Online 'Sand Mouse' Tests Neurobiologists 86
The Metahacker writes: "
A Princeton professor and his former student have created a 'mouse' (really, a neural net) that recognizes the word 'one' as spoken by a variety of speakers. The interesting part? They're challenging the neurobiology community to discover the mechanism it uses, using only the tools available to analyze live patients - observation and experimentation. You can upload your own sound files to test the mouse, and view experiments other scientists have performed. Cash prizes will be awarded to those who explain the mouse's behavior or can train the same number of neurons to perform a new task. You can read the New York Times article about it (free registration), or go
directly to the site."
Re:asdf (Score:1)
The point: sensory integration over time (Score:1)
God help us (Score:1)
I thought this fit the post. (Score:2)
Richard Feynman
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
Is it a stupid way of doing it? Yeah, since there's no authentication check to see where they are coming from. Does that alone make the theft of their service right? That's where I disagree.
Just because a car is unlocked and has the keys in it doesn't give you the right to drive off with it.
I don't know.. I see both sides of this, and it all comes down to morals, which are in serious decline in this society anyway. They provide a service, and in return for that service, they ask for some information. Not even $, just information. I don't see the big deal.
As a webmaster myself, I would be ticked off if I offered services requiring registration, and people got around it, viewing my content for essentially nothing. But then again, I'd probably be smart enough to have some kind of check in there at the very least.
Reminds me all of the Dilbert comic:
"What do our customers want?"
"High quality products for free."
Such is the way of the Internet.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
Re:The devil's music ruined my life! (Score:1)
Re:Who's to judge? (Score:2)
Peer Review (Score:1)
I'm not saying that I don't agree with your post, however, at least in the physics community (which I know best, I assume other sciences are similar), as long as the journal you are publishing to covers a large readership, the peer review process works quite well. Science is VERY competitive, and people outside of a certain colaboration (or 'clique') are sure to make sure that everything is right with a paper, or they won't deem it worthy of publication. You don't want people you are in 'competition' with to make false claims, thats cheating. If your opponent (author) in a sport cheats, you (the reviewer) will be sure to tell the ref (publisher) that they are wrong. The peer review process is set up to make sure that the reviewers are anonymous, and un-affiliated with the authors.
Car Analogy Rant (slightly off topic) (Score:1)
I am sick and tired of this fucking stupid analogy being parroted by half of Slashdot and everyone in the rest of the world. Just as Jack Valenti's keys-to-the-department-store analogy is bullshit, so is this one. And now I'm going to explain exactly why it's crap.
First of all, it is an analogy, a word which is based on the word analog which in this instance comes not from the opposite of digital but from the greek related. Note analog refers to related, not exactly the same. An analogy is a simpler, easier to understand (at least for the intended recipient) example of what the topic is like. Not what it is exactly, but what it's similar to. An analogy cannot hold water in all cases or it would not be an analogy, but a directly correlated example.
What do I mean by that? Well, take the following analogy: CDs are analogous to vinyl. They play music. They're round. The CD spins around and a reader of some type reads the music and produces sound. If you'd never seen a CD before, had no idea what one was, but knew vinyl, it'd be a good analogy. But if you then tried to build a CD player out of that analogy, you'd fail. Why? Because there are differences--there must be, for it to be an analogy and not simply an example.
Just the same with the car-as-analog-to-website or other internet service. Finding the keys in someone's car and driving it away without permission is an analogy to hijacking a net service without permission. But it fails after only a simple scrutiny. Why? Because the car is no longer available to the original owner. But the service is! In addition, a car is private property that has been paid for so that the owner can use it himself, and is unable to be used by multiple people at one time. A web page, on the other hand, is designed for use by multiple people and, if on the internet, is assumed to be available for public consumption. In addition, my use of it does not exclude your use of it.
