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The Most Beautiful Experiments in Physics 527

TheMatt writes "In this month's 'Physics World', Robert P. Crease asks the question: what is the most beautiful experiment in physics? Some criteria quoted are that it must change what people thought, must not be too complicated or expensive, and, most importantly, be within the reach of students (which leaves out Stern-Gerlach or Michelson-Morley). He also has a page at BNL reprinting the article, with a place for suggestions from the community on their opinion." I'll nominate a simple one: Foucault's Pendulum. :)
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The Most Beautiful Experiments in Physics

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  • That's easy (Score:5, Funny)

    by Kappelmeister ( 464986 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:17AM (#3457716)
    I once saw an experiment where a small bag made out of thin plastic was subject to the forces of a small pocket of circular wind currents.

    Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I just can't take it.

  • Got a good one... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Marx_Mrvelous ( 532372 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:20AM (#3457738) Homepage
    I like the idea of exploring colored lasers.. especially synched up to Pink Floyd music ;)
  • by Gunsmithy ( 554829 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:21AM (#3457743) Homepage
    ...comic book breasts. They break at least 3 laws of physics every day.
  • Here's an odd one... (Score:5, Informative)

    by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:21AM (#3457745) Homepage Journal
    What about Gallileo's hypothesis about the Feather and the Hammer that was proven on the (IIRC) Apollo 14 mission?
    • Here are links (Score:2, Informative)

      by marcus ( 1916 )
      The archive: tml

      and some old video:

  • by Cally ( 10873 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:21AM (#3457746) Homepage
    My vote (without reading other comments) goes to Arthur Eddington's validation of Einstein's relativity [] by demonstrating that the sun's gravity bent the light from nearby stars. But how do you see stars when they're right next to the sun? Good lateral thinking, very ingenious...
    • Was it Einstein who said "all the experiments in the world can't prove me right, but just one can prove me wrong?"
      • Yes it was.

        BTW, Newtonian gravity also predicts that light will bend as it passes near a large mass (if you naively assume that a photon feels the force of gravity, despite the fact that it has no mass).

        The difference is that the size of the deflection according to GR is larger by a factor of 2 than the Newtonian prediction, which is what Eddington confirmed.
    • Actually, later reviews of that experiement showed that the experiment's error range was larger than the result itself, and was correct by sheer luck. Later a rerun of the experiement was done to prove it correct, but the original experiement could just as well have suggested the other result.
  • by mcfiddish ( 35360 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:26AM (#3457779)
    Henry Cavendish did an experiment to measure the gravitational constant G. He used a torsional pendulum with two small lead weights to measure the gravitational attraction of two large lead weights nearby. I did this experiment as an undergrad and got a pretty good value for G (big error bars though). It's amazing that back in the 1700s he could measure the gravitational force due to a lead ball.

    I just did a google search on "Cavendish experiment" and found this []. Evidently a geologist named John Michell deserves some credit too.
  • by October_30th ( 531777 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:27AM (#3457784) Homepage Journal
    which leaves out Stern-Gerlach or Michelson-Morley

    Uh, what's the target group? I teach general freshman physics at my university and discuss both SG and MM experiments in detail.

    Anyway, I nominate the first nuclear explosion as the greatest ever experiment. Until a hole is successfully opened in the spacetime, splitting the atom is the greatest scientific achievement ever.

    There is, in fact, a fabulous book [] on this subject. What makes it such a great book is that it doesn't depict the making of the atomic so much as a rigorous scientific project, but rather as a social, political, random and very much a human achievement.

    • I'll second your recommendation of that book--I bought it on vacation at White Sands and spent most of the rest of the trip completely absorbed in it. Fascinating account of the science and the social interaction that lead up to Trinity.
    • Richard Rhodes certianly deserved the pulitzer he recieved for that book. His follow-up, Dark Sun (the making of the H-bomb) was also pretty good, but not as compelling of a story from the human side of things. Another excellent account of the human side of the process is Genius, by James Glick, which is about Dick Feynman.
  • by Nomad7674 ( 453223 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:28AM (#3457796) Homepage Journal
    ...has to be a front-runner here. Something as simple as a piece of paper and a light source showed that classical mechanics was not enough to explain our universe and that quantum mechanics had to be invented. No computers needed, no complex aparratus, and no genius needed to explain it (today).

    Course, I am a physics freak. The biology, computer science, chemistry, etc. freaks may have their own opinions! ;-)
  • Two slit (Score:5, Interesting)

    by PD ( 9577 ) <> on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:28AM (#3457797) Homepage Journal
    The two slit experiments are the most beautiful. With a simple apparatus it can be shown that light is a wave. With the same apparatus, it can be shown tha light is a particle. And that's not all folks...

    The experiment reveals that there's something very very weird happening with very small particles. It could be another universe, or maybe an infinite number of universes. Or maybe just one really weird one. Time itself doesn't seem to have any meaning - things happen for no reason at all, uncaused.

    These experiments even seem to reveal something about ourselves. Philosophers and cranks are attracted to the results like moths, offering their own explanations for what is happening, ranging from the hand of god to the basis of intelligence.

    The strangeness revealed by the two slit experiment could also form the basis of future computers, where all calculations happen at the same time, but you can't look at the result without destroying the entire computer.

    If that whole mess isn't beautiful, I don't know what is.
    • With the same apparatus, it can be shown tha light is a particle.

