Largest Sun Spot In Nine Years Now Viewable 130
Mazarin writes: "The BBC has an interesting article about the largest sun spot to come around in nine years. 'The spot, which is moving towards the centre of the Sun's disk, covers an area a dozen times larger than the entire surface of the Earth.' The article goes on to talk about other sun spots that have caused minor disturbances and gives a nice little warning about not looking at the sun during this time."
Re:Interesting view (Score:1)
Try a pinhole projector.
Mankind the vile polluter strikes again!!! (Score:1)
Satellite disruption (Score:1)
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:well.... mabye (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:Look at the sun... (Score:2)
Get yourself some appropriate household items and measure it. It's another reminder of how tentatively subjective our knowledge of truth is.
Re:BOFH excuse for the day (Score:1)
All generalizations are false.
Re:sun microsystems? (off-topic) (Score:1)
I feel like Sun has been floundering for a year or so. Java 2 rocks, Solaris 8 is awesome, but I don't see the company having a lot of direction... I just see a lot of money being spent. Like I don't understand why Sun would want to buy Cobalt, who make third-rate GNU/Linux toasters for technological neophytes. Whatever. I'd much rather see a Java 2 standard, better support for non-Linux based OSS operating systems, better hardware support for x86 Solaris, and more aggressive marketing of JavaStations and Jini. Oh, and a return to a BSD-based SunOS. :-)
All generalizations are false.
Sunspots bad? (Score:1)
more infoz. (Score:2)
also, that article from the BBC was posted on friday, the sunspot is now at the center of the solar disk and pointed more directly at earth. the latest magnetograms and intensitygrams are up at the SOHO site here. [nasa.gov]
I can't believe ... (Score:1)
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:3)
Interesting thought! (Score:1)
It looks like a brilliant blue disk towards white in the center, and a yellow ring around it.
Looking at the sun is no more or less dangerous than just being in the sun. The problem is that the sun gives off a tremendous amount of UV light, which can cook skin, eyes, retina, lens, etc. So just *looking* at it isn't a problem, it's the associated 'sunburn' that comes with basking in it that may hurt.
So the sun can cook you, if you allow it to. It can harden your lenses, denature your pigmentation and other proteins, etc.
I have heard carrots *do* have compounds essential for the visual system. I dunno if they help, but they certainly don't hurt!
TV is it's own light source. The only thing additional light can do is reduce the contrast of the image on the screen, I think.</ramble>
The nick is a joke! Really!
Re:Don't ever use an eyepiece! (Score:2)
Use a filter on top of the lens, which filters the sunlight before it gets into the telescope.
Use your telescope as a projector, and project an image of the sun onto a piece of paper , cardboard, whatever...
But never ever rely on a filter that's put on the eyepiece: due to the high temperatures caused by the focused sunlight in the eyepiece and the fact that a dark filter absorbs all the light == energy == heat, it can crack easily - and once that happens when you're looking through it, you can kiss your retina goodbye.
Okay... I'll do the stupid things first, then you shy people follow.
Re:Sunspot info site (Score:1)
So... (Score:1)
radio (Score:1)
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? Yes (Score:1)
Re:Dr. Feynman says... (Score:1)
Nothin, you idiot, Dr. Feynman's dead. He's locked in my basement.
Sorry - feel free to moderate me down, but it had to be said.
Re:Look at the sun... (Score:1)
Re:So... (Score:1)
Gotta moderate him up!!!
Re:1st post (Score:1)
Re:I think the fear is exaggerated. (Score:1)
Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:1)
Is there any truth to the "never look directly at the sun" maxim? Or is this just another old wives' tale, like eating carrots to improve your vision or not watching TV while the lights are off?
Re:1st post (Score:1)
Re:Current SOHO Image (Score:2)
Thanks for the link.
It looks like a big round head with two eyes, a little too close set, with furry eyebrows, those pointed up at the ends and down at the middle (which indicates a squinting or frowning or cynical cast of face). You also see the diagonal wrinkles on the forehead. Immediately below the eyes is the tip of the nose. Because the sun is frowning so, the lips are pale and tightly compressed together, and somewhat askew; the right side is up and the left side is down, as if to ask sarcastically "What the Hell are you going to do about it?!" And on the right cheek is the scar he got back when he was a junior in high school, in that fight in the parking lot of the pizza parlor.
Yours WDK - WKiernan@concentric.net
Solar retinopathy (Score:1)
I suspect the TV one is an OWT (Old Wives Tale), but the thing about the sun is certainly not an OWT.
After any solar eclipse, eye doctors see dozens of solar retinopathy cases where people have done permanent retina damage by staring at the sun. And this is with the Moon in the way!
