NASA's Mars Odyssey Enters Orbit 129
maddmike writes "Nasa's Mars explorer Odyssey is scheduled to brake and orbit about Mars today at 7:30PDT. Among the mission's objectives are to understand Mars' climate and geological history and to search for signs of life sustaining environments including water. Main web site is at the JPL website." Update: 10/24 13:12 GMT by T : The BrownFury writes cites a summary which says "The Mars Odyssey spacecraft appears to have succeeded Tuesday night in one of the most tricky and critical parts of its missions by slipping into orbit around the Red Planet."
Cool! (Score:5, Funny)
Onward to planetary colonization!
It's the new, innovative orbit that fooled them (Score:2)
No joke (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Cool! (Score:1, Insightful)
You would trade one gravity well for another?
Mars is interesting, but space habitats are the future my man. :)
Nah (Score:1)
Re:Nah (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Cool! (Score:1)
It may be nice to know for brag rights that the spacecraft is using a radiation-hardened version of the POWER chip, of which the PowerPC chip family is included. No Pentiums there, unless they want to start global warning by landing the thing.
This is excellent news! (Score:2, Interesting)
We need a Mars Odyssey to Geekizoid (Score:1)
philosophical comment (Score:1)
Re:This is excellent news! (Score:1)
I hope they know what they are doing (Score:2, Flamebait)
let's hope they don't mix up degrees Celcius and Fahrenheit and Liter and gallon..... else these "colonists" are in for a BIG surprise
Re:How hard can it be? (Score:1)
A man with HONOR would not post such dreck as a lowly worm of an AC.
(Besides, "Enterprise" has far more going for it than those Starfleet Stepford Wives in DS9 and Voyager.
And another thing...Klingon programmers don't comment their code! They don't coddle the weak!
Wow (Score:2, Funny)
In the picture on the main web site the spacecraft looks very much like the main part of it is a Furby. Now that's a hack!
So that explains it! (Score:1)
It's about time :-) (Score:3, Interesting)
Seriously though, this is good news, the more data we have on Mars, the easier it will be when we attempt to colonize it.
I can't help thinking that we are not spending enough money on cool space research like this. Why does congress always seem to resent paying for NASA ?
NASA is a clear demonstration to the world of Americas ingenuity and power. I think at times like these we should be looking to provide them with more funding rather than cutting their budgets. After all, space research has lots of practical spin-offs, like teflon for example.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Compare today's launches/cost etc to the 70s
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Teflon was *not* a spinoff. (Score:3, Informative)
Why does everyone feel the need to falsely attribute various inventions as space program spinoffs?
Teflon was invented in 1938 [], well before anything that could even remotely be considered modern space research.
Don't get me wrong, space research is good, and it produces a valuable product: knowledge.
False attributions to the space program don't help with their budget problems, though. I'm not blaming you, however, NASA themselves is quite guilty of exaggeration.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:2, Interesting)
Sending unmanned probes: of course
Sending a manned mission: why not?
But to colonise it? Give me just one reason to justify such an incredibly expensive task.
Of course, we should explore space, not only because of spin-offs or "Americas ingenuity and power", but because of the everpresent human curiosity, which is the force behind most of the fundamental research.
But colonisation is something completely different. And BTW, what do you mean by colonisation? Sending a couple of scientists for a year or something, like to an orbital space station? Or maybe terraforming of Mars? In this case let us maybe start with terraforming Sahara.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:2, Interesting)
It's simple, the human race will have a much better chance of survival if we start spreading out. Also, colonization does not require us to change or terraform all of mars. With the right equipment it should be theoretically possible to sustain a small population of humans indefinitely. This is one of the main reasons behind these probes, to determine what kind of raw materials there are available to work with that could sustain human life on mars for a long term/permanent stay.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Methinks there was a recent sequel, have to stop by EB this weekend and look for it..
Insurance (Score:1)
Because one good-sized rock could hit the Earth, and that's it for humanity.
A self-sustaining settlement on another planet (or in space, though that's MUCH harder) gives the species the best chance to survive such an impact. Otherwise, it's up to mutant octopi to figure out how to get off the planet within 65 million years.
Then you figure out how to re-settle one planet from the other in the event of an impact. After that, you have a nice long 5-billion year stretch to figure out how to colonize another star system.
Terraforming the Sahara might be good practice, though.
Re:Insurance (Score:1)
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Because the Bill Gates "I want to be a young computer geek forever" biological research program doesn't seem to be making enough progress. And even if it did, in his arrogance, he didn't anticipate the antitrust thing going as far as it has. Finally, a big rock from space could land on the Microsoft campus. By colonizing Mars, it gives Microsoft a chance to survive such a catastrophic event.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:3, Insightful)
Why does Congress resent paying for NASA? Pretty good question. Think about it though.
The short answer is that NASA happens to be demonstrating that it's rather incompetant. Flamebait? Karma killer? Perhaps, but think about it.
Shuttle? Years delayed and expensive as h*ll to operate. Space station? Ditto.
X Vehicles? Let's take a look there!
