Higgs Boson Not Found at 115 Gev 76
Larry writes "The most important part of the Standard Model, the Higgs boson, was not found in energies up to 115 GeV, according to this article on New Scientists. This, along with other drawbacks (such as the magnetic moment of the muon) delivers a severe blow to the Standard Model. This, along with yesterdays article on solid state physicists' theory, may call for major restructuring of current viable physics models."
Re:Thier all wrong (Score:2)
Oh yeah? Well, I'll prove YOU wrong
Re:Thier all wrong (Score:1)
Re:Thier all wrong (Score:1)
Re:Sorry, got a better source? (Score:1)
Re:Sorry, got a better source? (Score:1)
Re:God. (Score:1, Troll)
Cake tastes good
Re:God. (Score:1)
Cherries *are* purple!
Therefore the bible must be correct.
No becuase A does not lead to B. Science and the bible are in no way mututally exclusive.
Re:God. (Score:1)
Re:God. (Score:2, Funny)
You are a troll...therefore, someone will take you seriously.
No need to restructure everything just yet... (Score:3, Insightful)
LEP couldn't probe the entire range of energies where the Higgs might reside, and there wasn't compelling evidence that they would be able to. That's why LEP was shut down; scientists at CERN wanted to begin work on LHC, which will replace LEP by 2005 (IIRC).
Now the search for (and discovery of?) the Higgs will probably take place at Fermilab and LHC.
And this business of requiring a "major restructuring" of current physics models is just exaggeration. People propose extensions to the standard model all the time; it's just that the standard model has described current observations and predicted new (and eventually confirmed) ones very well. There's no need to throw the entire thing out.
Re:No need to restructure everything just yet... (Score:2, Insightful)
Different experimenters have different ideas about when an experiment is finished, and the shutdown of LEP was not as simple as you apparently believe.
The "other group" refered to in the article, who claimed to have found the Higgs just before LEP was scheduled to be shut down, had a vested interest in keeping the experiment running; they had put a lot of time, money, and effort into it, and since LEP had almost enough energy to probe most of the energy range where the Higgs would most likely be found, they wanted to keep going for a few more months. The group that discovers the Higgs will most likely be awarded the Nobel prize in a few years, so the actual discovery of the Higgs effectively carries a very large cash prize.
Now that LEP has been shut down (despite the claim that the Higgs had been seen), the Higgs will most likely be discovered at Fermilab. It's possible that the group at LEP who claimed to have seen the Higgs was just trying to keep the experiment running long enough to legitimately discover it themselves.
It should be mentioned that the LEP group has claimed to have seen the Higgs several times over the past few years, and each time (including this latest one) more careful reanalysis of the data has revealed no legitimate signal.
Re:No need to restructure everything just yet... (Score:2)
Debate from yesterday (Score:1)
You have to remember it is still only a theory... (Score:3, Insightful)
While the Higgs Boson and the Higgs field are very compelling and I am certainly not advanced enough in that area of physics to judge Higgs and the other creators of the standard model perhaps there is no Higgs Boson!
I have no real other way of explaining but a lot of things would be nice if there were a drag for a "mystery field" like the ether of the 19th century, hopefully 21st century physics and mathematics will be able to tell us where this mass and inertia comes from.
Re:You have to remember it is still only a theory. (Score:2, Informative)
So nothing's broken yet. It just seems that if there is a Higgs boson, it's very massive and will require big accelerators to find.
Re:You have to remember it is still only a theory. (Score:2)
Strict scientific method has VERY VERY limiting ideas about what an experiment is, and just poking at something to see what happens isn't that.
So, unless you have removed all variables EXCEPT the Higgs boson, an experiment can't prove or disprove the existance of the Higgs boson. It can just be misinterpreted.
A crazy theory from a non-physicist (Score:1)
In quantum mechanics, a true vacuum with "nothing" there does not seem to exist. Instead, they theorize that a soup of virtual particles randomly pop into existence, combine again (particle/antiparticle), and annihalate each other.
Now, what if, when one of these particles were created, something (rather energy, matter, or a field of some sort) collided with one of the particles in the pair? Would this provide the
"drag"? Could the collision every so often knock a particle so significantly off its course that it failed to reunite with its anti-particle and be destroyed? Would this explain dark matter?
No, I'm obviously not a physicist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night
Opinion of expert (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Opinion of expert (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Opinion of expert (Score:2)
Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:5, Funny)
It's natural that the quantum state of a particle is not known until it's observed. Why would you render all this detail out when nobody's watching? It would be the same as Quake rendering things behind you.
The same situation would explain why sometimes objects behavior only makes sense at a macro-level - objects are only being rendered out that far. Quake doesn't compute motion for each polygon - it moves things in groups.
Only when we're looking at one pixel (I mean particle...) does the universe render itself out that far.
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:2, Interesting)
Quantum computing proposes to exploit this property to make computers that are qualitatively faster than what you can build in a non-quantum world. So it would seem that quantum mechanics is actually more expensive to compute than the "fully rendered" alternative.
A deeper philosophical question is "do you really need a simulation running to get a universe?" Maybe just laying out the equations is enough, a simulation only queries something which already exists as soon as it is defined.
