Neutrinos, Muons and the Standard Model 230
scorp1us writes: "I can't believe I haven't seen this posted yet. Apparently experiments in particle physics aren't holding to theory. The result: a search for a new form of energy or matter. Read about it in the Post. No wonder witches weigh as much as a duck."
Your logic escapes me. (Score:3, Funny)
A "high" powered "particle" beam? (Score:5, Funny)
Great. It looks like it's not just the moderators, then.
I'd like to get in a check out Fermilab (Score:2, Offtopic)
Um...yeah? (Score:4, Informative)
I think it was posted yesterday [slashdot.org]. It just didn't reach the front page.
That article had many more references, too...
Re:Um...yeah? (Score:2, Insightful)
Apart from that, it is an interesting result, but only three sigma from the standard model, which is not really too much if you want to announce something groundbreaking. Sometimes even four sigma results turn out to be just experimental outliers.
Re:Um...yeah? (Score:2, Informative)
I think it might have something to do with the fact that it landed on everyone's front page, eh?
Apart from that, it is an interesting result, but only three sigma from the standard model, which is not really too much if you want to announce something groundbreaking. Sometimes even four sigma results turn out to be just experimental outliers.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with that. Three standard deviations is worth noticing, but it's not worth getting all crazed out. After a few more runs, we'll see what's up.
Always wondered... (Score:1, Troll)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:5, Interesting)
But this is the defining characteristic of science: everything, always, is open to question. Hypotheses that are borne out by experiment and observation turn into theories, and those theories which stand the test of time are honored by being called laws, but none of them are "facts" in the sense that they can't be proven wrong. This is the principle of falsifiability, and it is the one thing which sets science apart from religion, philosophy, law, and other areas of human intellectual endeavor which seek to make statements about our world.
So relativity isn't a "hard fact." Neither is gravity. But that gravity, and relativity, and evolution, and plate tectonics, et bloody cetera, will operate the way the theories say they will, is the way to bet unless and until something dramatically better -- and by "better" I mean "backed by lots of reproducible evidence" -- comes along.
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2, Insightful)
The main critique against the principle is that scientific propositions require auxilliary hypotheses to have any predictive value. When a specific prediction is falsified, it is possible to "get around" the problem by modifying the auxilliary hypotheses. Since such modification to auxilliary hypotheses is considered a normal part of the scientific process, falsifiability doesn't really work very well.
Or something like that... it's been a couple of years since I studied this stuff.
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:4, Informative)
Could you give some examples of what you're talking about? For the record, I work in biotech, and pretty much our whole business is built on falsifiability; I've never heard a working scientist argue seriously against it.
I'll take a stab. Suppose I say "It's raining outside." This sounds like a classicly falsifiable statement. But is it? If you look out the window and don't see rain, it may be that I was wrong. Or (I could perversely argue) it could be that you (incorrectly) assumed that
1) by "outside" I meant "outside, near this building" not "outside, somewhere"
2) the rain would be all around, not just on the side of the building with the window
3) the rain drops would be large enough to see
4) there would be enough rain drops to notice
5) it would still be raining by the time you looked
6) enough photons would interact with enough raindrops before reaching your eyes that you would detect the rain (instead of all missing)
7) the window really is a window, and not a clever high-res display
The hard core rationalist claim that "all it takes is a single counter example to disprove a theory" doesn't really work. In practice, then, we deal with a sort of fuzzy-falsification, and come up with estimates (w. specified confidence levels) that an assertion is true or false. A single test can't really topple a theory since you can't know for sure that the problem was in the theory and not in your test.
Make sense?
-- MarkusQ
Strawman Argument (Score:2, Informative)
[deleted various arguments]
All this goes to show is that your "classicly falsifiable statement" is a bad theory. This is why actual theories are either much more complicated, taking into account all sorts of possibilities (as you detailed), or are very explicit (as in the F=ma form).
Making a statement, in casual language, as you did, is not thorough enough. For example, one could say "Nothing can go faster than the speed of light.", but that isn't the actual theory. In fact, the theory is just a set of mathematical equations that show (among other things) that the mass of an object increases by a factor of (1/sqrt(c^2-velocity^2)), so that unless something can have an infinite mass (or a resting mass of 0), it can't go at the speed of light. And other fun things that all, together, show that nothing can travel at the speed of light.
A single test can't really topple a theory since you can't know for sure that the problem was in the theory and not in your test.
Sure, testing errors are always possible, but this is what repeatability is all about. A single test , run multiple times, can definitely topple a theory. If two separate people do the exact same test and come up with the same disagreement with the theory, then the chances of testing error are much smaller. The point is that if a theory can't explain a discrepancy, then the theory is either wrong or incomplete.
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
A good report of a well designed experiment will list all of the assumptions that the experimenters thought of and considered important. It won't list the things that were considered too obvious. It won't list the effects that were considered too small. etc.
