R.I.P. Iridium 241
Archeopteryx writes, "Motorola has posted a notice that they expect, barring a financial 'White Knight,' Iridium service to end at 11:59 p.m. EST on March 17.
A few questions come to mind: 1) What becomes of the abandoned satellites? They are a real nuisance to astronomers due to the 'Iridium Flash' effect, and they complicate launch windows for satellites destined for any inclination. 2) Have these any Ham Radio use? 3) Assuming there is a use for them, who owns them after they are abandoned? Any Space Law experts out there? An abandoned ship is subject to salvage laws; how about an abandoned spacecraft?"
W'hey! (Score:1)
Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
Sell the sattelites (Score:2)
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:3)
Makes me wonder.... (Score:3)
How did Qualcomm get around this for their tri-band GlobalStar phones?
To the 0wn3rz go the ComSats (Score:4)
Hmmmmm... hack targets. *drool* Think of the freenet-style net we could bring on if someone hacked these babies and set up satelite networking. Do they have inband commands?
My bets are on the Cult of the Dead Cow to be the first to OwN these guys. Heh. I predict a satellite-hack version of king of the hill coming up.
Iridium flashes while meteor observing (Score:2)
It took me a moment to realize what it was that I was seeing, but for a few tense seconds.... :-)
I Claim The Satellites (Score:2)
If anyone wishes to purchase one, the bidding starts at a mere $250.
Any takers?
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
Why doesn't the air force just use them to test anti-satellite weaponry?
Re:W'hey! (Score:2)
Also, I just found this article [socratek.com] on the amount of money Motorola recieves from Iridium to operate and maintain everything. Between 128 and 179 million per quarter!!
No ham use (as is) (Score:2)
The Iridium satellites will be bought for pennies on the dollar, and the service will resurface at much lower cost (IMHO). Will it be competitive with cell phones across town, no - but for ships at sea, scientists in the brush, etc. it will be useful.
Now, what kind of deal will there be on these phones on eBay in a few months? ;^)
Solutions for Last Century's Technology (Score:3)
Well, my bet is the NSA will "borrow" them. Or else the military wing will use them as "hot rocks" for space defense. Sadly, due to Bill G's and Paul A's holdings, they won't be used to bombard Redmond
2. Ham Radio use.
3. Who owns them?
The country that the company resides in. AKA The United States of America. But if truly abandoned and noted as such, you could get salvage rights. My bet is the govt agency that takes them will file under the Black Budget restrictions, so you won't know they own them.
4. Can we pirate them? (bonus question)
Yes. Satellites keep working even after the ground crews stop them. Just give them the power up signal and reprogram them. This will show up in the next Bond movie "The Spy Who Spied On Me", when the evil Bill Sateg tries to rule the world, forgetting that he already owns it.
Re:Call me extra ignorant... (Score:2)
lovely help (Score:2)
q: can motorola help me out at all in finding an alternative satellite service provider?
a: motorola cares deeply about its customers. However, motorola feels it cannot provide you any more help than listing a couple of phone numbers at this time.
Now just cause Iridium is out of business doesn't classify these as abandoned craft. However if Iridium's offices etc is entirely shutting down and no more signals are sent to these craft then indeed it would seem that someone with "broadcast" capabilities could take over themselves a satellite provided they have the knowledge, software to do so.
I'm sure no matter what this will be a first in the realms of space law. If I were Iridium I'm most certainly want to give these satellites over to someone, otherwise it could be bumper cars in outspace. Certainly don't want somebody unqualified hacking on a spacecraft's navigations. (Scenes from MST 3K the Movie start rolling through my head)
Iridium RIP (Score:4)
Iridium Satellites of Love (Score:4)
Either that, or they will become the new Skynet.
Ham Radio Uses (Score:1)
Boy Plankton
Still waiting to see if JAWSAT or ASUSAT are going to be turned on.
