
Security Bug Allows Anyone To Spoof Microsoft Employee Emails (techcrunch.com) 73

A researcher has found a bug that allows anyone to impersonate Microsoft corporate email accounts, making phishing attempts look credible and more likely to trick their targets. From a report: As of this writing, the bug has not been patched. To demonstrate the bug, the researcher sent an email to TechCrunch that looked like it was sent from Microsoft's account security team. Last week, Vsevolod Kokorin, also known online as Slonser, wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that he found the email-spoofing bug and reported it to Microsoft, but the company dismissed his report after saying it couldn't reproduce his findings. This prompted Kokorin to publicize the bug on X, without providing technical details that would help others exploit it.

AMD Is Investigating Claims That Company Data Was Stolen In Hack (hackread.com) 6

AMD said on Tuesday it was looking into claims that company data was stolen in a hack by a cybercriminal organization called "Intelbroker". "The alleged intrusion, which took place in June 2024, reportedly resulted in the theft of a significant amount of sensitive information, spanning across various categories," reports Hackread. From the report: In a recent post on Breach Forums, IntelBroker detailed the extent of the compromised data. The hacker claims to have accessed information related to the following records: ROMs, Firmware, Source code, Property files, Employee databases, Customer databases, Financial information, Future AMD product plans, and Technical specification sheets. The hacker is selling the data exclusively for XMR (Monero) cryptocurrency, accepting a middleman for transactions. He advises interested buyers to message him with their offers.

The reputation of IntelBroker in the cybersecurity community is one of significant concern, given the scale and sensitivity of the targeted entities in previous hacks. The hacker's past exploits include breaches of: Europol, Tech in Asia, Space-Eyes, Home Depot, Facebook Marketplace, U.S. contractor Acuity Inc., Staffing giant Robert Half, Los Angeles International Airport, and Alleged breaches of HSBC and Barclays Bank. Although the hacker's origins and affiliates are unknown, according to the United States government, IntelBroker is alleged to be the perpetrator behind one of the T-Mobile data breaches.


Asda IT Staff Shuffled Off To TCS Amid Messy Tech Divorce From Walmart (theregister.com) 22

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: Asda is transferring more than 100 internal IT workers to Indian outsourcing company TCS as it labors to meet deadlines to move away from IT systems supported by previous owner Walmart by the end of the year. According to documents seen by The Register, a collective consultation for a staff transfer under TUPE -- an arrangement by which employment rights are protected under UK law -- begins today (June 17). The UK's third-largest supermarket expects affected staff to meet line managers from June 24, while the transfer date is set for September 16. Contractors will be let go at the end of their current contracts. Asda employs around 5,000 staff in its UK offices. Between 130 and 135 members of the IT team have entered the collective consultation to move to TCS.

The move came as private equity company TDR Capital gained majority ownership of the supermarket group. It was acquired from Walmart by the brothers Mohsin and Zuber Issa and TDR Capital in February 2021 at a value of 6.8 billion pounds. The US retail giant retained "an equity investment." Project Future is a massive shift in the retailer's IT function. It is upgrading a legacy ERP system from SAP ECC -- run on-prem by Walmart -- to the latest SAP S/4HANA in the Microsoft Azure cloud, changing the application software, infrastructure, and business processes at the same time. Other applications are also set to move to Azure, including ecommerce and store systems, while Asda is creating an IT security team for the first time -- the work had previously been carried out by its US owner.

Asda signed up to SAP's "RISE" program in a deal to lift, shift, and transform its ERP system -- a vital plank in the German vendor's strategy to get customers to the cloud -- in December 2021. But the project has already been beset by delays. The UK retailer had signed a three-year deal with Walmart in February 2021 to continue to support its existing system, but was forced to renegotiate to extend the arrangement, saying it planned to move away from the legacy systems before the end of 2024. Although one insider told El Reg that deadline was "totally unachievable," the Walmart deal extends to September 2025, giving the UK retailer room to accommodate further delays without renegotiating the contract.

