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Black Holes Don't Exist? 38

An Anonymous Coward sends this link about a physicist who is trying to prove that black holes can't exist. It'll be a shame if he succeeds; this would eliminate one major plot element that sci-fi writers have been able to rely upon for years.
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Black Holes Don't Exist?

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  • If you see this, please respond because I want to be corrected. One thing you said, about having densities higher than neutron stars, can't be true. I remember reading (somewhere) that as the density increases, the 'stiffness' of the matter increases, as does the speed of sound through it. If the density reached a certain limit, sound would travel through it faster than light speed, which can't be; so that's the limit of a neutron star and anything more dense must be a more condensed form of matter (black hole).

  • The most eye-catching line in Mitra's paper is towards the end. He claims that string theory is having trouble admitting black holes, so folks are trying to fudge it. "However, ironically, string theorists, at this moment are guided by the erroneous notion that GTR yields BH with M>0, and are struggling to wiggle out of this result by modifying the definition of event horizon into the socalled "stretched horizon"." Before Hubble (the astronomer, not the satellite) claimed to have observational evidence that the universe is expanding, Einstein produced equations that showed that the universe had to be expanding (or contracting). But, big Al didn't have the courage to trust the mathematics, and he introduced the "cosmological constant," a fudge factor to allow a non-expanding universe. After Hubble later released his results, Einstein called the cosmological constant his greatest professional mistake. It seems that string theorists may have been introducing fudge factors of their own to allow singularities. Wouldn't it be neat if they should have just trusted the mathematics, too? Upon re-reading this post, it seems to be hard on Einstein, but it's not intended to be. He's the man!
  • Huh... I hadn't seen that particular formulation of the problem before. A Google search returned this page [geocities.com], which is just a summary without references, and this one [livingreviews.org], which isn't exactly on the same topic but does give some numbers. In both cases, the limiting mass (which depends on the Equation of State for matter at extreme densities, which isn't known) is far greater than known neutron star masses, though.

    In any event (and this is not my specialty, so take this with the standard grain o' salt), the reason that a collapsar is expected to stop collapsing at neutron-star stage is that the neutron degeneracy pressure (basically, the Pauli Exclusion Principle in action) is able to resist the mutual gravitational forces up to some limit -- by calculation, 1.4 to 1.8 solar masses, although it appears that a value of 2.3 solar masses has been observed [washington.edu]. Clearly, though, greater densities can exist, because if the limiting mass is exceeded the collapse continues -- to form a black hole, if you accept the present standard formulations of the problem. It's just that we don't know of a stronger force than neutron degeneracy, which will be able to resist the gravitational collapse. During the formation event (typically a supernova), if the collaspe forces (gravitation, implosion) exceed the neutron degeneracy forces, there's nothing to stop the continued collapse (through higher densities) to a black hole. Our lack of knowledge doesn't mean there's not a further stable state, though -- only that we don't know about it. Some scientists have speculated that a further point might exist in a quark star [sciencemag.org], which would consist (at least in its core) of free strange quarks. But some models [raytheon.com] of quark stars end up with lower densities than neutron stars... the problem is that we just don't know enough, yet.

    (BTW, there's good info here [umd.edu] on neutron stars, from a specialist.)


  • So until today, I think if you'd asked any well-informed astronomer, the answer would have been, "Why of course black holes have been proven to exist."

    As Dr. Mitra points out in his paper, what's really been demonstrated is that there's something more dense than a standard-model neutron star -- which I believe is an accurate assessment. He explicitly addresses (and allows for) the existence of things more dense than that, however -- he just "forbids" them from forming event horizons and turning into black holes. If black holes are "allowed", present theory doesn't provide for anything between neutron-star density and black holes, though: a collapse past neutron-star density just "keeps going."

    IIRC the paper in Science revealing the compact massive object in our own galaxy's center actually made the statement that it was more dense than a neutron star -- and therefore could only be a black hole. (Of course, after that they simply called it "the black hole"...).


