
Microsoft Emails That Warned Customers of Russian Hacks Criticized For Looking Like Spam And Phishing (techcrunch.com) 13

Microsoft is under fire for its handling of customer notifications following a data breach by Russian state-sponsored hackers. The tech giant confirmed in March that the group known as Midnight Blizzard had accessed its systems, potentially compromising customer data. Cybersecurity experts, including former Microsoft employee Kevin Beaumont, have raised concerns about the notification process. Beaumont warned on social media that the company's emails may be mistaken for spam or phishing attempts due to their format and the use of unfamiliar links. "The notifications aren't in the portal, they emailed tenant admins instead," Beaumont stated, adding that the emails could be easily overlooked. Some recipients have reported confusion over the legitimacy of the notifications, with many seeking confirmation through support channels and account managers.

Hidden Camera Concerns Plague Short-Term Rental Industry (cnn.com) 86

An anonymous reader shares a report: A CNN investigation found the use of hidden cameras is a persistent problem in the industry. Regulations are sparse, and the punishments for those that commit these crimes are lenient -- video voyeurism is typically charged as a misdemeanor. Meanwhile, the people who are recorded -- often naked or engaging in sexual activities -- say they suffer from long-term trauma and the fear that their images could, at any moment, be disseminated on the internet. An Airbnb spokesperson told CNN that hidden camera complaints are rare, but when they do occur, "we take appropriate, swift action, which can include removing hosts and listings that violate the policy."

At a court-ordered deposition last year, an Airbnb representative was supposed to answer a key question from the attorney suing the company: How many complaints or reports had been made to Airbnb since December 1, 2013, of people who had been recorded by surveillance devices? The Airbnb representative testified that the company generated 35,000 customer support tickets about surveillance devices in the preceding decade. An Airbnb spokesperson told CNN that a single report could create multiple tickets. The company declined to specify how many unique complaints there have been. In the deposition, which has not been previously reported, the company representative sought to downplay the significance of the number of tickets, testifying they could reflect instances such as a malfunctioning doorbell camera or a tablet with recording capabilities left out on a coffee table. The representative did not provide any statistics detailing the number of claims she suggested were innocuous among the 35,000 tickets.


BlastRADIUS Attack Exposes Critical Flaw In 30-Year-Old RADIUS Protocol (securityweek.com) 26

wiredmikey shares a report from SecurityWeek: Security vendor InkBridge Networks on Tuesday called urgent attention to the discovery of a thirty-year-old design flaw in the RADIUS protocol and warned that advanced attackers can launch exploits to authenticate anyone to a local network, bypassing any multi-factor-authentication (MFA) protections. The company published a technical description of what is being called the BlastRADIUS attack and warned that corporate networks such as internal enterprise networks, ISPs, and telcos are exposed to major risk. The vulnerability is being tracked as CVE-2024-3596 and VU#456537. "The root cause of the attack is that in the RADIUS protocol, some Access-Request packets are not authenticated and lack integrity checks. An attacker can modify these packets in a way which allows them to control who gets onto the network," the research team explained (PDF).

The RADIUS protocol, first standardized in the late 1990s, is used to control network access via authentication, authorization, and accounting and is still used widely today in switches, routers, access points and VPN products. "All of those devices are likely vulnerable to this attack," the researchers warned. "The key to the attack is that in many cases, Access-Request packets have no authentication or integrity checks. An attacker can then perform a chosen prefix attack, which allows modifying the Access-Request in order to replace a valid response with one chosen by the attacker. Even though the response is authenticated and integrity checked, the chosen prefix vulnerability allows the attacker to modify the response packet, almost at will," according to the InkBridge Networks documentation.
The researchers say that every single RADIUS server must be upgraded in order to protect against this vulnerability. "It is not sufficient to upgrade only RADIUS clients, as doing so will allow the network to remain vulnerable."