All of the other stupid analogies follow the same reasoning. The portscan-is-like-rattling-the-windows analogy is also bullshit. First of all, the internet is not the real world. People keep saying if you don't want people using your machine don't put it on the net, and others respond that that's bullshit, but it's not. The net is a public network of machines, designed for interoperability. Private houses are not. If we could put a house in an alternate dimension and only the owners and their guests could get there, we would. But we can't, because that dimension doesn't exist. The net, on the other hand, is specifically there to share information. That was the original DARPAnet design and intent, and that's still the design and intent. If you want a machine that is there for you to do work and not to be part of the global network, you don't have to connect it. If you want to connect it, you run the risk of it being out there. It's like if you put something out there on the sidewalk, which is public space.
But that's an analogy, and not perfectly apt, because a computer is private property. Which means breaking in and destroying or changing data is illegal. But tapping it to see what ports are open is NOT. Why? Because it's a private computer in public space, which means that they may have put it up there to make ports available. You can't know until you tap on the ports to see. Now if you get in and do something that is obviously not allowed (and frequently that's why they state it in ftp login pages), you are violating privacy. If you use a public service, you are not. There's no perfect analogy because it's a totally new concept of half-private half-public, without a perfect analog in the real world. In the real world it's either in private space or it's in public space. The net is public space made out of private data. Thus copying someone else's data is illegal but allowed by netiquette (with proper citation). Why? Because it's a new concept, a new medium, without the same workings of the old.
There are many more bad analogies out there, and I don't have the energy to debunk them all. Just remember, if you've bothered to read this far, that an analogy cannot be used to explain all the rules and details of the analog. They just aren't the same. An analogy can only be used to deal with stuff that's similar, and when the two diverge, the analogy fails.
Re:Cool on several aspects (Score:1)
Why? They _already_ know the answer. They're just not telling us so it'll be a "Fun Challenge." It's actually quite insulting to neural biologists to imply that their methodology won't yield results, which seems to be their point.
I suppose that it _may_ yield some interesting results if someone discovered "Oh my! We've been looking at this all wrong!" and invented a new scientific method, but I'm not counting on it.
Many great discoveries come from inspiration rather than brute force experimentation, and this "challenge" would only be reinforcing that.
The paper is correct about it being novel though. Sort of the chicken and egg paradox - bet you can't figure out how this thing works without knowing how it works.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
That doesn't seem like a good analogy...more like...if i left my car unlocked with the keys in it, and someone came and looked at it...and then it was still there when i came back. No property is removed from someone else...That webpage is still there for everyone else.
Nature of research (Score:1)
Where are the Vogons? (Score:1)
Re:Algernon (Score:1)
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
But... (Score:1)
Cool on several aspects (Score:2)
Second, what I think is cool about this is sort of an open-source idea for research; there is a large community of nerds that while they don't have the stamina for research, are interested in new cool technologies such as this, and would be willing to help if it's easy to do. One thing I'd like to see more of are distributed projects that can use our idle time to put out more cool ideas; I'd love to see the research that created the 'lifeforms' made by a computer put out into a distributed form as to help their research. Here, further studies of their 'mouse' could be done by simply asking for voice samples of various words by people across the globe as to maximum the sample size (they only used 8 in the paper for testing purposes, but the web site seems to be up to about 600). Certainly, there's important issues such as disclosure of invention, but I think projects like these that challenge the community show excellent progress in research.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
What makes you think they have a right to my registration info? You know full well that information is not intended for my benefit.
Typical Slashdot.. I shouldn't be surprised, but everytime I see this it just strikes a nerve. If they want me to not read that information, they should be be smart enough not to give links to it. But far be it from anyone at NYTimes to do that..
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
Absolutely not. If it's not for public consumption, then it shouldn't be on the publicly accessible web. If some people care about their privacy, don't want to give any information about themselves to the NYT, and can find a way around the login, good for them.
Seriously... (Score:2)
I read it, but I'm not sure I get it. I -think- they're saying that they set out to implement a neural net for voice recognition, came out with something that worked much better than expected.
I think they're saying that the -reason- that it works so much better than expected is a fairly novel reason (meaning not derivative of common neural net principles), and the process of understanding why this novel method works is best understood by treating the whole problem from a biology, rathern than compsci perspective. e.g. as you would go about trying to figure out how some organism that does something in a novel way does what it does.