The real world may not be infinitely complex, but it is more complex and interactive than any intelligible procedure can handle. The trick is to find cases that are simple enough to be understood. That means where, e.g., you can ignore the friction when comparing the time for two balls to drop (a Galileo and his trough reference).
No, you can't simply depend on falsifiability. You also need to use Occam's razor. And it is known to be undependable. So you need to come up with several different approaches to the same point.
Falsifiability is a crude description of the real process. But it was simplified to cause it to be intelligible. And it is a necessary component. Not sufficient, but necessary. Even though, because of it's dependancy on Williams untrustworthy razor, you can never reach certainty. Ever.
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2, Informative)
Let's take for example the criticism of Lakatos. When the perturbation of the orbit of Uranus was conclusively demonstrated, one might have said that the Newtonian theory of gravity had been falsified. To wit, an auxilliary hypothesis was introduced: "perhaps there is another, unseen, body causing the perturbation". In this particular case, the offending body (Neptune) was discovered shortly thereafter. But what if, for some reason, Neptune continued to evade terrestrial observation? Would that invalidate the entire Newtonian program? Not at all, it would merely have remained an ad-hoc ancilliary hypothesis.
Obviously, when a theory becomes too full of such ad-hoc hypotheses we become doubtful of its viability as a working scientific model. And rightly so -- the Copernican model of the cosmos replaced the Ptolemaic model for exactly this reason. But does that mean that the Ptoemaic model was unscientific?
Science - The Real Truth (Score:2)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:3, Interesting)
There are two reasons. The first is that evolution is uniquely under attack -- there are cranks who attack relativity, plate tectonics, and other major, well-supported scientific theories (in fact, I'd go so far as to call all of these "laws") but few of them have the numbers or the potential power the creationists do. So Dawkins, quite understandably, feels defensive.
Second, without exception, creationists fail to mount a scientific attack on evolution. They either just say it contradicts the Bible and so must be false (the old school) or they use pseudo-scientific language and deliberate misrepresentation of scientific evidence (the new school.) What they don't do is attack the theory the way real scientists attack a theory, with hard evidence, because they don't have any.
But the new-school creationists have very good PR, and an amazing number of otherwise rational people are fooled by their rhetoric into thinking that "evidence against evolution" actually exists. This, of course, gets Dawkins' goat. And although I think his "undisguised clarity" may be a bit counterproductive, the more dangerous creationism gets, the more I find myself in sympathy with his outspoken exasperation.
Re:Always wondered... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
1 cup of liquid + 1 cup of liquid of integer arithmetic
It's not less than that, and it's a bit more, but it's not a universal truth for whereever people use numbers. Some people claim that it only applies to number theory, but that is an over-restriction. OTOH, only in number theory does the absolute certainty apply. (And even there, theories thought to be certain have been overthrown before, though not frequently.)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:2)
Re:Always wondered... (Score:3, Informative)
2+2=0. 4 doesn't exist in base 4.
2+2=22, where + is defined as concatenation
Do any of these details change the fact that 2 added to 2 is 4? (And by the way, 2+2=11 in base three. Base three doesn't have a fourth digit, but that doesn't make 1=4. Likewise, 2+2=10 in base four.)
The point the original poster was trying to make, which you seem to have totally missed, was that mathematics and science have different concepts of "proof." In science, proof is based on experiment and observation. In mathematics, proofs are perfect and immutable. 2+2=4, always. It cannot be proven wrong by experiment, because the concept of "doing an experiment" is outside the domain of math.
Godel says otherwise. There are true things in mathematics and the physical world which cannot be proven or disproven. If you don't believe this, then please provide me with a proof or disproof of the Axiom of Choice.
Again, you are only confusing the issue. I doubt Godel would approve of this kind of obfuscation, even if you did use the words "axiom of choice." Yes, axioms are assumptions, and cannot be proved. But proof in the real world (tm) is a different ball game. Remember, you can't mathematically prove anything about the real world. All you can do is make a mathematical model and assume that it's true. Then, you can begin proving things based on your initial assumptions. But at some point your model will break down. Planets are not perfect spheres; newton's law is not completely correct; gasses are not quite ideal. Usually these deviations are minor, but sometimes a serious conceptual error comes up, like a force you forgot to include or a particle you didn't even imagine could exist. Science is based on probabilities, not on certainties.
The point of this thread is not that mathematics is "better" than science, or vice versa, but that they are different fields. A mathematician who tried to prove something by finding a lot of examples would be laughed at. A scientist who tried to disprove Einstein's theory with number theory would be dismissed as irrelevant.
The Physics Exam (Score:2)
A group of tourists is being taken around the Physics department of a major university, and one tourist is puzzled by a long document mounted in a glass case in the foyer that they pass on the way in. When the tour ends in the same foyer, he asks the guide about the document.
``That's our exam,'' he is told.
Stunned, he asks, ``What? Don't you change the questions every year? Don't people just read it and cheat?''