      Umm, you mean a quantized wave. To call light a particle is to seriously stretch the definition of particle.

    • I'm not sure that it's within reach of the casual experimenter, but many years ago the double-slit-with-electrons experimental results caused me to change my major from physics on the grounds of "If this is the way the universe works, I don't want to know any more."
    • Re:Two slit (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Asprin ( 545477 )
      For those of you who never got more than a semester's worth of Quantum Mechanics, you get used to the whole wave-particle duality thing after a while and it stops being weird. Then you start wondering why people seem to get caught up in it.

      Here's how you want to think about it:

      1) Physically, we don't really understand the fundamental nature of photons (light). That is, we have no idea what they really are...

      * BUT *

      2) When you do an experiment that measures the wave properties of light, light acts like a wave.


      3) When you do an experiment that measures the particle properties of light, it acts like a particle.


      4) You cannot simultaneously measure the wave and particle properties of light. Measuring one destroys all information about the other.

      OH, AND BY THE WAY...

      5) The wave-particle duality of 1 - 4 goes for ALL matter, including 1972 Chevy Vegas.

      You can calculate the wavelength of a 1972 Chevy Vega (automobile) using DeBroglie's hypothesis. The problem is that shooting cars at a wall with enough momentum to generate a diffraction pattern would require *immensely* unpractical amounts of energy (especially when you factor in the effect of relativity on the mass of the car.) Still, the principle has born out in experiment, as other larger traditional subatomic particles (neutrons, for example) have been shown to generate diffraction patterns when accelerated to high enough energies through appropriately sized diffraction gratings.

      The reason we don't notice this kind of duality in real life is because Planck's contstant (a fundamental constant of nature that acts like a scaling factor for quantum phenomena) is very small in size compared to the scale of our normal macroscopic world. Like most of the bizarre stuff covered in modern physics, it's always there but the effect is muted on the scale you and I are able to normally perceive. You have to get to small sizes or large energies to have enough probability of observing quantum effects to make it worth your while.

      P.S. Never play D&D with Physics majors - our DM never gave us wish spells because he knew we'd do stuff like changing fundamental constants of nature - i.e. resetting Planck's constant to 1 - high enough so we could quantum-tunnel through walls and stuff.

  • by muerte24 ( 178621 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:28AM (#3457800)
    The Milikan Oil Drop Experiment [] is one of the most simple measurements of a fundamental constant.

    In this experiment, tiny drops of oil are suspended in mid-air between two charged plates by the interaction of a discrete electric charge on the oil drop.

    You use a microscope to measure the speed of the drop with no charge on the plates, then adjust the charge on the plates to hold the drop in place. In other words, the force of gravity is cancelled by the electrostatic force.

    If the drops are small enough, you can notice discrete steps in the data when you plot the variables. The beauty is in its simplicity: Using some oil, two pieces of metal and microscope, you can determing the charge of a single electron.

    It doesn't get much prettier than that.


    • Sure the experiment's neat but it's easy to go insane trying to concentrate on a single point (oil droplet) as it drifts around in the electric field. 6 hours of that convinced me that it is most likely Millikan's grad students we have to thanks for the thousands of data points needed for the accurate measurement of elementary charge.
  • by Kwantus ( 34951 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:29AM (#3457802)
    I always liked how helium balloons go the `wrong' way in a vehicle. toward the rear when braking, rightward when turning rightward, etc. And how General Rel holds the simplest explanation: gravity is indistinguishable from acceleration.
  • by little_fluffy_clouds ( 441841 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:30AM (#3457816)

    The Pitch Drop Experiment [].
    If you check the site out, you will even find a live RealVideo stream of the pitch.

    Pitch (a derivative of tar once used for waterproofing boats) feels solid at room temperature, and it can easily be shattered with a blow from a hammer. However, at room temperature it is actually fluid.

    Quoting from the website:
    "In 1927 Professor Parnell heated a sample of pitch and poured it into glass funnel with a sealed stem. Three years were allowed for the pitch to settle, and in 1930 the sealed stem was cut. From that date on the pitch has slowly dripped out of the funnel - so slowly that now, 72 years later, the eighth drop is only just about to fall."

    • glass also feels solid at room temperature but is actually liquid. So, if that same experiment is extended to a very very long time, even the funnel will 'drip'.
      • glass also feels solid at room temperature but is actually liquid

        Commonly believed but untrue. (And I don't care what your high school/college physics teacher said.)

        From Journal of Chemical Education, 1989:
        The glassy state resembles a liquid in having short-range [molecular] order without long-range order ,but differs in that the entire network is rigid, whereas in the liquid state enough energy is available tobreak and reform bonds continuously.

        See for more.
      • by Sebastopol ( 189276 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:20PM (#3458128) Homepage
        it is an amorphous solid, refer to this urban legend []...

        An Urban Legend

        The legend usually appears in any of the following forms:

        Antique windowpanes are thicker at the bottom, because glass has flowed to the bottom over time.

        Glass has no crystalline structure, hence it is NOT a solid.

        Glass is a supercooled liquid.

        Glass is a liquid that flows very slowly.

        Glass is a liquid.
        The prolonged survival of this legend, chiefly among English speakers (and particularly among North Americans) is puzzling -- especially when one considers that glass and glassy materials are readily available, and one can easily verify if one can pour a gallon of glass, or drain a pint of obsidian.