The eye can probably cope just fine with the odd glance at the sun. It'd be pretty crap if it couldn't since it's there in the sky, and there's sometimes you can't help but have it somewhere in your field of vision.
Remember that the lens focuses the sun. Now get a lens, and focus the sun on a piece of plastic. Watch it melt. Think of your retina!
About the carrots: carrots do contain nutrients which help night vision.
ooh! (Score:1)
You mean I can stare at the sun? (Score:1)
Re:9:15 Personal Note (Score:1)
Re:Aurora (Score:1)
Re:9:15 Personal Note (Score:1)
Re:9:15 Personal Note (Score:1)
Re:9:15 Personal Note (Score:1)
Re:So... (Score:1)
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:2)
Re:Look at the sun... (Score:2)
Physics courses are very nice, but have you ever personally actually measured the width of the sun, or timed it as it marched across a fixed telescope's crosshairs? I've measured the angular width of the sun several times with a surveyor's transit (it's about a two minutes of time, or 32 minutes of angle) and it does not change from midday to sunset. Neither does the image of the moon widen as it nears the horizon. That either one seems bigger to your eye at sunset is only an optical illusion.
If you don't trust that statement, which after all is sound thinking - really, what would you read off a weblog that you'd believe uncritically? - then get hold of a transit and sun filter, or for cheap, get sunglasses, two sticks and a watch with a second hand, and perform the experiment yourself.
Yours WDK - WKiernan@concentric.net
I've got it in 1s and 0s (Score:1)
Re:kinda (Score:1)
Good luck on the exam, and I like your anti-spam address.
Re:Aurora (Score:1)
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? Yes (Score:1)
These blobs appear for no apparent reason and grow and grow and eventually just move off to the side of my vision and go away. However, they are VERY annoying because I just can't see a thing where they are.
I've visited an optomitrist and he didn't see anything out of the ordinary in my eye. I think it's actually something in the nerves between my eyes and brain. Possibly something that occurs where they cross paths. I've also overheard people that say that they get something similar when they get migraines. It also used to be and sometimes still is accompanied by a terrible headache (actually, the pain is more in my eyes) that I sometimes get after not enough sleep. So, perhaps it's like a headache/migraine without the pain.
Nevertheless, they always go away and now I just live with them. I don't think there's an easy way to get rid of them. However, if anyone knows what they could be, I would be interested to know.
looking at the sun safely... (Score:1)
Save your eyes. Here [intellicast.com] is a nice picture of our Sun at Intellicast. [intellicast.com]
I don't know how to interpret the bright spot which can be seen towards the centre of The Sun, but I suspect that is the sunspot based on the picture in the article attached to this story.
If you live far enough north, you can check out the chances of seeing some aurora at the same site, [intellicast.com] by clicking here. [intellicast.com]Random tidbit of information: (Score:2)
Isaac Newton practically drove himself blind by staring at the sun for hours regularly, watching for sunspots.
To make it vividly clear how dangerous it is to stare at the sun, consider this. Total luminous flux from a given source drops down quadratically with distance; but so does the apparent angle. So the luminous intensity (luminous flux per unit solid angle) does not decrease with distance. In other words, neglecting absorbtion by the atmosphere, and so long as you are not near-sighted, a cell in your retina receives as much intensity from the sun when you stare at it from Earth as it would do if you were three meters from the sun.
(Of course, some would argue the same should hold for the stars. The reason it doens't is that the stars' apparent angle is smaller than one retinal cell. However, if the Universe were infinite in space and time, with stars uniformly distributed among it, the entire sky would be as luminous as the surface of the sun. This is the well known Ober's paradox.)
I doubt it. (Score:1)
But very high intensity visible light will still blow your eyes out. I bet the nuclear blast was quite far away, also the light wasn't coherent, and Feynmann was probably lucky
Btw people use microwaves to cook stuff... So it's not just UV.
That's Olbers' Paradox (Score:2)
Viewable? (Score:1)
Largest Sun Spot In Nine Years Now Viewable
Posted by timothy on Sunday September 24, @12:55AM
Re:Interesting thought! (Score:1)
If you watch TV in the dark, then your pupils will dialate to accomidate the darkness, and as such will allow more of the TV Radiation in.
Whether this is Good or Bad is left as an exersize.
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:2)
Your eyes have lenses in the front.
DO NOT DO THAT! (Score:1)
Use the telescope to project the image of the sun onto a piece of paper.
If the paper burns you can always get another one. If your retina burns you can't replace it - 10x10 pixel electronic retinas don't count. Going blind is NOT GOOD.
There's also another thing to keep in mind - the high res field of your vision is actually rather narrow - maybe 30 degrees, and it's handled by that small patch in your retina called the fovea. If you look straight at the sun you are likely to burn that bit off and you won't have anymore high res vision. You'll have to read stuff on your monitor by looking at it in the corner of your eye and setting the fonts to 72 point or something.