``Well, no...'' the guide responds, ``we have a much better system. We only change the answers.''
Hmmm, if the laws of physics keep changing... (Score:2, Funny)
Seriously though, this is cool stuff, I'd read the actual paper when it gets published but I'm sure I'd drown in a see of evil mathematics.
Changing theories (Score:4, Insightful)
I think that this is maybe not so surprising. Theories in particle physics are very unlike a lot of other theories. There's not much evidence sitting around for some of these things, and as new evidence comes in, the theories change.
This is true for any scientific endeavor, but the changes are much more rapid in things like high-energy physics.
In short, I'm just saying that it shouldn't be taken as a "radical breakthrough" just because someone had the muon equation wrong, because it was going to happen at some point.
More forms of matter? (Score:1)
I thought the guys who won the Nobel Prize for Physics already discovered a new form of matter. Is this more of their findings, or something totally different? Does this mean that there could be 2 new forms of matter to bring the total up to 5 forms?
"On a statistical basis, that would be a 1 in 400 probability of happening as a result of chance. "
That doesn't seem like a big deal to me. That sounds more like a problem in the experiement. I don't think anyone should be jumping for joy at this discovery until they duplicate it in another test.
Follow-up experiments. (Score:4, Informative)
That doesn't seem like a big deal to me. That sounds more like a problem in the experiement. I don't think anyone should be jumping for joy at this discovery until they duplicate it in another test.
This *is* a duplicate experiment - or close to it. Check the previous Slashdot article on the subject. This project is measuring a value that was measured by three previous experiments. Two of the previous experiments gave a very wide range for results, and the other one gave a narrow range for the results consistent with this experiment's results.
Re:More forms of matter? (Score:5, Informative)
Totally different. The Nobel guys found a new state of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate.
There's already (at least) 5 states of matter: solid, gas, liquid, plasma (gas so hot that it gets ionized - the sun's made out of it), and the recently confirmed Bose-Einstein Condensate [colorado.edu] (gas so cold that weird quantum things start to happen).
You've also got the degenerate states of matter found in white dwarfs (where the electrons squeeze together), neutron stars (where the electrons smush into the nucleus), and black holes (where...well, it all breaks down there). These don't seem to be counted in the usual enumeration of states of matter, but then they've never been produced on Earth, they're really still theoretical.
What they'd be looking for out of this new discovery is more along the lines of a new fundamental particle or force.
Re:More forms of matter? (Score:2)
Re:More forms of matter? (Score:3, Informative)
There are also higher temperature states above plasma. A plasma is a gas that's so hot the kinetic energy of the atoms is larger than the binding energy of the electrons and they get stripped.
If you raise the temperature more (a lot more) above the binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus, all nuclei break down and you have a gas of just protons and electrons.
Beyond that, there might be a state where the nucleons themselves break apart into a "quark-gluon plasma". This hasn't been experimentally discovered yet, but it's what they're looking for at RHIC [bnl.gov].
Re:More forms of matter? (Score:1)
solid, liquid, gas, plasma, bose-einstein condensate?
Re:More forms of matter? (Score:2, Interesting)
These are five 'states' of matter, each one obtained (at least for the first four you list), by adding more and more energy into the system. I am not very familiar with bose-einstein condensates, but I believe (someone please correct me if I am wrong) they are a state of matter that occurs at energies close to absolute zero, and are thus just another step on the continuum with which most of us are familiar.
I think that examples of different 'forms' (to which they are referring in the article) of matter might be regular matter and antimatter, but don't quote me on that.
Deja vu, and not a very good article. (Score:5, Insightful)
What the experiment shows is that the plan-vanilla Standard Model doesn't perfectly match reality. This is a surprise to nobody.
The results give a tantalizing look at one region of this breakdown, but proclaiming "a new form of energy or matter" is a bit premature at this point. What this will actually do is help confirm, refute, or fine-tune a few of the new models that are replacement candidates for the Standard Model.
It fails to mention the other 'cracks' (Score:2, Interesting)
Not Reviewed Yet (Score:5, Informative)
In science, especially physics, there is a tradition of review which has caught many claims such as this before.
It is likely that they have missed some minor force or effect in thier Standard Model calculations, or that we simply need to understand neutrinos better.
Until a Physical Review Journal accepts research, and even sometimes after that, it should not be viewed as anything more than fantasy.
Re:Not Reviewed Yet (Score:1)
Re:Not Reviewed Yet (Score:2)
Re:Not Reviewed Yet (Score:2)
You can get the articles (not-reviewed) from the XXX [lanl.gov] server and decide for yourself how good they are.
Re:Not Reviewed Yet (Score:2)
Of course I don't want to encourage "publishing to the press" as it's called, and in any case there will have to be more experiments to follow up this result.
Don't forget the implications... (Score:1)
Peter Meyers, a professor of physics at Princeton University who was not part of the research team, said the finding is the "sort of crack" that "has been sought for many, many years."