Asda has yet to migrate a single store to the new infrastructure. The first -- Yorkshire's Otley -- is set to go live by the end of June. One insider pointed out that project managers were trying to book resources from the infrastructure team for later this year and into the next, but, as they were set to transfer to TCS, the infrastructure team did not know who would be doing the work or what resources would be available. "They have a thousand stores to migrate and they're going to be doing that with an infrastructure team who have their eyes on the door. They'll be very professional, but they're not going above and beyond and doing on-call they don't have to do," the insider said.


Nearly 20% of Running Microsoft SQL Servers Have Passed End of Support (theregister.com) 96

An anonymous reader shares a report: IT asset management platform Lansweeper has dispensed a warning for enterprise administrators everywhere. Exactly how old is that Microsoft SQL Server on which your business depends? According to chief strategy officer Roel Decneut, the biz scanned just over a million instances of SQL Server and found that 19.8 percent were now unsupported by Microsoft. Twelve percent were running SQL Server 2014, which is due to drop out of extended support on July 9 -- meaning the proportion will be 32 percent early next month.

For a fee, customers can continue receiving security updates for SQL Server 2014 for another three years. Still, the finding underlines a potential issue facing users of Microsoft's flagship database: Does your business depend on something that should have been put out to pasture long ago? While Microsoft is facing a challenge in getting users to make the move from Windows 10 to Windows 11, admins are facing a similar but far less publicized issue. Sure, IT professionals are all too aware of the risks of running business-critical processes on outdated software, but persuading the board to allocate funds for updates can be challenging.


Hackers Demand as Much as $5 Million From Snowflake Clients (bloomberg.com) 6

Cybercriminals are demanding payments of between $300,000 and $5 million apiece from as many as 10 companies breached in a campaign that targeted Snowflake customers, according to a security firm helping with the investigation. From a report: The hacking scheme has entered a "new stage" as the gang looks to profit from the most valuable information it has stolen, said Austin Larsen, a senior threat analyst at Google's Mandiant security business, which helped lead Snowflake's inquiry. That includes auctioning companies' data on illegal online forums to try to pressure them into making payments, he said.

"We anticipate the actor to continue to attempt to extort victims," Larsen said. Snowflake, a cloud-based data analytics firm, said on June 2 that hackers had launched a "targeted" effort directed against Snowflake users that used single-factor authentication techniques. The company declined to comment on any specific customers.

The Internet

Three of Vietnam's Five Undersea Internet Cables Are Down (reuters.com) 35

Three out of Vietnam's five active international undersea internet cables are down, state media said over the weekend, the second major round of outages in the country in just over a year. From a report: The problems with the three cables, which connect Vietnam with the United States, Europe and Asia, have "significantly affected Vietnam's internet connection with the world", reported the official Vietnam News Agency. Vietnam is connected to the global internet mainly via five undersea cables with a combined capacity of nearly 62 Tbps, according to data from FPT, one of the country's top internet service providers. It's not clear if the three cables referred to, which account for most of the bandwidth, are totally or partially down.

53 LA County Public Health Workers Fall for Phishing Email. 200,000 People May Be Affected (yahoo.com) 37

The Los Angeles Times reports that "The personal information of more than 200,000 people in Los Angeles County was potentially exposed after a hacker used a phishing email to steal the login credentials of 53 public health employees, the county announced Friday." Details that were possibly accessed in the February data breach include the first and last names, dates of birth, diagnoses, prescription information, medical record numbers, health insurance information, Social Security numbers and other financial information of Department of Public Health clients, employees and other individuals. "Affected individuals may have been impacted differently and not all of the elements listed were present for each individual," the agency said in a news release...

The data breach happened between Feb. 19 and 20 when employees received a phishing email, which tries to trick recipients into providing important information such as passwords and login credentials. The employees clicked on a link in the body of the email, thinking they were accessing a legitimate message, according to the agency...

