Making Joysticks Obsolete 89
Alien54 writes "NASA has been taking a beating about their in ability to get the really important things done. ABCNEWS has a story that reveals exactly what they have been working on: Computer control of things like joystick interfaces and keyboards by reading the muscles directly. No more joysticks or keyboards. Just gestures to control, say, an aircraft. A more advanced gaming interface indeed! There is also a short video showing the current state of the art." Imagine what this device could do for the por-- I mean, gaming industry.
why the first test failed (Score:1)
(and the fire, and the screaming, and such.)
Re:Quadraplegics, USAF & NASA (Score:1)
Great (Score:1)
This is just great. Now the systems I have to build which are designed with lots of hand-waving will be controlled by hand-waving.
Anonymous cowards would never make fun of people who think they can design software without being able to program.
Re:Just like in "Firefox" (Score:2)
It's been a few years since I've watched Firefox, but IIRC it was the weapon systems that were thought controlled. And it required him to think in Russian, so I don't think that muscle sense was part of it.
Re:Simialar systems (Score:2)
A friend who was with with me said it best, when he thought about his girlfriend, the car sped up. When he thought about his job in tech support, it came to a screeching halt.
Re:Yeah, right (Score:2)
Just imagine what this can do (Score:4)
Imagine it: your plane's pilot suddenly has to sneeze, or he develops a nervous tic, or he has a muscle spasm.
"Folk's, I apologize for the rough flying back there, the pilot had to scratch an itch..."
What fun!
Re:Just imagine what this can do (Score:1)
Re:"Gesture Recognition" (Score:1)
already done (Score:1)
Re:Force feedback (Score:1)
For the dozen or so other people who have seen the Avro Arrow movie, reacll that it was the first fly by wire plane. The initial controls had no resistance, and the pilots complained.. The engineers devised some kind of system where there was some kind of feed back..
You would think that when one of the major advances of the Canadaarm recently is giving it the ability to 'feel' there aware of the problem thought...
Earth: Final Conflict? (Score:1)
Man, Star Trek: TOS seems more and more outdated.
But what to do about involuntary input? (Score:1)
Re:What happens when... (Score:1)
"I'm not gonna say anything inspirational, I'm just gonna fucking swear a lot"
Re:So why do we need to go to space? (Score:2)
The cost for space exploration is trivial. The benefits are uncountably huge. The tax revenues from the telecom industry (which would not exist in any recognizable form without modern satellite communication) from one single year would cover NASA's budget back to 1960.
So, the money's REALLY for space exploration. The rest are just freebies. You're trying to put the cart before the horse.
Pr0n? (Score:1)
And if you don't get it, as usual you REALLY need a girlfriend...
Not exactly new (Score:1)
bless you? (Score:1)
And what about people who get angry when they drive... that nervous tick is problematic enough, now it'll move the car god knows where. Unless they can manage to take such involuntary motions and harness them into good driving skills...
everyone was born right-handed, only the greatest overcome it.
Re:Alternative Interface Concerns (Score:2)
Despite the usefullness of this technology, it will not soon or easily displace a good old fashioned stick
Re:No feedback (Score:1)
Now, if they can develop this with a direct simulated neural feedback so it feels like you're touching a keyboard, while the do-hickey is just reading your muscle/neural signals, then you might have something. Except I don't know what you have that couldn't be achieved better just with an actual keyboard and mouse.
Of course, that's the cool thing about scientific/technological advance. These guys can work on this for years, never come up with anything useful, and then suddenly realize they've jsut invented the long-sought-after Infinite Improbability Drive!
Come on already! (Score:1)
Come on, that's the precision communications output organ of the body...
Re:TROLL ALERT! (Score:1)
Does your mother know your still up kiddiot? FYI I posted the link for your dumb ass. Why don't morons like you find something more productive to do with your lives... It baffles me that you idiots run around posting such nonsense.
Quadraplegics, USAF & NASA (Score:3)
About a month ago I watched a television show about people with disabilities. During the show they had this mind control based program attached to a person's head which allowed them to think of which way to turn things. The program was dropped by the USAF (or they said it was) but continues for paraplegics.
I don't recall the complete set up they had, but it seemed like electrical wiring attached to the backside of the persons head allowed them to think about moving objects in a specific direction, sent signals to their wheelchairs or in another case implanted motors in one crippled persons hand to commit the actions.
Anyways the USAF was testing it previously since they were stating that pilots had too many buttons, controls, gauges to monitor, so they were looking for alternative methods of having them manuever the aircraft when they were flying. If I'm not mistaken it (the technology) was highly used in NASA as well.