I'm sure this will the ultimate crack that crackheads everywhere will be searching for and paying top dollar for.
What should they name it? (Score:2, Funny)
what kind of crack? (Score:1, Redundant)
Peter Meyers, a professor of physics at Princeton University who was not part of the research team, said the finding is the "sort of crack" that "has been sought for many, many years."
More Information (Score:3, Informative)
Blatant Karma Whoring Link (Score:2)
Karma whore disclaimer: This link was stolen from the other article [slashdot.org] about this experiment.
[OT] rerunning articles (Score:2, Insightful)
going to sacrifice a couple karma points by going wildly off topic, but this is something that's been bugging me lately - the continual bitching when the occasional article gets rerun. (please note, i am not accusing the parent poster of this. that was just a helpful link for those that weren't reading the science section).
newspapers rerun stories all the time. the news networks are 90% recycled, content free info. as a general rule, /. does a pretty fine job of delivering up spanking fresh content, filtered for interest, packaged and delivered free (free, goddamnit!) to my desktop.
it wasn't that many years ago when i had to make do with the anemic science and technology section of the daily rag.
damn. i feel better. thanks /.
/me applauds. (Score:5, Insightful)
This is what I love about science. Here we have the Standard Model, formed from exhaustively detailed tests over the last 30 years. As the article states, the model is very precise, and slight deviations are significant issues. However, rather than scrap the entire idea, or announce that the tests were probably flawed, or decry the scientists who performed the tests as heathens and radicals, here we see that the community will embrace this new data and reform the model in such a way as to make it work.
This is the beauty of science. If something doesn't work out the way it was supposed to, if a theory doesn't fit with the cold, hard data, the majourity of scientists will go out of their way to fix the theory (not the data). Scientists are always going out of their way to keep each other in check; at any given time one scientist may be checking some prominent theory or another. It keeps them honest, and while the system isn't fool proof, it's damn tight.
Sometimes it's great to be a geek.
Re:/me applauds. (Score:1, Troll)
evidence? (Score:3, Insightful)
many times existing theory has inertia, but if the evidence is strong enough, the more correct hypothesis will subplant the weaker one.
now, if you are going to accuse people who resist new ideas of small mindedness, then you are doing them a great disservice. Skepticism must be on both sides of a scientific dispute. Fawning over and prematurely accepting new theory is just as bad for Good Science as being to stubborn to accept that your idea is wrong.
if you want to dispute this, show me some evidence. Recall that astronomy has gone from a geo-centric world (with heaven in the out spheres)to a helio-centric universe. Newtonian mechanics were replaced by general relativity. the whole history of science shows the same trends.
Got 'cher evidence right here. (Score:4, Interesting)
Do a google search on Alfred Wegener, and you'll see a guy who got his ass kicked all over the place for proposing a theory that contradicted scientific understanding at the time. And was harassed as vigorously as any religious heretic. Want more? Here's the frigging link [nasa.gov].
Through the hoop, nothin' but net.
Do yourself a favor and check out Science's reaction to Darwin and doubters of Global Warning. Shocking behaviour all around, if you ask me.
Re:Got 'cher evidence right here. (Score:2)
If I came out with vague proof that squirrels are telepaths, the scientific community will scoff at me. but in time the truth will come out beause there are Scientists who will take the time to read my reasearch.
Re:Got 'cher evidence right here. (Score:2)
You may notice that in fields where empirical evidence is less certain (evolution, geology) and massive time scales are involved, there is more controversy over new theory. This is because the body of proof needed to overturn existing theory is much more difficult to build. Additionally, Wegener did not seem to have an air-tight claim (from your NASA link): "Scientifically, of course, Wegener's case was not as good as Galileo's, which was based on mathematics. His major problem was finding a force or forces that could make the continents "plow around in the mantle," as one critic put it. Wegener tentatively suggested two candidates: centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the Earth, and tidal-type waves in the Earth itself generated by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. " You may note that he was wrong on both causes...
Anyway, an exception to the rule doesn't change the overwhelming trend in science to accept ideas on their agreement with experimental evidence.
CLARIFICATION: I have little sympathy for researchers unwilling to work within the scientific process. An idea is the first part of research. Next you devise an experiment, and justify that it will prove your idea correct. Then you perform that experiment as accurately as possible. Then you see how the results from your experiment match your idea. If they don't, then you admit it. Anything else isn't real science.
Re:Got 'cher evidence right here. (Score:2)
And yeah, I was a bit cavalier with the wording there. As you can see, I thought I was replying to a much simpler challenge.
Re:Got 'cher evidence right here. (Score:2)
Re:Got 'cher evidence right here. (Score:2)
Nearly right. The wrong part is that the various parts of the operation require different skills, so they are usually done by different people. That means that there needs to be communication between them before the process is completed. It's wrong to call the original hypothesis a scientific result, but it's also wrong to dismiss it as fantasy. It's a hypothesis . The proposer of the first experiment to test the hypothesis is sometimes also the originator of the hypothesis, but frequently not in the original paper. And it's quite rare for the experimentalist to be the same person as the originator. And communication and discussion is needed at each of these stages.
