Budget Satellite 213
codejunkie writes: "Check out this story from the Baltimore Sun. Apparently
the middies were laughed at when they proposed a budget satellite for 50K. Boeing said it couldn't be done and gave them 250K. Well now they can build five more because the smart minds on the bay have built one."
The quality? (Score:2, Insightful)
Radio Shack (Score:2)
Re:Radio Shack (Score:2)
I've been farting around with electronics since I was 14 (I'm 38 now), and Radio Trash harldly ever has what I want. I went in this just week to pick up connectors to go from a 1/4" mono microphone I got laying around to the 1/8" stereo input on my sound card. After 15 minutes, I left in disgust. I tried every conceivable combination of connectors they had in stock, and I just could not make it work. Short of buying solder connectors and wiring my own (and having to cut the end off my microphone to boot), there was simply no way to do it from their selection of parts.
I don't know how many times through the years that has happened.
A long time ago, they used to sell little kits, where you got a (say) 16-pin chip, and a fold-out data sheet, with schematics for one or two projects. Buy a few resistors, capacitors, transistors, and a little enclosure, and you'd have a pretty neat project on the cheap.
No way, never happened. They never had all the right parts in stock. And they were the ones that sold the schematic in the first place!
Grumble, grumble... I hate Radio Trash. If I have the time, I usually head over to Electronic Parts in Harahan --- they always have what you need, and way cheaper than Radio Trash.
Re:Radio Shack (Score:2)
There's no sense in bitching about RadioShack. They're the 7-11 of the electronics retail business and they're quite happy to be that. They don't want the whole market, just the profitable part.
No, they don't sell the highest quality zener diodes or tantalum capacitors. They don't have to. The people who really want that stuff can find it without them.
I'll let you in on a little secret: The stuff you're bitching about isn't a huge part of their dollar volume. They make most of their money on batteries, TV accessories and phone accessories.
Oh, and while it's certainly possible they've discontinued the part, they did used to sell a 1/4" mono-to-stereo adapter plug. They also had stereo 1/4" to 1/8" adapters. You could have then attached a 1/8" to RCA plug cable to another 1/8" to RCA plug cable via some RCA couplers. Yes, it would have been a horrible kludge, but you apparently would prefer that to soldering up your own cable.
Re:Radio Shack (Score:2)
Re:Radio Shack (Score:2)
You're thinking of Lew Kornfeld. He was the president of Radio Shack under Charles Tandy. It was Charles Tandy who turned Radio Shack from a failed 9-store chain specializing in hardcore geek parts into a huge nationwide chain of electronic convenience stores that also sold popular items like CB radios and stereo components.
Radio Shack has never been able to afford to hire real parts geeks. The only time you'll ever find somebody in a RadioShack with real knowledge of capacitors, diodes or 74-series ICs is when you stumble across a student in the local university's EE program who's working there part time while in school.
It's hard enough for RadioShack to keep a crew of employees who can actually understand the things that most people walk into their stores to buy: VCRs, cellphones, stereos, alarm systems, answering machines, batteries and adapters out the wazzoo.
Why is it so hard for them to keep knowledgeable people? Simple economics. I worked for Radio Shack (as it was then known--with the space between the words) for 8 years. I managed a store for five of them. I worked 60 hours a week and when I quit, I got a job as a novice network administrator for the same money I'd been making at Radio Shack and I got to work 40 hours a week in the bargain. Less than 10 years since I quit, I make nearly 3 times what I made at Radio Shack. If I--a store manager with a rudimentary understanding of electronics--found a vastly better paying job, imagine how impossible it is to find a normal salesdroid there who knows squat about electronics.
Re:Radio Shack (Score:2)
Get your stuff from Digikey [digikey.com] for quality (and inexpensive) electronics.
<cough> did you say cheap and digikey in the same sentence?!!
DigiKey is known as the Radio Shack of the professional electronics industry. Sure, they can get you pretty much anything and fast, but they are not cheap by any means, even when you look over on the table to the bulk prices.
You're far better to go to Future-Active [future.com], Arrow [arrow.com] or even Farnell [farnell.com] for your parts. Digikey is quick and fast, and their quality is the same as anyone else. But they are NOT inexpensive for anything. You're paying a premium to have them ship 16 identical catalogs to your shop every quarter.