It seems to me that they go to great lengths in the paper to be "cute" about using biology terms to describe the behavior of their computer program, because they want to emphasize how organism-like their program is. Do all AI researchers talk this way?
It would be really great if someone who actually understands the paper would post a translation, so everyone can understand what they're really talking about.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
A new Turing test? (Score:3)
The most amusing possibility is that someone outside the research community may come up with the answer. As this doesn't involve building apparatus, getting a grant, publishing a paper or anything other than thinking, it's very possible an undergrad or a total amatuer will come up with the answer.
Dr. Sejnowski sounded like sour grapes when he called this an "advertising gimmick". Yeah, that's what Fermat must have been doing. Too often scientists confuse the stuff associated with the practice of science - grants, publishing, peer review, experimental proof - with science. Science is what happens in your brain when you're not doing all that other stuff...usually while taking a shower.
Imagine... (Score:1)
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
or, maybe it does come down to morals, and that mine are simply of the mindset that if you're not able or even willing to protect it, you will lose it. the internet is young and needs to evolve, and to play 'good christian' with this stuff is foolish.
What the Experiment is Really About (Score:2)
This experiment is calling them out. If they actually get it right then they have some justification in the processes they use. Of course if they fail...
Re:Crack SDMI with it? (Score:1)
Sort of.. (Score:1)
The book should not have been written. Alone, it was pretty good. But compared to the shorter version, it appeared spread too thin. Sort of like how you think you get really blasted from the schwag you normally smoke, until you finally encounter some truly good stuff.. :)
Actually, in the seventies they made a movie out it that I saw for the first time a few weeks ago. Nice, but again nowhere near the original.
I have read way too much sci-fi over the years, but this story remains my absolute uncontested favorite. Oh, by the way.. this post is off-topic.
Re:Seriously... (Score:3)
It looks like there are a couple of things that differentiate Hopfield's approach from the traditional neural net approach. All NNs are biologically inspired to some degree, but so far the really common implementations (like backprop) have been simplified too much to give an accurate reflection of what really goes in a biological network.
The two big differences between this and traditional networks that I can see (based on a quick reading) is that it is using spiking neurons and neurons are given specific computational roles. Spiking neurons add up inputs over time and send out a spike to other neurons after the inputs have reached some threshold value. Inputs also decay over time, so a few inputs occuring within a couple of miliseconds of each other count for a lot more than hundreds of input spikes spread out over a number of seconds. Traditional nets add up all of the inputs at once, decide whether or not to fire, and then reset (sometimes there is a training step in there also). Since time dependence is built into spiking networks as a feature, they are very good at detecting temporal patterns.
The second difference I noticed, computational roles, means that neurons in different parts of the network may be specialized to do certain kinds of computation. One type of neuron could be used to detect patterns in a small frequency range, while other neurons detect patterns relating to which frequency ranges are currently active (I don't know if this is a realistic example, but you get the point). Traditional neural nets treat all neurons the same -- they act more like complex switches than computational units.
This kind of setup is much closer to what goes on in biological networks. Neuroscientists used to believe that neurons are much more simplistic than they have turned out to be. Individual neurons do all sorts of computations that at one time were thought to be fairly complex. Edge detection and motion detection in the visual system are examples of this. It was once thought that these tasks required collections of neurons, but it has been discovered that individual neurons can detect motion in a particular direction and pairs of neurons can detect edges.
I think there is also something interesting going on with the geometry of the network here, but I haven't quite absorbed that yet. Maybe somebody else has noticed this also and can comment (or correct me).
Re:Algernon (Score:1)
Hint to (too young) moderators : like in "Grape of wrath", this book deals with "slower" people and mices... and more stuff... So mod this mouse up, and let's keep on reading.
"Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes.
Published by Harcourt Brace (1966) and by Bantam Books (1967). Reissued in the Harcourt Brace Modern Classics series (1995).
But enough of that mod rants : I read their article, and really like the way they wants people to attack the problem. Too often in the past, neural networks have been treated as "black
boxes, mainly because of lack of mathematical fundations". I specially liked the way they stated it : "the novel essential principles of operation can be deduced based on the experimental results presented here alone. "
I'm planning to read everything tonight (@work now
Re:Peer Review (Score:2)
scientists can do a lot more (Score:2)
Re:Neural Nets and Voice Recognition (Score:1)
You might train your net with a couple of hundred pictures - each classifying a tank or not. The use some additional hundred pictures (none of the same) to use for validation.