X-33 was cancelled for starting to run down that same route, and they picked the winning Lockmart proposal because it was full of nifty tech, not based on the stated goals of the X program (much cheaper access to orbit using SSTO technologies).
X-34 was killed because MSFC wanted to incorporate THEIR engine instead of the original one (*GASP* it was delayed and overbudget...)
X-30? The National Aerospace Plane fell the way of the X-33, but back in the early 90's.
Manned spacflight at NASA has been an embarassment for some time for its screwups.
On the bright side, look at the unmanned probes recently. Sehr gut! Pathfinder, Global Surveyor, DS-1, Lunar Prospector, etc, etc...
BUT...when NASA f*cks up like say with the Mars 98 missions: English to metric unit conversion problems crash one probe into Mars. WTF!?! These are supposed to be the best and brightest and make THAT stupid a mistake! The royal screwups in the lander mission are ...ummm...amazing.
Good and bad, Goldin did get one thing right in that he said that for NASA to be trusted any time soon with the budget to go to Mars manned style they'd have to fix - budgetwise - the ISS program. It didn't happen.
On, Gary Hudson, of Rotary Rocket and more fame, made the following remark [] when someone suggested that he be nominated to take over NASA. . .and politically, that's about as likely as slashdot deciding that they're going to run IIS.
In short, NASA is a wreck.
Now. Why do you think Congress resents spending money on NASA? Money isn't the main problem here...
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Does anyone know how NASA salaries compare to those for similar jobs in private industry?
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:2)
That said, I make a decent wage, and am not complaining. But we always have a hard time recruiting good programmers, engineers, etc. because the pay is generally less these days.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:2)
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
I agree wholeheartedly about pay not being the most important part of a job. I also traded salary for an increase in job satisfaction and a lifestyle upgrade.
That being said, pay counts *a lot* for many people. The easiest way to fix America's broken educational system would be to double teacher pay. The same strategy would undoubtedly rejuvinate the workforce at NASA.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:3, Insightful)
In short, NASA is a wreck.
NASA is no different from any other sci/tech organization. However, they have the combined disadvantages of very high risk projects and intense public scrutiny.
NASA engineer writes a bug in code: $300 million spacecraft pancakes into the Martian plains; elected officials demand answers; public wonders why NASA is full of buffoons who can't do something as "simple" as launching a spacecraft into orbit around another heavenly body on a shoestring budget.
Microsoft engineer writes a bug in code: Another MS engineer is assigned to write a Service Release; yet another engineer is assigned to correct the bugs in the Service Release. Resulting security holes lead to viruses costing billions in lost productivity, according to some estimates. Elected officials defend free enterprise; public doesn't care.
Linuk kernel hacker writes a bug: Another hacker finds and corrects the bug; elected officials and public don't give a rat's ass.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
The only problem is that NASA is also a clear example of managerial incompetence at work. Brilliant engineers (I am currently in school working on an Aerospace Engineering degree) that have managers that can't balance a checkbook.
Re:It's about time :-) (Score:1)
Now I won't name any names, but a lot of countries out there have no idea about the things we do. Even if the ruling parties are aware of our accomplishments, the children of said countries are not taught about the ingenuity or power of our country. Their schools are often little more than conformity factories where the minds of the youth are shaped to fit the political goals of the rulers. Thus, the population is ignorant of our history, to the point that all they know is we are the enemy who would suppress them or kill them as quickly and painfully as possible. This is the environment in which terrorists grow.
In other words, if we put a human on Mars, terrorists around the world won't stop to marvel at the beauty of mankind's success. We might just need those extra billions of dollars when the you-know-what hits the fan. And I don't mean sh!t.
What's Next.... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:What's Next.... (Score:1)
Re:What's Next.... (Score:1)
Why can't we just sned a KH11? (Score:2, Interesting)
The distance (Score:2)
Re:Why can't we just sned a KH11? (Score:5, Interesting)
14 tons for a KH-11, 18 tons for the Improved Crystal.
Niether the Americas, ESA or Proton have rockets with the throw-weight to chuck 18 tons of KH-11 to Mars.
The Atlas III can launch 4,500 kg. to a Geosynchronous transfer trajectory
The Delta IV Large can launch 10,843 kg. to a Geosynchronous transfer
The Ariane 5 can launch 6,800 kg. to a Geosynchronous transfer
Shuttle might do it - 24,000 kgs to LEO, but you'd have to have a big boster. Perhaps if Saturn hadn't been killed, or Energia. But right now no one has the rocket to send something like that to Mars.
Re:Why can't we just sned a KH11? (Score:2)
Money, money, money. It's all about money. (Same reason you can't do what a sibling of this message proposes, which is assemble it in pieces. Of course there's no technical reason that's impossible, just monetary. We have other things to do with launches then to send up a shuttle multiple times for one Mars probe.)
40 bits a second! (Score:2, Informative)
11:01 Odyssey turns on its telemetry and begins transmitting data at 40 bits per second. The Deep Space Network will take several minutes to synchronize their equipment with the pattern in the telemetry because of the slow rate at which the data is being received.