So aside from all this semi informative stuff. I would rather have NASA spend time fscking around to get things done properly then to keep having them waste money crashing, and losing aircraft.
2600 being run by Peter Pan [antioffline.com]
Link for those interested (Score:4)
Here's the information to what I was speaking about for those interested in the above thread I posted.
http://www.brainfingers.com/technical.htm [brainfingers.com] extreme thanks to Michael (don't know if he wants his last name posted) for pointing me in the right direction with the link.
Re:Just imagine what this can do (Score:1)
Or I can just stick with the plain old Joystick.
What would be better if you could control it with your nerve impulses. That way you wouldn't get tired of holding that stupid control thingy.
Stelarc's been doing this for years ... (Score:1)
Check out the work of Australian performance artist Stelarc - he's been controlling industrial robots and a third arm for many years using muscle control. Once rigged up my arm and controlled it remotely..weird sensation... He's really into the 'human body is obselete' stuff and has been looking at how he can extend the capabilities for a long time. He's got into some interesting internet based projects as well...(pingbody [va.com.au], evolving URL body [va.com.au])..
No more keyboards? (Score:1)
Or controlling a radio (Score:3)
Nintendo Power Glove? (Score:1)
It was on TV last nite (Score:2)
The future is now.
jThanks but no thanks (Score:1)
beside I just spent $40 on a happy hacker keyboard.
McGuyver tactics: (Score:3)
Some cut-off spandex from a jumpsuit, and coat button snaps sewn on backwards for the electrodes to connect to.
NASA Engineers with duct tape and a toolshed can do pretty much anything.
BTW, For info on the Neural Engineering project at NASA Ames who is working on this project, see The Neural Engineering group [nasa.gov]
No feedback (Score:4)
Basic frustration: touch feedback is much faster than visual feedback. Visual is limited to maybe 2Hz; tactile is maybe 10x that. This is one reason gloves-and-goggles virtual reality systems are so painful to use.
True force feedback is very effective. Most of the stuff on the game market is treated as a subwoofer, not a real force feedback device, so you can't judge by that.
One of the neatest force feedback devices I've come across was from the now-defunct Kraft Telerobotics. They had a backhoe you could control with a force-feedback handgrip. The feedback was good enough that you could feel what you were digging, and could reach down into a trench full of muddy water and dig around pipes by touch. Unfortunately, they got into NASA contracts instead of heavy construction and were never heard from again.
Pr0n Interactivity (Score:1)
Now all they have to do is make it Water Proof.
Carpal Tunnel! EEP! (Score:2)
Just imagine what carpal tunnel will be like after this kind of thing gets underway. Carpal tunnel in the forarms/hands/fingers is bad enough already. Just imagine if you get home from work and you're too brain-dead to find your house key or remember your spouses' name. This kind of thing could be pretty devastating if your mind works the same way as your body.
Re:"Gesture Recognition" (Score:1)
Re:"Gesture Recognition" (Score:1)
The problem with this is. . . (Score:2)
Not very.
Yet every nerve ending in your skin is highly tuned to sense pressure changes amounting to fractions of an ounce, even when the load gets over 100 lbs. of force.
We are inherently desinged for pressure feedback, not position feedback.
to paint a scary picture... (Score:2)
"Dude, check out THAT guy! I've never seen anyone jump side to side that fast before...."
Would certainly make it a bitch to cruise pr0n though, wouldnt it? the screen wont stop moving up and down! :P
Re:already done - Mac:GoldBrick (Score:1)
"Gesture Recognition" (Score:1)
However, I *would* like to find a controller (and the hooks) that can play a decent game of Tribes without the mouse and a keyboard. All the joystick styles and button combinations I can think of always come up short by a few buttons.
Re:"Gesture Recognition" (Score:1)
What about the disabled (Score:1)
Hacker: A criminal who breaks into computer systems
Great for the Air Force (Score:2)
This would be great for the Air Force. Just use your middle finger to fire a missile at your enemy! Now, the middle finger is really the way to say "fsck you."
Check in...(OK!) Check out...(OK!)
What about Feedback? (Score:1)
Re:Just imagine what this can do (Score:1)
Ah I can see it now... (Score:1)
Instructor: All right, you ready for your first solo flight?
Flight Student: Yes, I am!
*in the air*
Instructor: Excellent, you're doing a great job keeping us level.
Student: Thank you sir. It's really not that diff-- ah... ahhhhh.... AHHHCHOO!
"Runs on Linux?" (Score:1)
Pretty neat, if you ask me.
