The Fiber Age Meets The Power Grid 94
tulare writes: "According to this story at Wired, a research team is developing a way to replace the steel core inside high-capacity electrical power transmission lines with a fiberoptic core, which apparantly could provide a dual benefit: a 200% increase in emergency transmission capacity along with the ability to "carry several gigabits of data per second." (Per line?) There are a few kinks to work out - like how to splice the data in and out of the lines, but the story talks about an initial rollout date in 2003. Not soon enough to bail Californians out of the current crunch, but considering the benefits (less line sag, greater capacity without building new towers/routes), the effort certainly seems worthwhile." There's some more info from the researchers at this site as well.
And how long would it take to fix? (Score:1)
Re:fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:1)
now, not 2003 (Score:2)
Re:fiber !=power ? (Score:1)
Re:fiber !=power ? (Score:3)
RFC 31337: TCP/IP over High Voltages :) (Score:2)
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Wow, that's fresh! (Score:3)
For this reason, utilities have preferred to use their ROW to bury the fiber, rather than string it up on the towers.
If the researchers are claiming that an electric utility can achieve 25% better efficiency by exchanging more data, I have bad news there: utilites have been very heavy users of data processing at every level of the operation since the 1920's. The utility I used to work at had many joint projects with IBM in the 1950's and 60's, in fact, due to their heavy volume of transaction processing. A lot of new stuff (like check scanners) in the computing world was driven by utility requirements.
This doesn't even scratch the surface of the utilities' power flow management efforts. So I really doubt there is much in the way of SCADA that hasn't been thought of by now.
What? (Score:1)
The US is still lagging largely behind... (Score:2)
For more than 8 years, Hydro-Québec [hydroquebec.com] has been laying new electric cable whose core is fiber optic bundles.
Since they already go to the "last mile", they're bound to make a killing once the market is opened...
Re:fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:2)
This is why on big transmission lines, each phase is carried on two or four wires separated by spacers.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
"Not soon enough too..." :: Accuracy problem (Score:2)
Perhaps we should be grateful to those coniving (fill in perjorative plural noun). This may get us acting in time to do something to prevent the real problem from occuring. But this time it's an artifical problem, and I'm about as grateful toward them as I am toward the oil cartel for those artificial shortages a decade or two ago.
Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
Privitization (Score:2)
It was financial manipulation. I'm sorry that the press hasn't been very forthcoming about this, but that's what happened.
Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
Tamper-resistant? (Score:3)
OTOH, the next thing you know, California's internet fees go up to $1900 a month, compared with $30 for the average user.
Kevin Fox
Tension Wire (Score:1)
NY Times article. (Score:3)
The NY Times had a pretty good article [nytimes.com] about this recently too.
Re:California? (Score:1)
Re:fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:1)
What they are trying to convey is that power transmission companies are considering using the same type of fiber-glass strength member that is currently being used in fiber-optic data cables as opposed to a steel strength member. This will make the cables lighter and sag less. Your point about composites is well taken, but carbon-fiber is a bit too expensive for applications such as this. Fiber-glass with intermediate strands of kevlar would probably work very nicely, which oddly enough is exactly how Siecor (and others) makes their fiber-optic cables.
If you go to the link that Wired refers to [usc.edu] you will see the following:
Approach: The simplest solution is to increase the volume of the aluminum strands without increasing the assembly diameter. This can be achieved by replacing the steel strands with fiber-reinforced composites that are more than twice as strong and far lighter. Thus, less material is needed to carry loads, and more Al can be incorporated into the design. USC is teaming with several industrial partners (Goldsworthy, SCE, Southwire, and ORNL), to develop a design and prototype called CRAC (Composite Reinforced Aluminum Conductor.)
So yes, they really do intend to use composites and the though of putting actual data-transmitting fibers in the power cable is being overlooked. Justifiably so, I might add. There is already plenty of data transmission capacity between SoCal and NorCal and the costs aren't really in laying the fiber in the first place. Lighting the fiber gets way more expensive in the end.
