Beer In Space 106
Matthew Moyle-Croft wrote to us regarding a very important development concerning
the consumption of beer in space. I'm going to sleep easier knowing this *grin*. Update: 12/22 06:07 AM by T : Thanks to alert reader toad (who was not drinking within sight) for the updated URL.
In theory (Score:2)
Seriously, I'm sure they used computer simulations. The only way to really test it is to lease the space shuttle for a kegger. I would trust that their membrane & compressed air system for getting beer out the tap works -- how could it fail? Plus, you can test that just by verifying it pumps the beer out with the keg upside down (tap up). Of course that's the easy part of the problem, what do you do after it comes out? It won't stay in a mug. I rather doubt that carbonated liquid would float around in nice blobs instead of spraying everywhere, no matter what the computer simulation says. You'd have to drink straight from the tap. And then there's the issue of fizz in your stomach, without gravity to collect it at the top...
Obviously, the Netherlands government must rent the space shuttle for the first weightless kegger. Do it for science!
Mark Moss
Re:Reverberating off the walls of the station. (Score:1)
"Excuse me"
Re:but...but.... (Score:1)
Re:Three years?? (Score:2)
Not to mention the uses for beer-farts! (better not do this until those scrubbers get fixed!)
What could be more fun than pizza in space? (Score:2)
Re:What about hang overs? (Score:1)
How about this URL? (Score:1)
Beer slashdoted !! (Score:1)
Here's the updated link (Score:5)
Also, the story refers to an original article in New Scientist magazine, which can be found here [newscientist.com], although for some reason the link is down for me right now.
Re:Three years?? (Score:3)
First: it really is microgravity. Like, really small.
Second: Spinning a thing encourages the heavier stuff to move to the outside. So, surprisingly enough (even to me, as I think of this), spinning beer in microgravity would actually make the bubbles go to the middle of the beer.
Re:Reverberating off the walls of the station. (Score:1)
broken link (Score:1)
try this url instead
there's a sense of humor issue here... (Score:2)
Cassini's problem has been resolved (Score:1)
Re:What about hang overs? (Score:2)
What is even scarier is that at least one Apollo astronaut did not have a bowel movement all the way to the moon and back
Re:What about hang overs? (Score:2)
Yakking in space? Very common. Off the top of my head I know that Frank Borman, commander of Apollo 8, was quite sick for a while, and Fred Haise, lunar module pilot for the ill-fated Apollo 13, was sick early on. NASA of course has researched this and has a relatively technical paper on what is known as vestibular alterations [nasa.gov], or space sickness.
The cleanup is to vacuum up the gunk. I'm eating my breakfast right now so I don't want to get into details.
Shuttle astronauts have an amazing menu to choose from.
OT: Confounded metric system! (Score:1)
Why is it even an issue what type of units they're going to use? Of _course_ they assumed metric units, they're engineers. Any firm that uses a system of measurement based on a wooden rod that was destroyed by fire years ago is not qualified to explore outer space.
This is just..... (Score:2)
Why bother with the air in the first place. Just use a cask bladder anyway!
Anyway, back to being drunk. *grin*
What a ride (Score:3)
I could see this providing for a completely new artform and justifying the whole space program. Musicians would travel to space where they would go on a 2week binge. Then they would travel back to earth where they would be put in a decompression chamber. The gas would swell, and now being under gravitational influence, seperate, allowing the musicians sufficient time to compose musical lyrics from the escaping gas.
Heh, it couldn't be much worse than what they broadcast on the radio.
Re:They're missing one point (Score:1)
So what happens when an Astronaut needs to burp? (Score:1)
Wouldn't beer cause belching at least as much as soda? If so, how is the gas seperated from the liquid in the stomach.
It seems to me that burping and pukeing would be nearly identical actions. in a zero gravity environment.
Re:They ain't engineers... (Score:1)
This has nothing to do with circular motion. Inertia tries to keep you going the same speed, and the back of your seat pushes you forward. You feel like you sink back in your seat, but the seat is actually pushing forward against you.
...when you turn left, you move to the right.