Then, you have to wonder, do you really need someone to think of the equation? After all, the mandelbrot set exists even when no one thinks about it.
So probably the truth is that *everything* exists. Conscious beings are just much more likely to be the byproduct of evolution in a universe with simple rules, than to have been produced from scratch by chance (even though both cases exist). So here we are.
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:4, Interesting)
What you mean is that the Mandelbrot set is something that it's possible for you to think about. That's not the same thing as "exists".
In other words, what I'm saying is that the Mandelbrot set is a byproduct of your mind.
From there we can go a lot of different places. If you think your mind is a byproduct of the physical universe, then Mandelbrot sets and indeed all of mathematics exist because of the existence of the universe.
What is my point? Indeed, I do have one, though it may seem like I don't. My pointis that it's a real possibility that mathematics exists because of the universe. Therefore, applying the mathematical kind of existence to the universe may not be valid. The universe could exist in a different kind of way than mathematical ideas do.
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:1)
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:2)
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:1)
I know there's one bug in the simulation - there's way too much lint. What's with all the lint?
Re:Here's my theory. Also, I'm stupid. (Score:2)
English Translation? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:English Translation? (Score:1)
Re:Secret of the Universe (Score:1)
Re:Secret of the Universe (Score:1)
Broken models: Cool! (Score:4, Insightful)
The last huge time someone said, "Hold on--it should not be doing this!" was Planck, in 1900, when he found light quanta in black body radiation.
Basically, Planck was expecting the color of the light of a hot body to increase smoothly as the temperature went up...(infrared, visible, UV, Xray, gamma)....Unfortunately, he found that in reality, it did _not_ go up smoothly....It went up in a staircase with billions of teeny tiny steps, meaning light is *quantized*. This effed up our entire model. All of it. Before this discovery, the precession of Mercury (ended up being a relativity thing) was the only thing people were having a tough time with. Then this hit and they had to develop a system of mechanics to deal with these quanta.
Check out the next 15 years:
1901: Max Planck, determination of Planck's constant, Boltzmann's constant, Avogadro's number and the charge on electron
1904: Albert Einstein, energy-frequency relation of light quanta
1905: Albert Einstein, special relativity
1909: Robert Millikan, measured electron charge
1909: Albert Einstein, particle-wave duality of photons
1911: Ernest Rutherford, Infers the nucleus from the weird scattering of alpha particles on gold foil
1913: Niels Bohr, quantum theory of atomic orbits. Same year: radioactivity as nuclear property
1915: Albert Einstein, general relativity
Not bad for fifteen years.
Now, while we have made a lot of progress messing with these basic discoveries in cosmology, particle theory, quantum theory etc, we still have been refining these models. We haven't had to chuck the whole thing in a while.
I want another fifteen years like this. But for this to happen, the thing needs to break. In half.
Of course, I have a bias. I want zero point energy, flying cars and FTL travel. So I am praying for rain.
Yes, but that was the golden age of physics. (Score:1)
May as well ask... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:May as well ask... (Score:1)
Here's something like a partial answer to your question, as best as I can remember from my quantum-physics course.
Mass and energy are essentially the same thing. The principle difference between energy and matter is the wavelength. Matter has a very short wavelength, whereas energy has a relatively long wavelength.
Otherwise, matter and energy can be treated as the same thing for most operations.
But not always.
Re:May as well ask... (Score:1)
Q: What's new?
A: c over lambda
[rim shot]
Re:May as well ask... (Score:2)
The answer is probably not just "Because that's the way it is." The reason is that the particles seem to have a lot of structure. There are three families of leptons (electron, muon, and tauon). Each of the lepton families has two members, a charged particle and an uncharged neutrino. At the same time, there are three families of quarks, and each quark family also has two members, one of which has 1/3 the electron charge, and the other of which has 2/3 the electron charge. The quarks have a property called 'color charge' and thus are subject to the 'strong force', while the leptons do not have color charge and do not feel the strong force. This page [colorado.edu] has a nice chart of the different families.
The patterns and symmetries make physicists very suspicious that properties like mass and charge actually arise from a more basic structure, but nobody knows yet. Personally, I'm betting that there *is* a more basic structure that explains the properties of the different particles.
This is just plain wrong! (Score:1, Insightful)
What the hell are you talking about?!
The Standard Model works just fine with a Higgs boson mass greater than 115 GeV? This lacks even a vague resemblance to a "severe blow"! Heck, the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model extensions -- which tend to predict a "lighter" Higgs mass -- are not even close to ruled out by this fact. (You'd need to get above at least 170 GeV.) The only thing this casts any doubt on is the reports from the ALEPH experiment at CERN that they saw evidence for a Higgs at this energy. Even this last bit is hardly a surprise, since ALEPH had fairly poor statistics.
Furthermore, yesterday's "solid state" article should not be taken of evidence of anything, save two facts: (A) physicsts, like anyone else, like to bullshit when they're drinking, and (B) some people like talking to journalists a little too much. If you take even a rudimentary look around, you'll see that none of these people who are criticizing reductionism have actually gone so far as to propose a specific theory, a general framework for theoretical model building, or even a couple of half-assed "principles" to guide people in their work. Face it. This is not science. It's just people getting windy.