        • Actually, old window panes DO get fatter at the bottom as the glass "slumps". I am living in a 106 year old victorian house with large pane windows, many of which are original. The windows have slumped over the years and are fatter at the base, with noticeable distortion in that region.

          Furthermore, several of the windows have up to 1 inch gaps between the top of the pane and the window frame. Pray tell how that would happen if the glass was not slowly drooping.
      • You must be new to the internet. Spend some time on the alt.folklore.urban newsgroup or the urban legends [] website.

    • Another story about pitch, not nearly as (okay, not at all) documented as the pitch drop experiment, but you might find it amusing.

      Pitch is still used in the polishing of high quality optical components like lenses and telescope mirrors. The rumor is that at some optical fab shop they had a rather large barrel of pitch which they would chisel out chunks to melt and pour into polishing laps. After a couple of decades of work, they reached the bottom of the barrel, and found several hammers and chisels resting at the bottom, apparently having been left on top and slowly sunk through the entire volume of pitch.

      It is a nice story, but it may be as false as the idea that glass is a liquid and flows under the force of gravity.

  • Not one, but two (Score:5, Interesting)

    by pmc ( 40532 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:30AM (#3457817) Homepage
    The best experiment is really a pair of them: Young's double slit experiment, and the photoelectric effect. Young's double slit experiment showed that light acted as a wave. The photo-electric effect showed that light acted as a particle. Together they showed that light acts completely unlike anything we experience in the classical world.

    Both are simple, easily doable in the laboratory for undergraduates, and after doing (and comprehending) both you'll never again think the same way about light.
    • Together they showed that light acts completely unlike anything we experience in the classical world.

      Then the Davisson-Germer experiment came along and showed that electrons and even alpha particles behave exactly the same way.

  • One of the first experiments we did at UMR [] was to measure the acceleration of gravity. It was a weird contraption of a clothespin wired to a switch that started a timer when you released this badminton birdie from the clothespin.

    We dropped the birdie onto a box with a microphone in it that stopped the timer when it heard the "thud". We dropped it from different heights and measured the time to fall and then plotted the results.

    The beautiful thing wasn't learning that gravity is 9.8 m/s^2, but in showing us that from a fairly simple setup we could quantitatively measure something important in physics. We calculated the acceleration of gravity as well as the terminal velocity of the birdie. And our results were correct!

    This was a great foundation to other experiments with interferometers measuring the wavelength of a laser, pendulums, exponential decay (of you name it -- cooling, capacitor discharge, etc.).
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:34AM (#3457839)
    Eratosthenes accurately estimated the diameter and circumference of the earth with a stick. That's beauty.
    • by GuyMannDude ( 574364 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:12PM (#3458082) Journal

      Eratosthenes accurately estimated the diameter and circumference of the earth with a stick. That's beauty.

      Quite right. This beautiful experiment is explained and recreated in Carl Sagan's Cosmos series []. Not only that, but Eratosthenes did this many years Before Christ. By the time that Christopher Columbus petitioned the royal court for funding for three ships to sail westward from Portugal to India, scientists already knew the circumference of the earth pretty damn well. Well enough to know there was no way in hell Columbus would ever make it. But in 1492 -- and this is still true today, unfortunately -- the intelligent advice of scientists was disregarded by the rulers were blinded by visions of wealth and power and the Queen funded Columbus' journey. Turns out, unbeknownst to anyone, that Columbus' ass was saved because there was a land mass closer than halfway. Columbus decided that since he had sailed west to get to India, and ran into some land, had indeed reached India and proclaimed the inhabitants Indians -- a misnomer which exists to this day.

      Although Eratosthenes was a true genius the world hails Christopher Columbus as a hero even though his accomplishment was sheer accident. What does this tell you about how the world views science and scientists?


  • by Bonker ( 243350 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:34AM (#3457840)
    It doesn't necessarily take physics to change a man's worldview:

    The Cointoss Fractal

    Get a largish sheet of paper, a coin or a d6, a felt-tip marker, and a tape measure.

    Draw three dots, making any given shape of triangle. Pick any dot at random. This is your first point. Use the coin or a d6 to *randomly* decide between all three dots as a second point. Draw a new dot exactly half-way in between the two points. Use the dot you just drew as your new first point. Use the coin or a d6 to randomly select a new second point. Draw a dot exactly half-way between the two points. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    After even a few hundred iterations, you'll begin to see a beautiful crystaline-like fractal pattern emerge. Even with the inherent innacuracy of this method, you can see the fractal down to the fourth or fifth iteration of the pattern before it breaks down. If you use even a slightly more accurate method, such as a C or Pascal program to draw colored dots on a computer screen, you can get 10 or 11 iterations, even with interger math rather than floating point.

    The first time I saw this, I very nearly cried.

    Order from chaos, just from math.
    • order from chaos? Not exactly. The Sierpinski Triangle is a great fractal, however it isn't chaos which forms it. Once you understand how the fractal is generated it's easy to show that for any given spot outside one of the "cleared" areas it will never migrate into a cleared area. Also it's very easy to show that any starting point from within a "cleared" area will quickly migrate outside never to return. The random picking of the next point only serves to show that we can use a random number in the algorithm to derive the same picture that we would get if one just kept disecting the triangle into 1/4's.