Your point though, is valid. Neural nets have a tendency to overspecialize, adjusting the fitness landscape to close to the input-cases. So you have a separate validation set, to stop the training when the validation set matching drops...
Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
Cool, but.. (Score:1)
I wonder if opening it up to the general public to do whatever they want was a wise idea.
Anyone remember what happened to that "Post what you want" website that was posted to
- "I am the cheese!"
testing, testing, 1, 2, 3 (Score:1)
I LOVE YOU [mikegallay.com]
We've had that for ages (Score:5)
My hypothesis: the mouse checks the cid# like the rest of us.
Algernon (Score:1)
Perhaps they should name the mouse Algernon.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
Wasn't intended to be karma whoring, and if you check my past postings, you'd see this.
I wasn't going for moderation points, just doing the favor of posting the link.
If it'll make you feel better, I'll even ask here that it NOT be moderated past 2.
Had to be said. (Score:1)
Possible uses (Score:1)
Re:Cool on several aspects (Score:1)
Crack SDMI with it? (Score:1)
As easy as some people think SDMI will be cracked... maybe this artificial net can detect the watermark in SDMI and remove it.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
Because I can? Without breaking any laws, I might add. That's sufficient justification for me.
You know full well that link is not intended for you,
Why in the world should I care about the intentions of publishers? The book "Perl Cookbook", for example, is intended for Perl programmers. Does it mean that if I am not a Perl programmer I should not buy this book?
If New York Times wants this information not to be world-readable, there are plenty of simple ways to achieve this.
everytime I see this it just strikes a nerve.
It does? You must be really in pain reading the CueCat stories, then. Isn't it also using something in a way that was not intended?
Re:Cool, but.. (Score:1)
Hopfield's last theorum... (Score:4)
Re:Cool, but.. (Score:3)
Mandark says... (Score:2)
Re:We've had that for ages (Score:1)
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
Uh, gee, the fact that they have a link that doesn't require a password?
You know full well that link is not intended for you, or most likely anyone else reading this board.
Why don't you tell us who it is for? If this is only for certain people, why is it completely accessible to everyone on the Internet, with no statement about who can or can't use it?
I suppose now you're going to rant about how I'm stealing from all these web sites because I run a proxy server [guidescope.com] and block their ads and cookies? And sometimes I tape shows and skip over the commercials!
OK, lock me up. I've seen the error of my ways.
FP detections? (Score:1)
Four letter words (Score:1)
Re:Standard bypassing registration link. Evil? (Score:1)
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
If I go to Radio Shack, they always ask for my name, address etc. Now it's no secret that they do that so they can sell me to mailing lists. I would imagine that _Radio_Shack_ sees this as part of the transaction. Perhaps it even lowers the prices of the merchandise.
Now, by your system of morals, is it therefore unfair for me to make up a fake address? On Radio Shack's side of the transaction, the collection of the marketing info is an imperative. On my side of the transaction, it isn't; I pay money I get stuff, and I'm under no obligation (legal or otherwise) to provide them with that information.
To say that this is a matter of morals is going a bit far, since obviously there is a matter of disagreement here among morally capable individuals such as yourself and I. At the present time, the only thing we can be sure of are the society's written rules, which do not forbid using the partners link. As far as morals go, this would be much clearer if the NYT specified clearly what their access policy was.
In fact, actually just now I checked, and I guess this clears it up. From http://www.nytimes.com/subscribe/help/copyright.h
"However, you may download material from The New York Times on the Web (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal, noncommercial use only."
Incidentally this page does not require registration to read, so that offer is given to the general public. So the NYT gives a free offer indeed. If they would post "You may download pages only if you are a registered user" I would be more likely to agree with you.
Re:Possible uses (Score:2)
That's all much simpler than recognizing the word "one" spoken by different voices.
