Just Thinking About Work May Trigger Stress 16
Ant sent in this article about measurements of stress hormones on Monday mornings. "While on-the-job stress is a well known and widely felt presence, new research suggests that even thinking about Monday morning may send people's stress hormones upward." Clearly the lesson to be learned is: don't think.
Re:The Almighty Mind (Score:2)
Then you're probably trolling on Slashdot.
Re:Work satisfaction (Score:1)
Re:It affects a biofeedback easy enough. (Score:1)
Work satisfaction (Score:1)
Its not work (Score:1)
Re:Next study (Score:2)
I wonder... if thinking about work causes stress, does thinking about stress causes work?
What causes this stress? (Score:3)
Re:I thought this was already well-known (Score:1)
You've misheard that. It's not "locks", it's "lox". Rastafarian's dread lox. They live in mortal fear of smoked salmon! This is why you never see any Rastas in Jewish delicatessens - it's all the bagels and lox that keep them away.
But seriously, this study seems to be one of those everyone-knows-its-true-but-we-have-to-measure-it- to-call-it-science type studies.
Of course I dread coming to work. How could I not? I come in and spend eight hours behind a computer screen in a room where
It's really a depressing place, so...yeah...it's stressful.
It affects a biofeedback easy enough. (Score:1)
The stress is registered before the body has even begun to react. Sure sign of a uniquely human neurosis.
Smoke pot and live longer.
I thought this was already well-known (Score:1)
I remember reading about this years ago. Apparently the incidence of heart attacks is greatest around 3:00am on Mondays due to the 'dread' of going to work.
Speaking of dread, What is it that Rastas dread? Locks? If they dread locks so much, they shouldn't get into trouble in the first place!
Re:I thought this was already well-known (Score:1)
You've misheard that. It's not "locks", it's "lox". Rastafarian's dread lox.
Come to think of it, it could be LOX (liquid oxygen) they dread. I've never seen a Rasta around a rocket, have you?
It isn't the work I dread (Score:2)
Of course I only work one day a year, but you know where I'm coming from.
Dancin Santa
Re:Work satisfaction (Score:1)
Work should provide personal satisfaction and pride, not just a paycheck
When you find that perfect job, let me know - I'll send you my resume.
Ideally I'd make longbows for a living, but not until I've paid off my mortgage. Until then, I'll climb the corporate ladder and hope that one day I'll receive a stock offer that's worth more than the paper it's not written on. ;)
Next study (Score:1)
Wait a minute.... (Score:1)
But seriously, while I agree that this happens, its also because we let it happen. It's all in the attitude, and if one has a job that is highly stressful (and unenjoyable) then it only stands to reason that the very thought of it will cause stress as well, dread of having to do the job. If one enjoys what they do, then the stress is easier to manage, and no doubt the thought of it won't cause nearly as much distress.
It's such a shame that most people insist on keeping jobs that pay well, but they hate.
The Almighty Mind (Score:1)