      Now if you came up with some function where you were not able to predict anything at all about the placement of the next dot (in the Sierpinski we know much about the next dot - namely that it will lie on the midpoint of the line drawn to the next vertex chosen) and still ended up with some deep fractal pattern that would be pretty cool.

      I remember playing around with the mandlebrot fractal too and seem to remember that it is a bit harder to predict that shape ahead of time (but I could just not be remembering right).

    • Doesnt IFS (e.g. xlock -mode ifs) work by randomly chosing a transformation froma set of pre-defined ones?
    • Speaking of math, the depiction of the Mandlebrot Set is definitely within the reach of students. I wrote a program doing this in Turbo Pascal as a teenager. (Granted, I had help from Turbo Technix Magazine...) Until then, no one realized how complicated a form could arise from an exceedingly simple iterative equation.
  • Nuclear fission...
  • One of my favorites is Newton's experiment which is as simple as a ball on a track. Noting that gravity was apparently a force to be considered, Newton showed that since the ball accelerates if the track is tilted down and deccelerates if tilted up, that objects under no force (track perpendicular to gravity gradient) should neither accelerate or deccelerate.

    Also, the related experiment using wires spaces n^2 distances apart, and listening for the resulting equal times between "clicks", which shows that the distance covered is proportional to the square of the time!

    And then, how about Newton's extrapolation of the laws of gravity (observed by simple things like falling bodies) to the laws governing celestial bodies under the influence of gravity? This is pretty impressive, I think, to be able to predict successfully something that has no (near) physical equivalent that you were able to test beforehand!
  • dropping a bowling ball and a light foam ball to demonstrate how mass is independant of gravity.
    • Re:Back to Basics (Score:4, Informative)

      by pomakis ( 323200 ) <> on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:07PM (#3458052) Homepage
      dropping a bowling ball and a light foam ball to demonstrate how mass is independant of gravity.

      But this experiment is a bit misleading. Mass isn't actually independent of gravity. It is just extremely negligable when the second object is billions of times more massive than the object in question (like a bowling ball as compared to the Earth).

      The force of gravity is proportional to the sums of the masses of the two objects in question (m1 + m2), and the Earth (m2) has a mass of 5.9736 × 10^24 kg. Try the same experiment by comparing how fast a bowling ball falls in comparison to a bowling-ball sized neutron star. (Of course, you wouldn't want to drop them at the same time, because you'd then be dealing with a three-body problem.)

      • F = m1 * a
        F = G * (m1 + m2)/r^2

        a = G * m2 / r^2

        The acceleration of mass 1 due to the gravitational field of mass 2 is solely dependent of on mass 2's mass.

        This happens because of the lucky coincidence of the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass. If these values varied by anything other than a constant amount the m1's in the equation would not cancel and you would end up in the situation you describe.

        The physics changes slightly once General Relativity is taken into account, but only at speeds near c, or around object's whose escape velocity approaches c.
  • You could do this with material from a smoke detector and some fluorescent screens.

    He sent a beam of alpha particles through a target, which according to the theories of the day should have been like firing a bullet through jello.

    Some of them bounced straight back, which proved there were small hard objects in the "jello". Those small hard objects were atomic nuclei, and the experiment revealed the existence of matter with unprecedented density.
  • To properly understand the Foucault pendulum requires a fair amount more understanding than many realize. At the north pole, the pendulum makes a full circuit, once per day, and is reasonably straightforward, but at other locations, the change depends upon latitude in a subtle enough way that most people don't really grasp it. In particular, I am surprised that so many museums have elaborate displays and inadequate explantions of why it does not complete a full revolution each day. Many museums explain that this proves that the earth rotates, but do not explain the computation needed to compute one's latitude from the amount of precession per day.

    I have taught undergraduate differential geometry many times, and covered the relevant material (parallel transport of vectors along non-geodesics, holonomy) and frequently even reasonably strong students have a hard time with understanding it correctly. Particularly when I put a parallel transport question on an exam...

    This Smithsonian FAQ [] has a bit about pendulums, but just says the relationship is complex. The California Academy has a page [] that is much better than a typical museum explanation in that it mentions that the amount of precession depends upon latitude and gives the relationship (precession is 2 pi sin(phi) where phi is the latitude) as well as making a reasonable effort at an explanation.

  • Definetly.

    What other experiment changed the world more in such a simple way as to drop 2 objects of diffrent Mass and show that gravity acts the same for each?

    Archamedies I guess would also be. sitting in a tub to proove that diffrent densities displace diffrent amounts of water.
  • by kpetruse ( 572247 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @11:46AM (#3457913)
    Ok, so this is probably apocryphal, but I was sent this a while ago:

    A question in a physics degree examination at the University of Copenhagen
    ran thus:

    "Describe how to determine the height of a skyscraper with a barometer."

    One student replied:
    "You tie a long piece of string to the neck of the barometer, then lower the
    barometer from the roof of the skyscraper to the ground. The length of the
    string plus the length of the barometer will equal the height of the

    This highly original answer so incensed the examiner that the student was
    failed immediately. He appealed on the grounds that his answer was
    indisputably correct, and the university appointed an independent arbiter to
    decide the case. The arbiter judged that the answer was indeed correct, but
    did not display any noticeable knowledge of physics. To resolve the problem
    it was decided to call the student in and allow him six minutes in which to
    provide a verbal answer which showed at least a minimal familiarity with the
    basic principles of physics. For five minutes the student sat in silence,
    forehead creased in thought. The arbiter reminded him that time was running
    out, to which the student replied that he had several extremely relevant
    answers, but couldn't make up his mind which to use. On being advised to
    hurry up the student replied as follows:

    "Firstly, you could take the barometer up to the roof of the skyscraper,
    drop it over the edge, and measure the time it takes to reach the ground.
    The height of the building can then be worked out from the formula H = 0.5g
    x t squared. But bad luck on the barometer.

