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Toys Science

Build Your Own UFO 304

Are Belong To Us dept. writes "Guess where the billions of dollars in the super-secret Air Force program are going? Build your own for $10 in parts. They're popularly called "Lifters" and they're flying (one of many videos) without engines and can hover in place. Admit it, it would have been cool to see a UFO. Never mind if you didn't, because now you can build your own (another, step-by-step instruction, here), like lots of people around the globe already have, for $10 in parts. A number of patents surround the technology, some by NASA. The best introduction site to all of this is Jean-Louis Naudin's site. There goes your sleep - this is fascinating stuff. ;-)" Any website that uses the phrase "a simple 30KV power supply" is okay in my book.
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Build Your Own UFO

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  • by Vidmaster_Steve ( 455301 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @07:01AM (#3212236) Homepage
    Ah yes. The Buttered Cat drive. Actually works too. Got a car powered with that very drive. Well, I did, until those bastards at the oil companies crushed it into a tiny tiny cube.

    Simple premise of the Buttered Cat drive is based in elementary physics. First, go and butter a slice of toast, then drop it on the floor. Note that it will, without err, land butter-side-down.

    Next, obtain a cat. Fling it. Observe how it persists on landing feet-side-down.

    Simple deduction would see that by attaching a buttered slice of toast to the back of a feline, would simply spin in place several feet above the ground.

    Harnessing this energy is simple. All one needs is multiple cats and multiple slices of buttered toast. And string. Mustn't forget the string. Place the Buttered Cats into an enclosure, and marvel as it rises from the ground. Attach a ship around it, and voila! One flying saucer. To power this ship, tack shag carpet to the interior of the enclosure and draw the static electricity from within.

    This explains the bright blue lights and humming/buzzing/PURRING that UFOs emit.

    Try it yourself. Its great fun!

    Teeee-quila! baby, Ten shots tonight. Let's try for twelve before I hit the floor. Heh...
    • by happyslinky ( 545469 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @08:09AM (#3212305)
      One small problem:
      Has anyone here ever tried to butter a cat?...

      no one?

      ya that's right, cause they're all dead.
    • A long time ago they were looking for "strange" ideas... or funny explanations for common events.

      One of the them was the giant "Cat-Array", basically a bunch of cats with buttered bread strapped to their backs used to generate power...

      my favorite was the "yawn" theory. You yawn, and other people reflexively do so to balance out the atmospheric pressure of the area .

    • Because as the system fails, the repulsive force gets stronger, whereas the attractive force gets weaker.

      So instead it is preferable to attach a buttered peice of toast to the belly of the cat, butter side facing upwards.

    • by xtal ( 49134 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @04:39PM (#3213788)

      Of all places, I would have expected their to be some more objective people here on slashdot. Largely, what I've seen is a bunch of people with little or no scientific training calling this guy names and making light of his experiments. There was another time people did that, in the middle ages. Luckly, this thing called the Enlightenment happened and the scientific method allowed for the discovery of most of the luxuries the ignorant masses (of which I see nicely represented here) take for granted. There have already been lots of references to powered flight, but others, like electricity, AC vs. DC power, the automobile, etc all have examples through history.

      I could justify you and I could stomach this crap if he was asking for investors or money. He's not. He has a genuinely interesting effect, he has indicated that here's how you do an INDEPENDANT VERIFICATION, and he has also proposed a number of experiments that can be done to see if there is something interesting here. Nowhere does he claim anything other than a interest in the science and experimentation with high voltage effects. Like you people do when you experiment with the kernel - after all, you're just a bunch of fools when there's tried-and-true existing kernels on the market, right? That's sarcasm, for the challenged.

      I have actually built one of these things on a different design years ago. This is a well known ion-engine concept. The problem is the power suuplies needed to make it work in any kind of practical application. The effect I designed for was a air turbulence effect that used the high voltage to ionize air molecules and accllerate them downward. That is why I suspect that the devices have problems in humid situations. BUT YOU COULD EXPERIMENT AND PROPOSE THIS. There is an experiment that rules out an external field, the faraday cage one. You could try to reduce the air pressure and see if the effect drops linearly, or blow compressed air at it to try and reduce lift, or even put it in a vacuum chamber. BUT THOSE ARE EXPERIMENTS!

      Calling this guy a crackpot without any attempt to verify his well laid out experiments is a disgrace. If you see a problem with his experiments or apparatus, tell us. Or if you care that much, replicate his experiment. If it fails, post your results. I might get bored and try some of this sometime. But the information is all there!

      Kudos to this guy for showing the spirit of backyard experimentation, and shame on you mods for promoting the kind of crap that's in the parent.

  • Try this out (Score:2, Informative)

    I found this via Google recently: ownufo.htm []

    A feasible project?

    All Linux. No ads. []
  • Ah... Antigravatics (Score:4, Interesting)

    by stuffman64 ( 208233 ) <> on Saturday March 23, 2002 @07:10AM (#3212248)
    I know this is real stuff, I've seen it done before. The thing that scares my is if you read the page you see some stuff refering to "electrogravatics" stuff, i.e., pseudoscience. Can anyone really provide a reasonable explaination as to why we get this effect? I notice in the illustrations that the ground is shown as reference voltage (0V), while the craft is at 30kV. Isn't this just simply Coulombs Law at work?
    • Yeah, I suppose, but what did you expect? Something totally different? If this is real it should fit in with other scientific principles. The major problem though even if you could create an "impulse" drive like in star trek is storing enough electricity in a spacecraft.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Electrogravitc research is NOT necessarily pseudoscience - in fact, to reject a possibility out of hand is the antithesis of the scientific method.

      Some of the more advanced electromagnetic/gravitational unification theories are taken very seriously (probably not the ones JLN comes out with thought :-) )- if you do quantum physics, you'll be told that "the longitudinal and scalar components of photons cancel out". Physicists often don't mention it, but this is NOT the same as saying they are identically equal to zero. There's plenty of room for gravity to be a maxwellian electromagnetic field (or if you prefer, for electromagnetism to be a warping in a higher dimensional space - kaluza-klein...). I think in some sense one of the elecrogravitic theories and the (well established, undergraduate physics) kaluza-klein higher-dimensional unification will eventually be found to be equivalent...

