Let Your Computer Watch For Auroras! 57
titus-g writes "Well what with this being the 11th year and all, and getting to the right season for those of us in the N hemisphere to enjoy some nice nights outs getting hypothermia, how about building your own automatic aurora detector? Details are available at http://angwin.ece.uiuc.edu/~haunma/ I would link direct to the detector page but the waterfall pics are quite nice (details and links are near the bottom in the projects section)." Well, for those of us who are frightened by waterfalls, here is the Aurora Monitor Project, "[a]n automatic notification system designed to help you observe the northern or southern lights."
Re:hmmm... (Score:2)
I'd check out the forecast linked to so many times already in this thread.
Even so in texas you are probably out of luck.
How about a boycott the MPAA RIAA etc tech worker strike for October so we can all head Due North.
Good Aurora possibility tonight (Score:2)
For all those aurora watchers out there, you may wish to look tonight. Both of my favorit sources are saying it's a go for likely observations tonight. I like to see a Pmap [noaa.gov] index of 8 or higher with the red zone covering some or all of Minnesota. A 7 should technically do it for my area, but I've never seen anything durring a 7. The Ace [noaa.gov] (MAG_SWEPAM [noaa.gov]) red line needs to be in the negatives, the more so the better. I also like to see the solar wind speed (yellow) high, but it isn't tonight. I'll be rechecking conditions about 9:30pm (Central/US) to see if a run out of town to observe is a good idea.
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
Highlander? "There can be only one.." Swordplay for the other immortal's quickening...HELLO!?!
And being 'confronted' by two beautiful women is number 3 on my life's fantasy list!;-)
Re:beauty of the aurora (Score:1)
Re:The detector is in _Washington?_ (Score:2)
But hey it's explicable, long nights and all that...
Why do you think the Finns thought up IRC.
SMS Phone (Score:2)
The aurora monitor in east-central Illinois has declared a level 1 alarm, on a scale of 1 to 3, with 3 being the highest lev
so that shouldn't be too much a problem. Should be pretty cool. We'll see.
Re:a question (Score:1)
Re:What's up with all this do-it-yourself astronom (Score:1)
And BTW, why do you think they threw "enormous amounts of money" at the space race, if they weren't in competition???
RiffRaff (amateur astronomer who thinks this is a GREAT idea and should bear much more fruit than SETI)
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
Re:beauty of the aurora (Score:1)
Of course you don't (Score:1)
Re:Hmm (Score:1)
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
Re:Good Aurora possibility tonight (Score:1)
Conditions are still good today. I just wish these clouds overhead would go away. A large number of people around the globe have seen this latest display [spacew.com].
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
Perhaps nothing you said should be construed as implying... etc. but it OBVIOUSLY DOES imply it to at least some of the readership. You ought to be more verbose if you're so concerned about being misunderstood.
-The Reverend (I am not a Nazi nor a Troll)
Late news for UK Aurora watchers (Score:1)
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
That's very amusing, I'm assuming that you don't very often use swords. All Highlander tomfoolery and ludicrousness aside, every single woman I'm currently friends with I've become friends with through the teaching of Iaido and the study of the metallurgical properties of your "typical" shinsakuto ;).
I do not think just because one holds an interest in swords is enough to label them as juvenile. Even those differentially heat treated Shadow-S 1086 steel forge folded Highlander replica swords with the kevlar enhanced tsukas are pretty and functional, so you can't readily say that Highlander fans are just interested in your everyday junkmetal 100$ Taiwan blades.
Swords are fun, women are fun too, they make better students than men (Wow, three generalisations in just one rant, how disturbing).
The other obvious activity with which your typical man would partake with two beautiful woman is actually I think far more worthy of being labelled typical than "playing with swords" ;).
