Cement Canoe With A Contrarian Approach 103
Markgor writes: "There is an article in Wired News today about a group of students at the University of Alabama (Huntsville) who entered into the 2001 ASCE/MBT National Concrete Canoe Competition with a canoe that was built to achieve forward propulsion through matching natural resonance."
"Normally, if two objects share an exact natural resonance, the excited vibrations would usually lead the weaker object to fall apart, much like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge did when the equal frequencies of the wind and the structure of the bridge matched. However, since the canoe was designed with a special mix of concrete, it was flexible enough to withstand the vibrations and harnessed it into forward propulsion. They're now talking about its possible use in space, such as interplanetary probes using natural resonance to propel itself."
Re:Guess what - boats are made out of metals too! (Score:1)
Re:If they can bend concrete... (Score:1)
Re:SGA at UAH (Score:1)
UAH is the university this article is about, the Unversity of Alabama in Huntsville.
They left out a step. (Score:2)
Step 2. Propel through water using resonance.
Guess what - boats are made out of metals too! (Score:4)
Boats can be made out of anything that that doesn't dissolve quickly and has the strength to displace the requisite volume of water. Iron, steel, concrete, waterproofed paper-laminate, whatever - they need not float on their own; it's displacing a volume of water of greater mass then their own mass that is key.
Concrete boats are popular in a number of parts of the world. In Africa they're popular as small calm-water ferries for their low cost, durability, and ease of contruction. Often they're a simple mini-barge with a line crossing the river. To power them one either pulls the line directly or employs a simple mechanism, dragging oneself across the water.
As to the concrete being used in this application - it's made with exotic materials as it has exotic requirements. Light-weight, flexible, etc. aren't usually the priorities for a concrete; durable, high compression strength, low cost usually are. None of this is breakthrough as the materials used in the boat wouldn't likely stand up under a season or two of highway or other civil engineering use.
Re:If they can bend concrete... (Score:2)
Plus, the distance that the road would need to avoid moving would probably make the cost of the matierals far more than the 70 pound canoe.
Liberty Ships in WWII (Score:1)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Rules and Regs (Score:3)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
In space? (Score:3)
Concrete canoe competitions... (Score:2)
...go back at least 14 years?
Try more like at least 25 years. The guys in the CE department were making concrete canoes and competing with other schools' CE students back in the early-mid '70s. Us EE students thought they were daft but, then, we were amusing ourselves trying to do useful things with weird things called ``microprocessors''. (One guy was doing speech recognition on the department's Altair. Hand assembly anyone?). The CEs thought we were nuts.
Paper Canoe (Score:1)
Concrete? (Score:1)
Try portaging it across land and get back to me.
more info at the uah concrete canoe homepage (Score:2)
Re:Relevant concrete risks (Score:1)
You make this by making a mould from with the formwork and your reinforcing bars then pour in the concrete. Shape it when it's wet and let it set.
We never had concrete canoes when I was a civil eng student, but we did have bridges made out of spaghetti. Lets see a spaghetti canoe contest!
Don't forget toboggans (Score:2)
Re:In space? (Score:1)
actually the sun sends alot of hydrogen ions into space. these are more commonly known as solar wind [dictionary.com]. these travel very fast, and i would suspect that it would be possible to use the natural resonance of the solar wind to power the ship.
use LaTeX? want an online reference manager that
Re:In space? (Score:2)
i wonder if they have tested the materials under the extreme conditions one would encounter in space? it gets really cold at night and really hot during the day up there. i really doubt the latex component will withstand really extreme conditions.
use LaTeX? want an online reference manager that
Re:People Clear on the Concept Unclear on the Conc (Score:2)
just the mass of the canoe and riders must be less than the mass of the water displaced if the water were at the lip of the canoe.
use LaTeX? want an online reference manager that
This has already been done... (Score:1)
While some of this guy's interview reminds me
of psuedo science from things like the time cube,
I think their underlying principle is similar to that of a Tesla coil.