    "Or if the sun is shining you could measure the height of the barometer,
    then set it on end and measure the length of its shadow. Then you measure
    the length of the skyscraper's shadow, and thereafter it is a simple matter
    of proportional arithmetic to work out the height of the skyscraper.

    "But if you wanted to be highly scientific about it, you could tie a short
    piece of string to the barometer and swing it like a pendulum, first at
    ground level and then on the roof of the skyscraper. The height is worked
    out by the difference in the gravitational restoring force T = 2 pi sqrroot
    (l / g).

    "Or if the skyscraper has an outside emergency staircase, it would be easier
    to walk up it and mark off the height of the skyscraper in barometer
    lengths, then add them up.

    "If you merely wanted to be boring and orthodox about it, of course, you
    could use the barometer to measure the air pressure on the roof of the
    skyscraper and on the ground, and convert the difference in millibars into
    feet to give the height of the building.

    But since we are constantly being exhorted to exercise independence of mind
    and apply scientific methods, undoubtedly the best way would be to knock on
    the janitor's door and say to him 'If you would like a nice new barometer, I
    will give you this one if you tell me the height of this skyscraper'."

    The student was Niels Bohr.

    A great example of how there are always different ways of looking at a problem, from one of the greatest scientists ever (allegedly).
    • this is probably apocryphal, but

      How some stuff gets to Score: 5, I will never know. Remember folks,
      Google makes all computing simple [].
    • Really. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by mindstrm ( 20013 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @01:00PM (#3458451)
      Actually, this exact question was asked at an Olympics of the Mind competition back in 1990 or so. Teams had to submit as many creative answers as they could.

      Answers were fantastic, far more creative than this one, included, but not limited to:

      Accellerate the building towards c until it appears the same size as the baromoeter, and use the resulting speed to calculate the original size.

      Drop it off, and observe the impact damage it makes to the ground. calculate the forces needed to do this.

      Run far away from the building and hold the barometer at arm's lentgh until it appears the same size as the building. DO some trig.

      Drop the barometer, and listen for the delay betwen it hitting the ground and the sound reaching you. Calculate height based on speed of sound.

      ANd I really wish I could remember some of hte other 50-odd answers that one team came up with... it was fantastic.

      And I think the thing about Bohr is an urban legend.

  • Back many years ago when I was in physics class... My buddy and I were shit bored in lab, and the TA was a really cool big guy with a pony tail who drove a harley (and happened to be a graduate student in physics).

    We had finished our lab a bit early, and well, there was still about 3 gallons of unused liquid nitrogen -- this could not be allowed. So we started to figure out things to do with it, poured it on the floor and watched the dirt particles dance around :)

    Looking for some other things to do with the stuff, I poked some holes in the bottom of our Styrofoam cup and poured the liquid nitrogen in it -- I had hoped the cup would levitate on the boiling nitrogen leaking out the bottom ... no dice, it was too heavy -- So I kept tearing away the walls of the cup, trying to leave enough room for liquid nitrogen, but leave the cup light enough to float. Finally I arrived at the right balance, and we had fun kicking our cup around the floor and watching it glide. So to be idiots we showed the TA what we were doing and he replies, "Gentlemen, you have just discovered the leidenfrost effect." And to this I reply, "We call it hovercup."

  • One of the simplest and most compelling experiments to my mind is the "drop a feather and a penny in a vacuum tube" demo. There is a nice one at the Exploratorium in San Francisco- an evacuated tube with a metal ball and a feather, pivoted in the middle. Sure enough, when you turn it over, they fall at the same rate. I found it surprisingly addictive and fascinating and always have to elbow a bunch of kids out of the way to get to play with it for very long...
  • It is relatively easy to establish, has great application and it has very reproducible results as shown by many groups arround the world.
    Wait a minute...
  • The Michaelson-Morley experiment is another possibility... It proved that the speed of light is independent of the observer's velocity and frame of reference.

    There are a whole class of experiments where old masters using (by modern standards) primitive equipment found results that were accurate even to modern standards and formed the basis of modern science:
    • Michaelson-Morley interferometer (uniformity of c)
    • Millikan's oil drop experiment (charge of an electron)
    • Foucalt's pendulum (gravitational constant)
    • Eratosthenes measures the diameter of the Earth
    • Young's two-slit experiment (wave/particle duality)
    • Kepler's laws of orbits (extrapolated from precise observations, but can be deduced from mechanics)
  • Not regularly repeatable. But one of the first experiments to support general relativity was brilliant.
    1) Look position of stars
    2) Wait for solar eclipse
    3) See that stars near moon have moved from where they should be.

  • IANAP but I once saw a student at a science fair who measured the charge of an electron using standard off the shelf high-school lab equipment.

    Instead of the very pure oil used by Millikan she used cooking oil. This introduced a lot of noise in the system, but quite amazingly when you plot out the results you can clealry see the impure oil component and the electron charge component. Subtract the impure oil component from your data, average out and report the result. She got the charge of the electron right to three significant digits of precision IIRC.