  • Two comments. First the matter of naked singularities is of some debate...in fact it was the subject of a bet between kip thorne and steven hawking which was settled recently. Certain very specific simulations seemed to show that naked singularities could exist...but there are doubts that this simulations are actually physically realizable. More may have been done since I heard about it please correct me if I am wrong. Secondly very many smart physicists belive in black holes so it is nothing to be dismissed lightly. It seems, both from your summary and the article that many of these rejections are based in some specific time frame. Indeed in the frame of some object (I forget which) the mass never actually reaches the event horizon. So in a suitably choosen reference one might try to claim black holes cannot exist. However, I asked Kip Thorne this question in lecture and if I understood his response correctly it was that yes in some time frame the event horizon is never reached but because of the singular nature of the black hole this infinite time in one frame can be only a finite time in a differnt frame forcing us to take the concept of a black hole seriously. If it is our time frame where the object takes an infinite amount of time to fall into the black hole then one might succesfully argue they don't concern us (they exist but only in our infinite future)...but I don't remember which time frame it is and I may just be entierly misinterpreting what was said. But the point being very smart physiucists have not been ignoring these problems and it seems highly unlikely that "simple" arguments could disprove their existance at this junture.
  • But just because that something cannot be explained by any other means, does that necessarily require whatever random theory may explain the phenomenon to be true? In the 1500s, people KNEW the earth was flat; it of course wasn't, but the point is that a widely accepted assumption is not a fact. The only proof that a black hole exists is to actually find one. If ever a body was found that exhibited all the properties of a black hole, and was without a trace of doubt a black hole, then it would be proven that black holes exist.
  • Close, but actually you'll never observe a black hole if they exist -- you can only see the lack of information at the event horizon (the hole in the doughnut, if it's exactly between you and a light source).

    If you can see the object, then the good Dr. is right, as an event horizion has not formed and light is escaping :-).

  • Indeed in the frame of some object (I forget which) the mass never actually reaches the event horizon.

    In its own frame of reference the falling object never reaches the event horizon. For an outside observer the time to reach the event horizon is finite.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    So you don't like what the scientist is trying to do .. doesn't mean its not important. Science is not about trying to find out what we want to hear - thats called religion. If you have proof that black holes do exist, let us know, until then scientists are free to try disprove them. Scientists doing research like this are an important part of science, scientific assertions must be verifiable.

    Scientific results don't have to be popular, just verifiable. Typical fucking /. idiot moderator style, moderating something down just because you don't like what they're saying.

  • >During the formation event (typically a >supernova), if the collaspe forces (gravitation, >implosion) exceed the neutron degeneracy forces, >there's nothing to stop the continued collapse >(through higher densities) to a black hole.

    Well, it's not due to "higher densities".

    First, 2 facts to clear up some of the stuff of the previous post(s):

    (a) Neutron stars always have densities that are less than nuclear density (i.e. the density of a nuclei, about 10^-15 g/cm3). The point is that there is no "smooth" transition from finite to infinite density : the collapse is catastrophic and highly unstable.
    (b) The standard calculation of a "chandrasekhar mass" of a neutron star uses the so-called Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation (which Mitra is questioning : I have not read his paper since I'll let the bigger guns shoot him. There are _a lot_ of crazy people out there....), combined with an equation of state for fermions. In a standard "non-GTR" calculation, a mass of about 6 solar masses is obtained for collapse to BH. In a proper OV-GTR calculation, a mass of about 2.5 solar masses is obtained.

    Now, my point : "mass densities" no longer has any meaning at high gravitational fields since the fermions no longer just contribute mass, their mass contributes to increasing curvature which modify the metric. This relationship is highly nonlinear (kind of a "feedback" thingie I suppose. In standard white dwarf Chandra mass calculation, the metric is always fixed in the weak-field Newtonian limit). Usually, in the weak-field limit, increasing density will increase the degeneracy pressure, so adding mass to a fixed radii will increase the pressure. However, in strong fields adding mass pass a certain point will actually reduce pressure because of the OV equation :

    dp/d(rho) = (m(R)+4piR^3)/R(R-2m(R)) (set G=c=1 as usual, and rho = density)

    Note the denominator R-2m(R). Usually in weak fields, dp/d(rho) >1, since R>2m(R) so adding mass will add pressure. However, at a certain fixed m(R), R2m(R), and adding mass will _decrease_ the pressure instead.