This is really just another example of bad journalism.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:2)
It's not quite the same thing, but there are some interesting tensile-strength comparisons - including a type of glass fiber - here [owenscorning.com].
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:2)
Sometimes, but it's certainly not spelled "alluminum" and "steal" was just laughable.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:2)
You mean "spelled", right? Sorry, couldn't resist.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:4)
Spelling: aluminum, steel. Yeah, I know, you probably think spelling doesn't matter, but misspelling the core terms in what you're talking about makes you look like an idiot.
As the article you obviously didn't read thoroughly enough points out, aluminum is not stronger than steel in the way that matters. Pound for pound, aluminum has a 4-5% higher tensile strength than steel. However, the pound of aluminum will have a much greater volume, which means a wider cable, which means greater stresses from wind etc. and from ice in colder climates. Aluminum is also notoriously brittle, and has a smaller difference between yield vs. ultimate tensile strength. In other words, it will break where steel will stretch, and again the difference becomes even more important at lower temperatures. In conclusion, then, while aluminum does have advantages over steel for some applications, it is inferior to steel as a load-carrier for power lines.
It would actually be interesting to see the same sorts of comparisons between steel and the proposed glass fiber. Some kinds of glass have amazing tensile strength, but it's not clear whether those kinds are compatible with data transmission and glass in general is even more notoriously brittle than aluminum. It's likely to be far more complicated than "X is stronger than Y".
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Main Entry: aluminum
Pronunciation: &-'lü-m&-n&m
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: New Latin, from alumina
Date: 1812
: a bluish silver-white malleable ductile light trivalent metallic element that has good electrical and thermal conductivity, high reflectivity, and resistance to oxidation and is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust where it always occurs in combination
aluminium n. (US aluminum) a silvery light and malleable metallic element resistant to tarnishing by air. Symb.: Al. aluminium bronze an alloy of copper and aluminium. [aluminium, alt. (after sodium etc.) f. aluminum, earlier alumium f. ALUM + -IUM]
So the spelling of Al depends on the spelling of color(colour) and theater(theatre)...
Back away from the crack pipe... (Score:1)
You forgot... (Score:2)
I think the power crisis is the reality check they need, before something truly dangerous happens out there. It's a good thing that they get motivated to act by minor inconveniences like rolling blackouts. (Although I do have to say that no blackout has affected my life, but they all have served to annoy the crap out of me, so I can't diss CA too much on that one)
Lettin' my thoughts run... (Score:2)
I didn't read the article - but from the comments, I understand that there isn't fiber optics in the cable, and that it is fiber reinforcment, blah blah - and maybe fiber alongside in some installations.
Upon seeing the blurb on
At the home end - you would need some kind of light to electric converter (like a solar cell, only able to stand the load), and then tap the datastream off the modulated beam.
Ok, so this isn't what is going on - but do any of you see the idea? Would this even be possible? Something tells me that currently it wouldn't be at all practical, if it is possible to some degree. But the idea seems like a fantastic (if unworkable) use of fiber optics - to "carry" electricity and data at the same time...
Ok, I'll stop toking now...
Worldcom [worldcom.com] - Generation Duh!
Re:fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:2)
Free Database Hosting [freesql.org]
Re:You forgot... (Score:1)
of like how all Californians eat only granola and
nuts and drink bottled water.
Oh, wait, everyone else is doing that now, too.
Re:fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:2)
OTOH, we'd still talking about fiberglass composites rather than the types of glass we use for optics, IIRC.
fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:4)
On the other hand -- recent advances in carbon composites have resulted in some amazingly good fibers with strength/weight ratios that are hard to believe. Replacing the steel core with carbon composite fibers would allow more current carrying aluminium in the same diameter cable.