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1)
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1)
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1)
40 bps is pretty good. I've worked with 9.9 bps before on spacecraft operations. It could take an hour before we get the first transfer frame shipped to us from DSN.
It's painful, but if you design it right, you get all of the info you need to make decisions in a just a few dozen bits.
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1, Funny)
Distance, reliability (Score:3, Informative)
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1, Funny)
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1)
Does that sound right?
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:2, Informative)
The 40bps comes through the low gain omnidirectional antenna. Once they are back on the high gain antenna, the signal rate goes back
up. After the spacecraft is out of danger and back into normal operations the rate is switched back to something like 28,800 bps. Pretty good rate for communicating across 100 million miles.
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1)
Ya, I once download a Red Hat CD over my modem. I hope NASA's using wget -c because I sure found it useful for that.
Re:40 bits a second! (Score:1)
You think they could have sprung for one of those 56K modems. Sheesh, talk about penny-pinching...
Long way for a relay (Score:2)
Re:Long way for a relay (Score:1)
Exploring Mars [] has more info on Mars missions, past and present.
Re:Long way for a relay (Score:1)
... and an experiment to learn about the radiation that future human Mars explorers will encounter (and possibly a buried Shadow vessel, too?)
... and a camera with far-greater resolution than the one on mars Global Surveyor (maybe it can hunt for the lost Polar Lander?)
... and a gamma-ray specrtrometer.
Ahh, *what* routing software did they use? (Score:1)
Gotta watch out for those Martian script-kiddies!
turn off the fault protection software? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:turn off the fault protection software? (Score:2, Informative)
If this were to happen during the engine firing -- causing the probe to stop everything and just wait -- it'd sail right on past Mars, a fate which befell some of the earlier lunar probes.
If this were to happen, Mars Odyssey would be useless anyway... so better to risk the small problems rather than have them come back to bite you in a big way.
Re:Assertion failed: you != faggot (Score:1)
Re:They've mispelt it (Score:1)
Searching for water? (Score:1)
Didn't Nasa find water on Mars several times already? How will this mission tell us anything new?
Re:Searching for water? (Score:2, Informative)
However, at the moment, these images are equivalent to ink blots. Yeah, maybe they look like something - but maybe you're just reading into them.
Odyessey seems like it's going to go a bit beyond that and actually do some surveying of the surface and subsurface for signs of actual water, as opposed to just saying, "Hey, that looks like it might've been made by water a million years ago!"
Re:40 bits a second (Score:2, Informative)
Re:40 bits a second (Score:1)
Touching scene in mission control (Score:5, Funny)
I was watching the mission control footage, when the satellite came out of Mars' shadow, two mission control geeks went to high five each other, and missed. That's NASA for you: nerding it old school. ;-)
Re:Touching scene in mission control (Score:1)
Last night I knew everything was OK when... (Score:2, Insightful)
Even though there's more important things going on in the world right now, nothing disappears into the news black hole faster than a successful space mission. A failed mission, on the other hand...
"Odyssey"? (Score:1)
Re:I wonder... (Score:1)
At some point, I think a hiking group used the imaging data and laser altimeter data of the hill that makes up the face to create maps of a cool three hour hike over the various features.
FYI, given how MGS worked (it's camera isn't pointable;, it only images what's directly under the spacecraft), the NASA folks sort of went way out of their way to image this region as soon as they could instead of waiting to map it like they are mapping the rest of the planet.
FYII, I don't think Odessey has an imager, it mostly has instruments to measure chemical makes up of the different areas of Mars.
wrong. (Score:1)
Now, are you sure you aren't into conspiracy theories?
It Might Smack Into Phobos... Oops... (Score:1)
"Breaking News Updates
Wednesday, Oct. 24
11:32 a.m. ET: Hours after Mars Odyssey entered orbit, concerns were raised about the spacecraft smacking into Phobos -- one of two natural moons circling Mars. More data was needed to plot Odyssey's exact orbit. "
That would really suck... get all that way, have a great burn and WHAP.
Damn pesky moons...
Re:It Might Smack Into Phobos... Oops... (Score:1)
NASA gets it right finally (Score:2, Flamebait)
galileo antenna: 10 bps (Score:2)
The main Galileo antenna which was over a thousand times faster failed to open- a near embarassment to NASA. The mission was re-programmed enroute to use the slow antenna, and achieve 70% of the original objectives.
Re:galileo antenna: 10 bps (Score:1)
Interestingly enough, the main antenna for a Voyager probe fits perfectly within the Shuttle's payload bay, which may or may not be a coincidence. Remember that the Shuttle was designed in part to specs supplied by the Department of Defense, and chances are the specs were those of a KH-series spysat. Now consider that the KH satellites are launched by Titan IV rockets -- the same vehicle that launched Voyager 1 and 2.
... Magellan, also launched by the Shuttle/Inertial Upper Stage, used a spare Voyager antenna and performed flawlessly during its mission to map Venus.
SI Units (Score:1)
APOD has artist's Rendition (Score:2)