The county is offering free identity monitoring through Kroll, a financial and risk advisory firm, to those affected by the breach. Individuals whose medical records were potentially accessed by the hacker should review them with their doctor to ensure the content is accurate and hasn't been changed. Officials say people should also review the Explanation of Benefits statement they receive from their insurance company to make sure they recognize all the services that have been billed. Individuals can also request credit reports and review them for any inaccuracies.

From the official statement by the county's Public Health department: Upon discovery of the phishing attack, Public Health disabled the impacted e-mail accounts, reset and re-imaged the user's device(s), blocked websites that were identified as part of the phishing campaign and quarantined all suspicious incoming e-mails. Additionally, awareness notifications were distributed to all workforce members to remind them to be vigilant when reviewing e-mails, especially those including links or attachments. Law enforcement was notified upon discovery of the phishing attack, and they investigated the incident.

Security Lessons from the Change Healthcare Ransomware Catastrophe (csoonline.com) 45

The $22 million paid by Change Healthcare's parent company to unlock its systems "may have emboldened bad actors to further target the vulnerable industry," writes Axios: There were 44 attacks against the health care sector in April, the most that [cybersecurity firm] Recorded Future has seen in the four years it's been collecting data. It was also the second-largest month-over-month jump, after 30 ransomware attacks were recorded in March. There were 32 attacks in February and May.
But an analysis by the security-focused magazine CSO says the "disastrous" incident also "starkly illustrated the fragility of the healthcare sector, prompting calls for regulatory action." In response to the attack, US politicians have called for mandated baseline cybersecurity standards in the health sector, as well as better information sharing. They have also raised concerns that industry consolidation is increasing cyber risk.
So what went wrong? The attackers used a set of stolen credentials to remotely access the company's systems. But the article also notes Change Healthcare's systems "suffered from a lack of segmentation, which enables easy lateral movement of the attack" — and that the company's acquisition may have played a role: Mergers and acquisitions create new cyber threats because they involve the integration of systems, data, and processes from different organizations, each with its own security protocols and potential vulnerabilities. "During this transition, cybercriminals can exploit discrepancies in security measures, gaps in IT governance, and the increased complexity of managing merged IT environments," Aron Brand, CTO of CTERA told CSOonline. "Additionally, the heightened sharing of sensitive information between parties provides more opportunities for data breaches."
And "In the end, paying the ransom failed to protect UHG from secondary attempts at extortion." In April, cybercriminals from the RansomHub group threatened to leak portions of 6TB of sensitive data stolen from the breach of Change Healthcare, and obtained through Nichy, according to an analysis by security vendor Forescout. An estimated one in three Americans had their sensitive data exposed as a result of the attack. Such secondary scams are becoming increasingly commonplace and healthcare providers are particularly at risk, according to compliance experts... The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is investigating whether a breach of protected health information occurred in assessing whether either UHG or Change Healthcare violated strict healthcare sector privacy regulations.
Thanks to Slashdot reader snydeq for sharing the article.

Ransomware Attackers Quickly Weaponize PHP Vulnerability With 9.8 Severity Rating (arstechnica.com) 20

A critical vulnerability in the PHP programming language (CVE-2024-4577) has been exploited by ransomware criminals, leading to the infection of up to 1,800 servers primarily in China with the TellYouThePass ransomware. This vulnerability, which affects PHP when run in CGI mode, allows attackers to execute malicious code on web servers. Ars Technica's Dan Goodin reports: As of Thursday, Internet scans performed by security firm Censys had detected 1,000 servers infected by a ransomware strain known as TellYouThePass, down from 1,800 detected on Monday. The servers, primarily located in China, no longer display their usual content; instead, many list the site's file directory, which shows all files have been given a .locked extension, indicating they have been encrypted. An accompanying ransom note demands roughly $6,500 in exchange for the decryption key. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-4577 and carrying a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10, stems from errors in the way PHP converts Unicode characters into ASCII. A feature built into Windows known as Best Fit allows attackers to use a technique known as argument injection to convert user-supplied input into characters that pass malicious commands to the main PHP application. Exploits allow attackers to bypass CVE-2012-1823, a critical code execution vulnerability patched in PHP in 2012.