The splicing question now makes much more sense -- splicing metal cables is a simple mechanical proposition -- not so with joining composites.
fiber !=power ? (Score:1)
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Lighter than aluminum, stronger than steel. Ask Apple.
Why not use copper (Score:2)
Slightly higher tensile strength than copper, but then that's what the steel core is for.
Aluminum exposed to oxygen forms an aluminum oxide (a.k.a. sapphire) passivation layer, then furthur oxidation stops. Scratch through the passivation layer, and a new one forms automatically. Copper doesn't do this.
However, you could plate the copper with a thin layer of aluminum. At 60 Hz, the skin effect should allow the copper to carry most of the current for a reasonably thin aluminum layer.
The other point that is valid is that normally, fiber optics have less tensile strength than steel. However, I assume (since the article really doesn't say) that the core will be an arimid fiber (a.k.a. Kevlar) with a possible plastic or glass core.
I agree with some other posters. Screw that, get buckytubes working. Then you will be able to greatly increase the current carrying part of the wire.
Re:Why not use copper (Score:2)
a) The cost of the power lost vs. the delta cost of the conductors has changed from when the move to aluminum was made.
b) The cost of simple AL/CU/Fe cables vs. these new AL/Fiber cables should swamp out the increase. In other words, AL/CU/Fe would probably be cheaper than AL/Fiber.
stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Re:This is silly, read the articles! (Score:1)
This is silly, read the articles! (Score:2)
This is old news (Score:1)
California's power addiction (Score:4)
So yes, soon, all of California will be addicted to CRAC.
Sometimes, you just can't make this stuff up.
Fiber inside Transmission Ground has already been (Score:1)
Re:You didn't read the reference, did you... (Score:1)
Re:Already done (kind of) in the UK. (Score:2)
So I guess these power companies should double check the fine print before laying any fiber optics alongside their power lines.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:2)
They don't bury the other ones because of heat dissipation needs (High voltage lines can get REALLY hot in times of high system loads and you don't want the insulation melting underground causing a 220KV line to short directly to ground because that would be REALLY bad.)
Wired blew it again (Score:2)
Composite cores aren't going to be a major breakthrough in power distribution. They might be used for unusually long wire spans, as when lines cross rivers. Higher voltages and DC transmission are more promising technologies.
As for fibre to the home, it can be done that way, but the initial enthusiasm of power companies for getting into retail data distribution seems to have subsided, probably because the other broadband players aren't making much money.
Re:You're close, but not quite there (Score:2)
Don't worry, it was pretty darned unclear. Specifically, this is where you lost me:
Imagine a conductor going in and out of your screen, in the middle.
OK, I can see him. He's got those denim overalls and the funny cap, but I don't know why he's going in and out of my monitor..
As you can see, if the time-constant of the eddy currents in the wire is a lot smaller than the frequency of the power in the wire, skin effect will be pretty small.
I don't normally count my self as stupid, but that made about as much sense to me as Geordi explaining how the deflector dish is going to create a reverse tackyon pulse to break the hold of the tractor beam while negating the subspace turbulance to disrupt the localized positron field surrounding the enemy ships.
I'm not trying to say that your explanation wasn't appreciated (Slashdot could use a few more researched explanations like that), just that it was way over my head, which isn't your fault.
Re:California? (Score:1)
Southern California has power but there is a bottleneck somewhere between LA and San Fran (I know, that's about 500 miles apart, not exactally precise)
Northern California is plagued by lack of rain (hydro), maintenance on current plants, huge demand (biggest factor) and the worst deregulation procedure ever. Funny how in PA, NJ, TX, and other states that have deregulated they haven't even seen a hint of a crisis. In fact, they now have choices in how "clean" there power is (coal, hydro, wind, bio-mass, gas, etc) and have seen rates drop slightly due to open competition.