Here inertia tries to keep you going straight; however, your seat, as the centripital force, pushes you to the left. If you move to the right in your seat, then the friction between your pants and the seat is not strong enough to overcome inertia, and you slide until some other force (like you hand holding onto the steering wheel) helps overcome the inertia.And if you have force holding the yo yo to the centre of its axis, then you have an equal and opposite force pushing it outwards, away from the centre of its axis.
Any time you have an acceleration (as is the case in circular movement) the net force is not 0. I can't recall exactly how all the forces add up, but I can tell you that "centrifugal force" is not a part of it. In the case of a yo-yo spinning vertically, gravity has an outward component at every point in the bottom half of the circle. There are no other outward forces since the centripital (the string, held by your hand) always pulls exactly inward, and inertia always tries to go in a line tangential to the point of the yo-yo in its circular path (and therefore has no outward component).
Re:No doubt.. (Score:1)
They're missing one point (Score:2)
Here is the link for those who can't reach it. (Score:1)
Re:Applications (Score:1)
What about hang overs? (Score:3)
Reverberating off the walls of the station. (Score:1)
Re:Beer and Porn (Score:1)
As far as pornography goes, not all women are feminazis, and some women get a power trip from using their body as a way to manipulate men for their own selfish desires(money, power etc..).
Obviously you are unfamiliar with the lifestyle of a dominiatrix.
Done ranting for a bit...
404? (Score:1)
Mike Roberto
- GAIM: MicroBerto
I missed it. (Score:1)
Would someone who read the story please post a summary for the rest of us?
Spelling by m-w.com [m-w.com].
Western pride? (Score:1)
Re:How about this URL? (Score:1)
Re:Coke In Space? (Score:1)
©©©moon shots©©©
I wonder if astronauts have tested the "liquor before beer" rule©©©
We sure wouldn't want them all drunk and puking their guts out after a wild party at the ISS!
-the wunderhorn
Re:Why did this trivial crap get posted while..... (Score:1)
Re:Applications (Score:1)
Thanks to Dutch scientists, vampires can now safely attempt intra-stellar travel :)
More detail (Score:3)
Re:What about hang overs? (Score:2)
Three years?? (Score:5)
carbonation... (Score:1)
broken link? (Score:1)
Perhaps, though, alcohol being a depressant, drinking a little beer before a spacewalk can help to calm the nerves and repress the panic/anxiety attacks that would otherwise endanger the particular mission. I've never heard of one or two cans of beer doing any damage (unless they were thrown) ... so I don't see why a couple beers would cause any damage in space. A kegger might not be to smart, though.
No doubt.. (Score:1)
http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/source [sun.com]
And the other was that Sun finally fixed TAR for Solaris 2.6 to tar up more than just 18 directories deep. This is pretty interesting stuff that people might want to know about.. this beer in space thing.. I dunno...
no gravity in space? (Score:1)
Well thats a relief (Score:2)
Ping Pong Beer Balls (Score:4)
Thank god! (Score:1)
Is that why they nicknamed him 'Buzz' Aldrin?
Why did this trivial crap get posted while..... (Score:5)
IMHO this is pretty serious, if Cassini is forced to use the Reaction Control Subsystem instead of it's gyros for the rest of the mission, I dont see how it could possibly have enough fuel to complete the original length Saturnian tour. And would therefore put the entire 3.4 Billion mission in jeopardy.
Applications (Score:1)
Perhaps the device could be tweaked to only produce, say, a millileter of water. That *might* be a use for it, but I don't know if precise measuring of liquid is that much of an issue in space.
The article didn't really list any, so does anyone else have any ideas on practical uses for this three and a half years of scientific effort.
Re: I missed it. (Score:1)
I want to know where they found zero-g on Earth!
We've secretly replaced this mathematician's value of pi with 355/113.
Let's see if he notices!
The link is broken, here is an accurate one. (Score:2)
Beer in space, at ABC [abc.net.au].
How every version of MICROS~1 Windows(TM) comes to exist.
Re:They ain't engineers... (Score:1)
I'm humiliated.
I was under the impression that under circular motion all objects are subject to constant acceleration. Under acceleration, a force exists 180 degrees to the direction of acceleration; which explains why when you step on the gas, you sink back in your seat, or when you turn left, you move to the right.
How can you have tension in a string without force? And if you have force holding the yo yo to the centre of its axis, then you have an equal and opposite force pushing it outwards, away from the centre of its axis.