Who's to judge? (Score:2)
Secondly, will solving Hopfield's network give us any insight into the brain? He is a leader, but this problem may not be so relevant. Perhaps it won't help. Time spent working on this problem is time not spent working on the brain directly.
But it's not perfect (Score:3)
Unfortunately, there's a little more to it than that. If you return to the publisher a negative review of a paper written by a respected figure in your scientific community, there is an element of "black mark" against your name in some quarters as a result of the conflict of interest that the publisher has through needing the famous name to appear in his or her journal rather than in a competing one. As a reviewer you're anonymous to the author, but not to the publisher!
And I'm not even going to mention what happens when the journal's editorial board includes researchers interested in the same paradigm or method employed by the famous person, so that publication of that paper validates their own research area
Peer review is a fairly good process on the whole, but I doubt that anyone who's been involved in it [I have] would suggest it approaches perfection.
This is an incredible building block (Score:2)
Today's offense, tomorrow's commonsense (Score:2)
And suggesting that the earth went around the sun was extremely offensive to the bulk of the scientific community of the day.
Re:Possible uses (Score:1)
Re:Crack SDMI with it? (Score:1)
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Quite a bit... (Score:1)
Confusing attitude with data... (Score:1)
Imagine that Copernicus had not learned anything about the solar system. Instead, he made up a system that they claimed worked in a way similar to the solar system. They told everybody to stop looking at the sky and to look at their system because everybody is thinking incorrectly. Telling everybody that he/she is thinking badly and showing him/her a toy is not the same thing as having an answer.
What's the part of "news" that is actually "new"? (Score:1)
It had a human ear grafted onto its back.
So what's the news? It was an Iranian ear, but the mouse understands English?
Re:Neural Nets and Voice Recognition (Score:1)
From Sonora? (Score:1)
Possible application... (Score:2)
Maybe they could train it to recognise the phrase 'No, hold the anchovies'. If they could, it would be substantially more inteligent than the goods answering the phone at my local pizza delivery place.
...another comment from Michael Tandy.
What's allowed? (Score:1)
Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.
Re:Cool, but.. (Score:1)
That would be silly. I don't think the mouse is actually trained by the soundfiles people send in. Otherwise it would be completely spoiled in a short time. The mouse can recognize one now, and it is this version of the mouse that people can try to figure out, not some random changed version.
I think this is a very cool project. We know that the solution is pretty simple. Biologists can apply their normal methods to it. If they can't figure it out, maybe that would say something about the methods.
I haven't actually had time to read the paper yet, so maybe I'm being more nonsensical than I think.
And now for some deep philosphy of science (Score:2)
to open a discussion on the role of deductive thinking in neurobiology. As we have described in
the introduction, we firmly believe that careful and rigorous deductive analysis based on
incomplete knowledge may still lead to novel conclusions and clearly indicate what the most
incisive next experiments are. Nevertheless, incomplete data all too often discourages deep
deductive thinking in neurobiology.
The whole point of doing science is to think. If, as they claim, there's too much data-collection and not enough synthesis, then this is a fun way to get people going.
Good science starts in the lab, but it reaches it's zenith in the shower (or bathtub, if you're Archimedes). Time to pull out Popper and Kuhn and think about how and why science is done.
Re:Algernon (Score:1)
Neural Nets and Voice Recognition (Score:3)
Re:Crack SDMI with it? (Score:1)
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:2)
It's almost like these days people think that anything that isn't a troll is "karma whoring."
The damn buzzword has been way overused. You're beating a dead horse. Who CARES if the post is just there to soak up karma of not? Are you jealous because your karma is in the negatives or something? If whoever's moderating appreciates the post, they mod it up. It was obviously a good post regardless of the reason it was posted, so quit it with the fruitless acusations!
Philosophically important (Score:5)
Who is really being taught to think? (Score:2)
Re:Philosophically important (Score:2)
Hopfield is a well respected theoretician. He is not in the business of reverse engineering animal or human brains. The fact is most of the physiologists that do reverse engineer sensory systems (in a manner of speaking) would not prioritize Hopfield's game very high.