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
Some are going to be pissed... (Score:1)
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:5)
All the sats will be de-orbited (and burned up) (Score:3)
If there is no last-minute financial rescue by the deadline, the de-orbiting plan will start, although it may take up to six months to complete.
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:2)
http://www.satellite.eu.org/sat/vs ohp/iridium.html [eu.org]
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:5)
Look here: http://www2.satellite.eu.org/sa t/vsohp/iridium.html [eu.org]
They explain the effect, and even link to flare prediction software.
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:5)
The web page to check out is www.heavens-above.com. Give them your latitude and longitude, and they can provide you with predictions of where to look and when.
What to do with old sats. (Score:2)
Copy of note to Motorala (Score:4)
It has my come to your attention that failing to find a buyer you will soon abandon your network of communications satellites, known as Iridium.
I am prepared to offer $100.00 US for your satellite network.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I'm sure you will agree that such a remarkable sum underscores the seriousness of my offer.
Re:I Claim The Satellites (Score:2)
Posession is 10/10ths of the law in space. Muhahaha!
Bad Mojo
Abandoned? (Score:1)
I fail to see the logic behind abandoning billions of dollars worth of sattelites.
Iridium Flash - lots of questions (Score:2)
What if, instead, they were not made of reflective material?
The handful of iridium satellites is nothing compared to all the other debris and satellites that we have put in orbit - if iridium satellites are such nuisances to astronomers, then what about all the other ones?
Is there a set of rules for satellite construction? I'm sure there some rules that everyone follows loosely.
Is there an international organization that regulates satellite launch schedules? I'm sure there is, it's too important for there not to be any.
If satellites were problems to astronomers, should we be concerned about all the satellite launches that seem to happen all the time?
Certainly, the iridium satellites can be put to use doing something, otherwise we'd just billions of dollars of floating space junk?
Re:To the 0wn3rz go the ComSats (Score:2)
Iridium sounds like an idea that was planned by a bureacracy when cell phones weren't that widespread and by the time they got around to implement it, it was already obsolete...
I think there are 7yrs left to the useful life of their constellation --another company can't use them because they're proprietary, and they'd cost too much to take care of. My guess: USAF buys them at liquidation prices and tests their sat killers
engineers never lie; we just approximate the truth.
Harm for Radio Astronomy Even Worse than Flash (Score:5)
The frequencies were protected by international treaty. Additionally, MOT agreed to respect the critical frequencies when they received nearby frequencies. Later, they went back on their word and ignored the international treaty.
In fairnes to MOT, they have worked with the major radio astronomy facilities to avoid making the frequency completely useless by scheduling windows when they would significanly limit their interference in certain locations. However, they still interfere and it makes scheduling time an even for obnoxious task for astronomers who try to maximize the utility of their observatories.
Even worse, it sets a very bad precedent for a big company to threaten to ruin an important scientific resource, and then "be nice" by being better than originally planned. What if every big company decides to put up a big network of satelites interfering with one frequency range, but agrees to be nice in certain locations at certain times? Not good for science!
...and if all else fails... (Score:1)
(Link is to the American (only one?) projext).
Maybe they will... (Score:1)
Jurisdiction (Score:2)
Iridium Flash? (Score:1)
Re:I Claim The Satellites (Score:1)
Make Seven
As far as I know... (Score:1)
Sorry guys, no free satellites...
I think they will just burn up. (Score:4)
As it goes, last Tuesday they talked about Irridium because some guy was bailing on them, it's the guy who owns vodafon. Anyhow, if nobody buys irridium then they will stop driving the satallites and after a while they will all enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up. A few of them might make it a while but they will all suffer the same fate eventually. CNBC made it sound like on March 17 they will turn the satallites off and just let them drift.