  • by blamanj ( 253811 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:00PM (#3458013)
    OK, this isn't one of the great, original experiements, but it's easy, cheap, and interesting.

    Take a casserole dish, a microwave oven, and a bag of marshmallows and you can measure the speed of light. Details at 34/marshmal.htm [].
  • Michelson-Morley [] had to do with the existence of aether. It was complicated, but elegant.

    But Michelson had already done an even more historically impressive experiment, I think, that had to do with the most accurate measurements of the speed of light in his day by far. "In 1878 Albert A. Michelson first accurately measures the speed of light with $10 worth of apparatus along the seawall" [] (scroll toward the middle of the page).

    The more accurate measurement he made in the 1920s is described briefly below that quote on the same page. Certainly the $10 experiment is in the grasp of most classrooms, but I think the mountaintop one is also possible for today's students, what with GPS and all, or even a really good topo map (+/- a few feet gets you close-enough-for-proof-of-concept). You have to get 2 teams of kids on 2 different mountains- and with SUVs and the quality of roads nowadays, how hard is that to do in the high sierras with some adult supervision? Maybe hard to do if you live in Kansas, admittedly.

    Plus, what school kids want to sit around a stuffy lab? How cool an experiment would it be to the most science-jaded student to get out of the classroom and into the wilderness to do science on an as easily appreciated concept as the speed of light? ;-)

    Here's another good article on the history of the speed of light and better details of Michelson's efforts. []
  • If anyone still remembers their old junior high (maybe even high school and college!) text books, they'll never forget the "Shoot the Monkey" experiments that proves projectile motion and more simply that gravity is not governed by mass.

    In a nutshell, drop an object with just gravity effecting it's fall and aim a projectile at it, since they fall at the same rate, the projectile will hit the falling object every time.

    Of course, they always use a falling monkey and a sling shot in the text books, it just cracks me up.
  • You can't beat Schrodinger's Cat!
  • When I was in school, this was the most fascinating thing that I ever read about. Simple mirrors and rotation. Ofcourse, the Young's double slit experiment is also fascinating, but I didn't understand it when I was in School :)

    More info at a link I got from Google: / pedlite.html []

  • I wrote a paper last year entitled "On Mathematical Beauty", which was mostly a philosophical work on whether it was proper to mathematics to be called beautiful, and if so, what one might mean by calling a particular bit of mathematics "beautiful".

    So in light of that, I'm interested in seeing what people mean when they say that a physics experiment is "beautiful". If we can figure out what we mean by that (i.e., whether we mean "beautiful" in the same way as when we call a car or woman or building "beautiful"), then maybe that will help us decide which is the *most* beautiful.

  • Fermi (Score:2, Insightful)

    by chenzhen ( 532755 )
    Fermi problems cover virtually any area of physics and serve to train the most fundamental part of being a physicist- the ability to think as one. From simple things, like the average energy imparted to your forehead by a single raindrop, to calculating the strength of a nuclear explosion from the drift of paper shreds, Fermi problems emphasize efficiency of logic and intuition to understand the natural universe.
  • by JordoCrouse ( 178999 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:14PM (#3458093) Homepage Journal
    I have always been a fan of the monkey in the tree experiment.

    The setup story goes like this:

    There is hunter walking through the forest, and he sees a monkey in the distance in a tree. He shoots at the monkey. Well, the monkey is so startled by the gunshot that he falls out of the tree at the same instant that the gun is fired. The bullet still hits the monkey. How is this so?

    Basically this takes advantage of the fact everything falls at the same rate. You set up a gun of some sort (with a round projectile), and you set up a "tree" with the monkey a distance way. The gun and the monkey should be at the exact same height. The trick is to then fire the gun and drop the monkey at the same instant. The projectile should hit the monkey every time.

    This experiment is a pain to get setup correctly, but it is pretty cool when it is successful. I couldn't find any video of it on the web, maybe somebody else can find some.

    • The problem is that this is wrong. The hunter accomodates for the bullet falling when he aims, so if the monkey falls it is still falling away from where the bullet would hit.

      The real reason it still hits the monkey is that bullets are fucking fast.
  • Quantum Mechanics (Score:2, Interesting)

    by russianspy ( 523929 )
    I think that any experiment that makes people think "outside the box" can be called beautiful.

    I forget what this one is called, but it goes something like this:

    You have a light source on one end. Screen on another (a fairly long rail connecting the two.

    Put a piece of horizontaly polarized glass between light and screen - the intensity of light on the screen is cut in half.

    Add another piece of (vertically this time) polarized glass - there is virutally no light going through.

    Lastly - add a piece of polarized glass that's at about 45 degrees half way in between the other two. What do you expect to see on the screen?
  • A lot of the comments seem to be missing the requirement that the experiment "must change what people thought." Foucault's Pendulum and the Millikan oil drop experiment were supremely elegant but neither changed anyone's minds about anything. (At least, not to my admittedly lacking knowledge. Please tell me otherwise if that's wrong.)

    Two slit interference, on the other hand, is a perfect case of what they're looking for. Of course, whether overturning existing ideas is a prequisite for beauty is another issue...

    In molecular biology, I'd nominate the Crick and Brenner determination of codon size as the most beautiful ever.