Equally, what the results of any experiment means is generally subject to further discussion and refinement. Usually after the fact, though in fortunate cases some of the discussion will take place before the experiment. (And here I'm simplifying, because each of these "individuals" is not a person, but rather a team of people.)
I think that a recent coverage of Wegener by Stephen J. Gould (I forget the title, so read them all. They're worth it!) handled this well. He's generally entertaining as well as informative. (He does love his "punctured equilibrium" theory, but then I suspect that it's probably right. And he makes not bones about loving the theory partially because he was one of the creators.)
Re:Why the difference (Score:3, Interesting)
It it proper that unexpectable results demand a higher standard of proof. For many statements I don't require any proof at all. After all, I already believe them independantly. But if you try to tell me that Bill Gates invented the computer, then I will need quite a lot of evidence that I can personally check fairly easily before I even consider the idea seriously.
And the more time and effort I have put into learning (or creating) something, the less willing I am for someone else to blythly say "O, didn't you know that turtles can fly?", and the less willing I am to listen to that as other than fantasy (I had no objection when Terry Pratchett used that theme).
So when someone says that continents dance, it takes a good deal of evidence. Wegener didn't have it. He had an idea. It was an interesting idea, and matched a few geographic features. I made the same guess in grade school, though I didn't publish a paper about it. But all I had was an idea, and that's about all that Wegener had. His was more developed, but he didn't have any mechanism. He looked and couldn't find it. Neither could anyone else who was interested, until
Theories recognized as incomplete won't get accepted over current theories, even when the current theories are also known to be incomplete. Sorry, there are good reasons. There are also bad reasons, but there are a lot of good reasons, which mainly add up to "Why should I bother to learn a new bad idea to replace an old bad idea." It's too much work for no gain.
Re:evidence? (Score:2)
And note this: do we believe in a Earth-centric solar system any more? No. Galileo's ideas were accepted, albeit slowly (and not rejected because of empirical science but the ludicrously anthro-centric 'science' imposed by the catholic church)
Some scientific changes in world view.
1. Evolution (darwin, of course)
3. Quantum nature of energy (many, early 20th century)
4. Relative nature of the speed of life. (Mickelson, Morley, Einstein, Grossman...)
5. Goedel's theorem, incompleteness (not empirical, but monstrous revelation at the time)
6. Microbial cause of disease (Pasteur).
there are so many.
Re:evidence? (Score:2)
Re:evidence? (Score:2)
He didn't have any evidence. He had a theory. What unequivicable proof did he present that the earth went around the sun? None. He had well reasoned arguments, but nothing that would constitute modern 'proof'.
Look at this another way - what would things look like if the sun went around the earth? From our vantage point - exactly the same.
It's very easy to subscribe to historical revisionism because he *was* right after all. But don't start giving him extra credit where none is deserved.
Galileo wasn't jailed. He was under house arrest because he dared go against the teachings of the church. Thats a whole other argument.....
Re:evidence? (Score:2)
The church at the the time, embraced scientific learning.
However, he did not follow proper 'protocal' for the time and that was used against him because he said something the church(i.e.Pope) didn't like.
Re:evidence? (Score:3, Informative)
Galileo was jailed despite his 'strong evidence' ..what was his evidence just not strong enough ?
No, he called the pope an idiot in a book he published [rutgers.edu]. Bad move
Re:evidence? (Score:2)
Geez. Sounds like Microsoft source code. History, unlearned lesson, repetition...
Re:evidence? (Score:2)
I think it's unfortunate that most people (in general) can't be more objective. However, I think scientists are, for the most part, some of the more objective ones out there...
Re:/me applauds. (Score:3, Funny)
Er, what were you saying?
Re:/me applauds. (Score:2)
The results of any experiment should be called into question until several other people have done the same thing and gotten the same results. The whole point of this redundancy is to reduce the chance of a flawed experiment being accepted.
Yeah, it's not as efficient. But science should be nothing if not reliable.
Re:/me applauds. (Score:2)
In subatomic physics, one such cause could be a security guard somehow getting access to the room where measurements are taking place, opening the door, and shining a flashlight into the room. Or, it could be something more subtle.
Re:/me applauds. (Score:2)
Falsehood requires a continuing string of liars or dupes, all repeating their tale the same.
The truth is the same no matter who discovers it.
Truth survives the argument by outlasting the lie, because truth can't die with its tellers. In this way, Science evolves an epistemology of things that we expect will be true no matter who tries it. It is the repeatability that is paramount, not the words that describe it or the people who wrote them or the institutions they represent.