It's really kind of a bummer, I love the idea of a universal mobile phone. There are tons of applications for it. Irridium has been mismanaged since the get-go though. Nobody is going to be a $3000 portable phone and pay $8 a minute for service except for in the most extreme circumstances or they are the most reckless rich guys around. From what I've heard the line quality wasn't so hot either. My PCS phone works just about everywhere I've been in this country and I could easily buy a few more and use call forwarding in other jurisdictions if I needed it for much less than Irridium. There are also alternative satallite world phone ventures that are going on. I also think there are some laws in the US about satallite communication. I think NORAD or some other government agency will track your satallite and possibly even guide it for you if you for some small fee, that fee being something like they have access to your uplinks. I'm not 100% sure on it, but I suspect that once Irridium shuts down they will make sure the satallites cannot be used by anybody. I think there are a number of fears about people sniffing intelligence data to our spy satallites or determining where our spy satallites are. Perhaps someone else in the know knows the details on this.
Whatever the reasons, I'm pretty sure they will just turn the satallites off and let them crash.
Regarding Iridium (Score:3)
As far as the satellites are conserned, they will either (1) go in to safe mode then auto-deboost after some period of silence, or (2) Motorola will continue to spend money to command the satellites in order to control their descent so no one gets banged by space junk.
I seriously doubt the constellation will be of much use for anything other than what it was designed for, since the satellites were built for cheap and Iridium would have liked to capitalize on any alternative use.
RIP for the satellites too ... (Score:1)
What a waste
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
http://www.heavens-above.com/ [heavens-above.com]. They have web-based software for predicting these, and other satellite events. A cool site all around.
...not affiliated etc.
Re:Harm for Radio Astronomy Even Worse than Flash (Score:3)
What about the customers? (Score:2)
Will she have some kind of recourse?
Will she still have this recourse available several months from now, when she actually gets back to someplace with enough connectivity to file a claim?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
Note this web site says "In addition, a de-orbit plan will have to be submitted to eliminate the satellite constellation."
Iridium = Uridium (Score:1)
Space Law (Score:2)
I am not a space law expert, but I did take up a course on space law in college as part my aerospace enigineering degree. During this course the professor gave us an exammple of such a situation in which a sovjet satellite with a nuclear reactor on board caused some damage to other spacecrafts. The sovjets could not be held responsible because they had officially abandoned the spacecraft. It ended up that others had to clean up the mess.
So if these iridium satellites would be officially abandoned anyone who feels like it could try to "safe" them.
"Basic research is what I am doing, when I don't know what I'm doing."
Werner von Braun (The big boss at NASA a while back)
Re:Iridium Flash - lots of questions (Score:2)
>If satellites were problems to astronomers, should we be concerned about all the satellite launches that seem to happen all the time?
Well, most satelites are a problem, but Iridium satelites are especially annoying. Something about their design must make them give very strong specular reflections. Sure, we'd like it if satelites were reduced in number, but we'd also like it if the ones that are up weren't as rude as Iridium satelites are.
While many satelites leave a streak across an image, Iridium Flashes can saturate several pixel and ruin an entire exposure, which might have taken hours to take. Astronomers have wised up, and try to schedule around Iridium Flashes and take shorter exposures and add them when possible. However, this means we waste our time that we should be doing scientific research correction for the obnoxousness of Iridium. Also, many observations have had to be retaken, while astronomers were still trying to figure out what was causing the problems.
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
Why doesn't the air force just use them to test anti-satellite weaponry?
Easy answer:
If you take out a sattelite, you run a decent chance of leaving MORE debris in space than you start with.
If any of that debris took out a useful sattelite, there'd be H to pay.
paperbacks.homepage.com [homepage.com]
Reuters article with info on Iridium de-orbiting (Score:2)
New Satellite comms company just started launching (Score:2)
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:2)
Not to mention all thet is left stranded (Score:1)
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:1)
Re:What about the customers? (Score:2)
Re:Call me extra ignorant... (Score:2)
Self-destruction in one form or another (Score:1)
The older generation originally cost as much as 1 Billion dollars to make and put into orbit which naturally included everything from actual manufacturing of the device to the cost of groundcrew and rocket fuel, so these will be a costly writeoff for someone. Moderm satellites have benefitted immensely from the advance of technology in all sectors and can cost as little as 100Million for the whole thing. Naturally it depends on whether the device is intended for Low-elevation or high-elevation orbit planes, but that just means that if the need to rebuild a satellite network arises it will cost much less for much more capability.