Tesla coils (for those who don't know) are able to generate huge
amounts of electricity from a small amount (yes, there are tradeoffs...
loss of amperage for one, but anyways) by the same principle
of oscillation: imagine you're pushing a friend in a swingset...
while it's a lot of effort for _them_ to push themselves so that
they swing up really high, all _you_ have to do is push a little with
your pinky, each time they hit the highest point in their swing
(ie, the resonance frequency).
Tesla coils use this idea to
generate immense arcs of electricity from a small amount, using
the small drive voltage to "push" the larger current which
is being generated in the circuit.
Sort of.
The end effect of this principle, whether
in coil or canoe, is that you still doing
all the work, it's just that it's amortized,
your work cumulatively builds upon the last...
it's not exactly breaking themodynamics,
it's just raising your mechanical efficientcy
somewhat nicely.
Still... this looks like an interesting idea,
though I really hope the man realizes there's
no water in outerspace... hopefully,
the Wired guys just took him out of context.
There was something else I was going to say...
oh yeah... I strongly encourage everyone
to go on the web to check for technical
accuracy of what I just said... I have a
generalist's idea of what I'm talking about.
Re:Guess what - boats are made out of metals too! (Score:1)
Where do you obtain the power in outer space? (Score:2)
TANSTAAFL. Sure, in a river I can conceive of harnessing the power of the waves/water by getting the boat to resonate with some frequency and then use that somehow to push the boat. (Having read the article, I'm still a little unclear on the concept.) But how do you use this in a (near) vacuum?
To get something 'operating' at its resonant frequency, someone has to be putting power into the system. I just don't understand what's supposed to be vibrating the space ship that's giving you the power.
Anyone understand this? Is it harnessing external sources, or just an attempt to make use of every last scrap of effort put into moving the boat?
Re:People Clear on the Concept Unclear on the Conc (Score:2)
Re:Guess what - boats are made out of metals too! (Score:1)
Nothing new (Score:2)
More insteresting is the resonant part of it, but I would think that steel is better because it's elastic limit is higher and the modulus is lower to give more elastic deformation.
If they can bend concrete... (Score:4)
Re:Space! (Score:2)
They should wait till this guy [bbc.co.uk] launches his cement mixer.
Re:In space? (Score:2)
This is not an application of Newton's 3rd law (used in rocketry). In a rocket, the mass of the propellant reaction products excaping the nozzle generates the reaction needed to push the rocket forward, here, there's no mass ejected, only a structure "wriggling".
Conceivability, you could laminate a sheet of piezoelectric element, and generate power from that, and feed the power to an ion engine. But ion engines still require fuel (a tank of xenon or a gas with a hefty mass, see above for reason why), so it still wouldn't be an unlimited source of power, as far as propulsion is concerned...
-=- SiKnight
Re:tacoma narrows (Score:1)
The shedding frequency of the flow from the bridge approached the natural frequency of the bridge. As this occurred the bridge began to oscillate. Once the bridge begins to move the frequencies will lock, and increasing the or decreasing the flow velocity passing over the bridge will alter the magnitude of the forcing, but the forcing will always be positive. About two years ago I helped an undergraduate ME student set-up an experiment to look at the potential for extracting energy from a low-speed flow using a simple sring mounted cylinder.. He saw that once the cylinder began to move he could up the flow velocity and watch the amplitude of the oscillations increase to a maximum.. Similarly, he could reduce the velocity to a point below where it would begin oscillating..
Re:Where do you obtain the power in outer space? (Score:1)
It's easy.. Embed something like a piezo actuator into the structure. As the piezo element is strained it will generate a voltage.. Now make the structure a couple hundred yards long and let it orbit the earth.. Each time it orbits the earth it undergoes a thermal cycle associated with passing through the earths shadow. If the structure is designed like a big bimetallic strip the thermal cycle will induce and oscillation.. Pow! Electricity via structural vibrations..
Re:In space? (Score:1)
You do have something to push against when using propellant.
I am thinking maybe thruster nozzles that resonate as the propellant is pushed past them. That might be used to maximize the thrust produced by the engines.
Re: What are you pushing against to gain momentum? (Score:1)
Exactly how is this thing supposed to do anything besides wiggle?