CVE-2024-4577 affects PHP only when it runs in a mode known as CGI, in which a web server parses HTTP requests and passes them to a PHP script for processing. Even when PHP isn't set to CGI mode, however, the vulnerability may still be exploitable when PHP executables such as php.exe and php-cgi.exe are in directories that are accessible by the web server. This configuration is extremely rare, with the exception of the XAMPP platform, which uses it by default. An additional requirement appears to be that the Windows locale -- used to personalize the OS to the local language of the user -- must be set to either Chinese or Japanese. The critical vulnerability was published on June 6, along with a security patch. Within 24 hours, threat actors were exploiting it to install TellYouThePass, researchers from security firm Imperva reported Monday. The exploits executed code that used the mshta.exe Windows binary to run an HTML application file hosted on an attacker-controlled server. Use of the binary indicated an approach known as living off the land, in which attackers use native OS functionalities and tools in an attempt to blend in with normal, non-malicious activity.

In a post published Friday, Censys researchers said that the exploitation by the TellYouThePass gang started on June 7 and mirrored past incidents that opportunistically mass scan the Internet for vulnerable systems following a high-profile vulnerability and indiscriminately targeting any accessible server. The vast majority of the infected servers have IP addresses geolocated to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Japan, likely stemming from the fact that Chinese and Japanese locales are the only ones confirmed to be vulnerable, Censys researchers said in an email. Since then, the number of infected sites -- detected by observing the public-facing HTTP response serving an open directory listing showing the server's filesystem, along with the distinctive file-naming convention of the ransom note -- has fluctuated from a low of 670 on June 8 to a high of 1,800 on Monday. Censys researchers said in an email that they're not entirely sure what's causing the changing numbers.


London Hospitals Knew of Cyber Vulnerabilities Years Before Hack (bloomberg.com) 35

A group of London hospitals struggling to contain the fallout from a cyberattack against a critical supplier had known for years about weaknesses that left them vulnerable to hacks, Bloomberg News reported Friday, citing internal documents. From the report: The Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, which runs five major hospitals in the London area, has failed to meet the UK health service's data security standards in recent years and acknowledged as recently as April that 'cybersecurity remained a high risk" to its operations, according to publicly available documents that outline board of directors' meetings. In January, the board of directors raised questions about the security of digital links between hospital computer systems and those of third-party companies.

Hackers last week brought down the trust's pathology services provider, Synnovis, with severe knock-on effects at hospitals. Doctors have, among other things, been forced to delay medical operations, postpone blood tests and resort to handwritten records. The attack has disrupted blood services so drastically that medical facilities are asking the public for donations, and one hospital is calling on its own staff to contribute. The April report proposed an audit to identify where improvements could be made. It's not clear if improvements took place before the hack on June 3, or whether the vulnerabilities identified in the board of directors' reports -- which include dated IT systems and hardware devices -- had any bearing on the ransomware infection at Synnovis.


Microsoft Postpones Windows Recall After Major Backlash (windowscentral.com) 96

In an unprecedented move, Microsoft has announced that its big Copilot+ PC initiative that was unveiled last month will launch without its headlining "Windows Recall" AI feature next week on June 18. From a report: The feature, which captures snapshots of your screen every few seconds, was revealed to store sensitive user data in an unencrypted state, raising serious concerns among security researchers and experts.