The example I like to use is Anik E2, which up until recently was used for broadcasting C-band television signals versus the new "high-performance" NIMIQ satellite which broadcasts all digital signals. Both of these also broadcast radio and comm signals..
Re:To the 0wn3rz go the ComSats (Score:1)
Maybe Iridium should be put on eBay? (Score:4)
The world is full of irony.
By the way, Heavens Above [heavens-above.com] is a great place to look if you want to know when and where iridium flashes will take place. I'm sure those will be missed...
Salvage 1 (Score:1)
Yeah, it was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. Very much influenced by BattleStar Galactica, as I recall.. they were out at about the same time.
The internet is great, the internet is good, the internet has a Salvage 1 Fan Page [geocities.com].
Sad (Score:1)
The problem of course is the phones and airtime were too expensive, and they didn't work indoors.
I have a poster up in my house called "The Spirit of Iridium." Looks like that is all it is going to be... an idea.
Re:I Claim The Satellites (Score:2)
iridium (Score:1)
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:3)
Seriously, though, check out Observing Iridium Flashes [assa.org.au] and Heavens Above [heavens-above.com] (as someone already mentioned).
According to this article [sailingsource.com] in Sailing Source, the last link: tells you where and when to look for IRIDIUM satellite "flashes" as the sun reflects light off the satellites passing overhead. You plug in your lat/long position and it will tell you where and when in the night or predawn sky to look to see an Iridium "flash."
Some people call them flares [tiac.net] apparently to differentiate from meteor flashes.
The reason satellites are made of highly reflective materials is so they reflect the sunlight and not gather heat, sort of like a car baking in the hot sun. I imagine there *are* some coating materials which would reduce the glare and imagine that so far, there has been little reason to use them.
But remember that the Iridium "flare" is the reflection from the solar panels, which cannot be covered so easily as with some kind of paint.
That's an attractive but malicious thought, Lew! While we can think and talk of that amongst ourselves, I shudder to think of the child wanting to take his telescope into the back yard some night and Mom objects, saying that watching the sky is "evil" because she has no idea of the difference between a meteor flash and an Iridium flare!
Iridium Sat #7 on Ebay (Score:1)
Which one of us will be the first to put a prank EBay auction on one or all of the Iridium Satellites?
All that money burning up in the atmosphere....
Maybe they are owned by the share holders (Score:1)
Re:lovely help (Score:1)
> a: motorola cares deeply about its customers. However, motorola feels it cannot provide you any more help than listing a couple of phone numbers at this time.
And if you're in a remote area like the Antarctic, and your only voice line out is an Iridium phone, Motorola recommends that you make that phone call quickly :-)
Re:Harm for Radio Astronomy Even Worse than Flash (Score:1)
Call me an optimist, but incentive for an observatory on the moon? Don't get me wrong, you're not incorrect.
Re:What about the customers? (Score:1)
Re:Iridium Flash effect? (Score:2)
Re:Iridium Flash - lots of questions (Score:3)
> Astronomers have wised up, and try to schedule around Iridium Flashes and take shorter exposures and add them when possible. However, this means we waste our time
> that we should be doing scientific research correction for the obnoxousness of Iridium.
The alternative - deorbiting them by shooting them down en masse - is just as bad; space debris all over the place.
Which reminds me - it's been said that the dinosaurs died because they didn't have a space program. Truth is, they did have access to space, but the dinosaurs were damned if they did, damned if they didn't. Y'see, if it weren't for spending so much time avoiding iridium flashes, the dino-astronomers would have seen the damn asteroid coming with plenty of time to spare.
But by the time the dino-astronomers wised up to why their near-earth asteroid observations were so screwed up and shot down the iridium satellites in a fit of rage (when the Dean of Astronomy's a T. Rex, these things happen), incidentally creating the big layer of iridium-enriched dirt we observe at the 65-million-year mark in the fossil record, it was far too late to prevent the asteroid collision.