Re:Simialar systems (Score:1)
I thought that the helmet only tracked head position. The weapon would be aimed by the direction the entire head was pointing, not by the direction the eye was pointing. Hence, the gunner could look at his controls and still fire at the target. At least, that was the impression I got from Gunship!, the old Commodore-64 game :)
I don't get it (Score:2)
Re:Alternative Interface Concerns (Score:1)
Hmmmm... I get around 0.25 seconds on average without the electrodes, but I'm absolutely awful at quake - I just can't aim in time, or accurately enough, to avoid being mown done by even inferior weapons.
How much of hand-eye co-ordination is in the brain, and how much in the body? That is, can electrodes help me aim better in Quake, without using a bot?
Re:Is this good or bad? (Score:3)
And have they thought about how they're going to seal the controls to keep the vaseline from leaking into everything?
Seriously, I can just see the humans of the future as big blobs just laying in their Poetic Tech Chair [slashdot.org] twitching and jerking their way through life with attendant Aibos [aibo.com] and Palm-creatures [slashdot.org] zipping around them. Actual contact won't be necessary as we can stop and smell the roses [digiscents.com] right on the information highway.
hmmm (Score:3)
Also, when it comes to using a joystick, people can readjust their hands on the controller if they become uncomfortable. As far as I know, you'd always have to move your hand in the same way to get this technology to work.
uh.. yeeaah. (Score:1)
Can't wait till we get these at work... (Score:1)
First thing I'm going to do is map Ctrl-Alt-Del to the muscle movements involved in me giving someone "the finger." Now, when I get the BSOD, I won't have to do anything special to get it to restart.
Actually, sneezing wouldn't do much (Score:2)
Most folks here seem to think that sneezing or other involuntary actions would cause catastrophic failure or crashes. Not the case (at least not in the case of NASA's 757 simulator (some earlier slashdot post.)
The neuroelectrical signals generated by your arm muscles (motor units) are rather unique per movement. (These signals are called MUAPS - motor unit activation potentials) I.e. you flex your fingers in a fist --> some signal, flex your biceps --> some different signal. The reason is that the resultant signal is an amalgamation of the firing of several different muscle groups (motor units) at different times, and with differing geospatial orientation (from the reference point of the electrodes).
So when you're moving your arm around, the electrodes are picking up a steady stream of these MUAP signals, which may overlap. Neural nets and some quick per-user-basis learning tests can easily separate out the important MUAPS from the non important ones. And also, the involuntary muscle contractions generated by a sneeze (or whatever) would be easy for the control system to pick out and ignore.
Re:So why do we need to go to space? (Score:3)
Sure we can specifically target things like AI for ocean probes, but what's from stopping someone just like you saying 'That's sooo expensive, why not just do AI for automatic vacuum cleaners instead?'
The difference being that for Hoover or Eureka, good enough is what sells, and AI research will stop when the vacuums figure out how to navigate, plug themselves into an outlet, and not get destroyed by running into the street. AI research for Mars, or even the ocean, will hopefully design for robustness, learning capability, flexibility, and reliability.
How do we know that traveling to Mars doesn't unlock some sort of cancer cure as a side effect of making humans more fit in space? How do we know we won't cure baldness or the common cold by designing anti-radiation treatments? How do we know that we won't find the secret to room temperature superconducting electronics in the design of a lightweight yet sturdy heat transfer support structure (since there is no convection or radiative heat loss, you have to use other means)?
There is applied research, where you know the problem and try to find an answer, and there is pure research, where you don't know the problem, and thus finding an answer is as much about finding the problem as anything else. Going into space offers a lot of pure research problems; materials sciences, medicine, genetics, biology, physics, mechanical engineering, electronics, etc. How do we know how they all fit? If we did, we would already know how to solve problems and questions; we don't, so the public has to be satisfied with the fact that such lofty, grand, and otherwise pointless expeditions do have many positive secondary effects.
Traveling to Mars may unlock the secrets of buckyball transistors, or new lubricants that use buckyballs, or whatever. We don't know, yet.
Geek dating! [bunnyhop.com]
Re:Giant Robots (Score:1)
Twitch (Score:1)
I read this in Tom Clancy (Score:1)
Oh, yeah, the heroes are an FBI computer crimes division, and they break into routers and firewalls to trace the bad guys, etc. :/
Is this good or bad? (Score:1)
Or, alternately...
"Warning: Nose picker detected. Computer will self-destruct in 5 seconds."
"Remember, your friends will stab you in the back for the price of an Extra Value Meal."
Giant Robots (Score:1)
"Remember, your friends will stab you in the back for the price of an Extra Value Meal."