FCC To Block Phone Company Over Robocalls Pushing Scam 'Tax Relief Program' (arstechnica.com) 27

The Federal Communications Commission said it is preparing to block a phone company that carried illegal robocalls pushing fake programs that promised to wipe out consumers' tax debt. From a report: Veriwave Telco "has not complied with FCC call blocking rules for providers suspected of carrying illegal traffic" and now has two weeks to contest an order that would require all downstream voice providers to block all of the telco's call traffic, the FCC announced yesterday.

Robocalls sent in the months before tax filing season "purported to provide information about a 'National Tax Relief Program' and, in some instances, also discussed a 'Tax Dismissal Program,'" the FCC order said. "The [Enforcement] Bureau has found no evidence of the existence of either program. Many of the messages further appealed to recipients with the offer to 'rapidly clear' their tax debt." Call recipients who listened to the prerecorded message and chose to speak to an operator were then asked to provide private information. Nearly 16 million calls were sent, though it's unclear how many went through Veriwave.


Mozilla Releases FireFox 128 57

williamyf writes: Mozilla has released version 128 of the Firefox web browser. Some noteworthy features include: "Firefox can now translate selections of text and hyperlinked text to other languages from the context menu. [...] Firefox now has a simpler and more unified dialog for clearing user data. In addition to streamlining data categories, the new dialog also provides insights into the site data size corresponding to the selected time range. [...] On macOS, microphone capture through getUserMedia will now use system-provided voice processing when applicable, improving audio quality." More info in the release notes here.

But the most important feature of 128 is that it is the newest ESR. Why is this important? Glad you asked:

* Firefox ESR is the browser of choice for many Linux distros (including Debian), so this is important for the Linux community at large.
* Many downstream projects (like Thunderbird or KAiOS) use Firefox ESR as their base, so whatever is included in 128 will determine the capabilities of those projects for the next year.
* Many ISVs (software makers), both big and small, test/certify their software only against the ESR version of Firefox. For users of such software, the new ESR is very important.
* Many companies and individuals value stability of the UI/Workflow over new bells and whistles, for them, ESR is important.
* When an OS is discontinued, Mozilla lets the ESR be the last browser on the platform, exceeding the support window of the likes of Alphabeth, Apple or Microsoft, so for people on older OSs, ESR is important.

Link to download (the ESR) here.

Australia's Cybersecurity Agency Says China-backed Hackers Behind Online Crimes (nbcnews.com) 13

Australia's government cybersecurity agency on Tuesday accused a China-backed hacker group of stealing passwords and usernames from two unnamed Australian networks in 2022, adding that the group remained a threat. From a report: A joint report led by the Australian Cyber Security Centre said the hackers, named APT40, had conducted malicious cyber operations for China's Ministry of State Security, the main agency overlooking foreign intelligence. "The activity and techniques overlap with the groups tracked as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 40," said the report, which included inputs from lead cyber security agencies for the United States, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Germany. U.S. and British officials in March had accused Beijing of a sweeping cyberespionage campaign that allegedly hit millions of people including lawmakers, academics and journalists, and companies including defense contractors. They said China-backed "APT31" was responsible for the network intrusion.

10 Billion Passwords Leaked in the Largest Compilation of All Time (cybernews.com) 52

An anonymous reader shares a report: Cybernews researchers discovered what appears to be the largest password compilation with a staggering 9,948,575,739 unique plaintext passwords. The file with the data, titled rockyou2024.txt, was posted on July 4th by forum user ObamaCare. While the user registered in late May 2024, they have previously shared an employee database from the law firm Simmons & Simmons, a lead from an online casino AskGamblers, and student applications for Rowan College at Burlington County.

The team cross-referenced the passwords included in the RockYou2024 leak with data from Cybernews' Leaked Password Checker, which revealed that these passwords came from a mix of old and new data breaches. "In its essence, the RockYou2024 leak is a compilation of real-world passwords used by individuals all over the world. Revealing that many passwords for threat actors substantially heightens the risk of credential stuffing attacks," researchers said.