What's more, the rest of the dino-citizenry was so annoyed at them ("First they send tons of iridium into our backyard swimming pools, then they try to tell us there's gonna be a big hunk of rock falling down next year, but that that mess won't be their fault! Stupid astronomers! How dumb do they think we are?") that nobody heeded their warnings.
So the rock came, and the only survivors were the dino-astronomers themselves and a few mammals. After the catastrophe, the dino-astronomers gave up on astronomy and settled for evolving wings instead. It had started as an effort to lower the liftoff weight of their planned escape vehicles, but it turned out that flying was so much fun that they just gave up on the whole getting-to-orbit thing and settled into their new ecological niche, leaving dominion of the earth to the mammals.
I s'pose it worked out for the best, at least for us primates... but I can't help but wonder if the cockroaches are behind this whole iridium thing, just waiting for their turn to evolve...
The logic behind abandoning billions etc... (Score:1)
Re:Harm for Radio Astronomy Even Worse than Flash (Score:1)
I don't know about Iridium's bandpass but I would think that the sattelites will be sold off as part of the discorporation of Iridium.
So I'd expect the interference to continue.
Free Shipping! (Score:1)
Uhmmmmm, bondholders??? (Score:1)
My guess would be, that the bondholders would be able to sell off the satellites for some other purpose, but I wouldn't expect them to be cut loose as space-salvage.
Re:To the 0wn3rz go the ComSats (Score:1)
Re:Copy of note to Motorala (Score:1)
Re: Space Junk (Score:3)
Specifically, depending on how you "take it out", you are likely to introduce a lot of orbital debris. An energetic disassembly (i.e., you blow it up) will result in many small particles being spread out with a broad range of directions and velocities. Many of these will be directed into the atmosphere, where they'll burn up. Many will be directed out into space: if they have sufficient velocity, they'll leave the earth system, however, most will assume a very "tall" elliptical orbit and will burn up in the atmosphere when trying to approach perigee.
But there is a class of the particles that will remain in orbit. These will often have an interesting orbital dynamic in that they'll all have orbital foci at the point of the detonation and at the opposite point on the orbital sphere.
For more information, and some diagrams, look up references to the disastrous Haystack project.
Also, remember that objects in orbit are (not surprisingly) moving at orbital velocity, which is quite fast. Even a small particle or fleck of paint is an amazing kinetic energy weapon at that speed -- especially if you're in a different orbit, and the net vector adds. There are some scary pictures of aluminum portions of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) that were badly pitted or blasted through by debris that was 1mm or smaller.
That's why the shuttle always tries to keep the narrow profile (keep tangent to the orbital sphere). It's also why you couldn't get me out on a space walk!
Iridium can support Data Transmission - Poorly (Score:1)
The Iridium Satellite communications systems are essentially beefed up GSM towers. Apparently, many of the parts and even model numbers are the same as those you see irradiating your neighbourhood. Some of the Iridium phones claimed to support 2400 baud communications, and we all know that 8kbps is required for a reasonable digital voice transmission.
Also keep in mind that an unreliable and slow connection like this would be almost unusable with TCP (which was never designed with satellite communications in mind).
It would really only be useful in remote areas, or for people who move around a lot, the same reason Iridium was created in the first place. Obviously this is not a profitable business model.
Last I checked (Score:1)
Re:As far as I know... (Score:1)
They send the command to belly-flop, and that's what they do.
Technical info on sats + ham radio (Score:5)
Satellites: 66
Orbital Planes: 6
Orbit Height: 780 km (these are LEOsats)
Inclination of Orbital Planes: 86.4
Orbital Period: 100 min. 28 sec.