Normally, power plants only transmit power about 300 miles (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) after that losses become too big. But I read in the U.S. News and world report, that b/c prices are so high, some power is being transmitted from as much as 600 miles away. (disclaimer, I don't know how accurate this info is, if someone has any more insight, please post)
Stronger? (Score:1)
Isn't this already happening. (Score:1)
California? (Score:2)
It's non really new just faster... (Score:2)
It's sort of weird... data and electricity sharing the same line -- the phrase "information is power" rings errily true here!!
But, if information is power, and power corrupts, does this mean we're going to have unreliablt data connections over these lines :)
Re:How long to get full data? (Score:1)
I think it's a case of an author writing an article on a subject on which they know very little. The 'sag' would include all high tension lines. The lines on the 'towers' 'sag' because of being highly susceptable to contraction and expansion and the distance between the towers. The 'little lines' he was talking about, I guess, in saying 'they'd branch off'...wouldn't actually. He probably means intermediate lines, carrying much lower (albeit higher than the normal 12k or so transmission lines) voltage stepped down at a substation. They wouldn't have any fiber in them at all. The fiber would be terminated at the substation or connected to another fiber run, etc. (The author thought maybe they were going to run fiber right on through the transformers? hmm) This really is a very OLD topic. Other companies, like AEP, etc, have been working on using their high power transmission easements for fiber. They were talking about this (fiber core) several yeras ago.
Re:California? (Score:1)
I think you'll find that's due to a couple of reasons (though deregulation is different between NY, PA, etc.) First, there's plenty of power here, and transmission capabilities in the PA-NJ-MA grid. Second, at least here, the incumbant utilities weren't forced to buy at spot prices. They sold transmission facilities like in CA, but they can have contracts for power purchases.
Normally, power plants only transmit power about 300 miles (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) after that losses become too big. But I read in the U.S. News and world report, that b/c prices are so high, some power is being transmitted from as much as 600 miles away.
Bingo. and that's what the politicians like Davis forget to tell everyone when he says how much it costs to buy power from TX. Prices are already high from the producers in CA. If you have to buy it long distance, they have to 'ship' a LOT more than you end up getting. Let's say you want 5000MW from TX. Hell, they may have to ship 10000MW or more? They ain't going to give that to CA for free. So even if the prices were the same, it's going to cost a LOT more for that power all the way from Texas. If there was a lot of surplus, that might not be the case, they'd probably be willing to take a hit just to sell the power. But in these days, they just don't have to.
At last.. (Score:1)
Re:Compression Connectors (Score:1)
1) this huge copper loop was set on 3/4" plywood on sawhorses, and held to the plywood with pretty hefty U-bolts. All this inside what looked like a huge concrete garage (single 2.5 story room open on one side)
2) We were in a facing blockhouse about 60 meters away with the control & data recording equipment.
3) when the current was pulsed, it sounded like a stick of dynamite going off.
4) the most impressive thing to me, was that the pulse (AC) would try and make the copper loop a perfect circle (?) and this translated into a physical force which, by the third and final pulse, ripped almost half the U-bolts out and up [2 1/2 stories] to embed themselves in the ceiling.
Compression Connectors (Score:4)
I would think the fiber would have to be quite sturdy to withstand this type of compression
I remember our test (pulling) machine
I remember the crimp had to crimp enough to really grab the steel core (to provide 95% of the cables rated tensile strength). A really good design (connector & crimp tool) could actually exceed the cables rated strength.
Now for some real fun, we use to test grounding grid connectors. Imagine a 10 meter circle of 2500mcm stranded copper cable (about 2.5 inches in diameter; with connectors every 3 meters. We would hook it up to a huge power source (usually a sub-station) and pulse high currrent thru it [I dont remember exactly somewhere around 50,000 amps, but I remember it was in the 5 to 20 megawatt range. The pulses were
Re:fiber optics? Try COMPOSITE FIBERS! (Score:1)
For the future, not now! (Score:3)
California's problem is more of an infrastructure problem based on contradictory laws, many of which seek to avoid the consequences of the laws of nature. Mix that in with corporate and civic oportunism, and there is enough blame to go around to tar and feather everyone.