    • I always thought thoes things worked on corona discharge. (Basically, corona discharge is what happens right before you get a spark. When the voltage quite literally pushes electrons off the (-)end of a wire. You can get it to do work [].) It's way past my bed time but I think the Biefeld-Brown Effect that the lifters use is due to the time delay and the charge imbalance that the delay creates between the two plates. I came up with this from this [] pic.
      As far as the electrogravatics, I don't have any URLs handy for that one, but I believe it has to do with exploiting the connection between electricity and gravity. People are working on this because of the unified field theory that brings together the different forces like electritcy, magnitizam, gravity, and acceleration. The link between electritcy and magnitizam is already apparent and we exploit it (motors, solonids, maglev trains). This has now become known as the electro-weak force and gravity is due to the strong force. The strong and weak forces are what hold the nucleus of atoms together. And I think that it's the 6 flavors of quarks that form the forces.
      (Please forgive me if I got the physics on this wrong, I am quite tired.)
      • by PurpleFloyd ( 149812 ) <zeno20@attb i . c om> on Saturday March 23, 2002 @08:48AM (#3212344) Homepage
        Your post is so riddled with errors, it's hard to decide where to begin. First of all, it's not "magnitizam", it's "magnetism". To my knowledge there exist no currently working magnits. Magnets, on the other hand, are quite common.
        As far as the electrogravatics, I don't have any URLs handy for that one, but I believe it has to do with exploiting the connection between electricity and gravity. People are working on this because of the unified field theory that brings together the different forces like electritcy, magnitizam, gravity, and acceleration. The link between electritcy and magnitizam is already apparent and we exploit it (motors, solonids, maglev trains). This has now become known as the electro-weak force and gravity is due to the strong force. The strong and weak forces are what hold the nucleus of atoms together. And I think that it's the 6 flavors of quarks that form the forces.
        My oh my, this is where it starts to get hairy. There are four "fundamental" forces: electromagnetism, the strong force, the weak force, and gravity. The strong force holds protons to protons, and acts on a very small scale, even in the atomic realm. This is why the nucleus of an atom is so dense: the protons have to be right up next to each other to hold the nucleus together, otherwise electromagnetic repulsion takes over. The weak force holds protons to neutrons, and neutrons to neutrons. Electromagnetism and gravity people are probably familar with. IIRC, the electromagnetic, strong and weak forces have been shown to have the same roots and are very similar at extreme energies (like a few milliseconds after the big bang). Gravity is still quite a mystery on the atomic scale: its effect is so small it is very hard to measure. Thus, a "theory of everything" that could relate all the fundamental forces of the universe is considered the Holy Grail by many in physics. Unfortunately, it seems just as hard to obtain as a certain chalice was for the Crusaders ;-).

        • You should do more research on up to date science.

          The theory of everything, super string theory, or Mtheory, but these theories talk about other dimensions and we cant prove they exsist, the only evidence we have, is the 5th force i spoke of.
          "Ó Copyright February 18, 2001 by Ron Ewart

          The story revolves around two simultaneous scientific events located in the mountains of Virginia. One is a Plasma fusion experiment and the other a SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) experiment. When SETI's antennas pass through the M-33 Galaxy in the Triangulum constellation, a huge powerful signal engulfs the SETI equipment and backs up through the Kerr Dam generators into the Plasma fusion experiment, enlarging the Plasma core and creating a rift in space. In so doing it exposes the Fifth Force. There are four major forces that govern everything in the Universe. They are gravity, electro-magnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. The fifth and undiscovered force is the Fifth Force. The force that binds the very fabric of the Universe together, empty space."
        • by gilroy ( 155262 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @09:43AM (#3212417) Homepage Journal
          See, the problem with beginning a post like

          Your post is so riddled with errors, it's hard to decide where to begin.

          is that, then, you have to get everything right yourself, or you look like an idiot. Alas,

          The weak force holds protons to neutrons, and neutrons to neutrons.

          isn't so. The strong force binds nucleon to nucleon -- so p-p, n-n, and p-n are all strong interactions. IIRC (and it's been a while, so no guarantees), the weak nuclear force changes the "flavor" of heavy leptons and quarks, leading to instability. (Of course, the Standard Model has unified EM and weak into electroweak.)
        • Okay... for those geeks out there who, like me... get totally lost in this. Sympathize. This is what you sound like when you're trying to explain to your mother-in-law the difference between Linux and Windows.

          And on an historical note, the Crusaders didn't go looking for a Holy Grail. Only Monty Python did. (Turns out their research was a little shoddy.)
    • Doesn't look like "antigravity" or whatever to me:

      If it were a gravitational effect, the force would have a direction (i.e. always upwards).

      I strongly doubt that it does.

      As you can see from the other experiments on the authors pages, it also works horizontally [] so simply put, this asymmetrical capacitor just produces some mechanical thrust. In whatever direction I would assume !

    • so what (Score:3, Funny)

      by HanzoSan ( 251665 )
      Any real scientist or expert in physics knows anti gravity is possible, they also know our government most likely have anti gravity,

      The problem is, its expensive, and requires ALOT of energy.

      Theres no way I'm going to believe some little toy anyone can make, can defy gravity, all that is, is a trick.

      • Re:so what (Score:3, Informative)

        by gilroy ( 155262 )
        Blockquoth the poster:

        Any real scientist or expert in physics knows anti gravity is possible, they also know our government most likely have anti gravity,

        Well, that's a sweeping generalization that isn't true. Assuming by "antigravity" you mean an actual fundamental interaction, I haven't met a single "real scientist" who believes in it strongly. ("Antigravity" meaning "opposing gravity" is trivial... jump, for example.) Many believe there might be something fundamental -- for instance, a difference in how antimatter and matter couple to the gravitational field, leading antimatter to have a repulsive compoent to its gravitational interaction -- but as far as I've ever heard, no peer-reviewed paper has ever been published claiming to have seen that effect experimentally.
      • I've seen these incredible beasts. I've even flown in a few! Yep! They're called airplanes. The government has a whole slew of them too.

        The problem is, its expensive, and requires ALOT of energy.

        Seems to fit the description of a 747 quite nicely.
    • What do you mean "pseudoscience". Home Shopping Network will be selling lifters soon enough.

      ..have you tried all those diets and excercise machines? Have you found that they never work? That the miracle pill is a fake?

      Now you don't have to lose weight anymore. You can relish in your body! Get your very own Lifter to carry those few extra pounds for you. YES! A LIFTER! A guaranteed NASA patented technology used for thousands of years by the UFOs frequenting this country (National Enquirer screamsheets shown onscreen).

      This phenomenal technology not only uses electrogravitics and hoveronics, but also Muscleline(Tm) technology to lift the flab from your stomach to your the heigh of your chest, to make you look like this (anonymous bodybuilder pic) or even this (Arnold Swachc...negger lookalike pic)!

      But don't take just my word for it. Listen to this testimony from a world renowned scientist: "Hi, I'm doctor Hickey from University of Buttmunch, Montana. I have been studying and using this technology for years. It works on principles hidden from us by US government ever since the Roswell crash. Just a few lifters placed around your body will make your steps lighter and make your physique look superb!".

      Buy now, and not only do you get this perfectly safe 4 lifter set, which is valued at 499$ for 19,99$. But you will also receive this great How To Treat Electrical Burns manual (value 99,99$) as well as 10$ discount coupon for a new pacemaker.

      Call now, at 1-800-RIPOFF. Your satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back in less than 20 years.

    • I would guess that the set up causes air from above the 'vehicle' to flow down and around it. This causes a point of low pressure above the vehicle into which it is 'sucked' into. The effect is similar to that created by a wing, though a wing needs to be moving to create the lower pressure above it.

      Until the guy tries doing the experiment in a vacuum, this idea is only theory.

