

Wintermute wrote in to tell everyone that it is possible to get StarCraft to run under Wine . In a word Un-be-f**king-believable . Battle.net apparently doesn't work, but single player play is fine. I haven't even seen StarCraft yet, even though my Room Mate has a CD. I think installing wine just became a priority :) Check out This Page for details on how to make it happen.

The Future of Computing

George Russell. posted his predictions for the future to c.o.l.a. and sent a copy of it here as well. Hit the link below to read his predictions- I think he's pretty much right on with most of his guesses.

Sco Emulates Win95

joe wrote in to tell us that SCO now has a Win5 emulator available. Read about it here. Between Wine, Wabi, OS/2 and others emulating 95, it's getting closer and closer to a point where you can try a new OS without giving up your old software. This is important stuff people.

New Wine

Patrik R}dman INF wrote in to tell us that a New Version of Wine has hit the net. Grab it if you're into that sorta thing. I'm waiting until I can emulate Diablo personally. My guess is it'll be awhile before we have DirectX though *smile*

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