AHH! (Score:2)
Oh my God! For providing the best recorder stimuli, the best porn stars would have Parkinson's disease!
That's horrible!
Re:No more keyboards? (Score:2)
Damn it i'm a bastard.
Just like in "Firefox" (Score:1)
Re:already done (Score:2)
This is a new application (at least for the consumer market) with the exception of a few poorly recieved gaming devices like afore mentioned power glove.
Already done (Score:1)
> reading the muscles directly.
Hand is part of your body, although not a muscle. As far as I know Joysticks can directly read your hand movements.
This has been already done.
Well yeah! (Score:1)
"gestures to control, say, an aircraft" (Score:1)
Re:Come on already! (Score:1)
Actually, i build one ca. 16 years ago.
I needed a second Joystick-button for a game on the c64. AEK the buttons on a c64 where mapped against the spacebar for port 1 and some wierd Ctrl-sequence for port 2. You played this game with JP2 and the spacebar was used as secondary fire.
So i build a device from a pacifier, an pushbutton and some wire to put in my mouth
Voila a tongue-motion sensing device! My score rocketed :-)
You Missed It (Score:2)
Re:already done - Mac:GoldBrick (Score:1)
"Gold-Brick" attached a Nintendo PowerGlove to the ADB port (Mac-standard I/O interface) and whammo. Getto JPL DataGloves!
Got ya' one uped on that one. I BUILT my converter! Actually it wasn't very hard. Take a 25 pin parallel port connector, a nintendo gamepad extention cord, and a 4 D-Cell battery pack. Cut the cords in half, strip back some insulation, twist a few wires together, connect the D-Cell pack to the powerglove's +/- lines, and away you go! Simple as 1-2-5. Errr... 3. :-)
We will all need to use it... (Score:3)
Re:Alternative Interface Concerns (Score:1)
Well, what is a little more difficult for me to measure is the amount of time it takes us to perceive and react to stimulus. It takes a certain amount of time for your eyes to perceive the visual change and a certain amount of time for you to process and react to the change.
Can the electrodes help you aim better in Quake? Yes and No. With the Cyberlink, there is a mode called "click mode" which is only detects click signals from the electrical activitity it picks up from your forehead. So, if you are aiming and the crosshairs are over the target, by being able to react 100ms quicker, you have more of a chance of firing the weapon while you are aiming directly at your target. If you had to click a mouse button or press a key, there is a lag between your desire to fire and your ability to actually do so. That might cause you to miss your target.
But, the human body compensates for these things. From experience your brain knows there is some lag time between the desire to move a muscle and when it actually moves. But most of the time that is just fine. ASAP is usually quick enough. :)
Now, mapping a device to mouse movement AND clicking is slower. I can aim much more quickly moving the mouse around by hand than I can using my brainwaves. I can SHOOT faster using using the device, but I cannot move the mouse with more accuracy or speed that a normal person can with your hands.
Our hands are very specialized and finely tuned due to a years of use. When you try to learn to use a different stimulus to moving things around, it is almost akin to having a new appendage. It takes time for a baby to learn how to use their arms, legs and fingers. The same goes for tech that gives us new methods of control.
One thing that is a big help with fine control in the physical world is friction. The friction between muscles and where your hand contacts the mouse is very useful when you want to slow down and aim carefully. A problem with devices like this is there is no real friction, so we have to come up with methods to make virtual friction. A lot more work needs to go into this area to give a finer degree of control using this technology. :)
I hope that answered your question. :)
Alternative Interface Concerns (Score:5)
As someone who works with a related technology (Brain Actuated Technology [brainfingers.com]), I wanted to address some of the concerns I've seen a few people raise. Before I get too deeply into the discussion, I'll refer you to a previous reponse I made to the "Surfing The Net With Brainwaves?" [slashdot.org] article. If you are curious to see what I have said already about the subject, check it out.
I'm a software engineer that works with a device called a Cyberlink [brainfingers.com] that allows you to control the mouse cursor (and other peripherals) using a combination of Brain/Body signals (EEG, EMG & EOG).
From the electrode arrangement in the NASA picture I saw, it looks like they using EMG (electromyograph) signals to detect discreet electrical impulses for specific muscles. There is a lot of electrical energy involved in actuating the muscles in your body, the hard part is figuring which muscle signals of the multitudes are the ones you care about.
One of the most difficult aspects of these types of technologies is resolving a "rest state". Energy is expended even when you are trying to hold a bodypart, like your arm, still. If the movement of a joystick/mouse/wheel was mapped directly electrical activity in your arm, wrists and hands you would have to worry about keeping them stationary to begin with so you wouldn't generate interference (and cause the device to move left when you wish it to stay where it is). Electrically, we are very noisy...