I recall Hughes Satellite salvaging a communications satellite using minor engine burns and a slingshot around the moon to move a failed launch into a useful geosyncrhonous orbit [cnn.com]. Is this what the article's author(s) are talking about?
Re:In space? (Score:1)
Re:flexible concrete? (Score:2)
Well, that's where I'm putting MY quarter.....
Re:Concrete? (Score:5)
Cement, on the other hand, is a specific name for a substance, often alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide, and magnesium oxide. Cement is often used in the construction of concrete as part of the composite.
Composite structures != carbon fiber/kevlar/etc exclusively. Composites have been used for hundreds of years to make lightweight, strong things. This is merely the latest example of exactly that.
tacoma narrows (Score:3)
like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge did when the equal frequencies of the wind and the structure of the bridge matched
Just to do a little karma whoring...
Google [google.com] has some nice links [google.com] to video of the Tacoma Narrows bridge moving. This one [airspacemag.com] from the Smithsonian is pretty good.
Space! (Score:1)
When I saw this article yesterday I found it really interesting because I'd just been thinking about the submarine thing, and that cement/concrete might be a really cheap and easy material for amateur/private exploration of space, instead of having to have all the nasty chemicals and expensive machines necessary to work with composites.
Anyone contacted this group and found out what the exact proportions of the ingredients are? It might be interesting to mix up a batch and do some testing.
Re:Not easy (Score:1)
SGA at UAH (Score:1)
Re:In space? (Score:1)
Re:tacoma narrows (Score:1)
If that were true, every suspension bridge with parabolic suspenders would collapse.
tacoma narrows blew down (Score:1)
Re:Stolen idea and bad physics.. (Score:1)
Re:Relevant concrete risks (Score:2)
Yeah, and make the contestants paddle through I giant course filled with bolognaise : )
Mmmmm, giant course filled with bolognaise......
Re:If they can bend concrete... (Score:1)
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:2)
Poses the question... If they could do it then, why hasn't it been resurrected now that we've got better technology?
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:2)
The link. [google.com]
Re:Guess what - boats are made out of metals too! (Score:2)
Re:flexible concrete? (Score:2)
There's a pretty good shot of the canoe on the first page.
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:2)
For a while, concrete boats were popular amongst the build-your-own-yacht community. Quite a few are still going, although few are made these days since GRP is so easy, cheap and convenient. The advent of GRP pretty much stopped concrete dead.
The advantages (when done properly) are durability and ease of repair - the hull is very strong, and if you do hole it then you can make a permanent repair using materials available anywhere they build houses or roads. By contrast, GRP and metal require specialist materials and/or equipment to make permanent repairs. The thicker hull is also better at insulating than other materials.
The downsides are that they're heavier than other boats (particularly GRP ones), they don't have the nice smooth finish of GRP and steel hulls, and the extra hull thickness reduces the living area somewhat. It shares with GRP the problem that minor dents can cause holes, where steel just dents. But the main problem is just that since it was so popular amongst build-your-own ppl, there's loads of poorly-made, badly-designed and generally horrible boats were produced in concrete, and that's damaged its reputation.
Re:In space? (Score:2)
Yeah, I missed something there too! I wonder if they're envisioning a kind of nozzle that would use reasonance to expel some kind of propellant. I dunno.
Re:People Clear on the Concept Unclear on the Conc (Score:2)
Here's something to give people new to Seattle the willies! You know those bridges that connect Bellvue to Seattle and some of the other islands and pennisulas? Well, they're floating bridges and they're made of concrete! This freaked me the first time I heard that, then I worked out the whole buyoncy thing and said "Cool!" If I understand the design, the engineers basically made a bunch of concrete hulls, floated them and connected them together with cables and ran the road over the top. Several years ago, one of the bridges did indeed sink, but that was because an inspector at some point in the past had left an access hatch open, then one year there was some really rough water and the structure began taking on water. A couple of days later the whole thing sank. They put a new one in, but when I was last tehre you could still see the remnants of the old bridge right next to the new one.
Re:Like Homer says (Score:2)
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:1)
Just remember to drink from the center of the deep lakes. That's usually pretty good (although I prefer hard water for drinking).