    • This certainly smacks of pseudoscience []. It's not the fact that it claims a new effect (not previously accepted by mainstream science) that makes is pseudoscience. It's the fact that details are light, confirming independant work is non-existant, and primarly the fact that they jump to the most outlandish conclusion first. In real scientific work, you first rule out all the explainations based on previously understood phenomina before you claim you've found a new phenominon. Also, you don't try to present new, only marginally accepted (or completely unaccepted) theories as incontrivertable fact. This "build your own" site seems to give sketchy details about the science and experimental details and claims completely unaccepted theories as fact. That is why they are pseudoscientific. No reasonable effort has been made to rule out other explainations.

      I'll also point out that no matter what crazy mechanism you claim for the drive, the idea of it being reactionless would violate conservation of momentum, something which NO other theory does and which goes against common sense; thus, it would require extraordinary proof [], which is not provided. I mean, for one thing, they could simply have tested the thing in an air-tight enclosure set on a scale, measuring weight. If it was truely "reactionless", then when the device took off, its weight would be effectively gone and the system inside the enclosure would get lighter. They haven't shown this, and I have a good idea why. Sounds unreasonable, doesn't it?

      In actuality, I think this is, as others have observed, an ion drive of a sort. The high potential between the foil and the wire on the device cause charge distribution on the foil, causing the part of the foil at the bottom of the craft to accumulate a bulk of negative charge. The fact that it's a sharp edge (thin foil), makes it easy disipate this charge by releasing ions there. There are many classroom science demos that demonstrate this with a high voltage applied to a sharp metal point. They claim it's amazing that it still works in vacuum, but it really isn't. As long as it's attached to an external power supply, the power supply feeds in charge which is used essentially as a propellant. Even without an external power supply, as long as ions of the opposite charge are also released, in order to avoid a net charge. Ion drives have been used for thrusters in space for a while now.

      Now that explaination may be wrong. Explaining it isn't the point. The point is, I wouldn't beleive it's antigravity or anything similar until I'm satisfied that all mundane explainations have been ruled out. Jumping to that conclusion is just pseudoscience. Keep an open mind, but not so open that you let your brain fall out.

  • by Jace of Fuse! ( 72042 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @07:18AM (#3212255) Homepage
    About a year ago I built a UFO and let it fly away at about 1am. It was brightly lit and flew eastward, and it went way out of sight. I'd give exact details, and link to the photos, since I'm sure many people would LOVE to know the details. I heard some neighborhood children in the distance (I didn't know they were there prior to lift off) have a total fit after they noticed it. So the effect was that I spent about an hour rolling around in my yard laughing so hard I was unable to breathe.

    Anyway, I'm a little concerned that releasing something that size that flies away on it's own and goes who-knows-where might be breaking some law somewhere. It certainly wasn't going to stay airborn forever and I know if it had come down and damaged someone's property (or unlikely, but possibly injured someone)I would be held liable if I could be linked to it (also unlikely...but I'm not taking any chances).

    Anyway, the point is -- Making UFOs that fly away and freak people out isn't new. It's probably the cause of most UFO reports. It's also a whole lot of fun.

    • Actually I think most UFO reports are government projects that are classified, most likely unmmaned probes. I'd say 90 percent is our own government, the other 10 percent is unknown.

      Our government has a base near Area51, which all of their prototype crafts get tested, alot of people see UFOs around there, and no these arent hoaxes.

      The Hoaxes are usually the people who live in little hick towns who see UFOs and claim to have slept with alien monsters.

      UFOs are real, maybe even Aliens are real, but until Aliens come and abduct everyone in the world at the same time, no ones going to believe its anything more than a bunch of organized hoaxers.
      • Most UFO reports are easily explained by normal phenomena, and not classified government projects. Aircraft flying in careful formation (particularly at high altitudes), meteors, and ball lightning (rare in itself, but not classified nor extraterrestrial in nature) have all been mentioned as common causes of UFO reports, totaling around 85%, IIRC. Classified government projects and hoaxes probably make up the balance of them, with a tiny sliver of them truly unexplainable.

        And I'm including covering up the affair with the mistress under 'hoax'. :)
      • I used to think that some small percentage of UFO reports *had* to represent entities from outer space -- there were too reports of them, and too many of them came from people who had a lot of credibility (Air Force/NASA people, law enforcement, etc).

        I doubt that any of them represent space travelers anymore.

        SETI hasn't found squat -- you would think that if there was anyone "close", say within 20-30 light years would have been observable by SETI.

        The distances space travellers would need to cross strain at the laws of physics as we know them. The technology needed to travel extra-solar distances are staggering. Leads me to believe that its not possible or practical for anything smaller than an aircraft-carrier sized starship to travel such distances and at least tens of years of travel.

        Even if you assume that these space travellers are further evolved from a technology and physics perspective and can cross great distances in something much less than a human lifetime, what could they *possibly* want with earth? Its small, primitive population can't teach them very much, and our meager resources can't be of any use to them.

        And of course the most damning evidence is that entities from outer space haven't made themselves known in any kind of a verifiable way (ie, appearing on Larry King Live).

        I'd like to believe that there are advanced civiliations with cool technology that can travel the galaxy, but it seems kind of unlikely.

        • Aliens are too advanced for us to find them, we find them when they want us to, and they will definately have found us first.

          Which is why Seti is useless, its hoping aliens make newbie mistakes us humans make and pollute space, but I dont think so.

          What would aliens want with earth? Theres life on earth, perhaps they are curious and want to study us.

          Why on earth would humans go in the deep ocean and study microscopic lifeforms?

          We do it, why wouldnt aliens? Not to mention earth is the only planet in this solar system which can support life, Aliens are bound to focus on it.

          And its not unlikely that theres aliens, its very likely, whats unlikely is, why would any aliens want to make themselves known to us? We are stupid enough to send our DNA into space, and send waves out to contact aliens, but aliens sure as hell arent stupid enough to do something like that.
          I'm sure they remember the last time they did that and were enslaved for a few hundred million years.

          Oh and I'm sure if Aliens do see us, and how brutal we are, Aliens would treat us like wild animals, tag us, and keep their distance. I dont see you going to shake hands with a wild lion or ape in the jungle.

          • What would aliens want with earth? Theres life on earth, perhaps they are curious and want to study us. Why on earth would humans go in the deep ocean and study microscopic lifeforms?

            The cost of traveling to the bottom of the ocean is trivial relative to the cost of crossing the galaxy.

            Oh and I'm sure if Aliens do see us, and how brutal we are, Aliens would treat us like wild animals, tag us, and keep their distance. I dont see you going to shake hands with a wild lion or ape in the jungle.

            If lions and apes wrote books, built machines and transformed their environment in an apparently intelligent way, I would try to shake their hands.
            • Of course if they were on your level you'd shake their hands.

              But we arent on the level of aliens who have been around for millions or billions of years.

              Face it, we are infants, we are like apes. Intelligence? Sure we are more intelligent than Apes, in the same way Aliens are more intelligent than us.

              We look at Apes brutality and consider them Animals, Aliens look at us with our wars, terrorism, and consider us Animals, inferior species not worthy of communicating with.

              Before Aliens communicate with us we have to at least prove with wont destroy ourselves, or try to destroy them. And face it if aliens Landed in front of the White house, George Bush would declare war on them, and all of these religious freaks would either call them demons or worship them as gods.