Re:The quality? (Score:2)
So the answer is, maybe not. And who exactly wants that sort of pollution flying around up there anyway?
Re:The quality? (Score:1)
Well, Radio Shack electronic components have a reputation for being the very poorest quality. It is possible to acquire much higher quality components for similar or better prices at places like Digi-Key [digikey.com] or Mouser Electronics [mouser.com].
Even if they did use the very highest quality electronic components available there wouldn't be much relative cost difference. If a resistor at Radio Shack is $0.10ea and a much better resistor is available from a real electronics supplier for $0.20ea then there's not going to be much of a difference when you need a dozen of them.
Re:The quality? (Score:1)
The midshipmen at the USNA are in it for pride, not profit. They are making a hand-built, thoroughly tested satellite as a learning project. They have adequate funds, brains, and pride. They are not threatened with stockholder suits if the project fails to make lots of money, only ridicule from the other services if they fail. That prospect of ridicule guarantees an all-out effort to deliver as promised. No one likes to fail when the reputation of a service is on the line, particularly the service expected to pay and promote project members.
Re:The quality? (Score:2, Interesting)
The differences:
1. Package: Usually ceramic or welded metal cases that are hermetically sealed. The more common plastic components breath as they temperature cycle. When they "inhale" there's a posssibility that contaminants are drawn into the case.
2. Test: Almost all parameters are 100% tested whereas commercial quality components are minimally tested with thorough testing done on selected lots. Tests are also conducted over a wider temperature range, Often electrical performance is less than for commercial components (e.g. lower speed,less gain) but the parameters are guarenteed over a wider range of temperature
3. Burn-in: Parts are burned in, operated at elevated temperature & power, to weed out infant failures. This improves reliability at the cost of slightly decreased lifetime
4. Inspection: The manufacturing & test facilities are inspected & certified to assure consistentcy in the production of the components. You're assured that the parts were made & tested in exactly the same way that the parts characterized on the data sheet you used to design your circuit.
5. Documentation: The product's entire life cycle is documented. You know exactly who made it, when & where. If a problem does manage to slip through you can track it back to the root cause then forward to all individual parts affected.
6. Marking: The chips are distinctively marked. Not only the part number, for example, the tops of ICs are usualy painted silver.
Al of these are things you can work around. You can seal the box the parts are contained in instead of each individual component. You can buy large lots of commercial components to assure uniformity. You can build boards or larger subassemblies then test & burnin these assemblies trading of the cost of test vs. the cost of thrwing away failed assemblies.
This has all been done before for military & space qualified projects. My guess is that these guys have done a better job of managing the project & costs. Not a trivial task, since you be able to look into the future & understand how the entire development & production process works.
Re:The quality? (Score:1)
Re:The quality? (Score:1)
The next guy who talked was Jose Munoz from DOE. He did a Dave Letterman by going through the top 10 reason why Open Source software is bad in reverse order. The last one being, or rather item #1, the question "Would you want to fly in an airplane whose complete flight system was developed using Open Source by the lowest bidder?", followed by a bullet reading "Whom do you sue when the thing goes wrong? (assuming you're a survivor)". It's unfortunate that the guy who works for the same government agency which provides my paycheck gave such a negative perspective to this issue. It was good to listen to one of the members of the audience make a statement, at the end of the session, that if given a choice between the plane running open source software or something running under a Microsoft OS, he would much prefer the open source one, given the track record of Microsoft software. There were a couple of chuckles in the audience and a blushed smile from Todd of Microsoft.
Note: You can find Jose Munoz's full presentation in this
Anyway, I would be more worried about this. [bnl.gov] If thats what they do with fibers on the ground, imagine what the inside of a satillite looks like.
And how long... (Score:1)
Woo hoo (Score:2, Funny)
Don't you wish people would give you 5 times the amount you asked for when doing projects like this?
Re:Woo hoo (Score:2)
I wonder if Boeing gained any rights to the cheap technology developed by these government employees using this "grant" money?
Re:Woo hoo (Score:1)
You would rather have government hold on to this new stuff ?