Actually, perhaps not for your typical male *geek*... (God I hate that word..)
hmmm... (Score:2)
Re:aurora-underground.org? (Score:1)
The detector is in _Washington?_ (Score:2)
Re:Hmm (Score:1)
Aurora info [freeservers.com]
Re:a question (Score:2)
If you aren't far enough north to see them then I'd recommend a few weeks off sick and a holiday in Alaska, they don't get this good that often, and well, once you've watched one you are never going to forget it. Don't mean to be blasphemous, but well, it's almost better than beer...
(ok for one moment I will try not to be flippant) It will touch your soul, you will always remember it.
How many 11 years do you live anyway?
Re:beauty of the aurora (Score:1)
The last time I saw an aurora it was preceeded by blue acrid smoke coming out of the back of my monitor.
I think you mean corona.
Re:The detector is in _Washington?_ (Score:1)
Re:aurora-underground.org? (Score:1)
Re:Who needs a detector? (Score:1)
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
So are you two going to start a sword fight now? ;-)
Re: (Score:1)
crazy... (Score:1)
Re:beauty of the aurora (Score:1)
What he is talking about is an OhMyGodI'mGoingToHaveToSellTheFerrariToPayToHaveTh atFixed, an entirely different beastie altogether.
Interestingly enough Timothy missed out my PS on the article, to whit (PS: Part of it runs on Linux :P) although he did change the title from the original 'Aurora Monitor Project' and save me from looking like an utter dweeb, so I'm grateful)
Re:What's up with all this do-it-yourself astronom (Score:1)
Re:beauty of the aurora (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:well (Score:2)
n/p 's what I'm here for.
Re:aurora-underground.org? (Score:1)
Well, there already are other similar services. The Alaska page already mentioned is a good one. Spaceweather.com [spaceweather.com] is a fairly good site as well. And there are also sites for reporting your own aurora observations. The Auroral Activity Page [spacew.com] is for world wide aurora observations, while this page [umn.edu] at the University of Minnesota is for the midwest of the U.S. and Canada.
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
An answer! (Score:2)
Last one I witnessed was so bright, around Bay City, that it nearly blinded me while driving home from a late hacking session.
Chief Frog Inspector
Coincidence (Score:2)
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
Hmm. I must've missed the IMAGE links in those posts, because I have been given absolutely no data that would cause me to infer that either of the "geek" women who posted here were "beautiful." In fact, it could be argued that most if not all of the women who fit the description of "Geek Girl" are anything BUT beautiful...
on the other hand, the fact that they didn't understand the highlander reference might help to disqualify them from "geek" status.
-The Reverend (I am not a Nazi nor a Troll)
Areolas, coronas, observing heavenly bodies... (Score:1)
Vovida, OS VoIP
Beer recipe: free! #Source
Cold pints: $2 #Product
I'm afraid she's right. (Score:1)
Vovida, OS VoIP
Beer recipe: free! #Source
Cold pints: $2 #Product
I'm afraid she's right. (Score:1)
of course, this mode of searching requires much more user interaction. :P
Starting my morning the right way,
Vovida, OS VoIP
Beer recipe: free! #Source
Cold pints: $2 #Product
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
beauty of the aurora (Score:2)
Re:S2TD (Score:2)
Who needs a detector? (Score:2)
Typical male geeks (Score:5)
(from a female geek)
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
Areola Watch (Score:3)
Hmm (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Northern Lights (Score:1)
I'm happy to live far up north in Sweden to be able to see northern lights quite often. It is one of natures most beautiful phenomenon, and I feel sorry for those who miss it out; I really hope that you all can experience a real aurora some day.
Northern lights wander
Dance across the winter sky
Full colour fire
aurora-underground.org? (Score:2)
Keep up the good work, its neat to see genuinely useful sites like this.
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:1)
There can be only one.
Re:Typical male geeks (Score:2)
why do you think I spend all night outside watching stars and auroras...
And the days coding and at the pub.
Anything to get away from that unceasing interminable soul destroying energy sucking [positivehealth.com] sex...
It's you wimmin that are obsessed with it so it is...
Auroral Detector (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Shameless Plug (Score:1)