              We arent READY for contact and wont be ready for it until we stop having wars, and are open minded to new things, those two things may not happen within our generations, maybe in a few thousand years with luck.
              • We look at Apes brutality and consider them Animals

                Actually that's not quite true, not to modern science anyway. Apes are quite intelligent animals: if taught young, they can learn to use sign language and to do simple tasks. Adult chimps are usually considered to have the intellect of a seven year-old child. They are said to be very "political" animals, who negotiate with each other in very complex ways.

                I also wouldn't call them "brutal"; physical, yes, much more than us, but they can also be gentle. You don't need intelligence to have emotions and empathy. If I can pet a cat and it feels loved and happy, then why wouldn't a more intelligent life form be able to have the same rapport with me? Furthermore, when you say that we are more intelligent than apes they same way aliens are more intelligent than us, what you're saying (logically speaking) is that they are not that much more advanced than us...that seems to contradict your other arguments.

                In any case, you really shouldn't speak of our closest biological relatives in such derogatory tones. Apes are cool. Also, you shouldn't talk as if you knew for sure how aliens are and what they think (i.e. "Aliens look at us...consider us...Aliens are more intelligent than us...etc."). Frankly, it makes you look like...a bit of a loony. Let's just say that it doesn't add to your credibility.

                Live long and prosper, earthling.
          • Aliens are too advanced for us to find them

            Why to you assume that aliens are too advanced for us to find them? Why assume that aliens are technologically more advanced than us right now? If the universe is teeming with life, there is likely to be races more advanced and others that are less advanced than us. Maybe some are a little bit more advanced than we are...maybe some are nearly-omniscient, nearly-omnipotent beings (I hope they're not too cranky)...On the other hand, we could basically be among the most technologically advanced species around - if that's the case we won't know about alien species for a while... :-(

            Now, as well as we can figure out organic chemistry, all life is probably based on carbon (or perhaps silicon, but that's very speculative). Like all other elements except for Hydrogen, Carbon is produced inside stars as gravity forces protons and neutrons to merge into heavier elements. However, Carbon is only produced when second- or third-generation stars die (thus releasing the heavier elements into space). First-generation stars produce only lighter elements (like helium and lithium). That means that life as we know it could only have started after the formation of third generation stars (like our sun). If the universe is about as old as we think, that means that not too many races should have gotten a billion-year headstart on us.

            Now, while civilization and technology may develop at a relatively rapid pace, evolution itself is very, very slow - especially when you start at the unicellular level. As it is, it is not that clear that there would actully be those "ancient races" so prevalent in cosmic sci-fi. But as I said, we can only speculate. And every theory is about as valid as the other. But we shouldn't assume anything.

            There is no way for us to know of these things. The most we can do is make an educated guess. That's why - unless some kind of "manager" alien race (or council of races, if they're all suffiently advanced and not too xenophobic) is actively blocking electromagnetic transmissions around Earth - there's no reason to think that SETI would not at some point catch an alien signal, a distant proof that, at some point, an alien race was using radio waves to communicate...

            Theres life on earth, perhaps they are curious and want to study us.

            If aliens want to study us, they don't need to actually come to earth. We broadcast plenty enough material into space using those same electromagnetic wave. Perhaps they're even fans of Gilligan's Island.

            Oh and I'm sure if Aliens do see us, and how brutal we are,

            As far as us being too brutal, I don't know...if such aliens are indeed watching us they're the dominant species on their home planet, they very probably have had a violent, often brutal past. There's no reason to think that the darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest" would work any differently in an alien setting. But definitely they might think we are overtly greedy, materialistic, and live in a world where great social and economical inequalities persist.
            • If aliens want to study us, they don't need to actually come to earth. We broadcast plenty enough material into space using those same electromagnetic wave. Perhaps they're even fans of Gilligan's Island.

              I don't know if it's true and I can't really remember where I heard it, but I remember hearing that there isn't a transmitter on Earth powerful enough to be detected by SETI if it were as far away as we think these aliens might be. Not to mention that the few solar systems that we think might be capable of supporting life are so far away that they wouldn't even be receiving our first few weak radio transmissions just yet.

            • Why to you assume that aliens are too advanced for us to find them? Why assume that aliens are technologically more advanced than us right now? If the universe is teeming with life, there is likely to be races more advanced and others that are less advanced than us. Maybe some are a little bit more advanced than we are...maybe some are nearly-omniscient, nearly-omnipotent beings (I hope they're not too cranky)...On the other hand, we could basically be among the most technologically advanced species around - if that's the case we won't know about alien species for a while... :-(

              We have only been around for a few hundred thousand years, a million tops, this is not a long time in space time, in fact its the blind of an eye. Go back 5000 years with all the technology we have today, you'd be worshipped as a god, you'd be that much more advanced, go back 100,000 years to when men were in caves and forrests as hunter gatherer warrior types, and you'd be so far above these groups they'd either worship you or run from you.

              Now imagine some alien race a million years more advanced than us, and pay attention to the advancements we've had in the last 100 years, and will have in the next 100 years such as nano technology, warp drives, etc, Aliens a million years above us most likely control all matter, manipulate time, understand dimensions, and are so much more advanced than us that if we did speak to them we'd think we were talking to god.

              If you were an Alien, would you contact a group off people who werent ready, who would call you god and worship you, or call you a demon and fear you? Would you land in front of the white house when you see missles in space (missle defend system) or see how we nuke each other? ALiens most likely think we are unstable since we are destroying ourselves we'd certainly attack them too.

              And if they control all matter and genetics through nano and bio technology theres no way in hell we can see them. To top it off, we were stupid enough to put our DNA into space for any group of aliens to take.

              The only way i think Aliens would contact us right now, is by using our genetics and coming to earth in human form to attempt to save humanity from itself. Because currently humans are just busy destroying everything. I dont think we are gifted, They have been around for billions of years, we havent.

              Now, as well as we can figure out organic chemistry, all life is probably based on carbon (or perhaps silicon, but that's very speculative). Like all other elements except for Hydrogen, Carbon is produced inside stars as gravity forces protons and neutrons to merge into heavier elements. However, Carbon is only produced when second- or third-generation stars die (thus releasing the heavier elements into space). First-generation stars produce only lighter elements (like helium and lithium). That means that life as we know it could only have started after the formation of third generation stars (like our sun). If the universe is about as old as we think, that means that not too many races should have gotten a billion-year headstart on us.

              Theres lots of planets in space which could have simple lifeforms, Mars, Europa, etc etc, because theres ice. But as far as intelligent life, if theres intelligent life, meaning more intelligent than us, they arent controlled by the elements like we are, they are the controllers of the elements.

              This means they can create and destroy stars, control matter itself on the atomic level, etc.
              Imagine for example there is aliens which can control matter, We'd have no way of seeing them but they could be all around us, they could appear and vanish at any moment, and what could we do? Nano technology, and Quantum entanglement are technologies we have just discovered, and its proven in labs that you can teleport, and you can control matter itself, imagine Aliens who have had this technology for thousands of years, or millions of years, it would be so advanced that they may not even exsist in this physical form anymore, and this would mean they wouldnt be limited to our dimension like we are.

