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What Bernoulli Missed About Flight 38

GrokSoup writes: "How come planes can fly upside-down? The Bernoulli principle as applied to flight -- air moves faster over the top of the wing creates low pressure, sucking the plane upward -- always bugged me because it didn't explain inverted flight. Turns out I'm not the only one. The current New Scientist has an entertaining interview with Fermilab physicist David Anderson who explains why the Bernoulli explanation is only partial: lift from wing-shape is the least significant component of lift. Much more important is the wing's angle of attack."
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What Bernoulli Missed About Flight

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    But, velocity and angle of attack can overcome the lift forces of an inverted wing.

    So you agree with him that it's all about angle of attack if, as you imply, that velocity and angle of attack is much stronger then any Bernouli effect.

    And you got your degree in aeronautics where?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    No, it's not *all* about angle of attack. But, that doesn't mean that angle of attack doesn't have an effect.

    An airfoil will fly with 0 angle of attack. At the same time a perfectly flat wing can also fly, provided there is sufficient velocity and angle of attack.

    The flat wing is less efficient than the airfoil and will therefore require more energy to make it fly.

    I also disagree disagree with the post, you don't need an aeronautical engineering degree. Just common sense.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Whenever someone uses the same argument over and over to prove his point, it makes me think twice about his position. David Anderson repeatedly uses the 'why can airplanes fly upside down if Bernoulli is what makes wings generate lift' argument. It seem rather simple to me. The Bernoulli principle explains frictionless or low friction lift of a wing. Newton's Third law explains how the angle of attack affects the 'lift' of the wing. I agree with the idea that Newton's forces overcome Bernoulli's forces when the angle of attack is increased. But at what price.... friction! You could make a brick generate lift if you get it going fast enough with a high angle of attack, but most of the power goes into countering the friction as it is pushed through the air.

    Planes can fly upside down because they increase the angle of attack so that Newton's lift (pushing the plane up) over comes Bernoulli's lift (which is pulling the plane down). You just pay a big price in air friction while you're doing it.

    There, was that so hard to explain. I think not.

    I'm not an aeronautical engineer, just a guy who like planes and has read and thought quite a bit about lift. I just find it hard to believe that 100 years of wing designers could be overlooking the basic principles of flight.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    When I was in Jr high, one of my best friends was into radio controlled airplanes. He'd spend weeks building planes and then we'd take them out to this park near my house to fly them. One day one of the adults who also flew planes was looking at my friend's plane and told him, "That will never fly kid, you put the wing on upside down!" Sure enough he crashed it shortly afterwards.

    Funny thing, though. We had flown that plane at least a dozen times before and never had any problems until this "expert" set us straight.
  • I'm not sure what the Coanda effect is, but I believe it's just an expression of the role of viscosity in moving air around. To explain: when a fluid has no viscosity, it tends to flow very easily around sharp edges, etc. and back to its original position, say, after a wing has passed through it. When this happens, no lift, drag, or dynamic forces at all are generated - all the fun goes out of aerodynamics. However when viscosity is introduced, it puts a limit on how easily the fluid can deform to flow around objects - it restricts the velocity gradient between adjacent pieces of air, wing, etc. So when the fluid hits, say, a sharp trailing edge of a wing, it does not flow around infinitely fast and back up the other side to its previous height; it sheds off the edge at a lower point than it started, and a net force is generated.

    If you think about it, this is the way just about all of us move air - we know that if we wave a hand through the air, a certain mass of air will not be able to get around the hand, and will have to be dragged or pushed along by it in some way. The same goes with a moving wing.
  • Remember that angle of attack is measured from the stagnation point on the front of the airfoil, to the trailing edge. The bottom of a wing can be horizontal, and it can still have a positive angle of attack.

    If you bring the top and bottom airstreams together at the same height that they were divided, then there's no lift. K-12 textbooks are woefully off base in explaining that.
  • Sorry, nope.

    The curved wing explanation assumes that air wants to reach the trailing edge of the wing at the same time, regardless of whether it went over or under the wing. This is not the case. The air travelling over the wing reaches the trailing edge before the air going under, and the amount of advance is determined by angle of attack, not the camber of the airfoil.