  • OK first the reason for the asterisks - if you ask about Foucault's Pendulum on the Model Eng mailing list, you WILL cause a stink - it caused the longest running thread a few years back

    Anyway doing Foucault's Pendulum is NOT easy. You need a LONG Pendulum, a SOLID building, a heavy bob and preferably no drafts

    The Gent on the ModelEng list tried to do it in an old barn silo, and it didn't work, as the silo moved too much

    BTW I was told that research at the University of Quito has shown that the Foucault Pendulum doesn't work
  • If you want beauty, I vote for fractals and chaos mathematics, and their applications. How 'bout diving into the Mandelbrot set?

    There's also an experiment you can try if you have a handy particle accelerator; defocus it and fire some electrons at a sheet of lexan. Then touch a grounded wire to the side of the sheet. The electrons, embedded into the face of the plastic will rush to ground, creating pathways that other electrons will follow. The result is a fractal tree. You may have to play with the intensity and run-time, though.
  • Remind me why students can't build an interferometer, again?

    My old high school had all of the required equipment (had a holography lab at one point).
  • I don't know if this really counts as changing the way people think about science, but it certainly changed the way I thought about my Science teacher...

    The "classic" version of the experiment is to fill a steal ball with water and seal it shut. If you place the ball in the freezer, the next day you'll find that the force of crystallization was stronger than the steal and the ball will be split in two.

    My High School physics teacher got a hold of some liquid nitrogen and wanted to do whole experiment during class. So he prepared the steal ball, filled a glass beaker (yes, glass) with the liquid nitrogen, and set the ball in. As everyone gathered around up close to watch, he did have a brief moment of sanity and decided that, perhaps he should move the whole thing into a bucket instead. And maybe we shouldn't stand quite so close. So he poured the whole thing into a plastic (yes, plastic) bucket, added more liquid nitrogen to account for the increased volume, and we waited.

    The force was not only enough to break the steal ball, but enough to shatter the bottom of the bucket too. He didn't have enough liquid nitrogren left to demonstrate that a rose will shatter if frozen, but we kinda saw that effect already...
  • Look, we all went to high school (at least for a little while, I'm sure) so we all know that the best experiments are the ones that end in an explosion. Unfortunately, most of the good experiments are generally regarded as chemistry, and not physics (an atificial distinction, I am aware.)

    The very best experiment, however, which certainly satisfied at least the "changed worldview" requirement, took place in the nevada desert in 1945, and was carried out primarily by physicists. Now, two kids go to their science fair:

    Cindy - I measured the speed of light by observing jupiter's moons!
    Kelly - I have first strike capability!

    Who's going to win? I don't know how much enriched uranium you really need to make a nuclear bomb - all published figures are inflated - but they make lawn furniture out of it in the former soviet bloc, so I'm sure you can get some. After that you just need an enclosed container, an explosive, a little engineering knowhow and a healthy contempt for human life. With the plane tickets to and from eastern europe, I anticipate the whole deal costing less than $5,000 US for the fanatically inclined hobbyist. Admittedly, it costs more than a piece of cardboard with slits in it, but it's a lot more satisfying.
  • Hand drawn holograms (Score:3, Informative)

    by HighTeckRedNeck ( 538597 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:43PM (#3458312)
    The most beautiful experiment has to be Newton's light slit and prism showing that white light is actually made up of many other frequencies. From there young minds can be introduced to all sorts of things such as why sticks appear to be bent when half in water and at what angle they seem to disappear. But to really get them going, help them create a hand drawn hologram.
  • Some ideas... (Score:3, Informative)

    by raytracer ( 51035 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:44PM (#3458320)
    The Michelson-Morely experiment was important because it basically put the nail in the coffin of the idea of the aether, but measurements of the speed of light had actually been done for literally centuries before. Many of these experiments can easily be duplicated with minimal equipment today. Check out f_light/index.html for some details. I also believe that there was a duplicate of MM in the Amateur Scientist column of Scientific American, which you can now get on CD (well worth getting for more ideas).

    From memory, some of the more interesting experiments the Amateur Scientist column include:

    • Construction of a wide variety of optical instruments such as microscopes, telescopes, spectrascopes, and Schlieren systems.
    • Dangerous projects like plasma jets, X-ray machines, solid fuel rockets and particle accelerators.
    • Several different kinds of lasers.
    • Foucault pendulums
    • Observations of earth satellites
    • Making diffraction gratings with a ruling engine.
    • Aerodynamics experiments with small planes using water

    Tons of goodies, all worth goofing around with. If you can't come up with some good ideas after leafing through this material, you just aren't trying.

  • Frozen Waves (Score:2, Interesting)

    My favorite from high school was extremely simple. Use a "wave pool" (a pan and a mechanical device that dabs one or two prongs into the water at some frequency). Aim a strobe light at the pool and turn off the lights. When you match the wave frequency to the strobe, the waves seem to stand still. Of course, you are merely catching the flash at the same point on each wave. Move the strobe frequency a little slower and the waves creep out. A little faster and they creep back to the source. Two wave sources, and you get to see the effect of the interference pattern.
  • by msheppard ( 150231 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:49PM (#3458373) Homepage Journal
    Saw this expierement, professor has a rope with a bowling ball tied to the end suspended from a high ceiling. Stand at one end of the room with the ball pulled back and just touching his nose. Professer them lets go of the ball and it swings across the room and returns just missing his nose.