              Distance would no longer matter if you can teleport, Distance would not matter if you can morph your body into particles of light and then atom by atom put yourself back together at the destination, or create worm holes and bend space itself.

              The universe is BILLIONS of years old, and thats just this universe, there may be others. So if you have a 50 billion year old universe, There could be species who have been around for billions of years.

              Thats a longg long longg fucking time, We've been around a few hundred thousand years and look at us. Even a species a few thousand years ahead of us would be like gods compared to us. Imagine how far nano technology and quantum physics will take us in just the next 300 years, we could be at star trek capabilities in a few hundred years.Do you really believe aliens who have been around for hundreds of millions of years, or billions of years, wouldnt be like gods to us?

              Now, while civilization and technology may develop at a relatively rapid pace, evolution itself is very, very slow - especially when you start at the unicellular level. As it is, it is not that clear that there would actully be those "ancient races" so prevalent in cosmic sci-fi. But as I said, we can only speculate. And every theory is about as valid as the other. But we shouldn't assume anything.

              These are aliens, they most likely control their own evolution. They most likely can control their genes, not to mention they can use computers and nano technology to give themselves whatever form they wish to have, evolution is not really hard to control when you reach a certain technology level.

              There is no way for us to know of these things. The most we can do is make an educated guess. That's why - unless some kind of "manager" alien race (or council of races, if they're all suffiently advanced and not too xenophobic) is actively blocking electromagnetic transmissions around Earth - there's no reason to think that SETI would not at some point catch an alien signal, a distant proof that, at some point, an alien race was using radio waves to communicate...

              Who says aliens use technology which leaves signals? Like we have stealth bombers, aliens may have it, hell aliens could like i said, communicate in such a way that we would think its just random space dust, if you an control atoms, and matter, and particles with nano technology, you could communicate and be completely stealth. Theres no way we could check all the particles floating around in space to see if theres some sort of pattern and even if we do find a pattern it still wouldnt prove its aliens. Not to mention, Aliens may not need to communicate in this way, they could use telepathy for all we know, sounds silly, but all it would take is a brain to computer interface of some sort, and perhaps a sort of internet.

              Face it, we arent efficient with our technology because we just discovered it, we expect aliens to bee making the same mistakes we are making, but if they have been around for millions of years instead of hundreds of thousands like us,chances are, they've been there, done that, perhaps they left junk in space before and other aliens saw it and came and enslaved them, attacked them etc, and so they dont do it anymore.

              You dont realize how dangerous it is, to send DNA and maps into deep space, there could be good aliens and there could be evil aliens, if the aliens are anything like us, expect us to bee conqoured and enslaved someday in our grandchildrens future, because if we keep it up, acting like we own space when we really dont, its bound to piss somebody off eventually.

              If aliens want to study us, they don't need to actually come to earth. We broadcast plenty enough material into space using those same electromagnetic wave. Perhaps they're even fans of Gilligan's Island.

              here you go againn with humans are the center of the universe BS. Perhaps Aliens dont want to study just us but everything on our planet, theres many ways they could do this and we would never know it, they could spread little microscopic particles all around which gather information and them capture them (almost like Nano Dust that our government is using as spy technology)

              They could abduct a few people, do some tests, and see if we are ready for contact. But really, my point is, if aliens want contact with us, chances are they will find us first, now if we do find aliens its most likely going to be life not as intelligent as us.

              As far as us being too brutal, I don't know...if such aliens are indeed watching us they're the dominant species on their home planet, they very probably have had a violent, often brutal past. There's no reason to think that the darwinian concept of "survival of the fittest" would work any differently in an alien setting. But definitely they might think we are overtly greedy, materialistic, and live in a world where great social and economical inequalities persist.
              [ Reply to This | Parent ]

              Humans created survival of the fittest, as an excuse for the brutality. Theres no reason for survival of the fittest when you can have survival of all. Its ideals like that, which scare aliens away, when you believe everythings a competition and that lifes about winning and losing, Aliens have no reason to ever contact you, you are too busy trying to be better than them for them to waste their time with you.

              Aliens may have believed in survival of the fittest, MILLIONS of years ago when they first started to evolve, and some intelligent Aliens still may beelieve that, but we dont want to meet Aliens like that, Survival of the fittest = Enslave the humans, take over the earth, and use the planet to harvest resources.

              Yeah Survival of the fittest, that means Survival of none, because everyone through competition eventually destroys themselves.

              And thats why Humanity is in the position its in now, on a path to self destruction, if we ever get out of survival of the fittest way of thinking we might evolve past war, slavery, terrorism, nazism, and other human vs human fighting, because its like highlander, survival of the fittest will not cease until theres just one left.

              • Well most of what you say is unfortunately not based on scientific fact but rather wild speculation. Yes, there could be matter-bending aliens who control enery with a thought. There could also be a god (who'd be even more powerful). There may be universes within universes. The thing is, when there are infinite possibilities, it doesn't make any sense to try to guess what we don't know (like you do). In fact, it is a complete waste of time, because when there are an infinite number of possibilities, chances are that the one you'll pick will turn out to be wrong.

                You also make numerous assumptions that could turn out to be false. First, there's the fact that I've already mentioned. Given that the age of the universe is about 15-20 billion years (which we can calculate with increasing precision - there's no reason to believe we're way off mark here), and that it takes 10-15 billion years to get third-generation stars (we need that Carbon, remember) and that evolution - in our case - took about 5 billion years until we got intelligent life, there is a very good case to be made about the fact that there are probably no such "extremely advanced" race as you mention. Well, perhaps not a very good case, but at least as good as that of telepathic, teleporting aliens. You also assume that technology will keep on developing at the same rapid pace...well, again, there's no proof that this will always be the case. There always the possibility that development will go through plateaus, and who knows how long these can take...theoretically, it's impossible to bring a physical object to the speed of light. Perhaps you'd like to imagine that it's possible, but again there is no proof that it is. Now, to go faster than light...Even if it was possible, it could take use thousands of years before we'd achieve it.

                There is also another assumption that you make which, unfortunately, could be false as well: that civilization can both advance technologically and survive. I believe that the development of nuclear energy (which, like the discovery of fire, is on the roadmap of every intelligent species' development) is an important test of intelligent species - one that we have yet to pass, even though we seem to be doing better these days (Bush notwithstanding). But there might be other species-threatening discoveries that, these other advanced species you speak of would have had to go through these scientific "ordeals"...since they probably weren't much more advanced than us when they did, there is always a chance that they did not actually make it!

                As far as "teleportation" is concerned, I think that perhaps you read a little too much science fiction. Even though there are theoretical advances, we are still far from the day when you can just teleport to the corner store to get a quart of milk...

                Of course, perhaps you are right. Like matters of religion, it is mosly a question of faith, and not logical debate. But remember: in spite of our technological "primitiveness", we have discovered the basic tenets of rational thought: logic, the empirical method of scientific research, euclidian geometry, the basic principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry...these principles are universal: natural laws are the same here as they are on the sixth planet of Epsilon Eridani (nice place, too). We can already figure that always makes me smile to see that those who expound on how primitive we must be compared to imagined alien races usually don't know too much about the current state of human scientific knowledge. I'll grant you: it's not as romantic, but it's a lot closer to the truth (as far as we can tell).

