Gears, Computers And Number Theory 69
UncleJosh writes: "The latest issue of
American Scientist
has an interesting article
"On the Teeth of Wheels" about the relationship between gears, computers and number theory." It's as much a well-meshed detective story (hunting for books and obscure references) as a historical and mathematical introduction to the science of gears. Prime numbers, watchmakers and the Fibonacci sequence all play a part.
Re:Math humor (Score:1)
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:1)
Re:No comparison... (Score:1)
I consider myself an average /. geek and not a mathematician, and I thought it was pretty cool. Most interesting was seeing how recently a mundane trade was priming the pump for new kinds of abstract thinking.
I was disappointed, though, that the author was unable to track down Brocot's more "theoretical work", since this gear-making example seems to have encompassed a full circle of problem solving -- trial and error, thinking by algorithm and thinking about algorithms. I would like the author's perspective on how the latter two relate in this case.
I have not read the Cryptonomicon. Has anyone read The Advent of the Algorithm by David Berlinski? The prose wanders between "brilliant" and "snotty euro", but mostly the former.
In the opening, he brashly claims (from memory) "The first great contribution of the West to science is the Calculus; the second is the Algorithm. There is no third."
Is this refutable?
Re:No comparison... (Score:1)
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:4)
This uses considerably less road than, say, connecting city A to city B and then city B to city C. The problem gets considerably harder if you are not using a regular figure or if you are using more than three points. It's really a calculus of variations problem (I think) -- you're minimizing over an infinite number of paths so this makes it a pretty tough problem for a computer.
This problem is a piece of cake, however, if you use a very special analog computer -- namely soap bubble solution. If I make two plexiglas plates and put pins between them representing the cities I am trying to connect, then dip the construction into bubble solution, a soap film forms connecting the pins. As long as the soap film doesn't close on itself (that is, as long as it doesn't make a 'real' bubble) you will get a solution to the problem. The number of solutions to a given problem grows depending on the number of vertices, but suffice it to say it's a lot quicker to check all the solutions using soap bubbles than it is to use a computer. Also, each solution is quite close to the absolute minimal solution, so within certain parameters it may not be necessary to check every solution. My old differential geometry teacher tells me that they actually use the soap bubble method to do minimization problems for such things as highway planning.
There's a lot more interesting stuff about this problem which I shan't go into, partly because I don't remember and partly because it's not very relevant to the discussion at hand. In any case, this is a good example of an analog 'computer' being demonstrably faster than a digital one.
Re:Asynchronous Computers (Score:1)
There is some overhead in asynchronous circuits. The circuit needs to be able to send a signal which can act as the clock upon completion. Depending on what the circuit is supposed to do the overhead can be considerable when compared to a synchronous circuit running at its maximum speed.
In addition gates often can't start processing until all the inputs are fed. Consider a simple AND gate with inputs A0, A1, A2 and A3 and an output Z.
If A0 comes in first and comes in high there still is not enough information to start computing Z. In fact until the very last input bit arrives or a zero Z can not be computed.
I'm not an expert in asynchronous circuits, take what I've said with a grain of salt. I've worked with a few people who explored asynchronous circuits and this was the state at that particular point of time.
I suppose that if there were compelling benefits for asynchronous logic for microprocessors we would see them: power is related to the clock rate, synchronous circuits are always clocked, asynchronous circuits only clock when they're doing useful stuff, hence power should be lower. If you can get the overhead for the completion flags low then theoretically you should be able to run faster etc.
It seems that asynchronous microprocessors are always "just around the corner".
Re:Mechanical Calculators (Score:1)
Re:Asynchronous Computers (Score:1)
My personal opinion is that we (the open source community) should construct the first practical neurally optimising compiler (which would make this architecture practical) , and patent the fucker, so those parasitic capitalist bastards OUT THERE can't get their clammy hands on it.
This is DEFINITELY doable.
Ideas, anyone?
Re:Asynchronous Computers (Score:1)
It was even used as prior art a few years ago, a US company wanted to patent async FPUs and, guess what, the patent wasn't granted!
Re:No comparison... (Score:2)
Is this refutable?
Refutable? Not without a strict definition of great. But you hit the nail on the head when you said, "snotty".
I would say the scientific method, and empiricism itself, qualify as great contributions. Hell, deductive reasoning. And personally, I'd be kind of proud if I'd discovered evolution, or DNA, or atoms.