Lifetime: 5 to 8 years
Frequencies and Rates
Telephone and Messaging Service Links are 1616 - 1626.5 MHz (L-Band)
Intersatellite Links are 23.18 - 23.38 GHz (Ka-Band)
Ground Segment Links:
Downlinks: 19.4 - 19.6 GHz (Ka-Band)
Uplinks: 29.1-29.3 GHz (Ka-Band)
Digital Voice, Fax, and Data are transmitted at 2.4 Kbps
Judge Order Satellites "DeOrbited" (Score:2)
Bankruptcy settlement REQUIRES "deorbiting" (Score:3)
Do what NASA did (Score:2)
Re:Some are going to be pissed... (Score:2)
At least one of the Globalstar retailers is offering a $495 trade-in [gmpcs-us.com] on a Globalstar phone. This is a pretty good deal, since the G* phones are much cheaper anyway, and by all accounts work much better. Plus, they're the only game in town at the moment, unless you enjoy GEO-style voice latency (eg:Inmarsat)
The link is worth it just for the animated GIF of the Iridium logo (the constellation Ursa Major) falling out of the sky.
Space Law and Admiralty (Score:3)
An article on the point raised in the note is: "Emerging law of outer space - the analogy of maritime salvage" / Almond, Harry H., Jr. / 19 J. OF SPACELAW #1, 1991, P67. You should be able to find this in most law school libraries.
The problem with the salvage analogy is that there is at present no legal mechanism for a nation to absolve its responsibility for objects placed into outer space. There doesn't really seem to be legal recognition of abandoned property in space. I understand that the prohibitions against military operations in the Outer Space Treaty have been argued to preclude private salvage as well. This is not to say that salvage is prohibited, only that interest in any property rights to the salvage estate are unclear.
Though I practice intellectual property law, these remarks should be considered coming from a lay person -- I have absolutely no real clue what is going on in these space law/admiralty issues beyond a rudimentary understanding of the Space Patent Act.
Out Standing In Its Field (an obituary) (Score:3)
Besides the price, Iridium had performance issues. It was based on GSM, but its link power budget limited the net bit rate to 2400, which meant that the voice quality wasn't so hot. And its data applications are somewhat limited, though by no means nonexistent (not everything is fast web browsing!).
But it didn't work in a car. It didn't work indoors. It didn't even work well through leafy trees, or if buildings were in the way. It was for people who were "out standing in their field."
They designed it before cell phones were widely available around the world, and continued to build it for business travelers even after that market no longer needed them. They designed it with complex sat-to-sat relaying, bypassing cheap terrestrial fiber optics. Again, a 1985 design decision gone bad. These errors add up.
It was called Iridium because that precious metal is element number 77, and there were to be 77 satellites in the original constellation. They later lowered it to 66, a decision which might have strained its performance budget even more than it saved on cost... but they didn't change which element it was named for. How fitting, though, that element 66 is named Dysprosium. (Other slashdotters are invited to check out its etymology.)
I take that back.... (Score:2)
http://www.iridium.com/docs/copyright.ht ml [iridium.com]
I don't think they implied the meaning to be what we are thinking! Haha!
Re:Maybe Iridium should be put on eBay? (Score:2)
If the sats are shut down, and if their attitudes are no longer being monitored/controlled from the ground, the flares will no longer be predictable.
Right now, they have to be predicted, because a flare can do some serious damage to sensitive telescope equipment... or at least cause some pain to an observer!
Bunch of satellite notes (Score:3)
The reflective material is most likely used for thermal control. Without it the spacecraft would most likely become too hot and burn out. Yes, there are other cooling mechanisms, but making a surface reflective is pretty darn cheap and easy.
The handful of iridium satellites is nothing compared to all the other debris and satellites that we have put in orbit - if iridium satellites are such nuisances to astronomers, then what about all the other ones?
Who says they aren't? ;-) Seriously, though, most satellites are in orbits that aren't such a problem:
GeoSynchronous Earth Orbits (GEO) are way the hell away from the earth, and orbiting at the equator, and really easy for astronomers to avoid. The satellites are also in predictable places in the sky (by design). There are many hundreds of satellites in the GEO ring. These are the satellites you have the most immediate contact with - pagers, cable TV, satellite TV, etc.