The likely result is that lots of theoreticians will engage in his game, and maybe there will be some fun in it for them. Most of the physiologists will be busy engaging in the game for a living. It may very well result in a science of reverse engineering neural systems evolving to describe what successful physiolgists do - in the same manner that Kuhn described how science progesses in his career.
But don't kid yourself that this is a sanity check on people who do this for a living. That is not Hopfield's contribution to neuroscience.
Re:Peer Review (Score:1)
Sure, if there is a 'toy' physical system. But physicists only use those when they can (as they are easy to check, like you point out). What about "Is the universe flat, open, or closed?" or "Gravity at the quantum (really small) level work?". You can't 'check' these either. The educational problems have 'toy' systems, but on the forefront (where the research is), there are not.
Re:Neural Nets and Voice Recognition (Score:1)
Confusing handwaving with logic and maths (Score:2)
That data wasn't available then.
Telling everybody that he/she is thinking badly and showing him/her a toy is not the same thing as having an answer.
But all the models of science are toys, without exception. That is the whole idea behind science, to produce mathematical toy models that hopefully might approximate the behaviour of reality as determined through empirical tests.
Scientists have never had The Answer, and no competent scientist would ever profess to do so -- the relationship between reality and the models of science are in Science 101, after all. But they're getting damn good at creating models that accurately mimic a lot of reality's behaviours, despite the scientific method not having any ability to determine The Answer or The Truth or whatever.
And that's why it is always good to point out the error of their ways to those "scientists" that waffle on interminably without producing hard testable models based on the hard thinking of logic and mathemetics. It takes more than just mimicking the forms to produce real scientific results. Reality checks may be painful, but they're important.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
I'm sorry, I must have missed the cloaking device. What makes you think this is "supposed to be hidden"? Or did you mean to say "they were probably hoping no one would find out about it"?
With all due respect, the keys-in-the-car analogy is particularly useless here. Cars have keys because they are only supposed to be driven by the people who paid for them, or those given access by the owner. The fact that the keys were there does not negate the fact that you need keys to start a car.
This is more like someone leaving printed material (better yet, a newspaper!) in a public place (park bench, on a seat on a bus/train), and then expecting no one to ever look at it (not TAKE or MOVE it, but even READ it) because they paid their 50 cents for it, not them.
Or like a company mailing you hardware unsolicited, therefore with no restrictions on it, and then saying you shouldn't use it except in the way they want you to because it's not really yours. Oh wait, that really happened.
Misunderstandings (Score:1)
If the data were not available, how did Copernicus get his idea? Science relies on data. Copernicus had his ideas after looking at the available data. Heliocentrism was more than a lucky guess. I hope you haven't been reading Koyre.
I am complaining that Hopfield's challenge is not a reality check. It's a fantasy check. Their toy is not a model of anything. It's a toy. He wants people to come look at his toy. Why? Because he thinks that people are not thinking correctly. How is his toy going to help? It beats me.
I think you're misunderstanding Hopfield's challenge, and both of us are misunderstanding one another. Sciences use models to describe and predict events. We agree. Neurobiologists endeavor to describe and understand the brain through a wide variety of approaches. If Hopfield were offering a toy that models the brain, they would be excited. He's not offering one. He's offering a toy problem that isn't the brain as a test to the community. It doesn't approximate anything in the real world. It is, simply, what it is.
Re:Standard bypassing registration link... (Score:1)
What makes you think you have a right to view that content for free? You know full well that link is not intended for you, or most likely anyone else reading this board.
Typical Slashdot.. I shouldn't be surprised, but everytime I see this it just strikes a nerve. If you want that information, be courteous enough to give them the registration info for it. But far be it from anyone on Slashdot to do that..
.. go ahead, mod it down now, that's what happened last time.
Re:asdf (Score:1)
Offtopic / Flamebait / Troll detector (Score:1)
...wait a sec.... (Score:1)
Is the point more in the competition, were by they can discover the relationship between the 'best guess' on the question model, and the actual workings and consider the implications of this to our [their?] assumptions on how to build a 'net, and indeed how HUman minds work.
Also does anybody know of a good [non-too-tech] site on the present state of play in 'nets?