Mach's principle (Score:2)
Actually general relativity was in part inspired by Mach's principle, which basically asks the question - in a universe with nothing in it other than a single sphere, does it make any sense to consider that sphere to be rotating? Since there's nothing there to measure the rotation against, can you claim with equal validity that the sphere isn't rotating at all? Mach (IIRC) stated that the only way for this to make sense was that rotation could only be considered as being relative to the entire Universe.
Unfortunately for Einstein GR didn't really answer the question.
I think you're thinking of the Michelson-Morley experiment to measure the speed of light both when the Earth was moving towards and away from the source. This was a lot of the impetus for special relativity, not general relativity.
It all seems to be breaking down. (Score:2, Interesting)
I really wonder if we might not be better of throwing the physics textbooks out of the window and starting over again.
Re:It all seems to be breaking down. (Score:3, Informative)
I really wonder if we might not be better of throwing the physics textbooks out of the window and starting over again.
Bear in mind that "Wired" is not known for its contributors' understanding of science
It sounds like a second-hand description of "quantum dot" technology. This is where you create a potential well in a conducting material and confine an electron within the well. Because the well is small, you get only certain energy levels permitted for the electron, just as in an atom. By changing the properties of the well, you change the properties of this "fake atom".
There are many examples of materials where electrons aren't bound to individual atoms. Metals are a great example of this.
All of this is perfectly consistent with the models of how electrons and atoms behave (look up "Schrodinger's Equation" in a first-year physics text for a description of the model used for this).
Summary: Most perceived flaws are the result of bad or oversimplified explanations
OT: Quantum dots. (Score:2)
Just out of curiousity, do you any more info on this, or on applications for it? I buy that you can do this, but it seems hard to control this sort of potential except using nuclei?
It's actually quite easy to control the resulting energy configuration. The "allowed" energy levels depend on the size of the well (controlled when you etch it) and the electric potential between the inside and the outside of the well (which you can get "for free" by making the well on a semiconductor wafer and doping the inside and outside differently, or which you can fine-tune by having an electrode next to the well).
A decent introduction into quantum dots is here:
Scientific American has a few other articles on quantum dots, which you can find through their search page.
A collection of more in-depth articles is here:
Applications include quantum computing (if you put multiple dots on a chip close enough together to interact with each other), and building semiconductor lasers with any frequency you like (even tunable frequency). More applications will undoubtedly arise; we've only just started to play with these things.
Non absolutes... (Score:2)
"...prompting physicists yesterday to announce that they might be on the verge of finding a new form of matter or energy."
"While this discrepancy could be a fluke, then scientists who conducted the experiment said the odds were it represented something meaningfull..."
"If some hidden matter or energy did cause the discrepancy..."
"It could be a very big deal..."
"It would be very exciting if we find another force"
"...there is a high probablility that something is wrong with the theory"
Just something to think about, not really a big deal, but it would be nice for people to just tell it how it is.
That is how it is. (Score:1)
So no, it doesn't bother me. It would bother me if they were too confident.
They are 'telling it how it is'
Re:Non absolutes... (Score:4, Insightful)
"The wise man is the one who realizes that he knows nothing." - Socrates
Re:Non absolutes... (Score:2, Insightful)
When you have beliefs about the world and universe that are absolute, the term for that is "religion". Good scientists know that they don't know.
Re:Non absolutes... (Score:2)
Science is the process of how to ask the question.
So that's why they call 'em High energy physicists (Score:3, Funny)
I am always wary of results obtained by any physicists who have spent years and years seeking any sort of crack.
(Sorry about that)
And thats what really happened.... (Score:1)
There is a simple explanation... (Score:2, Funny)
Anyhow, if the results of all experiments had to agree with theory, undergraduate physics labs would have disproved all the laws of physics a long time ago...
Actually... (Score:2)
Its not that witches weighed as much as a duck... Its just that the duck has a higher dispacement of water pound for pound than your typical witch does.
And yes, PROPAGANDA is still up,
My daughter has the answer! (Score:4, Funny)
My wife and I laughed for about a half hour, since she always steals the croutons from our salads at restaurants.
From Particle Physics (Score:3, Insightful)
Neutrinos only interact with other particles through the electroweak force (ignoring gravity for the moment). There are three bosons which "carry" the electroweak force, called W+, W-, and Z0. The discrepency with the Standard Model seems to occur with the Z0 (called the neutral current in the paper).
There are several things it could be other than a new force. The scientists will have to eliminate all forms of background noise and detector errors, the possibility that it was just some sort of hadron resonance, and a lot of other things.
It is amazing how sensitive particle experiments can be. I remember reading about one that had to filter out (among other things) the noise caused by the motion of the moon orbiting the earth in order to extract the signal.
That said, I think they may be on to something.
Re:From Particle Physics (Score:2)
I remember reading about one that had to filter out (among other things) the noise caused by the motion of the moon orbiting the earth in order to extract the signal.