    It turns out that the critical density when this happens actually is less than the nuclear density.

  • "Why is this such a big deal?"

    I haven't noticed anybody around here claiming that this is a big deal. Just another bit of scientific research that some /. readers may find interesting, but certainly not "a big deal". Did someone here tell you it was a big deal?

  • It's 10^(15) g/cm3 not -15. (silly me)

    There is a singularity in the OV equation at R=2m(R). This is a result of the coordinate system we uses, and is not a physical singularity so no worries.

  • whats wrong with tis guy?has he been nippin' at the cough syrup or somethin'. black holes have to exist.All a blackhole is is a dead star that is so dense that it absorbs everything. Now, is he saying that they don't exist or that they don't suck up light waves?
  • I have to admit I agree with the fellow. The commonly accepted idea of a black hole with a singularity at its center just doesn't make sense. A singularity is supposed to be a highly compressed mass measuring 0 in every dimension, so as to be infinitely dense. How can this notion make any sense? If 0 windows boxes exist in the universe, then there are no windows boxes. Likewise, if there is an object which has 0 length, width and height, then it is an object which doesn't exist. That means singularities are massless and black holes, under that idea, do not exist.

    Several years back, I read an idea which was far more to my liking. It was based on a theory by Roger Penrose(1), which states that the fabric space-time, as we know it, is comprised of much smaller, multi-dimensional space-times. These building block space-times are incredibly small; in fact, they exist on the order of the planck length(1.6161x10^-35 m). The idea proposed was that collapsing stars would get "stuck" in this fabric and would never possess any measurement smaller than that of the planck length. In essence, they become *really* tiny ECOs.

    (1)This is a bit ironic, given that Penrose gave the first "proof" that singularities *must* exist.

    If I understood his question correctly, RedLaggedTeut asked if the space-time curvature around a black hole would make it impossible to view.

    The nature of a black hole is such that it cannot be viewed. It is an absence, not a presence, so there is nothing to view, hence it is black. I cannot provide any information regarding curvature rate, but if I had to conjecture, I would say that space-time does not bend more quickly in the presence of increased gravity. If I remember correctly, two supermassive stars, but of different masses, will collapse at the same rate. This would indicate to me that collapse is regulated by the structure of space-time. However, someone from
    http://www.physlink.com [physlink.com] may be able to provide a more accurate and far more knowledgable answer.

  • Using that line of logic, it's not currently possible to determine the existence of black holes: we're not liable to "actually find one" since they elude all sorts of detection. That is why Hawking radiation is such a big deal, it's been our biggest lead lately. If we sent a few thousand probes in every direction continuously streaming back noise, and marked the point they stopped transmitting, a black hole is only one of a thousand possible explanations (reinforced by NASA's field record of less-than-perfectly functioning equipment). We could find one visually if it were close enough, or if we had a powerful enough telescope, by noticing that stars behind it are all not where they are supposed to be, and sometimes appearing twice. Since our current sky-scanning equipment can't even handle 25% of the sky, this isn't likely either. Maybe we will get lucky and the Hubble will find the phenomenon for us while it's shooting something else :) My point is, physical evidence is not always the best way to discover something, especially when talking about space. Statements that begin with "The only proof..." or "The only way..." ultimately tend to be false. Limiting options is counter-productive to the future.

    Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow
  • Seriously, this is possibly the worst written article I have ever read. Now, if one were to post the article from "Foundations of..." I would be much happier. I mean, is it too much to ask for some punctuation?
  • I might be misunderstanding you, but I believe that is backwards; In it's own frame of reference a falling object will reach the event horizon, and if you happen to be in this object, and are still alive to look back the way you came in, you will see the universe ending behind you. That is, if the Big Crunch theory is right. Otherwise I can't guess what you might see. To an outside observer, on the other hand, the object will never reach the event horizon, and, in fact, wont even appear to be moving. That's just the way I understand it, and I, of course, hold no degrees in any physics, but that is the way it seems to make sense. I've been reading some very interesting stories about just this idea, as told by Greg Egan. I particularly like his short story, "The Planck Dive". You can find his stuff at http://www.netspace.net.au/~gregegan/index.html

    Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow
  • Ok ok, So I know we haven't actually proven them yet. Assuming to the current thoughts (apart from this guy) is there something which allows for a black hole to be visible to the naked eye just after it has formed?

