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Self-Replicating Factories: Macro to Nano 14

Christopher Thomas writes "A common theme in science fiction is the "replicator"; a device that can build anything on demand. An extension of this idea is the self-replicating factory, that grows in size geometrically to produce goods or to terraform hostile environments. It turns out that both of these miraculous devices are closer than they seem - in fact, to some extent they're already here. I've posted an article summarizing things."
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Self-Replicating Factories: Macro to Nano

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  • So if you make something in a nanofactory, is it made OF nanothingies, or do they just steal raw material from thin air? If the former they better be chocolate flavored nanomachines...
  • This article was mostly using "If we look at human work and the factories the work is done in as a whole, then we have self replicating factories!" And the latest nanotechnology I've seen, was mostly nano-scale tools, and one motor that was driven by heat. Any nano-robot thingies that live in your trunk until you pull over. . . just might be a little too small to change a tire, or to repair a busted hose. As for replicating materials that we don't have. . . well, as far as I know, if we don't have something, we can't make something out of it. Too much "Jetsons" based thinking here. I think I'd rather have spent that 5 or so minutes that I read this article playing the old Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [] game.
  • Actually, the growth rate [...] would be xponential, not geometric.

    "Exponential" is a type of "Geometric", and is usually used as a synonym.


    Geometrical progression, a progression in which the terms increase or decrease by equal ratios, as the numbers [lbrace2]2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 6464, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2[rbrace2] by a continual multiplication or division by 2.

    (Their typos, not mine.)
  • All it basically said was "If things keep changing the way that they are, in the distant future, things will be very different." What an utter waste of time for me to have read it all. It also says, summarized, of course, "Once we have new building materials that we don't have now, we will be able to construct new things with new materials." I don't even know why that was posted. Read some Drexler; it's good stuff.
  • In these scenarios, won't control of electricity be the most impotrant? Becuase you can't manufacture electricity with robots, or with nanotech as far as I can tell. I also wonder how you would power nanotech robots. Vernor Vinge proposed radio waves in a Deepness in the Sky, but that's jammable and gives you a limited range. I've heard various things about micro-power generators if fuel cells become cheap enough. Maybe that's the answer. Also the author doesn;t discuss in the article the prospect of fully automated tyranny. If a tyrannical government controlled all the replicators in it's borders, and without privacy, who could overthrow them?
  • Oscillates between vague and arbitrary - interesting, but no more informed or meaningful than any number of SF stories.
    All self-replicating factories need to become viable is the creation of one nano-machine which can handcraft molecules, atom by atom, to a given design. It becomes self-replicating when it's fed it's own design.
    There are only three catches once that is achieved;
    (1) Information - once you have the tools to create an object, atom by atom, you still need to know which atoms and where. A lump of iron would be reasonably easy - or any simple crystalline structure. However, making a transplant organ by order would require a tremendous amount of information.
    (2) Control - that which make nano-machines useful also makes them difficult to regulate. Their size would make them vulnerable to 'mutation' by environmental interaction (getting whacked by an errant atom/photon) and their multiplicity coupled with their ability to replicate would cause them to evolve quickly. Evolution would tend to make them selfish (if they replicate at X speed while fabricating a car, how much faster would they replicate if they didn't bother with the car?) and select for the ones which can evade whatever 'fidelity checks' were implemented.
    (3) What do we do with all the out of work people? The physical sciences are already hundreds of years ahead of the social sciences, if the pace of development is accelerated yet further for the 'hard' sciences then the gulf could well become catastrophic. Many people define themselves by their work, if it's removed from them then the majority of the population could spend it's days watching TV and posting slashdot.
  • Sorry if I seem to be going off on a tangent about nanotechnology - but I still disagree about the likely path of progress.
    Technology is only partly about gradual progression - most movement comes in leaps and starts (as, it seems, with evolution - punctuated equilibrium etc.). I don't think we will see 'mundane universal fabricators' before we have nanotech. We are already composed of 'microtech' machines - enzymes. As such, genetic engineering (such as is occurring now) offers us a shortcut to the direct manipulation of molecules.
    Automation can come in two ways - bottom-up, as in nanotechnology, and top-down, as in artificial intelligence. If robots with the capacity to self-learn and make their own tools are created, then factories can become fully automated without great change.
    I suspect that the relevant technologies will appear after a few key breakthroughs and mature overnight (something like a decade) and will bypass the intermediate stages of milli- and micro-machines.
    Equally, they could be superseded, to a degree, by the appearance of effective AI.
    By the way, energy supply isn't really a concern for nano-machines - about half of the necessary manipulations would be exothermic and it would be easy enough to gain energy by breaking down or bonding atoms and molecules (in much the way enzymes do, but more flexibly).
  • by Christopher Thomas ( 11717 ) on Wednesday November 08, 2000 @08:27PM (#637085)
    A few points don't seem to be getting across adequately:

    • This isn't about nanotech.