                Perhaps incorporeal aliens exist - though you'd have to wonder how evolution would get them to that state - and perhaps God looks down upon us from heaven. The two beliefs are identical in nature. We'll probably never know who is right, so in the end this discussion is rather pointless and sterile. Meanwhile, I'll keep on giving computing cycles to SETI, just because it's the best thing to do with the information we have today...and because the speculative road leads everywhere and thus nowhere, that's the only alternative we've got.
  • Police! This is an emergency! I am being attacked by a UFO with a color monitor []!
  • by fruey ( 563914 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @07:28AM (#3212273) Homepage Journal
    I don't see anything in the text of the article about lifters, UFOs, or anything of the sort. All rather tenuous.

    Can someone else see anything that has to do with homemade high voltage electricity toys?

    Incidentally, this all reminds me of the high voltage stuff that came from science toys a while back: aluminium foil on your CRT linked to a polystyrene cup with foil on it making a motor out of simple office equipement.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is not a reactionless thruster, it just uses whateven matter is surrounding it. The sharp edge is ionizing the air or other matter, leaving it with a negative charge (this is called corona discharge). since the aluminium foil is also negatively charge, the ionised air is repelled, pushing the "verhicle" away from it (up).
  • At first, I though that the article was one week early. That is, until I saw the phrase "thin nylon wire"...
  • 100KV??? (Score:3, Informative)

    by ( 463190 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @08:50AM (#3212346) Homepage
    Check out this page - it's in the ifno about how to build the power supply:

    100 kV super-cascade []

    I have a 15KV neon sign transformer lying around - I've only used it for Jacob's ladders and lighting cigarettes... this looks a little more interesting. I'd be interesting in hooking it up to cascaded triplers like this, but I see that his power supply uses a 20Khz source. Does anyone know if this will work with a 60Hz source? I'd be interested in making the tripler myself - links?

    Yes, I know, people like me should not be playing with high voltage...
    • To use the voltage multiplier at lower frequency, you must store more energy between cycles, which means you need larger capacitors of the same high voltage rating. The high frequencies allow the authors to use homemade capacitors like leyden jars (or the lifters themselves) to store the DC potential during the much briefer interval when the cycle reverses.
    • Doesn't that make the first puff taste like ozone?
    • 100KV is no problem an ignition coil from a car puts out 50-75KV easy, most have 125KV peaks, and they have a lot more watts than a fly-back transformer! just make your own rectifier get enough 1Kv diodes from radioshack and solder them to gether is series until you have enough peak reverse voltage. add a 13M ohm resistor and a little capacitor in parallel, to each diode and they should live just fine.

      Read up on high voltage saftey before you try this, I heard of a radar instructor tell the class "Never go into the high voltage cabinet when the red light is on" just before an arc jumped to his pointed finger and blew the skin off his arm all the way up to the elbow.

      With voltage multipliers and depending on the relative humidity you can get between 0.25 and 0.5Mv . try searching for Tesla coils for more detailed info
  • Anti-gravity? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rhinobird ( 151521 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @08:53AM (#3212352) Homepage
    Nope, they look more like Ionocraft to me. High DC voltage between 2 seperated electrodes (in these things, the thin wire at the top and the aluminum foil on the bottom) ionizes and acelerates the airdownward producing lift. Sometimes these guys put things in between the electrodes to prove that they aren't doing that, but they don't seem to notice that the air doesn't merely go THROUGH the device, but also AROUND it...
    • Re:Anti-gravity? (Score:2, Informative)

      by SWTP ( 550956 )
      Yep you are 100% on the mark on this one!

      I have seen mag, pic and videos for over 30+ years running the same configuration and shape. All were Ion Wind Engines. The power supply is the problem on this. One of the pictures in a old mag had a multi cell that was the spliting image of the trangles cell configuration.

      The thing that worries me are people that are careless with that much voltage. Even though there is very little current which can cause major damage it still can do damage to a person if they touch the wrong item. IE stop the heart.

      I also remember in a Popular Science article around 1970~1971 an artcle on a 1/10 HP Static motor that look like a stern wheeler. Much more usfull than this.

      Is nice tech and if Teslar dident get riped off and go mad maybe a lot of this would be further along. But anit gravity... sorry. Try the group in Europe that has the spinning disk that does decrease Gravity of objects by about 5%. Much more intersting.
    • Now if they'd stick this thing in a near-vacuum they wouldn't need nearly the same power supply.
    • Re:Anti-gravity? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Angry Toad ( 314562 )

      Ionocraft they are. Here [] is a link to the long history of these devices.

      The only thing that puzzles me is that whole NASA patent business. I don't have time to examine it carefully, but has someone confused Ionocraft with something else that NASA is doing?

  • Flight (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Veteran ( 203989 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @09:28AM (#3212399)
    At the start of the 20th century it was the general consensus of the scientific elite that heavier than air powered flight was a pipe dream and impossible. While it was conceded that birds and insects could fly it was obvious that they were light - nothing heavy enough to carry a man could possibly fly. Attempts to do so were met with great scorn.

    There was only one serious scientist attempting heavier than air powered flight; professor Langley. His repeated failures were held as proof to the scientific establishment that flight was an impossibility and a waste of time and money - pseudo science at its worst.

    Fortunately for mankind a pair of bicycle mechanics didn't know that it was pseudo science and impossible. When the Wright brothers succeeded in doing what all of the physicists said was impossible they changed the world. Of course today airplanes are an obvious fact of reality and no one but a complete idiot claims that there is any pseudo science involved in their construction. The ridicule of the early 20th century has long been forgotten.

    Now in the early 21st century mainstream science ridicules 'electrogravitics' as pseudo science. Once again mainstream physicists are simply wrong. The key point in anything is "Does it work, and is it repeatable?"

    General relativity predicts electrogravitics - one case which has been solved is this: if a cloud of charged particles is allowed to expand outward an inward pointing gravitational field will be generated.

    Einstein used Maxwell's equations in formulating general relativity. All of you are familiar with the concept that mass and energy are related; if mass can change space-time why is it impossible for energy to do the same thing?

    Basically what is going on in these lifters is this: When you charge a capacitor energy flows into the capacitor from the surrounding space via the Poynting vector. When you charge an asymmetrical capacitor you draw energy from the surrounding space in an asymmetrical fashion; this distorts the surrounding space. Distorted space is a gravitational field.

    This is not 'ion wind' NASA has tested asymmetrical capacitors in vacuum chambers; the thrust is still there. Not much has been said about this in the general public but the fact is that the world is about to change dramatically.

    In some ways the 21st century is an echo of the twentieth: science will be dragged kicking and screaming into the future whether it likes it or not, and once again very important work has been done by non scientists.

    Like the early history of flight the field is full of both crackpots and people who know what they are doing. When you view these web pages understand what you are looking at; you are seeing the equivalent of the 'box kites' which were flown by experimenters and dreamers in the late 19th century. There is a direct line from those crude box kites to the space shuttle - the difference is 80 years of engineering.

    See for yourself whether or not these 21st century box kites fly - if they do don't worry about the science: it will be forced to catch up. This is real, and it is quite literally 'warp drive' unfolding before your eyes.