I'm wondering if perhaps you haven't gotten confused and are thinking about LIGO (Large Interferometry Gravitational Observatory). I would be rather surprised if particle experiments could pick up the motion of the moon. Among other things the moon doesn't move significantly over the span of each event, and particle detectors and what not are usually concerned with EM effects largely neglect gravitational effects.
On the other hand I do know that LIGO has to contend with a laundry list of crazy sources of interference, including cars on the nearest road, lunar motion, continental drift, and tumbleweeds bumping into the research buildings. That is what you get when you want to measure average displacement of a macroscopic object to within a fraction of an atomic nucleus.
Not rare enough. (Score:2)
I'm sure the Standard Model has endured way more than 400 tests.
A few more labs need to repeat this experiment to make sure the result is accurate.
P.S. If a neutrino is chargeless, how do you "fire" one at something?
Re:Not rare enough. (Score:2, Informative)
How about a beam of relativistic charged particles that decay and release neutrinos as a byproduct? Relativistic beaming means most neutrinos in our rest frame are being beamed in the direction of propagation.
Re:Not rare enough. (Score:2, Informative)
Err, actually, this part of the standard model has not borne anywhere near that many tests. The number four comes to mind, two of which were not accurate enough to pinpoint this problem, and two of which have suggested it's wrong. So not, it has not in fact endured any testing on this particular issue. So far, it has failed every time. The only problem being, "every time" means roughly "twice", as I understand...
Re:Not rare enough. (Score:2, Informative)
Not via this specific experiment it hasn't! You're comparing apples and oranges. That 400-1 test is the probability that this given experiment turned out the way it did by pure chance. If they repeat the experiment and get the same results then you will have a P-value of 160,000 to 1 to explain.
P.S. If a neutrino is chargeless, how do you "fire" one at something?
Well, it isn't like loading a gun with bullets and then shooting them. Accelerating an existing neutrino is pretty hard. Usually what you do is create them when you fire them.
A trivial example would be putting cobalt-60 (beta emitter) in a solenoid. Electrons fly out one end and the antineutrinos come out the other.
Re:Not rare enough. (Score:2)
Yabbut, that's the point. You do 400 experiments, then everyone goes ga-ga over one that has a strangeness quotient of 400?
>If they repeat the experiment and get the same results then you will have a P-value of 160,000 to 1 to explain.
Precisely, exactly, and perfectly the reason I said more labs need to try it. Push that improbability right out of the realm of chance result in the number of experiments it is possible to perform in the course of human history. I mean, even if it wasn't true, if it happens every time you do the experiment, it might as well have been true.
>A trivial example would be putting cobalt-60 (beta emitter) in a solenoid. Electrons fly out one end and the antineutrinos come out the other.
Interesting. But then the e-field has to influence the generation of the electron, not just its momentum after it is generated. If you fire a bullet from a gun, the gun goes the other way; if you suck a bullet out of a gun, the gun would tend to come along. So, does the e-field align the electron and the neutrino before the neutrino is fired from the electron? And if the neutrino isn't charged, how the hell does that happen? If there's a proton involved (and there is, because this is neutron decay, right?) then the proton-electron dipole would be aligned, and you're saying the neutrino comes out by going through the proton, or around it, like a snapped rubber band...
Sorry about all the naff questions. I'm good at physics, but I stopped studying nuclear physics at the early graduate level when they started offering me money to do semiconductor design.
But who gets the patent? (Score:2, Funny)
The Standard Model and the Linux kernel (Score:2, Interesting)
For example in the begining there has been only
one generation of quarks and leptons.
(namely: up and down) But on electron collision experiments showed that there must be new generations: (now called
strange - charmed and beauty - truth.)
Until 1995, where experimental evidence was found, the truth quark was only a postulate based on symmetry considerations.
The same applies to symmetry conservation. For a long time CP (Charge conjugation with Parity) was considered conserved. But an experiment on T (Time inversion) violation showed if CPT was to be conserved, CP must be violated. Again the standard model had to be adabted.
And at the CERN (Eruopean Nuclear Research Center) in Geneva they believe, that they have fond some evidence for the so called Higgs particle, which is the cause for the mass of particles. A proof for the Higgs particle would be an enhancement for the Standard Model
Those examples show that the Standard Model of Particles and Interactions is not a static one.
It is almost like the linux kernel - if you permit this comparision - people send in patches.
If a patch is useful it will be released for the masses
Maybe we are entering a odd release stage now
Not that significant (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Not that significant (Score:5, Informative)
As a former experimentalist in the field (they gave me the Phd so I couldn't be all that bad) I am not getting excited.
The problem is that the experiments are simply not accurate enough to jump up and down in celebration for such a miniscule deviation.
What I am really suspicious about is that the number of observations is much lower than expected. That can happen because you just missed some particles you should have seen.
You can have a deviation that is 'significant' at twenty or a hundred standard deviations and it can still be the result of experimental error rather than a flaw in the standard model.