    Read some of the websites referenced by other posts in this thread. They explain circulation in more detail, with wind tunnel photos.
  • by K-Man ( 4117 ) on Wednesday May 09, 2001 @03:57PM (#236562)
    Excerpt from the article on lift [washington.edu]. As I suspected, he's just popularizing the usual aerodynamics.

    Almost everyone today has flown in an airplane. Many ask the simple question "what makes an airplane fly?" The answer one frequently gets is misleading and often just plain wrong. We hope that the answers provided here will clarify many misconceptions about lift and that you will adopt our explanation when explaining lift to others. We are going to show you that lift is easier to understand if one starts with Newton's laws rather than the Bernoulli principle. We will also show you that the popular explanation that most of us were taught is misleading at best and that lift is due to the wing diverting air down. Most of this diverted air is pulled down from above the wing.

    Let us start by defining three descriptions of lift commonly used in textbooks and training manuals. The first we will call the Mathematical Aerodynamics Description of lift, which is used by aeronautical engineers. This description uses complex mathematics and/or computer simulations to calculate the lift of a wing. It often uses a mathematical concept called "circulation" to calculate the acceleration of the air over the wing. Circulation is a measure of the apparent rotation of the air around the wing. While useful for calculations of lift, this description does not lend themselves to an intuitive understanding of flight.

    The second description we will call the Popular Description, which is based on the Bernoulli principle. The primary advantage of this description is that it is easy to understand and has been taught for many years. Because of its simplicity, it is used to describe lift in most flight training manuals. The major disadvantage is that it relies on the "principle of equal transit times", or at least on the assumption that because the air must travel farther over the top of the wing it must go faster. This description focuses on the shape of the wing and prevents one from understanding such important phenomena as inverted flight, power, ground effect, and the dependence of lift on the angle of attack of the wing.

    The third description, which we are advocating here, we will call the Physical Description of lift. This description of lift is based primarily on Newton's three laws and a phenomenon called the Coanda effect. This description is uniquely useful for understanding the phenomena associated with flight. It is useful for an accurate understanding the relationships in flight, such as how power increases with load or how the stall speed increases with altitude. It is also a useful tool for making rough estimates ("back-of-the-envelope calculations") of lift. The Physical Description of lift is also of great use to a pilot who needs an intuitive understanding of how to fly the airplane.

  • by K-Man ( 4117 ) on Wednesday May 09, 2001 @10:49AM (#236563)
    People have debated this on the net for years, and not without reason. The bernoulli effect got put into textbooks years ago, and everyone was convinced that a wing cross-section was some magical shape that produced lift without drag, or with little drag, and that simpler shapes, like a fan blade, simply didn't have the right stuff to hold up an honest-to-goodness airplane.

    The truth is much simpler. Aircraft stay up by accelerating air downwards. The viscosity of air allows it to be pushed down by a flat object held at a positive angle of attack. Any such object will have a net difference in pressure between its top and bottom, referred to as lift (and drag). Making the wing teardrop-shaped makes the flow more laminar and reduces drag, but that's really just streamlining.
  • It's not that he disbelieved that the air went faster over the top of the wing, but he was concerned with why. Bernoulli doesn't explain why.
    Now it all makes sense :).


  • What this guy is explaining is why a curved surface causes the air to go faster. (incidentally, this guy's claim is it is not strictly the curved surface that does it, but rather the increased angle of attack that resuclts from the curved top of the wing - this explains how planes can fly upside down).
  • Sustained level inverted flight in calm air generates exactly -1G.
  • Nobody flies 747's upside down because the plane is not designed to do stunts - I don't know what its negative G rating is but I do know it's only rated for 2.5G's positive G's (most aerobatic planes are rated for +/-12 - some properly trained humans can tolerate up to +9 for short periods, and some of the big roller coasters pull +2 G's now). If it's only rated for something like -1.2G's, flight upside down only leaves you with .2G's of wiggle room before the wings tear off.

    Those big jets do fly upside down [historylink.org] though.

  • So how come yachts can sail into the wind? I always thought it was something like Bernoulli where the sail created 'lift' and one component force vector pushed the yacht forward. Are we now saying that it is the wind being deflected by the angle of attack of the sail that is pushing the yacht?

  • I have known it couldn't be all Bernoulli, and that it had to be mostly angle of attack - why?