Anyway, who exactly does he mean by, "the West", and to whom is he contrasting them? I seem to recall the Chinese were developing calculus about the same time as Liebnitz and Newton... so maybe the west has had only one great contribution. :-)
One must wonder what contribution Mr. Berlinski has made to science, to so judge the contributions of others. I guess /. doesn't have a monopoly on technological ingrates!
Re:Best Quote (Score:1)
Correct me if I'm wrong but looking from a complexity point of view, the algorithm suggested by the author (".... If you need to approximate some ratio, just have the computer try all pairs of gears with no more than 100 teeth. There are only 10,000 combinations; you can churn them out in an instant. For a two-stage compound train, running through the 100 million possibilities is a labor of minutes...") has a complexity of O(a^n), n being the number of cogs in a train, a being somewhat constant, in this case 10,000. According to this, computing the ratio for 3 cogs would take 10,000 * "[the] labor of minutes", 4 cogs would take 10^8 minutes at least and so on. Not a very easy task anymore. You cant realy just throw calculation power at this, sorry.
Now, I Dont know if using the 'old' method improves the performance by much, it seems to do that. Anyone wants to calculate an average complexity for it?
So maybe this nice, deterministic algorithm (can someone just prove it will definitly end in a, hopefully, linear number of steps) is not that horrifyingly futile? and maybe, just maybe, it is worth the bother of being clever.
just my 2 agorot.
Re:Math humor (Score:1)
Re:Best Quote (Score:1)
Why do I mention it? All in all, it's a whopping 4035 bytes.
Re:Especially Zuse! (Score:2)
The code looks like this:
.8 (-
.8 (-
.8 (
.9 (-
.9 (
:1 -) 666
It actually had some halfway decent flow control, and even pointers.
What is ultimately very scary is that the Swedish Navy was still using this language as late as 1991. And, code written in the 50's still compiles on the "modern" compilers. Now they have OO and some GUI functions in it, but still no alphabetic characters.
Cambridge research group (Score:1)
Fascinating stuff; it does have the potential to be faster, but processors must be designed in different ways to exploit the varying speed of different operations. Then there's waiting for the RAM
We have come so far... (Score:2)
I went through most of high school with a slide rule; it was a *very* big deal when I bought my first calculator, for hundreds of dollars, from Sears...
And yet, before that, a whole lot of computational stuff we now take for granted was all done mechanically.
Check out TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE No. 2 [noaa.gov]
"This machine was designed by Rollin A. Harris and E.G. Fischer and constructed in the instrument shop of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
It was completed in 1910 and replaced the Ferrel Tide-Predicting Machine in 1912."
"The machine summed 37 constituents and was capable of tracing a curve graphically depicting the results."
Whoa! So you don't have to write down the output! Now that's a feature! But don't laugh! It was necessary to write down the output on previous models.
"It is about 11 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 6 feet high, and weighs approximately 2,500 pounds."
And this was state-of-the-art, at the time!
gearing on "Blip" (Score:1)
"Digital Derby" was another of Tomy's electro-mechanical games. Even though both games had "digital" in their names, the LED was the only digital thing about them; I suppose you could say they were 1-bit games.
the SAC -- instantaneous sorting (Score:1)
The preprocessing can be a bitch, but the actual sort itself is near instantaneous
computing with gears (Score:1)
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:2)
Wow, that cold be a great argument against IP (Score:1)
As I was reading this and seeing how these people came to the same intellectual conclusions using totally different creativity, knowledge bases, and independent thinking. It becomes obvious that something like the concept of IP is completely unworkable because people will undoubtedly approach similar technologies from different paths.
There is really no way IP could be an incentive to creators, but it can do plenty to inhibit them from applying the labor of their work without fear of penalty.
Marvelous article! More please! (Score:2)
It takes me back to the earlier days of /., before the days of the Four-Letter Crusades (MPAA, RIAA, DMCA). Back when you could still find articles on science and technology instead of <contempt>legal depositions</contempt>.
(I gotta admit, tho, Valenti's depo was kinda funny, up until I got sick.)
Re:Are we all just gear makers? (Score:1)
Coding began completely as an artform; writing routines "by hand" was commonplace, to achieve maximal performance.
