds. An error that may go up to 1-2 billions of years.
And most. After studying some things on the Solar System, not only I but other people who is much more serious, consider that Drake's equation is a failure because it treats simple probability numbers and not probability density as I said. Imagine an alien coming to our Solar System. Where he would look for:
Energy acceptable levels
Life building blocks
You think the result is Earth? I don't think so. I wouldn't be admired if a more serious approach would give Mars the first place, with Earth laying on the edge of the chances. Why? Because of the Moon...
RIAA, MPAA and ALIENS... (Score:3, Funny)
Intelligence elsewhere (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Mod me up Scotty... (Score:2)
a little bitter? - maybe this will help! (Score:2)
Maybe you'd be interested in the TOTL STI project [totl.net] (STI= search for terrestrial intelligence) i'm sure if there's any intelligence on earth to be had they'll be the first to know.