They have run into the classic "Pick two out of thre problem": Cheap, Reliable, Easy/Fast
They want to have all three, and it isn't there.
Check out the Vinny the Vampire [eplugz.com] comic strip
On bandwidth and power. (Score:1)
Haven't heard anything since.
Re:Stronger? (Score:1)
Re:About time (Score:1)
Re:This is silly, read the articles! (Score:1)
It has a higher tensile strength, yes. This means, for example, you could hang more weight from a fiber strand than you could from a steel strand of the same weight. Since fiber is much lighter than steel, this seems obvious. People seem to miss the weight piece of the equation, though.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Re:This is silly, read the articles! (Score:1)
It can be, depends on grade of steel and grade of glass. But, the steel will be much cheeper.
Re:Stronger? (Score:2)
Re:Why not use copper (Score:1)
Slightly higher tensile strength
aluminum oxide passivation layer
They used to use copper, but changed for two reasons:
1) cost
2) weight
Find a trick to make copper light and cheap, and I'm sure they'll go for it.
Re:California? (Score:2)
Californians, on average, use 15% less power than people in other states. There is already a strong conservation ethic at work here. The problem is that there hasn't been a new power plant built in the state for ten years, and in that time we've had considerable growth. We need more generating capacity, period.
About time (Score:2)
Power transmission has been basically unchanged for years. The last big change was moving to steel core aluminum from copper, and that was a cost issue, not through put. In order to meet future power demands there need to be changes at all levels production, distribution, and consumption. This is the first productive change in distribution I can remember.
Already done (kind of) in the UK. (Score:2)
The beauty of such a method is that they already have legal rights-of way onto private land where the pylons may be situated.
(If you're REALLY bored you can visit this website [pylonofthemonth.co.uk] for some pylon pictures!)
Links for goatsephobics: www.energis.net www.pylonofthemonth.co.uk
How long to get full data? (Score:3)
Still, it provides a roadmap for the future for full conversion, I just think that 2003 is probably way too early to expect data transmission
Not much bandwidth benefit... (Score:1)
Let's look at this objectively.
We are looking at putting a few fiber optic strands that are difficult to interconnect. Each fiber optic strand can carry a few giga-bits of transmission capacity. It is only going to be used along high power transmission corridors.
I really don't see us getting a lot of bandwidth or getting it in the places that we need. This looks like another "Wired Wet Dream". Though it would be interesting to use the fiber to interconnect the information backbone for the grid. Given that California ISO spent a fortune on a fiber backbone, I could see this as a benefit.
Umm - increasing efficiency? (Score:2)
In the article they say that 30,000 megawatts are lost due to line sag. Though I'm sure that such losses can never be completely negated, they can be minimized. Yes, california needs more generating capacity, but that doesn't mean it won't help to waste less of that energy in transmission.
as I reread your comment, I'm not even sure you read the article...
Re:California? (Score:1)
Because they're turned off for political and financial reasons, not because they can't generate the power. They do need some extra capacity, but they've been adding generator capacity faster than transmission capacity, and need to get caught up on the latter before they can really crank up the former.
What I like about this idea is that it's increasingly efficiency, which is always good. Ultimately though, the solution is to decrease demand by increasing efficiency at the consumption end (i.e. turn down the damn air conditioning). Fat chance.
Data isn't really a consideration (Score:2)
It looks as though the data transmission isn't high on the agenda. The initial plan is to only replace bits of lines that are sagging, so it will be a good long time before there's enough contiguous cable in there to form a backbone.
Anyone know the operational lifetime of steel cored cables?
Re:California? (Score:2)
Correction to myself - I didn't mean increased efficiency in California, I meant globally. Fat chance. ;)
Re:Why not use copper (Score:3)
Same reason they don't use gold or platinum... Wires used to be copper, though, before economics changed the laws of physics.