Nowadays, code is left in its most slapdash form (Anyone who needs proof, just watch how fast MS Office apps take to start up, even on my damn P3-700). The compiler is given its opportunity to streamline things, but who unrolls loops anymore?
Here's the interesting parallel: Look at any machine made before about 1900. Machines and tools were works of art - ornately decorated and painted; each hand-crafted part was a thing of beauty. While primative, to be sure, they will often last forever. Modern machinery is functional and not in the least artistic. Furthermore, it has a real tendancy to break down.
Look at code. Look at the original UNIX, the original Multics, and all the assorted tools on them. The ispell, emacs, bourne shell, and every other "ancient" program is still around; improved upon but still beautiful. These old program will run and keep running, because programmers like Mel put in the love.
It's not about speed, its about beauty, and I think that this is something that will be less and less evident in software to come, because programmers are getting lazy and drunk on the fast processing power available to us.
-- Aaron Kimball
Re:What's the limit on gear trains? (Score:1)
>If trains of four, five, six, etc gears are mechanically practical, the computational problem of choosing their ratios still seems interesting.
I might have misunderstood you, but you seem to have overlooked that gear trains are normally driven from the bottom (ie to produce a slower rotation at the far end) and not from the top. Thus trains of even 9, 10, 12, 20 gears are not only mechanically practical, but not very difficult either.
So yeah, there is still some scope for interesting computation, but on reflection, the computation of gear trains is interesting largely because it has solid practical application, but today, any application requiring an accuracy that would take a 20 step train to achieve is going to be done digitially anyway.
Math humor (Score:5)
So he went into the auditorium and sat down. The lecturer began: "The theory of gears with a finite number of teeth is well-understood. However..."
Any Crypto Geeks Care to Comment? (Score:1)
There is a lot about factoring in the article. Is Brocot's AlGoreRhythm potentially useful to speed factoring?
The regular
Mechanical Calculators (Score:2)
      According to this [bath.ac.uk] web page, the Curta was designed and built by a gentleman named Curt Herzstark of Austria. Although several prototypes were made, the first production began in April, 1947. The last Curta was made in November, 1970 but they were still sold until early 1973. Over the course of about 20 years approximately 80,000 of the Curta I and 60,000 of the Curta II were constructed.
      Additional links, articles, and pictures of this awesome little device can be found here [teleport.com] and at Curta.org [curta.org]
I gotta say..The Curta is one sexy little calculator
Don't be too calculator-centric in the history of (Score:2)
(And there's more of them to look at than number-calculation devices
And for an orrery, virtually every gear-ratio is an approximation of a non-factorable ratio, so I found the article of particular interest because I'm currently working on one at home. (Though it's a desktop sort of thing, I aspire to eventually do something along the lines of Aughra's awesome device [] <grin>)
The only real link I've got on hand is this one: Brian Greig's Orrery Page [geocities.com] :-)
(He makes orreries for museums, collectors etc, and some of them are pretty cool
BTW, for those that haven't seen much of these things, an orrery (named after the Earl of Orrery, who commissioned one of the first built) is a device that shows the motion of the planets to scale (but not the size of the planets to scale...). And like the calculation engines, orreries today are done through software.
If you know a bit about the complexities of planetary motion (eg non-circular orbits, inclined orbits in which the plane of inclination drifts or rotates), seeing the various means of incorporating these aberrations into a clockwork model is quite fascinating.
One particularly nagging thing about the article was the assumption that the problem is finding the best gear ratio. Ha! The best ratio might be 103:17 but have you ever tried to find a gearcutter? The last one I saw was in a museum (I must have been a pathetic sight - pressed up against the glass like a kid outside the candy store...), which means I have to buy manufactured gears. Which means finding the best gear ratio out of the gears available to me. Sure, it cuts down on the computation, but you need to make a longer gear train to get even remotely close :-(
Ah well.
It seems a shame that the skills and tools of so many of these crafts are dying or dead (if only because they could make amazing things that modern manufacturing methods are currently simple incapable of producing).
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:2)
Take an infinitely rigid bar (or near-infinitely rigid) which is about four light-years long, and weighs almost nothing (a few pounds, maybe a few tons) and put it between Sol and Alpha Centauri. Wiggle it back and forth, and you have instantaneous morse code across four light-years.