Last week, Microsoft addressed these concerns by announcing that it would make changes to Windows Recall to ensure the feature handles data securely on device. At that time, the company insisted that Windows Recall would launch alongside Copilot+ PCs on June 18, with an update being made available at launch to address the concerns with Windows Recall. Now, Microsoft is saying Windows Recall will launch at a later date, beyond the general availability of Copilot+ PCs. This means these new devices will be missing their headlining AI feature at launch, as Windows Recall is now delayed indefinitely. The company says Windows Recall will be added in a future Windows update, but has not given a timeframe for when this will be.
Further reading:
'Microsoft Has Lost Trust With Its Users and Windows Recall is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back'
Windows 11's New Recall Feature Has Been Cracked To Run On Unsupported Hardware
Is the New 'Recall' Feature in Windows a Security and Privacy Nightmare?
Mozilla Says It's Concerned About Windows Recall.

Fired Employee Accessed NCS' Computer 'Test System' and Deleted Servers (channelnewsasia.com) 63

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Singapore's CNA news channel: Kandula Nagaraju, 39, was sentenced to two years and eight months' jail on Monday (Jun 10) for one charge of unauthorized access to computer material. Another charge was taken into consideration for sentencing. His contract with NCS was terminated in October 2022 due to poor work performance and his official last date of employment was Nov 16, 2022. According to court documents, Kandula felt "confused and upset" when he was fired as he felt he had performed well and "made good contributions" to NCS during his employment. After leaving NCS, he did not have another job in Singapore and returned to India.

Between November 2021 and October 2022, Kandula was part of a 20-member team managing the quality assurance (QA) computer system at NCS. NCS is a company that offers information communication and technology services. The system that Kandula's former team was managing was used to test new software and programs before launch. In a statement to CNA on Wednesday, NCS said it was a "standalone test system." It consisted of about 180 virtual servers, and no sensitive information was stored on them. After Kandula's contract was terminated and he arrived back in India, he used his laptop to gain unauthorized access to the system using the administrator login credentials. He did so on six occasions between Jan 6 and Jan 17, 2023.

In February that year, Kandula returned to Singapore after finding a new job. He rented a room with a former NCS colleague and used his Wi-Fi network to access NCS' system once on Feb 23, 2023. During the unauthorized access in those two months, he wrote some computer scripts to test if they could be used on the system to delete the servers. In March 2023, he accessed NCS' QA system 13 times. On Mar 18 and 19, he ran a programmed script to delete 180 virtual servers in the system. His script was written such that it would delete the servers one at a time. The following day, the NCS team realized the system was inaccessible and tried to troubleshoot, but to no avail. They discovered that the servers had been deleted. [...] As a result of his actions, NCS suffered a loss of $679,493.


Congress Seeks Answers From Microsoft Boss After a 'Cascade' of Security Errors (washingtonpost.com) 59

Speaking of Microsoft, the House Homeland Security committee is grilling Microsoft President Brad Smith Thursday about the software giant's plans to improve its security after a series of devastating hacks reached into federal officials' email accounts, challenging the company's fitness as a dominant government contractor. Washington Post adds:The questioning followed a withering report on one of those breaches, where the federal Cyber Safety Review Board found the event was made possible by a "cascade of avoidable errors" and a security culture "that requires an overhaul." In that hack, suspected agents of China's Ministry of State Security last year created digital keys using a tool that allowed them to pose as any existing Microsoft customer. Using the tool, they impersonated 22 organizations, including the U.S. Departments of State and Commerce, and rifled through Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo's email among others.

The event triggered the sharpest criticism in decades of the stalwart federal vendor, and has prompted rival companies and some authorities to push for less government reliance on its technology. Two senators wrote to the Pentagon last month, asking why the agency plans to improve nonclassified Defense Department tech security with more expensive Microsoft licenses instead of with alternative vendors. "Cybersecurity should be a core attribute of software, not a premium feature that companies upsell to deep-pocketed government and corporate customers," Sens. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) wrote. "Through its buying power, DOD's strategies and standards have the power to shape corporate strategies that result in more resilient cybersecurity services." Any serious shift in executive branch spending would take years, but Department of Homeland Security leaders say plans are in motion to add security guarantees and requirements to more government purchases -- an idea touted in the Cyber Safety Review Board's Microsoft report.