Can't we all just drink a spacebeer and be friends? [myhometechie.com]
Re:They ain't engineers... (Score:1)
An object moving in a circle is under constant acceleration. Now whether the 2 forces acting on that object are the string pulling inwards and the object wanting to move perfect 180 degress outwards OR a force 90 degrees to the string in the opposite of the direction the object is moving. There is still force acting on that object which can give the same impression as gravity.
Proof: You can take a bottle of pop, remove the lid and whiz it in a semi-circle over your head completely upside down. The pop will not spew out.
I could draw diagrams of the forces I perceive, but this simple test proves something will imitate gravitational force on that barrel of beer. Please please, let this prove it. 8-)
Re:Three years?? (Score:3)
When you ferment something, Yeast grows exponentially and slowely dies off as the Alcohol content rises. Once a sufficient amount dies, you have to 'rack' the beer/wine/moonshine. This means removing the liquid from the top of the barrel and leaving the dead yeast at the bottom. Otherwise, you end up with a yeasty/moldy smelling drink.
Without gravity the yeast would not drop, and the dead yeast ("lees") would make it a colloid mixture of pretty gross proportions.
On another note, someone mentioned centrifical force would force carbonation to the centre of a barrel, which would be useless. This is only true if the barrel were spun so both ends were cut symmetrically in two: meaning the spinning of the barrel on its own, would force the liquid to both ends, and carbonation to the middle.
If the barrel were placed inside a large circle which spun, then carbonation would rise. During fermentation - yeast would drop. This is due to the fact that the bottom of barrel would be moving fastest, and subject to the largest amount of centrifical force. As you move away from the bottom, each slice of the barrel is moving in a smaller and smaller circle, and is therefore under less centrifical force. This produces force in a downwards-direction, the same as gravity.
I'm speaking of the large circular rooms we all love from 2001.
I have too much time on my hands, I know. [myhometechie.com]
Re:Maybe you misunderstood. (Score:1)
probably not --- there's no assurance that once you pump gas in, it goes to the top of the keg and the beer stays at the bottom by the output pipe, because there's no such thing as "top" and "bottom" in space :)
Party Pig in Space (Score:1)
Re:broken link (Score:1)
Re:Three years?? (Score:1)
3.5 years? (Score:1)
Good Job Folks!
And to think... (Score:1)
Translation (Score:1)
membrane ('mem-"brAn) n. - Dutch for "funnel"
Also opens opportunities for:
membraned ('mem-"brAnd) adj. - Slang for extreme drunken behavior
The next Alien movie (Score:1)
We'll know we made it to space... (Score:1)
Re:carbonation... (Score:3)
THe only reason you can't get foam is because the bubble have to connect together and usually they wont without gravity pushing down on them to squish them together.
You'd also need a container to hold htem close to each other. Ever spill a drink on the floor? The foam comes and goes very fast but can't stay together since there is no container.
Coke In Space? (Score:3)
In the Science museum in London there is a Coke can with a special adaptor that IIRC was used on one of the moon shots, so late 60s or early 70s (Coke thought it would be good publicity) - if the adaptor worked with a can of Coke it would surely work with a can of beer. BTW the astronauts said that Coke was strangely unsatisfying in zero-G - tasted odd.
Re:They ain't engineers... (Score:1)
Under acceleration, a force exists 180 degrees to the direction of acceleration
Acceleration is simply a change in velocity. Velocity has both a direction and a speed component, so acceleration is a change in either direction or speed.
How can you have tension in a string without force? And if you have force holding the yo yo to the centre of its axis, then you have an equal and opposite force pushing it outwards, away from the centre of its axis.
You have inertia, not a centrifugal force. The yo yo wants to keep going straight, but the string has to pull it to change the direction of the yo yo.
beer... in... spaaaace... (Score:1)
Maybe you misunderstood. (Score:2)
If this post is incoherent, let me just say I've been verifying that Ground-based Beer distribution works. Works fine here, Houston.
Astronoughts drinking beer.. (Score:1)
Puking in space (Score:1)
So that means.. (Score:2)
That the missions that have a centrifuge on board will be much more popular.
"Inert gas"? (Score:1)
I haven't had Chemistry for a while now, but I do believe mixing carbon dioxide with a liquid yields carbonic acid. Not really inert. I know, I know... nit picking.