Microsoft's Notepad Gets Spellcheck and Autocorrect 40 Years After Launch (theverge.com) 72

An anonymous reader shares a report: Microsoft is finally rolling out spellcheck and autocorrect for its Notepad app in Windows 11, more than 40 years after the simple text editor was first introduced in Windows in 1983. The software giant started testing both features in March, and has now quietly started enabling them for all Windows 11 users in recent days. The spellcheck feature in Notepad is almost identical to how Word or Edge highlight misspelled words, with a red underline to clearly show mistakes.

Shipt's Pay Algorithm Squeezed Gig Workers. They Fought Back (ieee.org) 35

Workers at delivery company Shipt "found that their paychecks had become...unpredictable," according to an article in IEEE Spectrum. "They were doing the same work they'd always done, yet their paychecks were often less than they expected. And they didn't know why...."

The article notes that "Companies whose business models rely on gig workers have an interest in keeping their algorithms opaque." But "The workers showed that it's possible to fight back against the opaque authority of algorithms, creating transparency despite a corporation's wishes." On Facebook and Reddit, workers compared notes. Previously, they'd known what to expect from their pay because Shipt had a formula: It gave workers a base pay of $5 per delivery plus 7.5 percent of the total amount of the customer's order through the app. That formula allowed workers to look at order amounts and choose jobs that were worth their time. But Shipt had changed the payment rules without alerting workers. When the company finally issued a press release about the change, it revealed only that the new pay algorithm paid workers based on "effort," which included factors like the order amount, the estimated amount of time required for shopping, and the mileage driven. The company claimed this new approach was fairer to workers and that it better matched the pay to the labor required for an order. Many workers, however, just saw their paychecks dwindling. And since Shipt didn't release detailed information about the algorithm, it was essentially a black box that the workers couldn't see inside.

The workers could have quietly accepted their fate, or sought employment elsewhere. Instead, they banded together, gathering data and forming partnerships with researchers and organizations to help them make sense of their pay data. I'm a data scientist; I was drawn into the campaign in the summer of 2020, and I proceeded to build an SMS-based tool — the Shopper Transparency Calculator [written in Python, using optical character recognition and Twilio, and running on a home server] — to collect and analyze the data. With the help of that tool, the organized workers and their supporters essentially audited the algorithm and found that it had given 40 percent of workers substantial pay cuts...

This "information asymmetry" helps companies better control their workforces — they set the terms without divulging details, and workers' only choice is whether or not to accept those terms... There's no technical reason why these algorithms need to be black boxes; the real reason is to maintain the power structure... In a fairer world where workers have basic data rights and regulations require companies to disclose information about the AI systems they use in the workplace, this transparency would be available to workers by default.

The tool's creator was attracted to the idea of helping a community "control and leverage their own data," and ultimately received more than 5,600 screenshots from over 200 workers. 40% were earning at least 10% less — and about 33% were earning less than their state's minimum wage. Interestingly, "Sharing data about their work was technically against the company's terms of service; astoundingly, workers — including gig workers who are classified as 'independent contractors' — often don't have rights to their own data...

"[O]ur experiment served as an example for other gig workers who want to use data to organize, and it raised awareness about the downsides of algorithmic management. What's needed is wholesale changes to platforms' business models... The battles that gig workers are fighting are the leading front in the larger war for workplace rights, which will affect all of us. The time to define the terms of our relationship with algorithms is right now."

Thanks to long-time Slashdot reader mspohr for sharing the article.