    I've just watched Stargate :D (Yeah I know, that kind are hardly a found of serious info, but the show is kind of cozy)

    and in one episode a team is caught on the ground when a black hole suddenly worms in the solar system where the planet is located. And the hole is visible from the ground - at least for the first few seconds.


  • And they prevent free trade of information on the internet, by sending certain IP's into them.
  • Why is this such a big deal? It's not like black holes were ever proved in the first place. And it's not like they still can't be used in sci-fi. God only knows the number of scientific inaccuracies in movies like that, what's another one going to hurt? All in all I think that this article should be appreciated; opposing views help to discern fact from fiction. Additionally, the lack of any proven existing black holes did hurt the theory to begin with. My only question is: What about wormholes? Is there any other way that spacetime could tear without blackholes (or similar phenomenons)? Would this kill one of the ten dimensional superstring theories, since it relies on six of our dimensions being trapped in another universe that broke off of our own just after the big bang?
  • by re-geeked ( 113937 ) on Friday December 22, 2000 @10:19AM (#543343)
    Do any known observations include phenomena that can only be attributed to singularities, as opposed to just really, really dense objects?

    E.g. Hawking radiation, as theorized, would seem to require an event horizon, but would it look any different than radiation from accreting matter? If so, have these differences been observed?
  • by krlynch ( 158571 ) on Friday December 22, 2000 @12:16PM (#543344) Homepage

    The short answer is "NO": there are no observations that can only be attributed to singularities. But, then again, there are no observations that CAN be attributed to singularities. That's what the singularity theorems say: gravitational collapse (even in GTR) can not result in a "naked" singularity, that is, a singularity which is not hidden from view. In the case of non-extreme black holes, the singularity would be hidden from view by the event horizon; and all known extreme black hole solutions are unstable, so they probably can't ever be formed in the first place! Unfortunately, I don't think these "no-go", or "cosmic censorship" theorems have been proven (although I don't really know, since I haven't followed the field closely in the last year or so).

    It must be pointed out that the "singularity" that we are talking about at the bottom of the black hole probably doesn't actually exist, even in the absence of the censorship theorems - the existence of a singularity (or non-removable infinities) tells us simply that we don't know what happens in the neighborhood of the points. In this context, it means that the local space-time curvature in the neighborhood of the classically predicted infinity exceeds the value at which you need to consider the quantum properties of gravity - i.e. we need a quantum theory of gravity.

    I haven't read this paper that is referenced, but I would guess that either: 1) the paper doesn't say what the article says that it says, or 2) the guy is a kook. I say this since thousands of physicists over the last 80 odd years have done the mathematical proof that black holes exist in GTR (and in fact, they exist in any metric theory of gravity, I believe); that is not the same as saying that you can physically create a black hole, but most astophysicists don't see a reason why it wouldn't happen - the dynamic (computer based) models show the formation of black holes under realistic conditions that we KNOW exist in the universe does occur: put enough material in a small enough area, and you get a black hole...and once you have one, they are stable. The other thing to note is that GTR properly predicts the evolutions of stars, the existence of white and brown dwarfs, and the existence of neutron stars...the exact same equations that predict the existence of black holes.

    Hawking radiation is a quantum effect that leads to stuff "tunneling out of the black hole", but it occurs at a phenomenally miniscule rate for any black hole of the type formed in stellar collapse. It is a long, but straightforward derivation based on GTR and quantum field theory. Hawking radiation would only be visible in the final stages of evaporation of very light black holes that would only have formed at the time of the big bang.

  • Not sure that this is one of his arguments, but I always wondered whether space time would't bend faster ( slowing down time ) in the presence of more gravity such that you could never observe a black hole from the outside, only matter that comes closer and closer to the event horizon, never quite reaching it.