So even if you don't go 100% blind, it really really sucks.
Losing your peripheral vision isn't half as bad (that still sucks - my colleague has RPI, no cure
Take care,
Here's how you do it (Score:1)
* <-- Sun
|| <- telescope
|| or half binoculars
----------- <- paper with image on it
GRRRR! Why doesn't Slashdot doesn't allow pre tags???
I had to use tons of nbsp and brs to do this. VERY annoying. What's wrong with allowing pre tags?
Re:Sunspot info site (Score:1)
See this link. [uwyo.edu]
Re:Another Disturbance (Score:1)
I wonder if they upgraded thier equipment so this would not happen again.
There are no special points in the electrical system which are particularly vulnerable to magnetic storms. Working on thousands of miles of high tension lines, a magnetic storm induces a lot of current.
Short of shielding every long distance transmission line, there is really no way to protect them.
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? Yes (Score:1)
Sunspot info site (Score:4)
There is also an interesting article on the recent coronal mass ejection here. [nasa.gov]
Also read about the cold summer of 1816 here. [islandnet.com] It is theorized that the earth was extra cool because of sunspot activity.
Fun stuff... brings out the amateur scientist in me.
Feynman says... (Score:5)
According to Feynman (or at least, what's written in his book), it's the ultraviolet light which cooks your retinas, and that visible light simply won't do it no matter how intense it is. He took the simple precaution of watching the nuclear blast through a truck windshield, which is UV-opaque. While he had a big purple blotch in his visual field for several minutes afterwards, he did manage to watch a nuclear blast without permanent damage, which I think is pretty damn cool.
From my own experience, I can submit anecdotal evidence which supports Feynman's UV-is-the-problem hypothesis. Once, while working in a laser holography lab, I wound up getting an eyeful of HeNe. While I was damn near blind in that eye for ten minutes afterwards, I had no permanent effects.
ObWarning: I am not a competent eyecare professional, and don't try either of these stunts at home. Really. Especially not the nuclear one.
Re:well.... mabye (Score:1)
Galileo went blind in the year 1637 at the age of 73 probably because he had a penchant for staring directly at the sun to make observations. of course one of the reasons he earned international fame is that he discovered sunspots!
i say why not take your chances.
Re:BOFH excuse for the day (Score:1)
Re:9:15 Personal Note (Score:1)
Uhoh this is it THE END! (Score:1)
Interesting view (Score:2)
Re:Look at the sun... (Score:1)
When I was young, (Score:1)
So once, when I was six, I did.
Don't know if this matters, but... (Score:2)
If you take binoculars and turn them so that the large end is facing the sun.. and have a peice of cardboard it will display the sun spot. This one should be large enough to see on the projected image. This is safe for your eyes..
Re: (Score:1)
Not too far off (Score:2)
Actually, that's the standard problem with cheap sunglasses that don't block UV; the relative darkness dilates your eyes, which are then exposed to more-than-normal levels of radiation.
I'm not sure about the TV Radiation part, but the theory is at least sound.
Thank God for Salshdot! (Score:1)
I will be sure not to do my usual routine of going out every morning and staring at the Sun because of this large Sunspot.
Sometimes when I read Slashdot I wonder if these guys ever get from behind their computers to see what the Sun looks like?
Re:Here's how you do it (Score:1)
Re:I'll bet.... (Score:1)
Re:kinda (Score:1)
. ._ _ .__. ___ ___ ._ _. _.. _. .. .
A word of advice: (Score:1)
Re:9:15 Personal Note (Score:1)
I guess it would've suited you better if he said "I didn't enjoy that movie" instead of that it "sucked ass" ?? Big deal. I'm a big fan of thinking movies, but I also feel that Pi tried too hard and wasn't that good of a movie (and I've seen it several times, I gave it a few extra chances because people continued to tell me I didn't "get it") Whatever.
You've come off pretty childish in your post, moreso than the person who you're bashing.
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:2)
Look Ma! (Score:1)
Really? (Score:2)
And if the image is dark, then dilation won't really hurt, right?
Dilation is something that is self-adjusting according to brightness I think. So I don't know that 'more' or 'less' radiation is allowed in. I don't know at what point the pupil will dilate, but I do know that my monitor right now is bright that I can see across my room, with lights off.
The nick is a joke! Really!
Re:Look at the sun... (Score:1)
Here's a definition [dictionary.com]... and keep up those physics courses... you've almost got it.
yes, it's bad (and Feynman is wrong) (Score:2)
You probably won't feel any pain, and the resulting damage is not directly visible--it's just like another blind spot. But once a significant part of your fovea (central vision) is damaged, you won't be able to see details anymore.