It has to be nearly infinite in its rigidity or it will bend and the girl on the other side won't see movement, and it has to be light-weight or you will have trouble keeping it straight (a few pounds with a 2 light-year moment arm will be a pain to keep straight).
This is the best example I know of where mechanics wins over electronics/optics/sub-space/new-tech.
Louis Wu
Thinking is one of hardest types of work.
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:1)
The question is about computers - if there is no processing, there is no computation, hence it isn't a computer.
But a good example.
Re:Teeth on Sweatshirts (Score:1)
Disclaimer: I was the Chair of the club last year.
Louis Wu
Thinking is one of hardest types of work.
Re:Impressive Planets (Score:1)
Yes and no. It's from the film "The Dark Crystal", and depicts a fictional solar system, however, they built the thing full size and motorised it etc. So it's real in the more important sense of "I could have something like that in my bedroom".
(A good defense against burglars
A picture of Aughra:
Lots of Dark Crystal pics:
Dark Crystal has just been re-released on DVD, so if you want to see the orrery in motion, you know what to do. (I also recommend "Labyrinth" - made by many of the same people and is a better film as well).
>I suppose suspension of the bodies would be a problem.
Surperconductors reflect magnetism, so if you could make a superconducting disk (cooled from beneath) several metres wide...
(And you'd get Tacky Mysterious Fog drifting off the device in the Bargain
On the other hand, having the huge brass rods and crescents and stuff has an appeal of its own.
This remainds me why i fell in love with math... (Score:1)
But yes, I realized that I wanted to study CS because it looked like art, and yet it was something practical. But after the Software Engineering course (what! is it ENGINEERING after all?) I was sadly aware that CS was headed to the "no artists here, just things that work well enough" paradigm instead of the "pauca set matura" (few but mature) paradigm that was the motto of K.F. Gauss, my favorite mathematician.
oh, well!
Re:gearing on "Blip" (Score:1)
It is a strange relic though, especially because electronic games were already popular (ohhh, Mattel Football..)
You'll be propagating sound waves in your bar (Score:2)
If you were able to do an infinitely rigid bar you might get instantenous communication (infinite speed of sound), but the trouble is, there is no such thing as an infinitely rigid bar...
Re:Best Quote - unuh - WORST quote (Score:1)
So brute force is a cheap temporary system in those brief periods where user demands don't exceed machine specification. Most of the time, software is in the position of scrambling to keep up. In my world, knowing how the mechanisms of gears works and successfully communicating it to a machine means that the machine can now do it efficiently for many cases. Brute force means I can't maintain frame rate.
When window based systems became popular, awesome DOS machines turned into absolute dogs under windows, cause the demands on them went up an order of magnitude. The same thing will happen again as 3D moves from games into the general environment, once more it's gonna be shaving cycles.
Given this, the only justification I've ever seen for brute force is as a temporary solution while you make the real one, or because it's an npc problem and you're just gambling anyway. Over time the effective lifetime of software, I'd argue that the lifetime of a knowledge based solution always exceeds the lifetime of a brute force solution.
I guess I'll end my rant now, it's just that I think anyone who buys that is by definition a dinosaur, i.e. they have only the present moment, no future at all.
Re:Best Quote - unuh - WORST quote (Score:1)
No comparison... (Score:1)
Mechanical Computers (Score:5)
The History of Mechanical Computers [best.com]
Early Calculators [hpmuseum.org]
Zuse [geol.uib.no]
Especially Zuse! (Score:1)
Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:2)
Warning! Wheels w/ Teeth! (Score:2)
Also, please don't feed the wheels: they become enourmously fat and refuse to reproduce. We have been issued various legal threats from auto manufacturers about this. You WILL BE FINED.
Thank you. (forgive my spellign!)
Re:Warning! Wheels w/ Teeth! (Score:1)
Are we all just gear makers? (Score:3)
After reading through the Scientific American article, I suddenly found I wanted to re-read The Story of Mel [tuxedo.org] again, the tale of a programmer's programmer from an era gone by. Our old-timers often lament the extinction of code laboriously hand-tuned to run tight and fast on elegant machines from days gone by -- and those days have been gone only a few decades. The gear makers worked their craft a century or more ago.
Today, sometimes I wonder, what was the point? Why not just shovel in and ship out the first thing that works? A year and a half from now, the hardware will be twice as fast, and probably cost half as much. The software we wrote will be obsolete, as will be the hardware it ran on.
