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Energizer Mouse 21

jmoriarty writes "CNN reports about a group of researchers who can convert "fast-twitch" muscle fibers to "slow-twitch" muscles in mice. This essentially trades strength for endurance, and has potential to treat degenerative muscle diseases in humans down the road."
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Energizer Mouse

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  • Does that mean that we will get cordless optical (aka: balless) mice (the input device, not the rodentia) that will go forever without a recharge?
  • This is very, very cool.

    But the real fun begins when they learn how to do the reverse - convert endurance into strength.
  • Local effect? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by therealmoose ( 558253 ) on Wednesday August 14, 2002 @07:15PM (#4073675)
    The thought of trading strength for endurance (and vis versa), is very interesting but I suspect that the balance in humans is pretty much optimal for general use. What's intriging to me is that the effect seems to be a local thing. Wanna be a soldier? How about cranking the upper body to strength and the lower to endurance? Geek? Turn the right arm to endurance. The possibilities are endless!
    • I hope you don't mean what I think you mean with the right arm endurance thing.... Nah, nevermind, a geek couldn't last more than 5 minutes.
  • What America really needs is a pill to turn fat into .. well.. anything else!
    • What America really needs is people who understand that if you eat at McDonald's 5 times a week and don't exercise, you will likely turn into a fat ass.

      It has been said a million times already... there is no substitute for proper diet and exercise -- and if there is at some point, I still won't use it. I'd rather have sore limbs from jogging than watch my dick fall off as a side effect of the latest trendy pill. Ugh.

      • It has been said a million times already... there is no substitute for proper diet and exercise

        I try to eat right, but my body's cooling system won't really let me go outside and exercise when it's 90F (32C) or hotter out, and I don't have the ca$h for a health club membership.

    • Sure, but what happens when those 200+pounds of excess fat is converted into muscle, and muscle spasms occur...
  • they keep going,and going,and going....
  • atheletes (Score:2, Interesting)

    fast-twitch strength muscles take far less time to develop then slow-twitch ones. training for endurance takes a lot longer then strength training. So, how long until atheletes weight-train, then convert their muscle fibre and run marithons?
  • So, can we do this to crocodiles too?

    Okay, so they'll only be able to bite with ~80-100 lbs/ That's still a lot. And the only advantage humans have ever had over crocs is endurance. You give this stuff to a croc and it's.... well, you know what that wacky Aussie would say.

    aside: hrmm... there's now "what's this" links on the submission form. Since when did /. start pandering to lusers?
  • My computer [] keeps crashing and this might help it stay "running" for longer.
  • Maybe the mouse is, but we all know the Energizer Bunny!

  • You would find out that they were breeding the mice with the new muscle materials. They don't seem to have found a way to actually put this into an existing animal and change it's muscle concentration. So sure, they can breed long distance runners, but they can't make a sprinter into one.
  • Trabalhos Prontos []

    Fotos IRC Juiz de Fora []

Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three -- and paradise is when you have none. -- Doug Larson