Cancer Patient Forced To Make Terrible Decision After Ransomware Attack On London Hospitals (theregister.com) 115

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: The latest figures suggest that around 1,500 medical procedures have been canceled across some of London's biggest hospitals in the four weeks since Qilin's ransomware attack hit pathology services provider Synnovis. But perhaps no single person was affected as severely as Johanna Groothuizen. Hanna -- the name she goes by -- is now missing her right breast after her skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction surgery was swapped out for a simple mastectomy at the last minute. The 36-year-old research culture manager at King's College London and former researcher in health sciences was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer in late 2023. It's an aggressive form known for spreading faster and is more commonly recurring, which necessitates urgent treatment. Hanna soon began a course of chemotherapy following her diagnosis until she was able to have what will hopefully be the first and only major procedure to remove the disease. Between then and the operation, which was scheduled for June 7 -- four days after the ransomware attack was carried out -- she had been told repeatedly that the planned procedure was a skin-sparing mastectomy which would have allowed surgeons to cosmetically reconstruct her right breast immediately after the operation.

How the ordeal actually unraveled, however, was an entirely different story. Hanna was given less than 24 hours by doctors to make the daunting decision to either accept a simple mastectomy or delay a life-changing procedure until Synnovis's systems were back online. The decision was thrust upon her on the Thursday afternoon before her Friday surgery. This was after she was forced to chase the medical staff for updates about whether the procedure was going ahead at all. Hanna was told on the Tuesday of that week, the day after Qilin's attack, that despite everything going on, the staff at St Thomas' hospital in London were still planning to go ahead with the skin-sparing mastectomy as previously agreed. Per the updates Hanna requested on Thursday, it was strongly suggested that the operation was going to be canceled. The hospital deemed the reconstruction part of the procedure too risky because Synnovis was unable to support blood transfusions until its systems were back online.

The ransomware attack wasn't easy on hospitals. The situation was so dire that blood reserves were running low just a week after the attack, prompting an urgent appeal for O-type blood donations. For Hanna, though, this meant she had to make the unimaginably difficult choice between the surgery she wanted, or the surgery that would give her the best chance at survival. The mother of two young children, aged four and two, felt like she had no other choice but to accept the simple mastectomy, leaving her with only one breast. [...] At the time of writing, it's now nearly five weeks since Qilin's attack on Synnovis -- a pathology services partnership between Synlab, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, and King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The most recent update provided by the NHS said disruption to services was still evident across the region, although some services such as outpatient appointments are returning to near-normal levels.
Between June 24-30, there were 1,517 cute outpatient appointments and 136 electric procedures that needed to be postponed across the two NHS trusts partnered with Synlab. "The total number of postponements for the entire month since the attack took hold (June 3-30) stand at 4,913 for acute outpatient appointments and 1,391 for elective procedures," notes the report.

384,000 Sites Pull Code From Sketchy Code Library Recently Bought By Chinese Firm (arstechnica.com) 35

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: More than 384,000 websites are linking to a site that was caught last week performing a supply-chain attack that redirected visitors to malicious sites, researchers said. For years, the JavaScript code, hosted at polyfill[.]com, was a legitimate open source project that allowed older browsers to handle advanced functions that weren't natively supported. By linking to cdn.polyfill[.]io, websites could ensure that devices using legacy browsers could render content in newer formats. The free service was popular among websites because all they had to do was embed the link in their sites. The code hosted on the polyfill site did the rest. In February, China-based company Funnull acquired the domain and the GitHub account that hosted the JavaScript code. On June 25, researchers from security firm Sansec reported that code hosted on the polyfill domain had been changed to redirect users to adult- and gambling-themed websites. The code was deliberately designed to mask the redirections by performing them only at certain times of the day and only against visitors who met specific criteria.