But maybe it does matter. It would be a terrible thing if our decendants did not surpass us. But even as they gaze back upon us from those lofty, distant heights, maybe we can give them a reason to listen to how it was done in the Good Old Days.
"Lest a whole new generation of programmers
grow up in ignorance of this glorious past,
I feel duty-bound to describe,
as best I can through the generation gap,
how a Real Programmer wrote code..."
Re:Especially Zuse! (Score:2)
I'll second that -- Konrad Zuse's work on electromechanical computers is fascinating. He developed the first stored-program computer in Germany during WWII, with bombs falling and severe shortages of materials. (At one point he "liberated" copper from a public power line for his machine, later realizing that the police/soldiers would have killed him on the spot if they'd caught him.)
I recommend reading his autobiography The Computer - My Life [amazon.com] . It's entertaining and informative (unlike many autobiographies).
Asynchronous Computers (Score:2)
Re:Especially Zuse! (Score:1)
What Eric Weisstein has to say of it (Score:2)
Anyway, here are some quotes from articles in mathworld related to the original article:
Stern-Brocot tree [wolfram.com]. "A special type of binary tree obtained by starting with the fractions 0/1 and 1/0 and iteratively inserting
(m+m')/(n+n') between each two adjacent fractions m/n and m'/n'. The result can be arranged in tree form as illustrated above. The Farey sequence Fn defines a subtree of the Stern-Brocot tree obtained by pruning off unwanted branches (Vardi 1991, Graham et al. 1994)."
Gear curve [wolfram.com]. "A curve resembling a gear with teeth given by the parametric equations x = r cos t, y = r sin t, where r = a + 1/b tanh [b sin (n t)]."
Phi, the golden ratio [wolfram.com]. "A number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric figures such as the pentagram, decagon and dodecagon. It is denoted [phi], or sometimes [tau] (which is an abbreviation of the Greek ``tome,'' meaning ``to cut''). [phi] is also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, and golden section and is a Pisot-Vijayaraghavan constant. It has surprising connections with continued fractions and the Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two integers."
(Note: the above quotes from mathworld fall under the definition of "fair use". Please don't sue me!)
Re:You'll be propagating sound waves in your bar (Score:1)
Re:Fantastic! (Score:2)
The farey sequence is known to naturaly enumerate the buds of the mandelbrot set. Julie Tolmie at math anu edu au has just finished a PhD thesis [anu.edu.au] in this area.
Check it out; lot's of great pictures.
Re:Any Crypto Geeks Care to Comment? (Score:1)
What this algorithm is good for is understanding the _geometry_ of ratio and, more importantly, the geometry of multiplication of ratios.
Cool pictures from the mathematicians (Score:1)
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:1)
Instantly finding the largest number of a set where numbers are represented by lengths of uncooked spaghetti is as easy as setting them on end, & holding the longest while letting all the others fall away, but after a few thousand different numbers, accurately trimming all that spaghetti becomes difficult.
I'd like to know how mathematically well supported this idea is. I regard it as a basic theorem, because otherwise it seems to allow easy solution of NP-Complete problems, but would love to see it investigated.
Re:You'll be propagating sound waves in your bar (Score:1)
It seems that the sound waves in the finitely-rigid bar are traveling at twice the speed of light. Alpha Centauri is about 4 light-years away, and if it took only 2 years for the wave to get there ...
Louis Wu
Thinking is one of hardest types of work.
Best Quote (Score:1)
I think I've read a few
Just imagine they type of software that would be seen if software engineers, like ourselves, actually tried to be clever.
Re:What's the limit on gear trains? (Score:2)
This would make an interesting physics problem. I'm sure it's already been done somewhere.
You'd be adding up a series of terms based on the drive ratio of each pair of gears (where each driven gear has a pinion attached that drives the next driven gear), figuring out the speeds and thus the amount of power required to turn each gear which depends on the speed each gear is turning.
So, as the number of gears approaches infinity, what does the function for the required power input look like? Assuming it's a simple scenario where all of the driven/pinion gears have the same ratio.
Now if you're increasing the speed with each gear, the power required will skyrocket, friction will take over and you'll break your legos. Fortunately, theoretical physicists and mathematicians only have to deal with massless, unbreakable gears with precisely known friction functions...