Polar or Sun Synchronous satellites (weather satellites and land imaging, for instance) are in orbits that run north-to-south and generally pass overhead only very infrequently, and very quickly. Usually there's only a few satellites in these sorts of orbits.
LEO satellites, like Iridium, are pretty common. They're used for a whole host of different applications. I suppose theoretically any of these would pose the same problems as Iridium to astronomers, however they are usually at altitudes where they move too fast or too slow for them to be much of a problem. Iridium is a bit different in that it is a "Constellation". By *design* you're supposed to always have one in view; their velocity is set such that it "maximizes" the problem to astronomers. ;-) I don't know if there are currently other constellation systems like Iridium in orbit, but I know there's been a bunch designed on paper (I should know, I helped design a few).
You may find this an interesting irony... Hubble is in one of these LEO orbits (so that the shuttle can get to it). So one of the things fouling up the Earth-based telescopes is a better telescope. ;-) (Actually, Hubble is at a low enough orbit that it probably moves too quickly to be much of a problem, but there's other telescopes up there.)
Is there a set of rules for satellite construction? I'm sure there some rules that everyone follows loosely. Is there an international organization that regulates satellite launch schedules? I'm sure there is, it's too important for there not to be any.
Lots of red tape. Remember, your government has had its hand in this industry since its inception. ;-)
If satellites were problems to astronomers, should we be concerned about all the satellite launches that seem to happen all the time?
From an astronomy standpoint, no, I wouldn't worry. Let me explain.
First, consider that the vast majority of satellites are going into orbits that for one reason or another won't be a problem. Period.
Second, step back and give thought to how astronomy has developed and evolved. Long ago, we knew so little about the heavens that a simple telescope out the window of a city apartment could generate a vast wealth of scientific data. As they gathered more data and started looking for higher quality images they were forced to move out of the cities, eventually to remote islands and mountaintops, in order to find clear, light-polution-free skies. Would it have made any sense to restrict electric lights in cities simply for astronomer's benefits?
Today, to achieve the major scientific advancements scientists are having to go into space orbit. Nothing we can trace to ourselves as the fault - it's the atmosphere itself that's at issue, this time. Does it make any more sense to hinder commercial spacecraft than it would have to place controls on electric lighting?
I've had the opportunity to work on some conceptual designing for the next generation telescopes. Very cool things are being designed for the new "mountaintops". In fact, NGST (Next Generation Space Telescope) is being designed to orbit a gravitational anomaly! Check it out: http://www.trw.com/ngst/ (My job is to come up with a propulsion system that'll keep it orbiting this point, without fouling the optics, and is as efficient as possible.)
Certainly, the iridium satellites can be put to use doing something, otherwise we'd just billions of dollars of floating space junk?
Perhaps... However it's not like we can retrofit them with radar sensors or something. I'm sure within a few months we'll hear some novel new use for them, but these spacecraft were pretty optimized for the task and business model they were set for.
I must say that for what Iridium did, it did well. Technically. (Since I worked on the software I'm not going to say it sucked ;-) It's just too bad that by the time Iridium came to market, the market didn't care!
Iridium had a few more launch failures than planned, but yes, the system as a whole worked pretty much as planned (as far as I know). It overlooked the massive drop in cell phone costs, as well as the rise of the Internet.
As far as the satellites are conserned, they will either (1) go in to safe mode then auto-deboost after some period of silence, or (2) Motorola will continue to spend money to command the satellites in order to control their descent so no one gets banged by space junk.
The satellites will (eventually) decay and burn up in the orbit no matter what anyone does. The orbit is high enough that this won't happen any time soon (unlike the space station, which is at such a low altitude that it'll fall back to Earth if you so much as look at it crosseyed. I don't think the satellites have sufficient fuel to conduct a controlled reentry, but it doesn't matter - these things are small enough that they'll burn up completely before coming anywhere near the ground.