Wells Fargo Fires Employees for Faking Work By Simulating Keyboard Activity (yahoo.com) 115

Wells Fargo fired more than a dozen employees last month after investigating claims that they were faking work. From a report: The staffers, all in the firm's wealth- and investment-management unit, were "discharged after review of allegations involving simulation of keyboard activity creating impression of active work," according to disclosures filed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. "Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior," a company spokesperson said in a statement.

Devices and software to imitate employee activity, sometimes known as "mouse movers" or "mouse jigglers," took off during the pandemic-spurred work-from-home era, with people swapping tips for using them on social-media sites Reddit and TikTok. Such gadgets are available on Amazon.com for less than $20.


Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left US Government Vulnerable To Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says 65

A former Microsoft employee claims the tech giant dismissed his repeated warnings about a security flaw that was later exploited in the SolarWinds hack, prioritizing business interests over customer safety. Andrew Harris, who worked on Microsoft's cloud security team, says he discovered the weakness in 2016 but was told fixing it could jeopardize a multibillion-dollar government contract and the company's competitive edge, ProPublica reported Thursday.

The flaw, in a Microsoft product called Active Directory Federation Services, allowed hackers to bypass security measures and access sensitive cloud data. Russian hackers exploited the vulnerability in the 2020 SolarWinds attack, breaching several U.S. agencies. Microsoft continues to deny wrongdoing, insisting customer protection is its top priority. The revelations come at a time when Microsoft is facing increasing scrutiny over its security practices and seeks to expand its government business.

Rivals and Legal Action Cast Shadows Over Windows on Arm Market 24

Qualcomm faces potential disruption to its Windows on Arm laptops due to a legal battle with Arm, while MediaTek prepares to enter the market. Qualcomm's exclusivity deal with Microsoft for Copilot+ PCs, based on its Snapdragon SoCs, is set to expire this year.

MediaTek plans to launch its own Windows on Arm chip in late 2024, though it's unclear if it has Microsoft's approval. The legal dispute stems from Qualcomm's acquisition of Nuvia, with Arm claiming Nuvia's licenses are non-transferable without permission. Arm terminated the licenses, requiring Qualcomm to stop using processor designs developed under those agreements. Arm asserts current Copilot+ SoCs descend from Nuvia's chips, potentially subjecting them to an injunction if Arm prevails in court. Qualcomm maintains its existing Arm license rights cover its custom CPUs. Both companies declined to comment on the ongoing legal matter.

Hacker Accesses Internal 'Tile' Tool That Provides Location Data To Cops (404media.co) 39

A hacker has gained access to internal tools used by the location tracking company Tile, including one that processes location data requests for law enforcement, and stolen a large amount of customer data, such as their names, physical addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers, 404 Media reports. From the report: The stolen data itself does not include the location of Tile devices, which are small pieces of hardware users attach to their keys or other items to monitor remotely. But it is still a significant breach that shows how tools intended for internal use by company workers can be accessed and then leveraged by hackers to collect sensitive data en masse. It also shows that this type of company, one which tracks peoples' locations, can become a target for hackers. "Basically I had access to everything," the hacker told 404 Media in an online chat. The hacker says they also demanded payment from Tile but did not receive a response.

Tile sells various tracking devices which can be located through Tile's accompanying app. Life360, another location data focused company, acquired Tile in November 2021. The hacker says they obtained login credentials for a Tile system that they believe belonged to a former Tile employee. One tool specifically says it can be used to "initiate data access, location, or law enforcement requests." Users can then lookup Tile customers by their phone number or another identifier, according to a screenshot of the tool.


