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Quantum Computing: A view from the enemy camp 36

SIGFPE writes "There seems to be an unthinking acceptance by many people that quantum computers are now on their unstoppable way up and before too long we'll be cracking RSA and simulating protein folding on complex quantum computers. However there is another point of view that considers quantum computers to be as difficult to make as perpetual motion machines - and for much the same reason: entropy. As an antidote to all the successes that have been reported on /. here is a just published and highly readable preprint by a sceptical mathematical physicist."
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Quantum Computing: A view from the enemy camp

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  • by CyberBlood ( 215968 ) on Friday November 02, 2001 @03:07AM (#2511104) Homepage
    While everything stated in this paper is all well and good and valid, he's missing the fundamental point of innovation.

    You make no progress with pessimism.

  • Achieveable accuracy (Score:3, Informative)

    by tony_gardner ( 533494 ) on Friday November 02, 2001 @07:00AM (#2511412) Homepage
    An interesting article, but it seems to rely on several strange arguments. I wouldn't agree that the accuracies required in manufacture and operation are not achieveable. It would seem to me that a fabrication accuracy of 1 part in 10^5 is scarcely unachieveable, especially since we have everyday devices, for example LCD monitors in which less than 1 pixel in 1 million is dead, and those are consumer products.

    I don't necessarily buy his argument about the inherent fault-intolerence of quantum computing either, since it relies on the idea that a simple computer with no fault tolerence built in is fault intolerant! Scarcely a surprise. He didn't make a convincing argument that building in fault tolerance is impossible, only that it isn't being done in the simple designs he notes. Maybe I've misunderstood, but it would seem that this is an avenue for more research, rather than less.

    It seems to me that in the end the whole of his argument relies on the engineering argument that we don't at present have any way to measure large numbers of single spin states (or indeed any single spin state). This would seem again to be an argument for more research, rather than less, since engineering serendipity is not a predictable mathematical process.

    I understand his frustration that quantum computing is taking a lot of research funding from other areas, but I'd be a little more cautious than he is about saying that it definitely _can't_ work.
    • I'm inclined to compare building a quantum computer to building a perpetual motion machine. There is nothing in the fundamental laws of physics that says it's impossible. They're obviously not impossible, an individual atom is in effect in perpetual motion. But start building multi-atom constructions and it's going to get harder and harder. Although we don't have a macroscopic perpetual motion machine I'd be disinclined to actually put a limit on how big a perpetual motion machine can get. I just think it gets exponentially harder the larger you want it to be. The same goes for quantum computers - and for the very same reason: entropy.
      • you're absolutely right about how atoms are in fact perpetual motion "machines". the whole idea of a "PMM" is a misnomer, because the idea behind it is not one of perpetual motion, but of perpetual work/energy. that's the part that isn't kosher, because it violates the first law of thermodynamics "energy cannot be created or destroyed".
    • I used to be a skeptic about the possibility of quantum computing, but I have become a believer. Here is why:

      1) It once was thought that gate precisions would need to be accurate to 1 in 10^12 or so, depending on the length of the computation. The problem was, unlike classical computers, quantum computers are not allowed to "latch" to a 1 or 0. However, there has been a substantial body of work that has shown how to implement error correction codes on quantum computers, without destroying the computation.

      2) Decoherence, or the problem with entropic contamination by the environment, is a serious one, and the one that was always thought to be the nail in the coffin. However, now that people have actually started trying to make systems resilient to decoherence, they have measured systems that decohere on time scales from ms to hours -- giving considerable time to do computation.

      3) One particular QC proposal, germanium quantum dots on silicon, has made incredible progress recently. A couple of years ago, someone wrote down the "six impossible tasks to make Si quantum computers work", three of which have already been accomplished.

      We have already accomplished so much in QC that people thought would be impossible, it hardly seems logical to give up now. I can't say for certain, obviously, that QC will ever be a reality, but I would give it better than 50-50 odds at the moment.
      • Further, people have actually demoed quantum mechanical electronics using MRI so the theory seems cosher.

        Ok, a 4 bit circuit when you're aiming for ~10,000 bits is a bit restrictive, but atleast it shows proof of concept.
  • Found here [] among other places:
    When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
    I don't know if the author in question qualifies here, but it is something to consider.
    • It's a good quotation with lots of relevance to many things in physics. However the word 'elderly' is crucial to the meaning of his quotation. We all know that we have to wait for the old generation of physicists to die off before a scientific revolution can be completed. The quantum computing critics aren't the sceptical old however - they're the enthusiastic young who think quantum computing is a cool subject but makes some fundamentally flawed assumptions.
  • i know there is some concern about the power requirements of quantum computers, but my physicist friends assure me that cold fusion reactors will provide all the power they need.

  • by QuantumG ( 50515 ) <> on Saturday November 03, 2001 @12:35PM (#2516371) Homepage Journal
    As sung by the infamous Mc Hawking.

    Entropy, how can I explain it? I'll take it frame by frame it,
    to have you all jumping, shouting saying it.
    Let's just say that it's a measure of disorder,
    in a system that is closed, like with a border.
    It's sorta, like a, well a measurement of randomness,
    proposed in 1850 by a German, but wait I digress.
    "What the fuck is entropy?", I here the people still exclaiming,
    it seems I gotta start the explaining.

    You ever drop an egg and on the floor you see it break?
    You go and get a mop so you can clean up your mistake.
    But did you ever stop to ponder why we know it's true,
    if you drop a broken egg you will not get an egg that's new.

    That's entropy or E-N-T-R-O to the P to the Y,
    the reason why the sun will one day all burn out and die.
    Order from disorder is a scientific rarity,
    allow me to explain it with a little bit more clarity.
    Did I say rarity? I meant impossibility,
    at least in a closed system there will always be more entropy.
    That's entropy and I hope that you're all down with it,
    if you are here's your membership.

    You down with entropy?
    Yeah, you know me!
    You down with entropy?
    Yeah, you know me!
    You down with entropy?
    Yeah, you know me!
    Who's down with entropy?
    Every last homey!

    Defining entropy as disorder's not complete,
    'cause disorder as a definition doesn't cover heat.
    So my first definition I would now like to withdraw,
    and offer one that fits thermodynamics second law.
    First we need to understand that entropy is energy,
    energy that can't be used to state it more specifically.
    In a closed system entropy always goes up,
    that's the second law, now you know what's up.

    You can't win, you can't break even, you can't leave the game,
    'cause entropy will take it all 'though it seems a shame.
    The second law, as we now know, is quite clear to state,
    that entropy must increase and not dissipate.

    Creationists always try to use the second law,
    to disprove evolution, but their theory has a flaw.
    The second law is quite precise about where it applies,
    only in a closed system must the entropy count rise.
    The earth's not a closed system' it's powered by the sun,
    so fuck the damn creationists, Doomsday get my gun!
    That, in a nutshell, is what entropy's about,
    you're now down with a discount.

    You down with entropy?
    Yeah, you know me!
    You down with entropy?
    Yeah, you know me!
    You down with entropy?
    Yeah, you know me!
    Who's down with entropy?
    Every last homey!

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. -- Albert Einstein
