Solar Activity, Northern Lights 60
GehRehmee writes: "Just a few weeks after the sun's peak in its 11 year cycle, two large CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections) occured on the surface of the sun. Now, as the effects of those eruptions reach earth, we're experiencing an excellent season of aurora, or "Northern Lights". Fantastic red aurora are being reported as far south as central California, and amateur and professional astronomers as far south as 40 degrees latitude are on watch. SpaceWeather.com has all the breaking news, as well as details of the CME's which occurred earlier this week. Take a step outside, get some fresh air, and enjoy the sky. You might just be treated to a rare astronomical opportunity." Maybe people can post links to some of the prettier pictures for those of us (cough, cough) who live in light-polluted cities.
Right on (Score:1)
I suggest anyone that can go see em. It would be cool if we could get some good pics for others to see.
Aurora Australis? (Score:2)
I really don't know much about aurora's, so anything would be helpful. I'd like to see the lights, but would rather travel a few hundred km's south then around the planet to north America ;-)
[Enter your default Anonymous Coward .sig here]
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
SpaceWeather's Aurora Gallery (Score:3)
For those of you that just want the purdy pictures, have a look at:
http://www.spaceweather.com/aurora/gallery_20mar01 .html [spaceweather.com] - spaceweather's aurora borealis gallery of photos
Or alternatively just go direct to a few pictures found in the gallery:
Enjoy! These things are really a lot more impressive in person, as they dance around the night sky. Picture those early Windows 3.1 screensavers superimposed into space and you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about. (Please, stay seated, Bill Gates doesn't actually rule the universe, that was just a for-instance.)
Holy shit. (Score:3)
Saw the lights, really neat.
Kinda sad that I had to be told this by a geek site
In any case, they aren't as impressive as they were in Alaska, I'd bet you it's really interesting up there right now.
Supposedly you can make a device that will "hear" ELF, or the part of the spectrum the lights are related to - as well as listening to the messages sent to US submarines.
(sounds really bad, I'm tired)
Its quite easy to make, as the frequencies are really low, and are about equal to the hearing range of the ear (but are in the EM spectrum as opposed to sound)
I'll post a link tomorow.
Being in an area with rolling blackouts would be cool right about now. . .
Well, gnight. . .
(falls asleep at keyboa
I have a shotgun, a shovel and 30 acres behind the barn.
Aroura in the UK? (Score:2)
Electronics Suffer (Score:1)
Now that computers have minute electronics inside them, I wonder if the flares will affect the computers chips etc.
Radiation screws with electronics, thank goodness for the Van Allen belts around the Earth that shield us from most of it.
Cav Pilot's Reference Page [cavalrypilot.com]
Southern California (Score:2)
Re:Southern California (Score:1)
Re:Aroura in the UK? (Score:2)
Please, don't. The Russians got one in 1917 and then followed more than 70 years of communism :-)
For the lucky ones that never heard of this: a cannon shot from a ship called Aurora started the communist revolution there.
Damn my climate. (Score:1)
The second saddest thing may be that seattle chose tonight to end its winter drought. Its raining here and so the lights are a no go
Re:Southern California (Score:1)
Pictures here (Score:2)
Not big deal for me... (Score:2)
You know, back where I lived before (Muonio [muonio.fi], Finland), Northern Lights were not at all an unusual sight. Last time I saw Northern Lights in Rovajärvi back in late 1999. (Should go to Lapland more often...) So, personally this is not a big deal to me. Ooo, more pretty colors.
But in case you saw this interesting phenomena first time, congrats, now you have got a glimpse of what you've been missing all this time. =)
Damn low latitudes (Score:1)
Anyone want to claim the "closest to the equator aurora" award ?
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
Re:Aroura in the UK? (Score:2)
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
Re:Not big deal for me - neither for me (Score:2)
I'm born in the northern Sweden and I've been used to it from childhood.