      95% of the article describes the interesting things that will happen as ordinary technology advances, and attempts to show a likely path it will take. The nanotech paragraphs were just added for the sake of completeness (as I'd already been talking about microtech). They are largely irrelevant to the article.

    • The thesis of this article.

      As it seems to have been missed my post people: The purpose of the article is to point out a _probable_ path that manufacturing technology will take in the near future, and examine its corollaries. I posted it because a) the corollaries are interesting, and b) most people don't think about the fact that mundane universal fabricators will exist long before nanotech ones.

    I hope this clears up a few things.

    And Hemos, why is this not showing up on the main page? I had to do a search to turn it up at all.
  • I just don't see it: there seems to be a gulf which can't be crossed in little steps, between our present "humans + machines" replicators and the nanoscale devices. Thomas envisions ever-smaller replicators becoming ubiquitous, but doesn't really treat what this would entail -- and basically, it would seem to require nanotechnology to work.

    Look at present-day factories: they're getting bigger as they automate, not smaller. While I'll admit there are a few areas where micro-level "replication" might work (things on the order of the highly-modified inkjet printers now being used to manufacture polymer electronics... experimentally), it's hard to see how that scale of device would manufacture other than specialty items; the raw materials don't exist in the right forms to do generalized manufacture, for one -- even if the same general mix of elements can make both food and clothing, micro-scale fabrication relies on very specific compounds, not generic building blocks. And forget about anything at a larger-than-micro scale, since the problems only get worse.

    Nanoscale manufacturing, on the other hand, conceptually takes just the raw elements and builds up from there. Anything larger requires increasing numbers of preformed, more highly modified "raw" materials: either the actual machine doing the fab work is small, with a huge (and very task-specific) materials supply (and large factories to produce that), or the machine is very large and does all the preliminary work on the materials itself. There's nothing in between.

    As I good example of what I'm talking about, consider books: you can make them in a couple of ways, either with a fairly large printing plant which manufactures all sorts of books at low cost, or by using a laser printer to roll your own. The plant buys materials in bulk and does significant modifications on them in the process of making books -- and the more cost-efficient it is, the "rawer" the materials (right up to vertical businesses which make their own paper and ink, in the end). You, on the other hand, buy precut paper and toner cartridges, and staple the output together -- and still have a significantly different product, which occupies only one tiny corner of the "product space" of the printing plant's possible output. And the more complexity you want to add, the larger the number of specialized toner cartridges and home-office binding machines you have to buy -- each of which is task-specific.

    Sure, we've got much more power with individual, cheap machines at our fingertips -- but they don't generalize their capabilities, they only get more task-specific. And this trend won't stop until we hit low-cost nanoscale technology, if even then.

    While it's a compelling fantasy, I don't think it's a probable path at all.


  • Actually, the growth rate of a self replicating entity, be it biological, or mechnical, or whatever, would be exponential, not geometric.

    This is high school math here folks. :)

  • photovoltiac cells convert photons into electricity. solar power comes from sunlight which is produced by breaking or recombining hydrogen atoms. at the atomic level power is a non issue - you simply use e=mc2 and destroy matter (atoms) to create energy. electricity is not important. fusion/fission energy is. See [] for a cheap way to manipulate atoms (under $100).
  • Not totally worthless but yeah, reading some Drexler -- Unbounding the Future [], for instance -- would be better intro. What bugged me most was the hand-waving about how smoothly and happily society would adapt. The sci.nanotech newsgroup gets this sort of blithe speculation sometimes, and I find it rather mind-bogglingly simplistic.

    (Drexler gets hand-wavy too, sometimes, but at least he seems to be clearer on the inherent uncertainty.)

  • Yes, read Drexler. The full text of Engines of Creation is at [] .
    And read Stephenson's The Diamond Age, while you're at it, for a pretty good SF treatment of nanotech.
  • "and will bypass the intermediate stages of milli- and micro-machines." micro-machines were okay, but you gotta admit, Matchbox cars were the shit. Yeah yeah, off topic, sorry. =)

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