Re:Woo hoo (Score:2)
Re:Woo hoo (Score:2)
Re:Woo hoo (Score:1)
Not when I'm "asking for it" by predicting that a satellite will fall and hit my house
Feet away... (Score:3, Funny)
We remember the last space venture battling metric versus auxiliary measurement systems.
(I'm sorry NASA. You guys do wonderful things. I just couldn't resist.)
Re:Feet away... (Score:2)
Using tape measure material for whip and dipole-style antenna elements is well-known in the amateur satellite community. Several of the middishimen's advisors are also active in AMSAT, and probably provided the suggestion if the middies didn't find it themselves.
They should call it (Score:3, Funny)
How much to launch? (Score:1)
Surely money would be better spent on making the system more reliable, than to waste it on an unsuccessful launch.
Re:How much to launch? (Score:1)
Ens Krause. Class of 2000
Re:How much to launch? (Score:1)
More information (Score:4, Informative)
Re:More information (Score:2, Informative)
For those interested in the communications protocol (APRS) this sat is going to use, check this web site [navy.mil] out. I've been using APRS for about 1.5 years, and it's a blast to play with. :)
Satellite list (Score:2, Informative)
$50000 is a little steep (Score:1)
give this job to caltech and see what they can do
Re:$50000 is a little steep (Score:1)
Re:$50000 is a little steep (Score:2)
middies? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:middies? (Score:1)
The solar panels? (Score:2)
I want to build an array to power my house.... Or at least build an dc -> ac power outlet for my laptop in the desert... Anyone have any idea?
Re:The solar panels? (Score:2, Informative)
$50,000 is too much (Score:5, Informative)
Several students at my school, Leland High [ed.gov], decided that we should undertake a challenge unlike any other. A goal was set to be the first high school to launch a satellite into outer space and have it communicate back with earth, as vaguely mentioned in a Slashback [slashdot.org]. This particular program is called Cubesat, but only consisted exclusively of universities and private corporations/citizens until we came along.
Much like the engineers in this article, we are using off-the-shelf parts to build our satellite, albeit not from Radio Shack since Radio Shacks don't seem to carry much in San Jose. The antenna we are designing exemplifies the simplicity of the components. In theory, guitar string or the wire used in braces would do the job easily. Our power system is even more simple: d-sized lithium batteries (non-rechargable) linked together.
The parts for our Cubesat will cost less than $5,000, more likely less than $1,000. We are hoping that our prototype will function properly during a test launch on an amateur rocket. After that, designing the antenna configuration (for those who are knowledgable about radio, our cube-shaped satellite forms a poor ground plane and we are also confined to a difficult broadcast frequency) and internal layout (to ensure that our satellite has a perfect center of gravity).
You can reach the webpage for the Leland Cubesat team here [lelandcubesat.org]. Be forewarned, some of the information is slightly out of date at the moment. I will do my best to fix that as soon as possible, but priorities lie elsewhere at the moment.
Re:$50,000 is too much (Score:3, Funny)
Ah, the gentleman in uniform, 50.000 it is!
Come on, folks, you can go lower than that! Do I hear 10.000? Anybody dare to bid 5.000? Ah, thank you! 5.000 it is, for the schoolboy in the back row.
Well, folks, this is getting interesting. Who has the guts to do it for 500? Come on, Three times they hava managed to cut the price by a factor of 10, can you do the fourth time? What, no bids?
I hate to say, but 5000 is the best bid so far. Going once!
Re:$50,000 is too much (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:$50,000 is too much (Score:1)
Of course you could buy them on a second hand fair in Russia but don't forget the packing and sending costs to USA which will increase the total costs in a way that the domestic nuclear weapons are available for the same price.
And if you buy US-weapons and they fail (let's say you hit Seattle instead of Redmont) you can get enough money from the company to buy 10 new satellites.
Re:$50,000 is too much (Score:2)
What's the estimated labor cost? Well 3 students for 3 years + some professor time, maybe they each can put in an average of 20 hours/week + professor time so maybe the equivalent of 2 full time people. that gives us about 6 man years of effort. 2 aerospace engineers including things like benefits, etc so maybe a man year costs $150K so a commercial effort might end up costing closer to $750K in wages in addition to the $50K equipment cost.