    By the way - the voltages involved are lethal - if you do these experiments be damned careful!
    • All of you are familiar with the concept that mass and energy are related; if mass can change space-time why is it impossible for energy to do the same thing?

      Noone has a problem with that. But size matters... especially if the said forces are tens of orders of magnitude larger than predicted by mass-energy equivalence (and in the wrong direction, I must add)

      • Re:Flight (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Veteran ( 203989 )
        Did it ever occur to you that mass might not be very effective at distorting space, and that energy might be? Remember that we are talking about local distortions - not large ones like a planet causes. Once again the key questions are: "Does it work? Is it repeatable". If the answer to those questions are "Yes" nothing else matters. Theory has to be adjusted to fit reality - not the other way around.

        It is said that 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof' I would say that a crude electrogravitic kite lifting an 18 gram payload is pretty extraordinary. If the experiment can be easily repeated and duplicated the argument is over. If you read the pages carefully some of the experimenters are professional scientists.

    • Re:Flight (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Faux_Pseudo ( 141152 ) <(moc.liamg) (ta) (oduesP.xuaF)> on Saturday March 23, 2002 @10:23AM (#3212515)
      I have a few issues with the examples you used to illustrate your point. I have pulled out my old trusty copy of Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan and have turned to the section on baloney detection. We have here the following points that match your post.

      Appeal to ignorance - Claiming that what has not been proved false must be true.

      Observational selection - Enumeratioon of Favorable Circumstances -- aka you have pointed out the hits of the past but have not pointed out the failiurs.

      Non sequitur -- you make points that are not realy related in any form other than they are in the same feild (aviation) but assume that because it happend one way in the past that it will happen again the same way in the future.

      • One again the only relevant questions are: "Does it work? Is it repeatable?".

        Try it and see if you can get it to work - eliminate the possible errors - if it still works - it is real. If you can't get it to work and other people can then your failure only proves you don't know what you are doing and nothing else.

        The experiments have been done by NASA in a vacuum chamber. They need to be duplicated.

        By the way reference to an authority is also a fallacy and proves nothing.
        • The authority was not referanced to add weight. It was refferanced because I was quoting my source and that is how you avoid plagerism. Not only that if people want to they can pick up the book and see if they agree with it. Unlike some who do not make available their soruces or claim that a source is from some secrit document that no one has access to.
    • Now in the early 21st century mainstream science ridicules 'electrogravitics' ... This is real, and it is quite literally 'warp drive' unfolding before your eyes.

      They laughed at Galileo. They laughed at Newton. They laughed at the Wright brothers. They laughed at Einstien.

      They also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

      • This is real, and it is quite literally 'warp drive' unfolding before your eyes.

        This ain't a warp drive. It is just an ionic wind generator. It's about like one of those "Ionic Breeze" machines you see advertised on TV for only 47 easy payments of $19.95. If NASA is developing this for space, they must be using some other device. I don't care what you say. This won't work in space.
    • If NASA has gotten these things to float in a vacuum, then why haven't we heard about it? (What sources did you get this information from?) Yes, people thought that artificial flight was impossible until the Wright Brothers proved them worng, but your'e saying that people are continuing to think electrogravitics wrong in spite of the evidence? People only have to be "dragged kicking and screaming" in regards to science when there's some radical, fundamental change, like Newtonian versus Quantum physics. If this has already been predicted by General Relativity, one of the most verified scientific theories we have, there wouldn't be much of a reason to oppose it.
  • antigravity (Score:3, Interesting)

    by debrain ( 29228 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @11:55AM (#3212808) Journal
    Does it only work in a direction opposite to gravity? Just curious ... if it does only "lift" then it is precisely anti-gravity. If it works perpendicular to gravity, then it is not precisely anti-gravity.

  • Dean Drive, anyone? (Score:4, Informative)

    by dpbsmith ( 263124 ) on Saturday March 23, 2002 @12:16PM (#3212892) Homepage
    Remember the Dean Drive, a frequent subject of articles and editorials in Astounding (or was it Analog then) in the sixties? Dean had discovered that Newton's laws of motion were only approximate, f didn't equal ma, there was a tiny little high-order nonlinear term in it... which meant that big, massive, unbalanced, counter-rotating linear weights could generate a tiny little linear component. Without any reaction mass.

    There were all sorts of photographs of the device in action. They were all marred by little details. Somehow it could never quite lift its own weight, although a simple scaling up would, of course, do it. The device was always tethered, or on a surface...

    The best one was the before-and-after shot of it sitting on a bathroom scale. When turned off, the scale showed one reading. When turned on, the scale showed a lighter reading. Unfortunately the pointer was a little, well, BLURRED, but the accompanying text vouched that there was a net weight reduction and that the camera had not just captured an extreme swing of an oscillating pointer.

    Whatever... HAPPENED to the Dean Drive? You don't suppose it could have been a fraud, do you?
    • Yes, the Dean Drive was a fraud. One of many that Astounding's editor John W. Campbell fell for during the Fifties. Well, "fell" might be a little strong. He defended and supported the "alternative" science crowd a lot more than a real scientist would.

      The other was a little thing called "Dianetics", a "science of the mind" one of his authors cobbled together. Campbell gave it star billing as a new scientific theory in a 1950 issue -- a strange thing for a fiction magazine author to do. Campbell was sucked into Hubbard's new business for quite a while until he became disillusioned with the "religion" angle Hubbard rolled out: Scientology. All of this is my opinion, of course, but it's pretty much common knowledge. No one likes to talk about it, because the you-know-who's were as rabidly defensive then as they are now, perhaps even more so. There's a story about L. Sprague de Camp, a critical article he wrote about the dangers of the Hubbard Church Militant, a defamation campaign against him, and a gag agreement he allegedly signed, that I wish de Camp would have told before he passed on.

      The early science fiction fen community was mightily fractured on the validity of Dean Drives and Dianetics in the fifties, as well as other notions that I can't remember after all this time. Campbell lost much of his reputation because he had a mind that was just a little too open.

      Issac Asimov's autobiography told a little of the story. The rest can be picked up here and there.

      And the magazine was "Astounding" until Ben Bova rechristened it "Analog" in the sixties, I think.

      Well, it might have been silly, but they did have a lot of fun back then, didn't they?
  • I was kind of skeptical at first, especially when I started seeing words like "gravionics" and "antigravity", but I just read the original patent text, and noticed these two paragraphs.

    It is well established in the literature, that a force or thrust may be generated by a capacitor charged to a high potential. Although there are different theories regarding the basis for this phenomenon, there is no dispute that a force is generated by capacitors under such high voltages. However, the thrust generated by such high potential capacitors has been minimal and thus this phenomenon has had very limited practical utility.

    Translation: it works, but we're not sure why.


    Although the asymmetrical capacitor module described in the preceding paragraph has worked well in the laboratory, one potential disadvantage or limitation thereof is that there is some tendency to arcing between potential surfaces. More generally, there is a need to further improve the module construction to enable use thereof for atmospheric propulsion and for propulsion in space.