When doing my military service in the northern Sweden this became even more visible to me.
When doing guard duty, everything was blacked out, no lights where allowed into the night. Our eyes was adapted to the night and the Aurora was soooo intensive in our eyes. It was so unbelievable beautiful that I even looked forward to guard duty during these cold nights of -35C.
Beeing alone in the night 'guarding' some shit military installation and watching this phenomenoum, I feelt pretty lucky to be one of the few that was on guard these night.
If you haven't seen this phenomenoum first hand in an environment without disturbing lights I strongly suggest that you take any chance to experience that. It's amazingly beutiful.
Cool! (Score:2)
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:3)
do we see the lights on the east coast? (Score:1)
California could be in for more power crisis (Score:2)
Aurora links from Alaska (Score:2)
No preview on this attempt, since the post seemed to get lost during preview on the first try.
Re:Damn my climate. (Score:2)
Some aurora pics (Score:4)
http://magi.yok.utu.fi/~magi/kuvia/series/display. cgi/aurora.ser?height=768 [yok.utu.fi]
They were taken with Casio QV-3000EX/Ir digital camera. Unfortunately there's no serial or USB driver for Linux for the camera, so I have to boot to the damned winshit to download the pics (it's actually the only thing I use it for). It would be great if the USB storage driver guys or gPhoto guys would get a driver working at last.
The first panorama was made with the Casio Panorama program; it works under WINE just fine. Two panoramas were done with GIMP. Other pics were brightened with xv. The despecle filter of GIMP helps a little with noisy pictures, but perhaps not enough.
I chose Casio QV-3000 especially for its bright lens (F/2.0) and long exposure time (60s), which are important for astrophotography.
Re:Ug. (Score:1)
"hearing" the lights, links to pictures, etc.. (Score:3)
I live further south now (still in Canada -- Winnipeg, to be precise), and we can still see the lights at least once a week, in the winter (if you leave the city).
If you *really* want to fully experience the lights, there's only one place to go - Churchill, MB, Canada. Why Churchill, you ask? As it turns out, it's almost right under the most active Aurora Borealis area on earth. They get visable activity there over 200 nights a year (as i recall - it's been a few years since i've been up there). Various governments around the world have a joint atmospheric studies lab up there, and there's a rocket-launching pad too. Did i mention polar bears?
Oh, hey, some links would probably be cool.
.------------ - - -
| big bad mr. frosty
`------------ - - -
Re:Aurora links from Alaska (Score:1)
Jan Curtis [alaska.edu]
Great photos and they update them frequently. We've had some great activity over the last couple of weeks.
a little more appropriate holy shit (Score:1)
from spaceweather.com
wowza. aren't we tiny.
Solar Activity (Score:1)
You may have even been able to project it, I'm not sure. I took a few shots with my 500mm lens (again, through a solar filter)
but haven't processed the film yet. In addition to the large spot there were a couple dozen smaller spots, all lined up and
converging on the solar equator. I don't know if the aurora has been very evident around here, but I'll take a look tonight.
Re:Electronics Suffer (Score:2)
Light polluted? (Score:3)
Sounds like you live in an air-polluted city as well.
Re:Holy shit. (Score:3)
My girlsfiend said they were very romantioc and later that night I experienced a coronal mass ejection.
The real Y2K danger (Score:1)
Alaska (Score:1)
NOAA has a satellite map of this (Score:1)
If you really want to see whether you should be getting some of this good stuff in your sky tonight.
Geeking Out (Score:1)
Heard about it right before I saw them when a 6' tall self proclaimed red-headed geek girl at a party said we were supposed to be able to see them.
Instead of partying hard, this house full of geeks emptied into the street and "oh'd" and "ah'd"...pretty pathetic bunch if you ask me...fridge full of beer and we're out looking at the sky like a bunch o' dorks.
Oh well, they were beautiful just the same.