    Same thing as for the astronauts twins .. (http://www.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/srel_twi ns.html) the astronaut will not age at all when hitting the schwarzchild radius, so a black hole would be perfect if it existed .. And rate of slowdown of time is sqrt(1-v/c) .. which is the same effect that prevents matters from reaching light speed.

    Interestingly, this effect seems to be like the doppler effect for sound waves. Continue thinking along that line, that would mean you can't go past light speed because that would mean breaking invisible links that existed between matter.

    Continuing that thought, you might be able to go above light speed if you could make yourself completely invisible from all or most forces and other emissions, like light waves.

    No idea how you could do that - so its just replacing one riddle by one that isn't much easier.

    Now to continue daydreaming, that would also explain what happened at the philadelphia experiment - the ship cloaked, someone sneezed, and they ended up somewhere else - most likely in outer space.

    I should end this with a REALLY funny note, but I got none.

  • footnote 1: usually, if something is "perfect" or in other words, a singularity, mathematically it has have existed from the beginning. So, real black holes might exist, but only in places where they were from the beginning.

    footnote 2: the other theory what would happen to a ship that successfully conducted a perfect philadelpia experiment would be that it ended up in its own little universe - without a decent source of power to pop out again.

  • by bcrowell ( 177657 ) on Friday December 22, 2000 @05:32PM (#543347) Homepage
    The preprint is here [arxiv.org].

  • check this out for some more stuff on disproving black holes http://mist.npl.washington.edu/AV/altvw100.html
  • That might also explain why all the particle wave functions in the universe did't collapse into the first black hole that formed.
  • I disaprove of black holes too. Just think: if I were to go into one, I'd be stuck!
  • by tesserae ( 156984 ) on Friday December 22, 2000 @06:41PM (#543351)
    I've got the paper open in PDF format, and am trying to read it...

    What he appears to claim is:

    1. Within the formal General Theory of Relativity, a trapped surface (a surface formed by light moving radially outward, which is not expanding because of the gravitational field inside the surface) cannot exist. This appears to imply that the mass inside the surface goes to zero as the radius goes to zero...

    2. The proper radial length goes to infinity as the radius goes to zero, so the collapse process continues indefinitely (he refers to Eternally Collapsing Objects -- ECOs)

    3. Because there is no trapped surface and the collapse itself takes infinitely long, all the mass interior to the collapse is radiated away as electromagnetic energy (he refers to Eternally Collapsing Objects -- ECOs)

    4. There can therefore be no "naked singularity" problem, because a finite-mass Schwartzschild black hole doesn't form: the mass "escapes" during the collapse.

    He does allow for massive compact objects, however, even with densities larger than that of a static neutron star -- and claims that the infinitely-long accretion time prevents the gravitational radiation from being observed. He allows for exotic equation-of-state matter ("quark stars") and points out that extremely large magnetic fields are possible if black holes aren't allowed -- which might explain some of the more exotic species of high-energy objects, like gamma bursters and so on.

    For the most part, what he's doing is beyond me -- my degree's in physics, but it's been a long time, and this is esoteric stuff. But the flavor of it is this: past work has made several incorrect simplifying assumptions, and when the physics and math are done correctly, black holes can't exist. It'd take me a year to check his math, though, so I'm going to stop right here.

    Interesting stuff -- this will be very controversial, and we should know shortly whether or not he's made a trivial error. If not, the arguments will take years...


  • time now and I've got the time-stamped messageboards to prove it. That's not to mention the dozens of people so inspiried by my message that they emailed me saying I was a freaking idiot... But the fact remains, no object following the laws of physics can do the things a black hole is credited with. I know I'm being light on real facts here but my theory is quite legenthy and most likely lost on this crowd. If you would really like to know more, feel free to email me... If you can't figure out how to email me, you proably don't need to.
  • No, unfortunately it seems that we are both wrong. Here [ucr.edu] is an explanation.
  • Cool, thanks for trying to digest it for us...I also have a physics degree, but haven't even tried to read the paper.