Re:Copy of note to Motorala (Score:2)
I'm sure that the organization would be happy to sell you the hardware for that price. They would probably include for free in the offer the responsibility for whatever ridiculous debt they've accumulated.
Geostationary, Low Earth Orbit, Computer & Voice (Score:3)
Then in 1991, following on my legislative successes in space commercialization [geocities.com] I went to work with E'Prime Aerospace [eprimeaerospace.com] as Vice President of Public Affairs. I took on that job because they had a potential customer (Norris Satellite Communications -- run by a Dutch Amish expatriate from my ancestral county of Lancaster Pennsylvania) who wanted to launch a geostationary Ka Band satellite called "Norstar", but he couldn't get the license thorugh the FCC. There had never been a Ka Band satellite licensed and there was a lot of conflict over letting this Amish character have the first crack at commercializing the Milstar technology (NASA likes people to think ACTS [nasa.gov] was the pioneer in Ka band, but even thought ACTS was launched first, the Harris ECL satellite switching guys Norris used did their pioneering work with Milstar, not ACTS). Anyway, to make a long story short, we managed to get the FCC licensing dislodged and the first Ka band satellite license was awarded to Norris, the Amish dude. The satellite specifications called for multiple geostationary Ka band satellites with onboard switching of time division multiplexed spot beams that would allow you to adaptively switch the power (both informational and energetic) to various geographic hotspots as needed. This was getting close to what I had predicted as a geostationary computer network, because the ECL switches were systems that Seymour Cray himself would have respected, and the spot beams made it feasible to load-level much more effectively to stationary ground dishes only inches in diameter. If Cray's gallium arsenide switches, developed for the Cray-4, had made it into production, I think the systems could have been a lot high capacity at lower power while retaining their radiation hard characteristics.
Unfortunately, Norris's satellite system was to go the way of another Norris's (William) Plato system -- to the "before its time" scrap heap of history. The Calling Communications Corporation guys who were cursing me at the 1993 Small Satellite Conference in Logan, UT for grabbing their coveted Ka band first eventually, along with Iridium, got it reallocated. Calling Communications Corporation eventually went away from voice communications to computer networking and changed their name to Teledesic [teledesic.com]. Everyone seemed to forget about geostationary Ka band computer networking.
Even so, I still think there is enormous opportunity for a geostationary orbital computation satellite network based on phased-array spot beam switching and intersatellite optical links.
Deorbiting satellites (Score:2)
For an interesting discussion of the problem and a novel solution see the Terminator Tether [tethers.com].
Differences between Globalstar and Iridium (Score:2)
All the smarts are on the ground. You can think of them as antennas connected to the cellular base station with a really long cable. As a result, they will not work in places like the middle of the pacific ocean. You must be within about 1000km from a ground station. They will also not work in the polar regions. They orbits are inclined and do not cover the poles since there aren't that many customers there... Compare this with Iridum where the poles get the best coverage since all Iridium orbits intersect over the poles.
Globalstar uses CDMA. Your handset can communicate with two or more satellites simultaneously and actually sum their signals coherently before decoding (soft handoff). This should result in better coverage.
Globalstar uses a variation of IS-95 CDMA and probably has the same vocoder - variable rate QCELP at up to 9600 bps. Iridium is not GSM, it uses a low rate vocoder (2400bps).
Both Iridium and Globalstar have negligible propagation delay because of their low orbits. The vocoders cause most of the delay.
Re:Ham Radio Uses (Score:2)
At last check, JAWSAT wasn't working too well or at all. It's a shame because JAWSAT had a camera that was taking pictures of the deployment of the other nanosatellites. That would have let us see what we looked like after launch so we could check for external damage. Not likely, I know, but it would be one less question.
Hope that clears things up.
WHat does this mean... (Score:2)
As if nothing is wrong... (Score:2)
Re:Makes me wonder.... (Score:2)
geographical) as the phone. This makes regulators happier since they can tax and tap as they always have.