Re:Three years?? (Score:1)
spinning the bottle around the y axis (the long axis) would not have much effect, because there is no gravity, and not enough friction against the inside of the bottle to actually get the beer to rotate.... though the thought of bubbles gathering at the center of an object is extremly interesting, it would require a lot of effort, or slight modifications to the inside of the bottle
but...but.... (Score:5)
Re:Three years?? (Score:1)
Re:Why did this trivial crap get posted while..... (Score:1)
Scratch that, I have no idea how they choose what stories they post. Maybe by some statistical method, like flipping a coin.
After careful consideration, I have to wonder: wtf? Big deal, an astronaut can have a cold one in space. The Russians have probably been drinking vodka in space for years, so it's not like the "Final Frontier" has been alcohol free or anything. About the only thing that this story might have in common with the slightest bit of scientific application is that a similar container could be used to house chemical reactions that produce gases for microgravity experiments.
But you'd think that would have been mentioned. As it is, this reads like a reject story from the Onion.
Re:Three years?? (Score:2)
Now, if they were trying to find a way to brew beer in space, that would be different. I'm not sure how, if at all, fermentation would be affected by microgravity.
BTW, the article mentions that there would be no foamy head because that requires gravity. But since it is microgravity, not true 0-g, there would be a slight amount of foam, yes? And couldn't you apply a spin to the barrel to force any bubbles to the surface of the beer?
Re:Drunks in space!!! (Score:1)
How else do you think they can convince them to go up there?
"Titanic was 3hr and 17min long. They could have lost 3hr and 17min from that."
Re:Beer and Porn (Score:1)
They ain't engineers... (Score:2)
There actually is no outwards force when you wing something around in a circle.
Re:They ain't engineers... (Score:2)
I can't recall exactly how all the forces add up
In the case of the yo-yo whirling about your head, the two balanced forces are the tension in the string pulling the yo-yo in, and with equal force pulling your hand (holding the other end of the string) out. Through muscluar control and friction, this force is transferred from your hand to the earth. Balance acheived.
0-Gravity on Earth? (Score:1)
Ferengi (Score:1)
207th rule of acquisition: Heineken is like sex in a canoe:
Fuckin' close to water
Big Gulps?? (Score:1)
Re:mmm, beer (Score:1)
Re:And for the next feat... (Score:1)
homer simpson... (Score:2)
At last, the possibility of a hash in space... (Score:1)
I am glad to see that some useful reseach is taking place to address this issue. There have been hashes held in many parts of the world, even onboard a Jumbo jet and it is a vital form of recreation for expat engineers. You can't get much more expat than the ISS!!!!! Note there have been underwater hashes, but I have not heard of the beer consumption problem being solved there, but it is easier to return to the surface than to reenter the atmosphere.
To find out more about this kind of hash, try searching the web for Hash House Harriers or check out this link [frankfurt-hash.de].
And for the next feat... (Score:1)
--The Kid
Re:mmm, beer (Score:2)
Re:Applications (Score:1)
Re:Exactly what the space program needs (Score:1)
Exactly what the space program needs (Score:2)
the link is dead! (Score:1)
Re: I missed it. (Score:2)
Here ya go...
Scientists develop space ale
Dutch scientists are on their way to cracking one of the most urgent problems of the space era - how an astronaut can get a decent beer in zero gravity.
The first challenge has been how to get the ale out of the barrel.
Researchers from the Delft University of Technology have spent three-and-a-half years on the dilemma and now appear to have the ideal barrel.
Britain's New Scientist magazine reports the revolutionary container has a flexible membrane which contains the beer inside the barrel.
Air is pumped between the barrel wall and the membrane to force the beer out.
The team has tested its invention in zero gravity on Earth and found the beer plopped neatly out of the tap, floating in identical, ping-pong ball-sized amounts.
However, there is no foamy head, as gas bubbles need gravity to rise.
Re:Maybe you misunderstood. (Score:1)
Re:They're missing one point (Score:1)
Shhhhh....there's a dead body in my trunk.
Wanna see it? Fuck around and you'll be it!
Re:Three years?? (Score:1)
mmm, beer (Score:5)
IQ Level (Score:1)
It's fitting (Score:1)