    One thing I'd wonder about is whether the spacetime outside an ECO is predicted to be any different than the spacetime outside a black hole. After all, at large distances I don't see how the field can be anything but a Newtonian 1/r2. Maybe close up the field would be different -- so maybe his theory would make different, testable predictions about the x-ray spectra that have been observed for matter falling into black-hole candidates?

    I'm also unclear on how you can have a permanent ("eternal") gravitational field pattern if all the mass is gone...???

  • Why is this such a big deal? It's not like black holes were ever proved in the first place.
    There are a bunch of very solid candidates for several-solar-mass black holes. Basically you look for a binary star where x-rays are coming out due to infalling matter being pulled off of the "normal" (giant) companion. In a binary, the masses can be determined. If the mass is beyond a certain amount (I've forgotten, 3 solar masses?), it can't be a standard-model neutron star.

    Also, there is a many-million-solar-mass object at the center of our galaxy which is much too compact to be a standard-model neutron star, and which it's been proven can't be anything like a dense star cluster or anything.

    So until today, I think if you'd asked any well-informed astronomer, the answer would have been, "Why of course black holes have been proven to exist."

  • by bcrowell ( 177657 ) on Friday December 22, 2000 @07:28PM (#543356) Homepage
    Sounds like you're echoing a common misconception about black holes, that they suck everything in like a vacuum cleaner. Actually, it's quite hard to fall into a black hole -- the event horizon makes a small target. You're more likely to swing past and fly back out.

    Primordial black holes (as opposed to black holes formed from stellar evolution) are an interesting topic, but it's not clear that any ever formed (searches for micro-holes have turned up negative), and even if they did, they wouldn't necessarily have devoured everything around.

  • And I see your point, you say that it must be so because you believe it to be so. I think that was a popular idea way back in the Inquisition and the Witch hunts.

    I would take a brave notion and suggest that maybe, just possibly this guy who wrote this article is VERY FUCKING SMART and has spent a GREAT DEAL OF TIME THINKING AND STUDYING AND.... doing the "Math"
  • One thing I'd wonder about is whether the spacetime outside an ECO is predicted to be any different than the spacetime outside a black hole ... maybe his theory would make different, testable predictions about the x-ray spectra that have been observed for matter falling into black-hole candidates?

    You've got me on that one. I'd doubt it -- basically what he's arguing is that the trapping surfaces never form, so there's no event horizon and such. The physics of black holes is different inside the event horizon (if that's a meaningful statement), not outside.

    That said, he does predict some different physics: magnetic fields would probably dominate after a while (classic black holes don't have a magnetic field), and you'd see the continuing collapse and evolution of the massive body after a supernova, for example -- which becomes relevant with the present model of a gamma burster (he actually addresses some of this in the paper, making predictions about observations).

    I'm also unclear on how you can have a permanent ("eternal") gravitational field pattern if all the mass is gone...???

    The mass goes to zero as the radius goes to zero, and for sufficiently-massive starting bodies, this takes "forever" -- and he actually discusses the concept of a "zero-mass singularity" (although he calls it something different -- I don't have the paper up now) as the limiting case for unbounded t. I couldn't follow that one, though... For cases we're likely to encounter, I'd suspect that the rate of mass loss through radiation would be low enough that you'd not notice the slow change in mass within the measurement sphere -- and of course that mass (if it's spherically symmetric) is equivalent to a singularity of equal mass. I'd expect him to say that gravitational field strength does slowly decay with time -- but very slowly. For all I know, it'd be indistinguishable from Hawking radiation...


  • Many of the externally observable effects of a black hole (eg: gravitational lensing) are really just the effects of deep gravity wells including non-black neutron stars. As such: even if they turn out not to exist, whatever the erstwhile blackholes actually become, many of the effects attributed to black holes will still be there.
  • While I tend to disagree with the guy, the post previous to this has some very good points, which the theorist expands on.

    Unfortuneately, scientists have *never* like to have their view of the universe questioned. Even if this guy is right, Hawking and the rest of the Black Hole Team (members who are still alive) will passionately fight to the death to prove him wrong, 'cause, if he's right it will mean *they* were wrong.

Kleeneness is next to Godelness.