No Durability (Score:1)
flexible concrete? (Score:1)
They've actually made flexible concrete by mixing a few other ingredients with it and applying it in a thin layer, and they're USING the natural resonance of the material to their advantage instead of trying to find ways of avoiding it like in traditional construction.
of course when you first hear of it the first thought it "a concrete boat?" What's next? Concrete Nikes?
Re:In space? (Score:1)
I imagine flexible concrete will start showing up in loads of places in the future, might as well mess around with it in zero-G too. =)
Re:Concrete? (Score:2)
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:3)
Rubber Roads (Score:3)
Concrete? (Score:4)
Mix these in the right proportions, allow the mixture to dry for 12 hours and presto -- you have concrete so flexible that it will bend and snap right back with nary a crack.
Hmm.. Yeah its got Portland Cement in it, but it sounds like it is primarily rubber and plastic.. Are there no limitation in the rules about the composition of your 'concrete'?
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:1)
They could produce an entire "Liberty" ship in 25 days and, in 1942, built and launched a 10,500-ton freighter in four days, 15 hours and 26 minutes.
Re:tacoma narrows (Score:1)
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:2)
Yes, concrete ships were made way back during WWI. There were three ships built in Oakland in 1917, but they were never used. One of them is sunk at Seacliff State Beach in Santa Cruz, Ca. You can read a little more about it here [ca.gov].
Concrete Spring (Score:1)
They were suggesting that it would be excellent for mounting Hi-Fi Speakers on.
I can't really remember any more details - but it always struck me as cool.
Re:If they can bend concrete... (Score:1)
Re:Concrete rowboats (Score:1)
Near as I can remember, during WW 2 the US made what they called "Liberty" ships for transport duty. The hulls were made out of cement because metal was in short supply.
There's one such ship, the SS Selma [crystalbeach.com] (made for WW I) sitting in the harbor in Galveston Bay. At the bottom. Not being a big believer in concrete ships, I was always slightly amused by this. Apparently, though, it made it home after cracking when running aground and was deliberately scuttled in the harbor.
Re:flexible concrete? (Score:2)
It's all about enclosing a volume -- it's not like a block of steel floats either, but nobody blinks at a steel ship.
More information available... (Score:2)
Re:In space? (Score:1)
My thought in regard to using this material in space was that they would somehow use the resonance to create mechanical energy, which they would then convert to electrical energy in order to power the propulsion system. If the material flexed enough, those flexes could push a fixed piston which ran a generator.
Of course, I could be way off base, but that was the initial impression that I had when I read about its uses in space.
Re:People Clear on the Concept Unclear on the Conc (Score:1)
This concrete boat stuff is cool (Score:2)
Re:Cavitation + Resonance? (Score:3)
In further news... (Score:1)
Project lead Jed Clampett is eagerly anticipating the first trials of the concrete canoe in the "see-ment pond".
Re:Relevant concrete risks (Score:1)
You'd need to machine the concrete because you want a smooth exterior surface on the canoe for moving efficiently through the water. The surface of the newly moulded concrete canoe will have small burrs and ridges which need to be removed by sanding. You might also want to attach toe-rests and other fittings to the canoe which could be glued on, or more effectively, screwed onto the concrete after drilling into it.
Relevant concrete risks (Score:2)
Seriously I hope they wore filtered breathing apparatus if they did any machining or drilling while working on the concrete in their canoe. It was reported by the BBC Newsnight program that concrete used for building block materials has been contaminated by admixture with incinerator fly ash [bbc.co.uk] containing toxic dioxin chemicals. Concrete dusts can be nasty.
Concrete bridges and power plant chimneys (Score:1)
Concrete rowboats (Score:1)
Re:In space? (Score:1)
Re:Someone tells me... (Score:1)
For the canoe, the designers were clever and harnessed this motion to propell the craft. In the case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (a.k.a. Galloping Gertie), the energy provided by the wind shook the structure to pieces. (It literally shook to pieces. Search for video of the thing, you will be amazed.) Usually, engineers design to avoid disasters like Galloping Gertie. However, this wastes a lot of energy.