    I am sure some of you have played with paper airplanes, as well as balsa gliders. If not, go out and buy or build one - notice how on the "el-cheapo" balsa gliders the wing is just a flat piece of balsa? Not much of an airfoil - but it does fly! Paper airplanes are even worse - they are typically folded in such a way that they actually have an almost reverse airfoil, with a notch on the upper edge...

    Speaking of paper planes - how many of you still play with them? I know I do - over the years I have managed to fold damn near every possibility. I have one design for a stunt plane that I actually have gotten to do both tail slides and flat spins (one time, the plane didn't recover, and hit the ground in a flat spin - amazed me to see that in a paper plane, something most people will never see with a full sized plane and live to tell the tale).

    BTW - Does anyone remember the Kline/Folgeman (sp?) wing? This was a wing that had a notch on the bottom - they had an article in Omni Magazine in the 80's about it, with paper planes to cut out and fly. They also had a book - and they built full size flying mock ups (as well as RC models). Supposedly, the wing was impossible (or near impossible) to stall, and could handle very well at low speeds. What ever happened to them?

    Worldcom [worldcom.com] - Generation Duh!
  • by qwertykid ( 59308 ) on Tuesday May 08, 2001 @07:00PM (#236570)
    The Bernoulli effect in itself is not strong enough to provide the lift for the aircraft. It merely is responsible for holding the airflow to the upper surface of the wing with a given angle of attack. I fly indoor model airplanes (rubber band powered free-flight) as a hobby, and i can tell you that we certainly do not have flat-bottomed airfoils. Our wings are simply ribs and spars covered on the top (covering the bottom also adds too much weight and decreases the effectiveness of the angle of attack). Without the bernoulli effect, we would not be able to have such an angle of attack in our wings without causing turbulence on the top of the wing when the airflow doesnt hold to the surface. this phenomenon disrupts the airflow over the top of the wing... most of us call it a "stall".

  • Well, structural members that were designed for a tension load would now be under compression and could easily buckle. eg the wings wouldn't have been designed to bend the other way like that.
  • Bernoulli was 100% right. Commercial aircraft prove it millions of times a day. But, velocity and angle of attack can overcome the lift forces of an inverted wing.

    As the interviewee in the NS article concluded (and I've not got my copy to hand right now), Bernoulli's not guilty here. Daniel Bernoulli (gotta be SO careful getting the right one - not Jacques, Johann or Nicholas) died in 1782, and therefore never made any attempt to explain how fixed-wing aircraft got their lift.

    What the article was saying, though, was that while Bernoulli's equations describe the airflow around a lifting wing correctly, and are therefore extremely useful, they don't explain the production of lift. That's a simple consequence of Newton's 3rd Law (not that Newton was 'guilty' either). What the interviewee said is that the airflow effects are a nicely measurable (and hence extremely useful) consequence of the reaction forces that cause lift in the first place. But not a cause in their own right


  • by SnugBoy ( 147765 )
    I am surprised somthing this trivial has appeared on slashdot. I know that not everyone is an engineer, but my gut reaction to the posting of this article is one of shock that this would be posted. I know that lots of people post news worthy aritcles every minute and they get looked over, in lieu of this sophmoric drivel.

    I am usually very pleased with the content of articles here, but this was obviously approved by a 9 year old.

  • Duh. Why do you think planes turbulance occurs?
  • The pilots of Alaska Airlines flight 261 had their MD80 flying inverted for a while. They had problems with the horizontal stabilizers, and it turned out the plane was more stable upside down.

    Trouble is, while you may be able to fly the plane inverted, you sure as hell can't land it that way.
  • Err... I don't think that this is the issue. The author is agreeing that the previous perception still stands true and is technically correct, but is not the actual reason that lift occurs. Therefore, proving the differences in airspeed would not prove or disprove this theory. The issue at hand seems to be whether or not it is air pressure which has been the classic explanation as the cause of lift, or the effects of a 'Coanda' effect, which the article describes as some tendency for fluids to 'stick' to surfaces.. which the article says causes lift by making the wing exert a force to counteract this (i think?).. anyways, the technical calculations and methods for determining lift etc are the same, it is merely the physical question as to what is actually occuring.

    at least thats what I got from the article...once I read the book I'll post again.
  • And you can say whatever you want, but is isn't easy to get a boeing 747 flying upside down. Just try it sometime in some flight simulator.