    OMFG! (as they say), so it does (may) work in space! So does it need a "fuel" of some type? As in, are we talking about feeding it some kind of substance, and the mechanism acts to accelerate the mass? Or does it run all on it's own?
    • It works on high-voltage electricity alone. To be able to do an autonomous flight (i.e. have the power source on board) you nee a power source with a specific mass of somewhat less than 1kg/kWe (kilowatt electric). Naudin used a pulsed HV power supply to achieve 886W/kg lifted (see Lifter Tests with a PULSED High Voltage []). You could maybe fly for a couple of seconds by draining a battery very fast, otherwise this kind of energy is nuclear. NASA has some plans on NEP power plants with a specific mass of less than 1kg/kWe. See:

      f. Prospects for Nuclear Electric Propulsion Using Closed Cycle MHD Energy Conversion, Ron Litchford, NASA MSFC [abstract] [] [presentation] []

      g. Ultralight Vapor Fueled Cavity Reactors with MHD for Powering Multi- Megawatt NEP Systems , Travis Knight et al., New Era Technologies (NeTech), Inc. [abstract] [] [presentation [].

      Apparently these power sources could be built for a couple of billion dollars, this is where the military dark budget of $30bn comes into play (see the New York Times quoted in the story).

  • From the first link:
    The Pentagon spokesman, Kenneth H. Bacon, "Do we get it right 100 percent of the time? Of course not."

  • Those are the damnest things, best $350 I've ever spent on a gadget, but thats not really relevent...

    Does anyone know for certain how this works? I'm guessing its the same way the Quandra air filters at Sharper Image work -- they move air electrostatically, although I haven't found any good writeups online about exactly how they do it.

    Makes me wonder, though, if they'd work in a vaccuum. I'm guessing not, that they are actually using the electrical potential to move air to provide thrust.
    • If people are correct in saying that this device uses a high voltage to transform the air into plasma, then it would actually work better in a vacuum. Better in the sense that it would take less voltage to achieve plasma, anyhow.
    • Yes, it's exactly the same principle as the Sharper Image Ionic Breeze air purifiers.

      A variation of this principle does indeed work in a vacuum - it was recently tested on NASA's NASA Deep Space 1 [] spacecraft. It's the same basic principle of accelerating molecules by ionization, except that in the case of Deep Space 1, the molecules in question are supplied from a tank.

  • The project is certainly interesting, but all this UFO and antigravity stuff?

    If you read the pages you'll see that they are burning about 100 watts per ounce. Look further and you'll see that this mysterious device generates a down draft, about 1.5 MPH. This is called an ion wind. It is a well known phenomena. Hmmm, don't helicopters work by generating down drafts? Someone did some math and came up with the figure that it would need to create a 3 MPH draft in order to lift itself.

    The downdraft is only half of what he thinks it would need to lift itself that way. Therefore this thing must be generating a mysterious UFO force. Or maybe he got the math wrong.... Nahhhhhh. Must be UFO stuff.

    • It's not antigravity, the thrust is directional. It works in vacuum (as tested by NASA, sorry no link). The Ion wind has been insulated, and it still works, see both of these pages: Wind tests [], and The Ion Wind Tests on Transdimensional's Lifter [].
  • I may have missed something, but where is the connection between the 3 year old New York Times article and building a UFO?
  • Most of the explanations of this effect sound like hogwash. But there seem to be too many practical demonstrations shown, from too many different sources. And this page [] cinched it. I'm sufficiently convinced that I'm going to have to try to build one of these contraptions. Wish me luck!
  • Here's some info on my own experiments with this "Lifter" (high voltage "antigrav") technology. I read many web pages on the net about the Lifter, and many people seem to have been able to reproduce the experiment, so I had to see it for myself.

    Basically, you create a high voltage field between two poles that are just far enough apart to not create a spark - "almost, but not quite" sparking. This field generates air movement which propels the vehicle (if it's light enough) into the air. It is not a static electric field that is generating the lift, although you do see some static electricity after turning everything off; it's actually wind causing the propulsion.

    Here is my journal entry about building the Lifter [] before I knew what was going on, and being amazed that it really lifts off the ground and hovers in the air! There are pictures and movies there, which are clearer than most on the net.

    Here's my second journal entry [] where I describe what's really going on, including an MPEG you can watch and see for yourself.

    My friend Wes and I felt we understood the propulsion effect, and how it takes a massive amount of high voltage to produce a tiny amount of lift, and when I realized you probably won't see me and my 21" monitor flying around the neighborhood terrorizing people and animals, we decided to stop research.

    If you don't believe it works, build one yourself, it's fun.

    Shorting out the 30kV power supply portion of my CRT didn't seem to hurt my monitor - I did it over and over for short amounts of time, and now my monitor still works perfectly (I'm posting this using it right now).

  • It's not very hard to build an ion-wind blower which can lift itself. Check out this article from 1964 Popular Mechanics:

    de Seversky's "ionocraft"
    Note that you do need a high voltage DC supply which can put out quite a bit of wattage (above 50W is good.) Note that you can kill yourself with such a supply.

    I've heard that if you put one of these 'lifter' devices inside a plastic bag, the thrust will fall nearly to zero. Unfortunately, the best way to tell if some "antigravity" device is actually relying on reaction forces from air jets is: just stop the air jets from escaping (such as by enclosing it in a bag!)

    Or maybe you can spread some smoke from smoldering incense stick all around the device, then turn on the power and watch the air movements.

    Suppose you place a tiny conductor next to a large broad conductor and connect both to the terminals of a kilovolts DC supply. The electrostatic field which forms between the two conductors will become extremely concentrated on the surface of the smaller one, but not so concentrated on the larger. The air adjacent to the smaller one will break down (corona discharge), and this allows charges to leak out of the adjacent conductor and attach to air molecule. In other words, if the negative conductor is much smaller than the positive eone, then the smaller conductor will apparantly "emit" negatively charged air. And the charged air will be driven rapidly towards the other (larger oppositely charged) conductor. So, if you want to make an electrical fan with no moving parts, arrange a thin wire near a broad metal plate (or even better, a wire near a broad airfoil which lacks sharp edges.) Then connect a high-volt supply between them. The polarity doesn't matter much, since the thin wire "emits" the charged air, and the larger metal object then "collects" it.

  • I built my own! (Score:2, Informative)

    by Escher0 ( 525081 )
    I stumbled upon JLN Labs a few months ago and decided to build my own lifter for use as my science reseach project for school. It works pretty well with just an old monitor for a power source. Very interesting results. Its very rewarding to build one, if you can stand the minor annoyances while building it. The best thing about building one, besides it flying, is the faces on your friends. BTW, I won Best in Fair for the science fair. Also BTW, I'm in 12th grade.
  • The vacuum tests (Score:2, Informative)

    by vinsci ( 537958 )
    Finally, I found a reference to vacuum tests. It's at Gravitec's corporate [] page: "The initial vacuum test [] showed as suspected that field propulsion did not require any exhaust gasses to operate. These tests, while good, are not enough to bring to the scientific community, because something this extraordinary in nature needs extraordinary proof. We currently need to perform a more controlled and metered vacuum experiment to eliminate all doubts that have surrounded the phenomenon in the past."

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