    Of course, then stupid studnet comes back later that night to show a friend, holds the ball against his nose and gives it a sold PUSH...


  • Take a fresh, large grape, and cut it in half so that there is still a piece of grape-skin connecting the halves. Place this on a plate, and microwave on HIGH. Watch the pretty light-show.

    A similarly interesting, and eventually decorative result, can be achieved by microwaving AOL CDs..
  • Galileo determined that light took finite time to travel and measured the speed of light. He used a crude telescope that third graders could build (if they bought a 1" lens), a clock, and grade school mathematics. The technique was to measure the time at which the Galilean satelites dissappeared and reappeared from behind the shaddow of Jupiter. Based on the difference between when the moons were observed to (dis)appear when the Earth and Jupiter were on opposite sides of the sun as opposed to when they were on the same side of the sun, we was able to determine that the speed of light was finite, the first step towards the developement of relativity. Of course, his measurements weren't very precise, since he didn't have a great measurement of the distance from the Earth to the Sun. In fact, once we had measured the speed of light in the laboratory, this technique was used to measure the distance from the Earth to the sun. I beleive this was the basis of the best measurements until the advent of radar (timing radio signals bounced off planets) and space probes (feeling the gravity of the planets).
  • Today's students (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pokeyburro ( 472024 )
    Nowadays, the most likely experiment students would grasp would be the effects of beer.

    Seriously though... Anyone who went to UT Austin and took physics would likely have heard of Prof. Rory Coker and his Physics Circus. All sorts of beautiful experiments there. Among them was a demonstration of airflow. Put a three-foot high glass cylinder, open at both ends, over the top of a candle, the cylinder being flat on the table so no air gets in that way. The candle will go out, even though the top is still open. Do it the same way, and slip a simple piece of cardboard into the top of the cylinder, making an "outflow" and an "inflow". Even though the cardboard is maybe six inches long, it's enough to keep the candle from going out.

    Then there's the experiment where Coker gets on a bed of nails and has his assistant bust cement blocks on a piece of plywood on his stomach.
  • subsonic shaping (Score:2, Interesting)

    by spasm ( 79260 )
    Dunno if this one is true, but it stuck in my head as being deliciously elegant..

    Supposedly, shortly before WWII German scientists were trying to work out the best shape to use for U-Boats. The solution was as follows:

    freeze a big long slab of ice with a rope embedded in it. Store it in a shed beside a long canal during winter. Wait for a day where the temerature of the water in the canal is zero degrees [everything in celsius, for the no-scientific americans among us] but has not frozen.

    On the magic day, drop the block of ice in the canal, & start towing it down the canal at the speed you're interested in having your u-boat move at. The friction created by being towed through water creates sufficient energy to crack the latent heat of freezing, the only thing differentiating the zero degree block of ice from the zero degree water around it, & the edges of the ice start to melt, causing the ice to start taking on the optimal minimum drag shape for the speed it's moving through the water at.

    Once the shape of the ice seems to have stabilized, you pull the block of ice out of the canal & measure its shape. Voila - you now have the optimal minimum drag shape for your u-boat.
  • Pendulums (Score:3, Interesting)

    by digitalhermit ( 113459 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @12:59PM (#3458438) Homepage
    The wave/particle and "acceleration indepency on mass" experiments are great, but I have a great respect for pendulum experiments. With them you can determine the mass of the earth, local gravity, determine that the earth does indeed rotate, mirror the findings of dropping differing masses, etc.. Not to mention that their ability to time events was important for a lot of other experiments.
  • Cloud Chamber (Score:3, Informative)

    by Confuse Ed ( 59383 ) <{edmund} {at} {}> on Friday May 03, 2002 @01:05PM (#3458481) Homepage

    Though not particularly revolutionary, creating a cloud chamber and seeing the paths of radioactive particles is really quite amazing the first time you see it.

    We did this experiement during A-Level physics, with small chambers using dry ice, alcohol and some of the small alpha and beta sources that schools are allowed to use.

    A quick google seach will turn up lots of instructions for making your own, for example :

    although without a radioactive source you'll have to sit around and wait until some cosmic rays create some ionizing radiation that hits your experiment.
  • Didn't I see something here awhile ago about someone trying to proove Schrodinger's Cat by locking a kitten in a boiler with a quickcam diligently watching the outside? Can't seem to find it tho.

  • by Arcturax ( 454188 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @01:08PM (#3458505)
    How about superfuidity? []

    Seriously, that is one of the coolest and creepiest things at the same time, watching liquid helium crawl UP and spill out of a container. Granted liquid helium is rather expensive it is something which should really get the little buggers thinking and doing some research.
  • by ynotds ( 318243 ) on Friday May 03, 2002 @08:03PM (#3460965) Homepage Journal
    John Conway's Game of Life [], the most well-known cellular automaton, shows how nonlocal phenomena can be generated from purely local rules.

    Since exposed to the science minded through Martin Gardner's column in Scientific American in 1970, Life has introduced many to the study of complex systems, emergence, etc, etc, which I now see as providing a broader context for the physics (and chemistry and biology and collaborative systems) which we find in this world.

    For the record, this does not mean that I am convinced that our cosmos is a cellular automaton, but rather that complex systems provide a tool even more powerful than traditional math for modeling, and thus in some ways understanding, our world.

Too much is not enough.