Even assuming the labor cost estimate is hald the extimate, its still $375K for salary and benefits, etc.
It sounds really cheap... (Score:1)
So assuming a launch cost of anywhere from $1mil to $10mil, and considering there are 4 satelites going into orbit on the same flight, the price per satelite to launch is $250k to $2.5mil. And the final price for the satelite is $300k to $2.5mil.
Definitely not the $50k they're talking about. The ideea is still very interesting, and I hope it works out. But I just had to point out something that the article was obviously avoiding.
Re:It sounds really cheap... (Score:1)
Durability of this thing and other issues. (Score:1)
Also, it might be really interesting to see Radio Shack get excited about this. If by some engineering feat it does actually work Radio Shack could become 'cool' again. Who wouldn't want to build their own satellite for $50,000? Of course everyone will want one, and that might be a BAD thing. I understand that there is a lot of space in orbit, but I remember a show on the Discovery Channel describing how difficult it is getting for the space shuttle to navigate in orbit due to the ever increasing space junk up there. NORAD is supposed to track all of it - do you think they will be sending these guys a bill to track their $50,000 satellite if it goes whacko? I would. Do we really want a whole bunch of Radio Shack satellites orbiting the earth? When was the last time you purchased something really durable and interesting at Radio Shack?
Lessons for Motorola Iridium and Loral Globalstar (Score:1)
Motorola's Iridium debacle [corporate-ir.net] and Loral's Globalstar fiasco [loral.com] teaches us one thing about building and launching sats.
Hire some bright students and they'll figure out a way to get it done for a fraction of the cost.
Too bad they had to find out the hard way
Their Antenna Worries me (Score:1)
For one, you really can't call that a discovery...
My main concern, though, is the reliability of the tape measure in question. I know I've had several tape measures that would never regain their rigidness once bent out of shape. This has happenes with even the reliable brands that don't typically have such problems.
While I appreciate the savings, I'm sure the public would be upset with NASA if they spent the millions to launch the satelite, and the entire satelite fails, simply due to a $5 tape-meausure component. Prices are important, but you must maintain a certain level of reliability that this project obviously isn't concerned with. It's fine for this instution as they could care less if NASA wastes money on their project (they have nothing to loose if it fails, and a lot of publicity to gain if it succeeds).
Don't worry about the antenna. (Score:1)
Re:Their Antenna Worries me (Score:2)
Actually, contractor-grade tape measures are quite durable. They're wider and a bit thicker than the ones you get in regular hardware stores, and usually come with extended guarantees. But said guarantees are likely void off the planet Earth
SlashLite (Score:1)
Re:SlashLite (Score:1)
slashdot - more than just a dot in the sky
Re:SlashLite (Score:1)
By the way, you can download the Slashdot code... go for it, if you master mod_perl that good!
Progress! (Score:1)
Now, if only we could slash launch cost by as much
Man cut them some slack! (Score:3, Insightful)
Hell, I wish them the best of luck. I hope the satellite lasts them 5 years instead of one. The idea here ISN'T making satellites out of cheap parts, its coming up with less expensive ways to accomplish the tasks needed to operate a saltellite. Sure using a tape measure for an antenna sounds hokey, but maybe it'll give the professionals some ideas for the future (gee antennas that unroll on their own instead of requriing some advanced deployment system that only gets used once) etc.
For as much as folks bitch about the gov't here, I think if a few students decide to show that a satellite CAN be constructed cheaply - more power to them. The information they gather will be very useful. Yes, sure, the launch costs aren't part of the $50K, but that wasn't part of the equation. Most satellites themselves WITHOUT launch costs are millions and millions of dollars. Nobody said they could launch it and build it for < $50K. So they hitch a ride on a rocket going up anyway. Remember, this thing is pretty small and it probably is tucked into the payload bay where a normal size satellite wouldn't fit.
But even if it isn't. I'd think geeks like us would be proud that some students got laughed at when applying for the grant and managed to pull it off through some everyday common sense and ingenuity. I say good luck and I hope everything works as planned!
Re:Man cut them some slack! (Score:1)
Re:Man cut them some slack! (Score:1)
The mids have really thought outside the box. I'm proud of them.