China State Hackers Infected 20,000 Fortinet VPNs, Dutch Spy Service Says (arstechnica.com) 30

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Hackers working for the Chinese government gained access to more than 20,000 VPN appliances sold by Fortinet using a critical vulnerability that the company failed to disclose for two weeks after fixing it, Netherlands government officials said. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-42475, is a heap-based buffer overflow that allows hackers to remotely execute malicious code. It carries a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10. A maker of network security software, Fortinet silently fixed the vulnerability on November 28, 2022, but failed to mention the threat until December 12 of that year, when the company said it became aware of an "instance where this vulnerability was exploited in the wild." On January 11, 2023 -- more than six weeks after the vulnerability was fixed -- Fortinet warned a threat actor was exploiting it to infect government and government-related organizations with advanced custom-made malware. Netherlands government officials wrote in Monday's report: Since the publication in February, the MIVD has continued to investigate the broader Chinese cyber espionage campaign. This revealed that the state actor gained access to at least 20,000 FortiGate systems worldwide within a few months in both 2022 and 2023 through the vulnerability with the identifier CVE-2022-42475 . Furthermore, research shows that the state actor behind this campaign was already aware of this vulnerability in FortiGate systems at least two months before Fortinet announced the vulnerability. During this so-called 'zero-day' period, the actor alone infected 14,000 devices. Targets include dozens of (Western) governments, international organizations and a large number of companies within the defense industry.

The state actor installed malware at relevant targets at a later date. This gave the state actor permanent access to the systems. Even if a victim installs security updates from FortiGate, the state actor continues to have this access. It is not known how many victims actually have malware installed. The Dutch intelligence services and the NCSC consider it likely that the state actor could potentially expand its access to hundreds of victims worldwide and carry out additional actions such as stealing data. Even with the technical report on the COATHANGER malware, infections from the actor are difficult to identify and remove. The NCSC and the Dutch intelligence services therefore state that it is likely that the state actor still has access to systems of a significant number of victims.


The Mystery of an Alleged Data Broker's Data Breach (techcrunch.com) 4

An anonymous reader shares a report: Since April, a hacker with a history of selling stolen data has claimed a data breach of billions of records -- impacting at least 300 million people -- from a U.S. data broker, which would make it one of the largest alleged data breaches of the year. The data, seen by TechCrunch, on its own appears partly legitimate -- if imperfect.

The stolen data, which was advertised on a known cybercrime forum, allegedly dates back years and includes U.S. citizens' full names, their home address history and Social Security numbers -- data that is widely available for sale by data brokers. But confirming the source of the alleged data theft has proven inconclusive; such is the nature of the data broker industry, which gobbles up individuals' personal data from disparate sources with little to no quality control. The alleged data broker in question, according to the hacker, is National Public Data, which bills itself as "one of the biggest providers of public records on the Internet."

On its official website, National Public Data claimed to sell access to several databases: a "People Finder" one where customers can search by Social Security number, name and date of birth, address or telephone number; a database of U.S. consumer data "covering over 250 million individuals;" a database containing voter registration data that contains information on 100 million U.S. citizens; a criminal records one; and several more. Malware research group vx-underground said on X (formerly Twitter) that they reviewed the whole stolen database and could "confirm the data present in it is real and accurate."


Microsoft's New Outlook Security Changes Impact 3rd-Party Apps and Gmail Integration (theverge.com) 22

Microsoft is making changes to Outlook for consumers to enhance account security as part of its Secure Future Initiative. Starting September 16th, the company will end support for Basic Authentication for Outlook personal accounts, requiring users to access their email through apps using Modern Authentication.

Microsoft will also remove the light version of the Outlook web application on August 19th and discontinue support for Gmail accounts in Outlook.com on June 30th. Users of affected email apps will be notified by the end of June to update their settings or reconfigure their accounts. The latest versions of Outlook, Apple Mail, and Thunderbird will support these changes, while the new Outlook for Windows and Mac apps will continue to support Gmail accounts. Microsoft is also migrating Windows Mail and Calendar users to the new Outlook for Windows app ahead of ending support for the built-in apps later this year.

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