If you aren't concentrating, it may cause control to "drift". For example, if I move the mouse around with my hand and I let go, the mouse cursor usually will remain exactly where you left it on the screen. But with devices that use raw biosignals, it is hard to "turn-off" electrical signals present in your body so that the device interpreting them will stop reacting to them. When I use the brain actuated mouse interface with the Cyberlink, its kinda hard to keep the mouse from NOT moving. Sure, I can move it up/down/left/right when I want to, but when I don't want it to move, it is hard to prevent it from "drifting" slightly in some direction. These are aspects of the technology I am working on fixing. As such, I am intimately familiar with most of the difficulties involved.
In the case of picking up impulses meant for your hands and arm, it becomes even harder because we use our hands all the time for other tasks.
But the good news is that these things can be tuned. There are ways around these limitations and work is being done to resolve these issues. I suffer from tendonitis in my wrists, so *I* at least have a very vested interest in making this technology work. :) This technology is tremendously useful for people with physical disabilities and there is work being done to make the technology more appealing to able-bodied persons as well. Your concerns are duly noted. (by me, at least).
If you have additional questions or concerns for someone who is familiar with this technology, feel free to drop me an email and I will do what I can to answer your questions. :)
Mmm, brain-controlled railguns... ;P
PS: An interesting side-note is that it seems to take around 100 milliseconds (1/10 of a second) for a signal to be sent from your brain to get to your index finger and trigger movement *click*. By using a reflex tester (http://www.reflexgame.com/ [reflexgame.com]) the quickest I can seem to consistantly react to the screen changing color and click 'stop' seems to be 0.33 seconds. While using the Cyberlink (with electrodes on my forehead) I am able to consistantly react in only 0.22 seconds. So, my reaction time is about 1/10 of a second faster if I don't have to wait for the signal to travel all the way down to my finger. I'm already pretty dangerous in games like Unreal and Quake, but now I can fire that much faster. It is, however, a very odd feeling. You fire faster than you are expecting to. Its surprising. I keep thinking "Whoa, I fired already?" Eventually, we'll all be able to be LPBs [about.com] of a different variety. ;P
Re:electrical storms? (Score:1)
Re: head controlled mouse? (Score:2)
It's already been done (Score:2)
Why you guys rolling on the floor?
Simialar systems (Score:3)
Unfortunately for this program, the ski program differs greatly from flying a combat, or even civilian aircraft. Since so many muscle movements are involuntary (what if the pilot sneezes?) The type of close interface provided by a neuromuscular interface is not ideal for an immediate reactive function. In the Apache gunship, a combat helicopter used extensively by the army, in-helmet sensors track the pilot's eye movements for hands free targeting. However, because the weapons don't automatically deploy, the gunner/pilot must consciously fire, and there is a buffer between the eye interface, dangerous consequences. A direct link flight system as examined in the article lacks a requirement for conscious authentication, and in my opinion, therefore makes the aircraft far too volatile, and prone to accidental adjustment. I know I sent the skier crashing into the trees more than once!
Yeah, right (Score:4)
Me: "How many times do I have to tell you... put the beer down."
You will be assimilated (Score:1)
It'll never sell (Score:1)
Force feedback (Score:2)
Practicle uses (Score:1)
but what if you don't have any muscles? (Score:1)
do i look stupid?
Re:Giant Robots (Score:2)
similarly, when like a fleet of kamikazee F-16s piloted by ghost velociraptors shoot at the robot's head, you would actually bleed from your own head.
it's so obvious if you think about it momentarily.
Not really a problem (Score:1)
Imagine it: your plane's pilot suddenly has to sneeze, or he develops a nervous tic, or he has a muscle spasm.
So when you type something in your computer, and sneeze, you suddenly type random characters? No, you sense that you'll going to sneeze, and move your hands away from the keyboard.
It's not difficult to think about how to apply the same principle for pilots: the signals from the hand muscles are interpreted only if one foot is on a pedal. To sneeze, he just steps away from the pedal for a few seconds.
And for the muscle spasm, the same is going to happen as for heart attacks: the co-pilot takes over.
Opera (Score:2)
: Noooo! Damn NASA stole our gesture movement! It was so original, and inventive, and was destined to win us a commanding lead in the browser wars!
: Well, sir, actually NASA isn't affecting our market share. After all, we too just stole the ideas from some callow Norwegian boy. And, "browser wars?" that is so passe. I believe the correct, *modern* term is "NapB2B-JavaRIAA.com"
C'mon! (Score:1)