... (Score:1)
Quality vs Price (Score:1)
Now let me show my insanity, If we had more creative people like this i'd bet you even money we could be on Mars, with a fuctioning colony before 2010. Anyone wanna ask Mr Bill if he would like is own planet? (BTW, any one happen to have the link to the space colonizing & mining laws?? I seam to have lost it)
See for yourself how long it will work! (Score:1)
There is a site which stores all these and produces both single reports and summary pages. For example, here is the page for reports re-transmitted by the International Space Station:
http://www.ariss.net [ariss.net]
(presently the amateur equipment abord ISS is turned off, so there is no data from the last few days).
When PCSat is operational, there will be a similar page available for the output from this satellite. I don't have the URL yet, but look at the main page for the database for it once it is available:
http://www.findu.com [findu.com]
Steve Dimse K4HG
And the key to cutting the cost would be .. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:And the key to cutting the cost would be .. (Score:1)
Re:And the key to cutting the cost would be .. (Score:2)
Re:And the key to cutting the cost would be .. (Score:2)
Duct tape = the Force (Score:2, Funny)
Fixes bloody well everything!
Re:And the key to cutting the cost would be .. (Score:2)
UOSat got there first ... (Score:5, Informative)
UoSAT-1, if I remember correctly (details are sparse on the net) was build on a budget of 60,000 as a student project and piggybacked into orbit on an Ariane-4 comsat launch. A number of subsequent UoSATs are part of the OSCAR series of radio amateur satellites, and a commercial spin-off of the University, SSTL (Surrey Satellite Technology Limited) build and sell minisats in the 200-500Kg rangefor commercial purchasers; see, for example, this report [astronomynow.com] of the launch of UoSAT-12 (from 1999).
50k - Sure it will work, but (Score:1)
Don't get me wrong, I truly belive this is a great idea and a lot of fresh ideas might come up, but people who build "proper" satellites are not wasting their money, it is a commercial enterprise after all...
The Academy Satellite is ... (Score:1)
but I wonder if in the presence of more senior satellites (which is nearly all of them) it drops everything it is doing and stands rigidly vertical?
Who needs Sealand? (Score:1)
Why Alaska? (Score:2, Insightful)
Don't you need a more powerful rocket the farther away you get from the equator? I heard that was why the Russians built such powerful rockets because they launched them from Siberia.
Florida makes a lot more sense.
There is that one company the launch's rockets from a ship so that they can do it at the equator and avoid the here-today-gone-tomorrow governments that are on the equator.
Re:Why Alaska? (Score:1)
> Don't you need a more powerful rocket the farther away you get from the equator?
Not if you want to launch a satellite into polar orbit.
They didn't do it, either. (Score:2)
The article clearly stated that they ignored the cost of a significant amount of labor, as it was provided by individual grants.
Not to diminish the main point that there are sometimes unorthodox inexpensive solutions, it's hardly fair to use these cost comparisons to pick on aerospace firms who don't have labor forces that are willing to work for free.
Hmmm... (Score:1)
Gives new meaning to "Geeks In Space". Where do I sign up for broadcast rights
Cheap launches / First Athena Launch (Score:1)
Instead, they are on the Athena 1 rocket [lmco.com]... I used to work for Defense Systems (bought by CTA, bought by Orbital... you know the drill), and my satellite -- GemStar -- was the first to go on this model rocket [lmco.com]. The price of the rocket was many times more than our vehicle, and we played the usual space chicken game (where they threaten to launch a slab of concrete and then when we're ready, all of the sudden they weren't really ready). Finally, launch day, and we're watching the video and it goes up and and up... and after about a minute it's going at an amazing speed, and then all of the sudden makes a 90 degree turn. The thing is going so fast that the thrust of the rocket doesn't even affect its direction. The range officer blew it up. Oh well. When I was with DSI we also made bouys -- the joke was that we should just upload the bouy software to the satellites because they always seem to end up in the ocean anyway.
The reason for the failure [faa.gov] was that the guidance control loop had some undamped and unintended oscillations.. and there was only a limitied amount of hydrolic fluid on board to control the position of the thrusters. Once the fluid was expended (it was just squirted out after being used), there was no more directional control.