The resonance they are discussing here is a classical phenomenon, so does not involve anything like quarks.
On a wholly unrelated point, I have a problem with the "Canoe Experts." They poo-pooed the canoe as "primarily an engineering project," stating that they have years of research behind them. Yeah, well, their years of research began with engineering projects. Are those guys really scientists and engineers? They don't sound like it. They sound like marketing bozos--very safe, very pussy. What a couple of twits. I bet they haven't come up with a single original engineering or scientific idea in their lives.
Of course, that is just the humble opinion of a physics graduate student with an B.S. in engineering.
Re:Someone tells me... (Score:1)
In the case of the canoe, you can model the water as an energy source for the canoe. The key is that the energy has to come from somewhere, and it has to go somewhere. In the case of a non-resonant excitation, most of the energy is lost due to dissipation. In the case of resonance, most of the energy goes into the motion of the system.
Re:Concrete? (Score:1)
First law of the GhostBusters (Score:1)
Floatsky Bridgenoot (Score:2)
I think the pontoons are hollow.
P.S. 1,615 m is almost exactly one mile and three Smoots, give or take an ear.
People Clear on the Concept Unclear on the Concept (Score:4)
The concrete doesn't ever need to be lighter than water. The boat plus passengers and gear needs to be lighter than water. Which means the maximum displacement of the boat (fully loaded volume including outside hull sectioned at a plane level with the waterline) needs to weigh less than the load plus the boat. The concrete itself can be far more dense than water.
Having concrete that is lighter than water means you can make a raft out of concrete. It means your boat won't sink if it floods. It also means your boat has less inertia.
It looks like a minor point, I know, but this is an engineering contest. It's all about minor points and the error bars on them. To put conflicting statements in the brochure is to sandbag the less-experienced contestants.
The real trick is that normal building concrete is much heavier than water (and somewhat absorbent, which reduces its effective displacement in contact with water). But this contest years ago ceased to be about floating a hunk of sidewalk.
Like Homer says (Score:5)
Re:In space? (Score:1)
"Imagine you have a large structure in space -- like a satellite -- made of this material," said Vaughan. "You could construct it to operate at its natural frequency and use the energy this produces for propulsion." Sounds like he means straight-forward mechanics, but I don't see how. The canoe works because there's water to push against. Maybe I should have taken more physics... Anybody know what's up with this?
not sure how this will work, but good idea (Score:1)
Regardless, this is a major step forward for water propulsion especially in an energy crisis like today's.
Re:Where do you obtain the power in outer space? (Score:1)
Fly Ash: Way-Cool Recycling of Old-School Waste (Score:1)
Interesting tidbit about fly ash in concrete: new federal nitrogen oxide emission standards have forced power plants to install different burners -- this gives the ash a higher carbon content that isn't ideal for building materials. One of our researchers and his students are working on methods to use the high-carbon ash -- so if you're into this kind of thing, I highly recommend checking out the numerous journal articles written by Dr. Fouad H. Fouad.
Re:flexible concrete? (Score:1)
Re:People Clear on the Concept Unclear on the Conc (Score:1)
Re:Concrete? (Score:1)
Re:Concrete? (Score:1)
Re:bah (Score:1)
Re:Concrete? (Score:1)
I Tol' ya Them McDonald boxes Worked SPQR (Score:2)
In space it would be wiser to utilize a rotating magetic matrix which due to Lenz' Law would configuire into a magnetic 'ion drill bit. Can't wait to try that. NASA wouldn't let me it would work a whole lot better than the crap they're working on now.
Relevance of BSD/Linux to concrete resonance boats (Score:2)
Re:If they can bend concrete... (Score:1)
The question is not there, the question is friction between tires and ... something. Believe me friction between rubber and ordinary concrete is poor. We already have some concrete highways around here. They last longer all right, however you might not want to drive to your mom's place in a big snow storm ;)
So, you might want to ask these guys about the friction coefficient of their material first and then talk about highways.
Re:Space! (Score:1)
I don't know about you, but if I lived in a third world country I'd have better uses for my money than cheap submarines...
Re:flexible concrete? (Score:1)