Re:"hearing" the lights, links to pictures, etc.. (Score:1)
Actually, they do - it's called the Auroral Whisper. I friend of mine heard it once when he was camping in a remote part of Scotland. The night was very still, there was *spectacular* aurora, and he could hear a sound like the wind hissing through the grass.
There was a program on the Discovery Channel months ago about researchers in Alaska being able to modulate the sound that aurora makes using a microwave transmitter.
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
My cell phone (Score:1)
Re:Geeking Out (Score:1)
OK .. just want to understand this .. being "cool"/"interesting" is about having a one-dimensional mentality concerned only with the next self-indulgent, predictable alcohol-induced stupor and lame, predictable alcohol-induced "conversation", whereas being "dorky" involves experiencing a wide range of all the amazing, unusual things that the universe has to offer. Am I understanding this right? I mean, I'm trying to be "cool" and all, but I guess I just don't get it. To recap then, if I spend my entire life thinking and talking only about shoes and beer, and remaining in an ignorant stupor about even the most basic workings of the world I live in and interact with every day, I'll be "cool" then? If I blindly listen to whatever manufacture "music" huge corporations are hyping today, I too can be "cool"? If I wear the brands and logos that huge corporations tell me to wear, I'll be "cool"?
Basically, as I understand it, if I decide to have a mind of my own, and spend my life experiencing and learning about as much as possible of the world I live in, I'll be "dorky". But if I decide to never think, to do what society tells me to do, to buy what corporations tell me to buy, and spend my life listening to the same lame meaningless repetitive conversations over and over again till I die, I'll be "cool".
Sounds great. Sign me up.
Re:"hearing" the lights, links to pictures, etc.. (Score:1)
Like a Lovecraftian novel--there are ancient, colossal forces we have no effect on. We are as insignificant as an infinitesmal speck of dust on the figurative heel of some extra-dimensional god.. (yea, too long in the cold..)
Bet you ten bucks that's what's happening tonight up there.
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
sign up for aurora alerts, get real-time info (Score:1)
Also, you can check out real-time satellite maps showing the extent of the auroral circle (in both N and S hemispheres) at www.sec.noaa.gov [noaa.gov] (note that the site has down -- or overwhelmed -- intermittently over the past day or so). Of course, if you live someplace dark you can just go outside and see for yourself, but if you're in a light-polluted area like me you can at least tell beforehand whether it's worth taking a drive to someplace with better skies. (Which I attempted to do last night, but unfortunately clouds thwarted my valiant attempt :-( )
Re:Holy shit. (Score:1)
It gave a strange red glow to the sky...
Northern Lights (Score:1)
Still, to this day, the single coolest thing I have ever seen. Imagine an all-natural Pink Floyd laser show.
Re:Electronics Suffer (Score:2)
View from Orem, Utah (Score:1)
here [harrison.org]
The 13th and the 24th pictures are pretty good.
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
Re:Geeking Out (Score:1)
enjoy the rest of the show mate
Re:Geeking Out (Score:1)
Re:Geeking Out (Score:1)
Oh, I see it was your post. I was responding to your own statements about being a bunch of pathetic dorks because you weren't inside drinking beer. I'm surprised you didn't, like, get the connection, you know, having been the person who actually like made that statement. Wow. How do you manage that?
more detailed information - a solar flare monitor (Score:1)
Then drink some more beer, and after you decide you need a firewall to protect your network against the sun
* Origin: All you solar flare are belong to maj.com but all you packet are belong to smoothie!
Arizona sighting (Score:1)
If the aurora borealis can make it to Arizona, anything is possible.
Los Alamos, New Mexico! (Score:2)
for the first time in my life. It was
beautiful. Too bad my camera couldn't
catch it. But to be in NM to see it was
a special touch.
Guess I got lucky.. Saw it in Las Vegas!! (Score:1)
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)
Re:Cool! (Score:1)
Talk about synchronicity!
Re:Aurora Australis? (Score:1)