After our flight, they changed the name of the rocket from the LMLV-1 to the Athena to distance the second rocket from this first failure. Ironically, the second one failed too.
OK people, listen up... (Score:2)
They will go smaller! (Score:2)
R&D costs decrease? (Score:2)
Nice, but... (Score:2)
Oh, and re:
"And they were innovative - they discovered that the tape in a tape measure would flip into place on its own while in orbit. A more expensive antenna system would have depended on electronics to do the same thing."
This must be the Microsoft definition of "innovative" -- the steel tape measure technique for satellite antennas has been around since the 1960's.
For that matter, motorized antennas are pretty cheap (think automobile scrap), just ridiculously heavy for that application.
Here's what it looks like... (Score:2)
David Brown
USNA, Class of 1987
Scrolling LED sign in space, anyone? (Score:2)
So we put 80 RED LEDS on the bottom of PC sat as a 3W thermal radiator for this test. And just for fun, at night we can also turn them on as
power permits as a visual experiment. Calculations suggest a magnitude of about 6 if it is pointing straight down. Eight, if it is off to one side or the other. Magnitude 8 is visible with binoculars.
Which middie will be the first geek to cobble together a scrolling LED sign seen from space?
Re:Five more? (Score:1)
Re:Five more? (Score:1)
Re:Five more? (Score:1)
Re:Five more? (Score:1)
Cost of satallite=$40,000 *(6)
Kickback to politicians=10,000
Total = $250,000!
Re:Five more? (Score:1)
Re:Five more? (Score:2)
The first one was a prototype, maybe it cost then $10,000 working out how to put it together right. So the next lot would only cost around $40,000.
The point is that Boeing thought that $250,000 was a minimal kind of figure.
Re:Five more? (Score:1)
OK, so you build one satallite for $50,000, that leaves you with $200,000.... how do you build five more $50,000 satallites with $200,000?
You don't. The article says: "Boeing was so skeptical, the company gave the academy $250,000, which Boden and Smith now plan to spread out over five years to give new students a chance to build a satellite each year."
Five years, one satellite each year. Makes five satellites. Slashdot editors just use different mathematics.
Re:lol (Score:1, Funny)
Hello Patrick!
Re:lol (Score:2)
How much concrete, there could be scope for quite a lot of "hitchhiking"...
Also is this regular concrete or a special (expensive) kind?
Re:The "Moon": An Absurd Liberal Myth: (Score:1)
Crackpot trolls...not even trying.
nice troll .. but a little obvious ... a B- (Score:1)
Re:"Native" Americans: An absurd liberal myth: (Score:2, Offtopic)
Yes, but, unless you are Slashdot personnel, or unless you post from the same IP and happen to have mod-points, there is no way you can read that stored IP address.
Re:"Free" Software: An absurd GNU myth: (Score:1)
i wouldn't want the "Chosen People", aka the Lost Tribe of Redmond, to feel undermined and disallusioned about it.
Re:The problem... (Score:1)
Re:The problem... (Score:2)
Depends how much power you need. If you need large solar arrays then a mechanism to unfold them could be the expensive bit as well as batteries.
Also I wasn't aware that RS sold pnmantic parts or does this satellite have no kind of attitude control...
Re:The problem... (Score:1)
Re:The problem... (Score:1)
Exactly how much does a useful satellite weigh?? I've heard rumors of weight affecting usefulness when talking about steaks, but not satellites. Re-tooling logic, I'm guessing my palm is worthless but I'm personally an invaluable replacement to mankind!! :)
Re:The problem... (Score:2)
Launch vehicles frequently contain "ballast". The reasoning being that it is easier to make payload mass up to a known value than throttling the engines. Which would require more complex (and expensive) engines and flight control systems.
The only difficulty is if the "hitchhiking" satellite has a much lower density than ballast materials. Since either it wouldn't fit or the rest of the ballast needs to be something extra dense. Since typically concrete is used density can be adjusted by proportion/type of agregate.
Re:Ummm watch out? (Score:2)
Re:Satellite Won't Work (Score:2)
Well, they're still overpriced. Likely due to the low demand for space-capable solar panels.