Given the way the physicists write their programs I would not be at all surprised if this turns out to be no more than the result of a flaw in PAW or GEANT. A physicist will go off to beg congress for a billion dollars to four experiments on the same accelerator (e.g. LEP) so that each can cross check the results of the other. Then they will all share the same analysis programs even though they are known to be riddled with bugs. And don't start on about the Web, first off the Web code was not built on a twenty year old code base from the dawn of Fortran, second there were multiple versions of the code written from the very start. In 1992 there were 10 browsers and at least 5 Web servers.
Re:Not that significant (Score:2, Insightful)
Nevertheless, its primary developers are Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers (familiar names from the old days), and at least one crucial bit of code (the MINUIT minimization engine) has been run through f2c and recycled, so it's not fully independent. Seriously, it would be very useful if someone were to rewrite MINUIT in an intelligible style.
Re:Not that significant (Score:2)
If they both used the same Monte-Carlo simulation or the same analysis package the potential for common failure is high.
There was a similar event that happened with the 19KeV Neutrino, two apparently independent experiments turn out to have used the same counter unit with a bizare temperature-dependent fault that causes lost counts in wierd circumstances.
Re:So whats your point? (Score:2)
It does not take a degree in Nuclear Physics to know that the probability this turns out to be experimental error is way more than 1 in 400.
And don't pine on about getting a Phd, no one gives a shit if you wasted six years of your life at Mulligan College in Jerkwater, Missouri.
Oxford UK.
They were published in Physical Review Letters, you were published in Slashdot
Last time I bothered to look I had 30 publications in the likes of Physics Review Letters. They mean absolutely nothing.
If there is an experimental error the referee is not going to find it.
what have they been smoking? (Score:3, Funny)
"Peter Meyers, a professor of physics at Princeton University who was not part of the research team, said the finding is the "sort of crack" that "has been sought for many, many years."
that explains it all to me...
Blood Sport (Score:2, Interesting)
"Mathematics and Physics are the last true blood sports. Kill one bird an EVERYTHING goes."
Funny when you realise the ramifications of this since ALOT of work needs to be reevaluated, etc, even when the results are "statistically" correct, since the explinations and models of how things achieved some result are now totally different.
Re:Neutrinos -- Heavy Man! (Score:2)
<include IAAP.h>
We're pretty sure they have mass. Observations show that neutrinos can oscillate between different forms (i.e. cousins of electron, muon and tauon) and basic quantum mechanics shows that such an oscillation requires mass differences between the different types.
So, perhaps one type of the three is massless. And since we're only dealing with squares of masses, it may be that the masses are imaginary.. (i.e. square roots of negative numbers). Future experiments (in which I've participated at CERN :-) will tell more.
Please keep up-to-date (Score:2, Informative)
And here is the text I linked to if the link goes down:
electroweak theory,
a unified field theory that describes two of the fundamental forces in nature, electromagnetism (see electromagnetic radiation) and the weak interaction. The electroweak theory derived from efforts to produce a theory for the weak force analogous to quantum electrodynamics (QED), the quantum theory of the electromagnetic force. Although the weak force fails to meet a requirement for that theory-that it behave the same way at different points in space and time-because it acts only across distances smaller than an atomic nucleus, it was shown that the electromagnetic force, which can extend across interstellar distances, and the weak force are but different manifestations of a more fundamental force, the electroweak force. This made it possible to formulate a unified model that predicted the existence of mediating, or messenger, particles. The electroweak theory, for which Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, and Steven Weinberg shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics, was confirmed in 1983 by the discovery of the W and Z particles, two of a number of elementary particles it predicted.
So then, there are 3 fundamental forces of nature: gravity, electroweak, and the strong force.
Please throw your old physics primer away, it is outdated.
Re:Please keep up-to-date (Score:2, Insightful)
Consider what this result (if it bears up) will mean. There is of course a difference between electromagnetic and weak forces below electroweak unification energy (about 1 TeV) due to the spontaneous symmetry breaking at the EWPT (electroweak phase transition)... it is this which makes the "B" singlet and W0 mix into the photon and Z0. According to the standard model, the charge of the neutrino is 0 and the photon does not couple with it, so the poster you reply to was actually correct about that.
The electroweak mixing parameter is called the Weinberg angle, theta_W. This experiment was intended as a new, precise, independent measurement of theta_W. It seems that this new measurement is inconsistent with the previous world average. This leads us to believe there is something wrong with the measurement (quite possible), or something wrong with our understanding of electroweak unification (also quite possible).
If the latter is true, your entire post is founded on a theory which, although it seems to be mostly correct, may need a certain amount of fixing up. Just because some people got a Nobel Prize, it does not follow that their theory will stand the ultimate test.
I am looking forward to seeing how this will turn out. Even if there is "something" here, I personally suspect that the standard model will need only minor adjustments.
But then, that's what people though when Michelson and Morley got their famous null result (and the first time they published, they had only a 2.5 sigma result... of course, physicists (and everyone else) know even less about statistics back then.)