Impressive Planets (Score:1)
One other question; would it be possible, or make sense at all, to try to make an orrery that used some other force (say, magnetism) to simulate gravity? I suppose suspension of the bodies would be a problem.
What's the limit on gear trains? (Score:2)
What's considered a practical limit on the length of gear trains used for watches, mechanical computers, etc? At some point, the amount of force needed to overcome the static friction of the shafts would break the teeth off the gears first. Even before that, the force required to keep everything turning might be too high for a spring/watch battery/other power source to produce for any useful length of time.
If trains of four, five, six, etc gears are mechanically practical, the computational problem of choosing their ratios still seems interesting.
Re:No comparison... (Score:1)
And frankly, it's nowhere as math-deep as it could have been; it's left me wanting more mathematical detail, and I'm a mere "computer scientist".
"The guy"'s prose is fine; he weaved the story rather well, reminding me more than once of James Burke's Connections column on SciAm. He also did a good job of explaining the mathematics; I think anyone with more than an elementary understanding of it (i.e. who knows what a fraction is) would have had a pretty easy time reading the article.
I would have hoped that "the average slashdot geek" (which is what you seem to consider yourself to be) would have a more firm grasp of basic math, especially considering that it's where all of "computer science" comes from. Maybe I'm just an optimist. Ah well.
Re:No comparison... (Score:1)
Re:Especially Zuse! (Score:2)
The paper The "Plankalkül" of Konrad Zuse: A Forerunner of Today's Programming Languages [Bauer and Wössner, Mathematisches Institut der Technischen Universität München] is available [tuxedo.org] in HTML form at Eric Raymond's Retrocomputing Museum [tuxedo.org]. It describes Plankakül in excruciating detail... it's a very fun read (if you're into ancient and bizarre programming languages, that is).
Interesting (Score:1)
It was pretty cool seeing Viswanath's name in the article since I took a class he taught on formal languages last fall.
Getting back on topic, a lot of the sciences have had deep interplays with society. For example, some important thermodyanic ideas and relationships were discovered by people trying to perfect beer brewing (I believe it was Kelvin but I'm not sure). Another example is theology in northern england, which was one of the major influences in the developement of the idea that energy is conserved in physics. A similar connection exists between quantitative science and accounting.
Despite our superficial impressions, scientists have often used influences and concepts from society at large to formulate their theories. In this respect, the sciences are socially constructed. However, the are not entirely social constructions regardless of what some say.
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:2)
Re:Could mechanical computers be faster? (Score:1)
It is almost certainly possible to build a mechanical device which can do certain, specialized computations faster than the general purpose computers we have now. The real question is "is it practical?" The answer to this is most likey "no." Even if it is, an electronic counterpart to the machine could be built to be even faster than the mechanical device. You may be able to escalate this a for a few more iterations, but the electronics will win out - you'll always be able to move electrons faster than gears, levers, &c.
Re:No comparison... (Score:2)
Eh, I don't know where you went to school, but the math in this article doesn't go beyond high school levels. At least not on where I went to high school.
I'm not sure what you mean by the average slashdot geek. Just because it doesn't mention Linux or free software doesn't mean it ain't interesting.
-- Abigail
Fantastic! (Score:1)
I was especially hit hard by the last para in which the author points out the fact that computers can now solve the same by brute force.
But it gave me hope as I had always been worried that at the rate at which our knowledge base is growing a day would come that noone would be competent in his field i.e. it would take up all ones life to get competent in a field before one could actually do some new work.
But as this example has pointed out in years to come we just wouldnt have to master the old basics, we could hand them over to a brute force machine and concentrate on coming up with something new.
Incidentally the author mentions fractals but I was not able to get any reference to vibonacci and fractals. Can somebody help me out?
Re:Are we all just gear makers? (Score:1)
That *has* to be my absolute favorite part of the jargon file. I was just mentioning it to a bud of mine that I'm attempting to seduce away from the Dark Side. I'll shoot him the url. Hope he appreciates it.
Re:What's the limit on gear trains? (Score:2)
After reading your post, I could only wonder... How would Legoland history be different if Mindstorms had never been invented? Imagine an alternate future, in which the Lego Babbagestorm basic kit comes with 10,000 pieces (9,900 of which go into the differential engine).
Re:What's the limit on gear trains? (Score:1)