Anyone know if aluminium runs hotter (i.e. more transmission loss) than copper? That wouldn't be a problem for utilities, they'd just crank up the meter price to cover it. ;)
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:4)
Maybe you should take the time to read the article. There's an optimum cable diameter above which wind and ice becomes a hazard. The can't make it thicker, but they need to get more current carrying aluminium in that diameter as possible.
I do agree with you about the data though, it's more of an "Oh gee, I guess we could do that," sort of consideration.
Anyway, they'd be better paying the up front cost and burying the whole damn lot. Then they could make it as thick as they like, and lay some nice new fibre in there while they're at it. No, wait, that would require a long term viewpoint, like thinking 2, maybe 3 years into the future... ;)
they answer your question, completely, totally, and effectively, on the first page of the article.
make some kind of effort.
Re:Wow, that's fresh! (Score:1)
the main upside, as i read it, is that for a couple hundred thousand and a few weeks of work, they can make a 15% increase in the normal capacity of a high tension wire, with much higher peak carrying capacity.
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Re:How long to get full data? (Score:2)
Besides, do you really want your bandwidth from SCE anyways?
Or put fuel cells on every block (Score:1)
Re:You didn't read the reference, did you... (Score:1)
Sorry. (Score:1)
It's said that you lose about half your audience with each equation you put in a piece. This may be true for the public in general, but maybe not for Slashdot... yet Taco et alii have decided not to allow the use of the <sup> tag and other things that are needed to write even elementary exponential equations in a fashion that displays clearly. What can you do?
And one more nit (Score:2)
You didn't read the reference, did you... (Score:2)
Moreover, what's the point? (Score:3)
If you're going to run optical fiber along a power cable, it would make more sense to replace one of the outer aluminum strands with a jacketed bundle of fiber. That puts the fiber right where it's easy to work with, instead of in the structural center of the cable beneath the conductors.
You're close, but not quite there (Score:3)
Imagine a conductor going in and out of your screen, in the middle. Now assume an increasing current through that conductor, going into the screen. Since the magnetic fields from a conductor form circles around it (by the right-hand rule), you'll have a magnetic field going clockwise around the conductor.
You can assume that this current flows only on the very surface of the conductor, but that would imply an arbitrarily small depth and a rather large resistance. This is pretty obviously not the case in reality, so it's worth analyzing the situation to see what really happens. If you have a step-function increase in current along the conductor, you'll have a lot of current flowing in the surface layer, a big magnetic field around the outside, and a smaller current in the bulk of the conductor with a smaller field there. The bigger field tries to penetrate the conductor, along with its associated current. It can't do this all at once; as the field flows into the conductor it sets up eddy currents like smoke rings blowing down a pipe. These currents flow in the forward direction (the direction of the change in current) on the outside and in the reverse direction (against the change in current) on the inside. The eddy currents have to fight the resistance of the wire, and they decay exponentially with time. After a few time constants, the current is flowing pretty much evenly through the whole wire.
As you can see, if the time-constant of the eddy currents in the wire is a lot smaller than the frequency of the power in the wire, skin effect will be pretty small. The construction of the wire has an effect, too. Since the time-constant of the eddy damping is a function of the thickness of each individual piece of conductor, winding strands in thinner shells will reduce the skin effect. The trapezoidal arrangement of conductors in the aluminum-clad-steel wires may be designed for this purpose (or maybe it was just a convenient way to squeeze more aluminum into the cross-section than a single layer of pie-shaped wires would have been; my guess is, a little of both).
Re:Similar in UK already? (Score:1)
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Re:stupidest thing I've ever heard (Score:1)
Another benefit (Score:1)
Due to the high voltage, the NSA guy who splices this line [slashdot.org] will be in for a rather shocking experience. Talk about instant karma...
Re:Another benefit (Score:1)