So, in short, don't look at the sun directly under any circumstances, and get regular eye exams. There are lots of other things that can go wrong with your eyes.
You can see it. (Score:1)
If you don't have any binoculars, you can use a sheet of paper with a pinhole in it instead. You won't be able to make the projection as large though.
Re:When I was young, (Score:1)
There's a little black spot on the sun today (Score:1)
The sun is literally covered with these "dark areas" which we call sunspots--it was really cool to see!
So yeah it will produce a lot of weird disturbances to our electromagnetic field, but it won't be anything like the global catastrophe that was Y2K(-1)!
Re:1st post (Score:1)
Another Disturbance (Score:2)
A large sunspot in March 1989 triggered a disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field that knocked out power lines in Canada.
Aurora (Score:1)
Re:well (Score:1)
Re:Dr. Feynman says... (Score:1)
The original lines are something like...
I gotta get out moreJeff
Eclipse (Score:1)
I'd like to take this moment to remind you all that you shouldn't look at the sun during an eclipse [angryflower.com] either. Play safe, kids!
Re: (Score:2)
Re:AHHH! MY EYES!!! (Score:2)
I support the EFF [eff.org] - do you?
Is looking at the sun really bad? Yes (Score:3)
in '77 when I was a kid, there was an eclipse of the sun on the west coast of the United States.
My sister and I were psyched about it, and our parents talked to us about how to view the eclipse and we made pin-hole viewers, etc...
To make a long story even longer, my sister looked at the eclipse several times--trying to focus on the sun to see the eclipse better.
That day she had a blind spot form right in the center of her vision. She didn't tell anyone about it, hoping that it would go away. Finally after several days she 'fessed up about the blind spot and she went to an eye doctor.
The doctor had been inundated by people with stories similar to hers...he said that she should consider herself lucky that she hadn't blinded herself.
Imagine how tough it would be to have a blind spot directly in the center of your vision. It is a dark spot that you can't look around. Imagine trying to focus on someone's face and seeing nothing.
So, Yes, looking at the sun IS really bad
Interested in the Colorado Lottery?
kinda (Score:4)
. ._ _ .__. ___ ___ ._ _. _.. _. .. .
Current SOHO Image (Score:2)
Re:Feynman says... (Score:4)
the energy of a laser beam can be intensified up to 100,000 times by the focusing action of the eye. If the irradiance entering the eye is 1 mW/cm2, the irradiance at the retina will be 100 W/cm2.
so if you have anything over 30mW, no matter what wavelength(except far ultraviolet and mid to far infrared which will cause burns to the cornea) in a direct beam impact of the eye you are almost absolutely sure deposit enough energy in your retina to cause fast heating and burn even considering the blink reflex.
Re:Is looking at the sun really bad? (Score:2)
So, yes, there is proof that it can be dangerous for your eye sight to look directly into the Sun especially with a telescope!
Re:Current SOHO Image (Score:3)
Here is its thumbnail. [maj.com]
Mmmmmeow- (Score:2)
Wow.. (Score:2)
9:15 Personal Note (Score:3)
Look at the sun... (Score:2)
Re:Interesting thought! (Score:2)
I have heard carrots *do* have compounds essential for the visual system. I dunno if they help, but they certainly don't hurt!
What makes carrots orange is a pigment called beta-carotene, and this is a precursor to Vitamin A. The scientific name for Vitamin A is retinol because it has a specific function in the retina of the eye. Simply stated, Vitamin A allows the rods and cones in the retina to adjust to light changes, produce visual excitation and send images to the visual centers of the brain.
Carrots are indeed an excellent source of Vitamin A via the beta-carotene precursors, but so are all darkly colored vegetables. Dark green vegetables have lots of beta-carotene but the green of the chlorophyll overwhelms the yellow and orange tones. Some sources of Vitamin A, in descending order, are liver, carrots, sweet potato, spinach, apricots, winter squash, cantaloupe, broccoli, crab, peaches.
Extremely high doses of Vitamin A are known to cause fetal damage. This was discovered through the marketing and use of the popular acne drug, Retin-A, which is a synthetic version of Vitamin A delivered in very high doses. Just eat some dark leafy green every day and you'll be fine.
The british SAS are rumoured to take vitamin A supplements for a week before running planned special operations, to enhance eyesight.
Just my $0.02
Michael Tandy
...another comment from Michael Tandy.
Aurorae Tracking and Other Space Weather (Score:2)
Anyway, there's a great site run by NOAA (http://www.sec.noaa.gov/SWN/ [noaa.gov]) that has updated images of the Sun, sunspot activity, solar storms, and aurorae activity. Definitely worth checking out, especially if you live in an area that could possibly see aurorae.