    This would only tell you what happens when you follow the rules that were programmed into the flight simulator. You can't draw conclusions about the validity or the physical relevance of those rules. This being said, I admit I also think it would be very difficult to fly a 747 upside down.
  • On one of the pages of William Beaty's Science Misconceptions [eskimo.com] site, there is a discussion of this issue with diagrams and further links. [amasci.com]
  • by Placido ( 209939 ) on Wednesday May 09, 2001 @06:06AM (#236579)
    There's a gap between the wing and the flaps because it reduces turbulence. If there wasn't any gap there would be a huge amount of wind resistance and turbulence creating severe problems for the flight of the aircraft. The gap also allows the air from the bottom of the wing to flow over the top of the flaps creating extra lift.

    Types of Flaps
    Flaps come in several varieties:
    • Plain flaps are mounted on simple hinges. The trailing edge of the wing simply pivots downward. Plain flaps are common on small aircraft because they're simple and inexpensive.
    • Split flaps hang down from the trailing edge of the wing, but the top surface of the wing doesn't move.
    • Slotted flaps work much like plain flaps. But they leave a gap between the flap and the wing, allowing air to flow from the bottom of the wing over the top surface of the flap. This airflow dramatically increases lift at low airspeed.
    • Fowler flaps are the most complicated and efficient arrangement. They move backward and downward as they're deployed, increasing both the wing's area and its curvature. Large jet aircraft usually have Fowler flaps.

    There's also leading edge flaps which are cool.

    Pinky: "What are we going to do tomorrow night Brain?"
  • Have you ever stuck your hand out the car window at speed? Did you notice that the angle of attack drastically changes the forces of the air on your hand? Now look at your hand. Does it look like an airfoil?

    It's pretty obvious from this simple test that the angle of attack is far more important than the Bernoulli effect in creating lift. It's also been pointed out a number of times,(Try this [amasci.com] for example) but somehow hasn't found its way into the science textbooks yet.

    Sorry, it's really not big news.

  • For one detailed explanation of the principles of flight available on the net: See How It Flies [monmouth.com] and also a great way to learn to fly planes!
  • I don't suppose you happened to notice who was the author of that page you used? Clue: Check who Anderson's co-author was. :-)

  • I understand that the Bernoulli effect doesn't explain flight all by itself, but is there such a problem with air going faster over a curved surface? Isn't there more surface area, so the speed relative to the wing's shape is greater?

    Time to pull out my Feynmans. ;)
  • Really, it should be easy to verify if air is moving faster over the top of the wing than the bottom with a simple experiment.

    1) Get a wing
    2) Stick it in a wind tunnel
    3) Attach airspeed measurement devices on the top and bottom (these have names, I'm sure)
    4) Start the wind tunnel and measure the difference in airspeed between the top and bottom of the wing
    5) Adjust the angle of attack and see if that makes a difference

    Otherwise, this is all talk.

    Dancin Santa
  • That's kind of what I got out of the article as well. However, with the wind tunnel experiment, it should be possible to calculate the actual amount of force generated by the Bernoulli effect over the whole area of the wing.

    The author seemed to disbelieve that airspeed above and below the wing differed. I'm surely not as qualified as he to quibble, but without more information it's hard to come to any sort of conclusion.

    It's a very tempting theory, though.

    Dancin Santa
  • Turning the plane upside down doesn't generate any G's. Barrel roll, not loop.

    Dancin Santa
  • How would -1G be any more destructive than 1G (except to the contents of the overhead bins)?

    Dancin Santa
  • Placido, you make some good points about flaps.

    There are a couple of other points to take into consideration.

    Firstly deploying flaps not only increases lift but also increases drag at the same time. Remember, aircraft also deploy flaps on approach to landing so that they may slow down to a manageable touchdown speed while maintaining enough lift to stay in the air. Imagine the length of runway required if a 747 had to land at anywhere its normal cruising speed!!

    It seems reasonable to assume that it has something to do with the angle through which a given volume of air is deflected by the wing's angle-of-attack. If you hang a flap out from a wing it will produce more lift but as a side effect will also incur more drag. Therefore the whole thing is a complex interaction between the effects of lift and drag.

    In a very simplified way, to produce a defined amount of lift you can either have a low drag wing which deflects air through a small angle at a high airspeed or you can have a high drag wing that deflects air through a greater angle at a lower airspeed. The effect of flaps is to convert one type of wing into the other during flight.

    I also think that the Bernoulli effect is more important in the area of drag reduction rather than lift production. If the movement of air over the top of the wing is kept smooth and "attached" then the amount of drag for a given angle of attack is reduced allowing the wing to produce "more" lift by reducing drag (i.e. increasing its lift/drag ratio). Turbulent airflow is the enemy of lift.



    P.S. The small Cessna's I fly also have electric Fowler Flaps so although they are common on large jets they are not restricted to them
  • ... about what they're talking about.

    To explain why planes can fly upside-down and why this hasn't anything to do with Bernoulli's law, I must first explain this law: briefly,
    The sum of the dynamic and static pressure in a fluid is constant
    Lets take an example: assume you have a narrow pipe succeeding a large one, and water runs through them. Obviously, in the narrow pipe the water's linar speed will be higher. Therefore, it's static pressure will decrease.

    Now, why do wings generate bernoulli force?

    You must have noticed the jet planes' wings' vertical shape: it's like a round triangle, with the narrow angle ahead, the lower side horizontal, and the upper slightly upwards, something like this: /_ . Now, picture the plane running through a tube. Obviously, the upper section of the tube gets smaller as the thickness of the wing increases. On the other hand, the lower sections remains the same. So, as shown above, the static pressure on the upper side of the wing decreases, while the other remains constant. This diference in pressures generates lift. THIS IS THE BERNOULLI's lift.

    Jet planes rely mostly on this lift force. But we cant picture a jet plane flying upside-down, can we ? So, lets take a plane that can: a fighter plane. Now what's the difference between the wings of this two ? YES,you GENIUS, fighter planes have straight wings, like a sheet of paper, that dont get narrower near the end. Therefore, they dont generate Bernoulli lift! So why do they fly? well it's because the wings make a certain angle with the plane's flying direction.This presses air coming from the front under the wing generating extra pressure there, while on the upper side, the air gets scarce, generating less pressure. So, this is the lift fighter planes use. Still why do they fly upside down, as, in this position, the pitch of the wings reverses, generating pull-down force? Well, it's EASY !!! The pilot keeps the plane with its nose upwards, so that the wings get a right, positive pitch. This is all ! By the way: I've read this below: that adjustable-pitch side of the wing, called FLAPS: its pitch doesnt control the lift of the plane. It just helps the pilot lift the plane's nose, so that the wings' pitch increase, and they generate more lift.

    SEE YA

  • Big airplanes, like Boeing 747, are actualy very slow and heavy objects. They have to use all possible advantages they have. That's why they have their wings shaped like that. And you can say whatever you want, but is isn't easy to get a boeing 747 flying upside down. Just try it sometime in some flight simulator.
    It's just as qwertykid says; The airflow sticks to the airwing. If one should take flat wings, the angle of attack is too big, and the plane would stall (which means that the lift from the top of the wing is gone, the lift from the bottom is still there).
    The solution to this, when building your own model-plane, is getting a better engine. Then the plane would fly faster, and the lift you would't get from the top of the wing is compensated with the lift you'd get from the bottom of the wing.
    This is why boeing has its wings shaped like that. One can't compare this to an F16 that has to be as manouverable as possible, and has to be able to pull negative G's.
    There are other solutions for getting the plane in the air, but this is the optimal one.
  • My memory may be playing tricks on me, but I think that there is an exhibit on this in the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto (if, of course, anyone is interested).

    As a previous poster mentioned, there is a wing sitting in the path of an air current, and you can rotate it so as to change its angle of attack. When it reaches a certain angle it just takes off all of a sudden. Quite neat really.

  • The flaps actually create more lift because, when they have the hole, there is actually a 'second' wing there. A good article, however, I think that it's still partially wrong. Once the airplane is in the air, then he's correct, however, getting off the ground would have a difficult time explaining this as when you're cruising along, on all three wheels, as you approach a certain speed (80kts in his Cessna 182) the plane will pick itself up, thus proving that the shape of the wing does help to get off the ground.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