The revelation prompted industry-wide calls to take action. Two days after the Sansec report was published, domain registrar Namecheap suspended the domain, a move that effectively prevented the malicious code from running on visitor devices. Even then, content delivery networks such as Cloudflare began automatically replacing pollyfill links with domains leading to safe mirror sites. Google blocked ads for sites embedding the Polyfill[.]io domain. The website blocker uBlock Origin added the domain to its filter list. And Andrew Betts, the original creator of Polyfill.io, urged website owners to remove links to the library immediately. As of Tuesday, exactly one week after malicious behavior came to light, 384,773 sites continued to link to the site, according to researchers from security firm Censys. Some of the sites were associated with mainstream companies including Hulu, Mercedes-Benz, and Warner Bros. and the federal government. The findings underscore the power of supply-chain attacks, which can spread malware to thousands or millions of people simply by infecting a common source they all rely on.


Europol Says Mobile Roaming Tech Making Its Job Too Hard (theregister.com) 33

Top Eurocops are appealing for help from lawmakers to undermine a privacy-enhancing technology (PET) they say is hampering criminal investigations -- and it's not end-to-end encryption this time. Not exactly. From a report: Europol published a position paper today highlighting its concerns around SMS home routing -- the technology that allows telcos to continue offering their services when customers visit another country. Most modern mobile phone users are tied to a network with roaming arrangements in other countries. EE customers in the UK will connect to either Telefonica or Xfera when they land in Spain, or T-Mobile in Croatia, for example.

While this usually provides a fairly smooth service for most roamers, Europol is now saying something needs to be done about the PETs that are often enabled in these home routing setups. According to the cops, they pointed out that when roaming, a suspect in a criminal case who's using a SIM from another country will have all of their mobile communications processed through their home network. If a crime is committed by a Brit in Germany, for example, then German police couldn't issue a request for unencrypted data as they could with a domestic operator such as Deutsche Telekom.


Roku Faces Criticism Over Controversial TV Update (theverge.com) 29

Roku's recent update has sparked controversy among TV owners, particularly those with TCL and Hisense models. The update, version 13.0.0 released on June 6, introduced a feature called "Roku Smart Picture" that has led to numerous complaints about unwanted motion smoothing effects. The Verge adds: While Roku doesn't explicitly mention motion smoothing, or what Roku calls "action smoothing," the update has made it so that I and many others with Roku TVs see motion smoothing, regardless of whether the picture setting is Roku Smart Picture or not. My TV didn't even support motion smoothing before this. Now, I can't make it go away.

New Windows 11 Start Menu Annoyingly Hides Oft-Used Actions (pcworld.com) 100

An anonymous reader shares a report: A new test version of Windows 11 is available for Windows Insiders on the Dev Channel with Build 26120.961, which rolls out a significant change: a new Windows Start menu. You'll immediately notice that Microsoft has redesigned the Microsoft user account display, moving it to the center of the Start menu as soon as you click on the username or profile picture.

This new "account manager" feature gives you quicker access to your various Microsoft accounts, such as Microsoft 365, Xbox Game Pass, and OneDrive cloud storage. To no surprise, Microsoft is using this prominent display to remind you of their own products and services. The difference to the current Windows 11 Start menu is obvious, as the following screenshot shows:


A Hacker Stole OpenAI Secrets 18

A hacker infiltrated OpenAI's internal messaging systems in early 2023, stealing confidential information about the ChatGPT maker's AI technologies, New York Times reported Thursday. The breach, disclosed to employees in April that year but kept from the public, has sparked internal debate over the company's security protocols and potential national security implications, the report adds. The hacker accessed an employee forum containing sensitive discussions but did not breach core AI systems. OpenAI executives, believing the hacker had no government ties, opted against notifying law enforcement, the Times reported. From the report: After the breach, Leopold Aschenbrenner, an OpenAI technical program manager focused on ensuring that future A.I. technologies do not cause serious harm, sent a memo to OpenAI's board of directors, arguing that the company was not doing enough to prevent the Chinese government and other foreign adversaries from stealing its secrets.

Mr. Aschenbrenner said OpenAI had fired him this spring for leaking other information outside the company and argued that his dismissal had been politically motivated. He alluded to the breach on a recent podcast, but details of the incident have not been previously reported. He said OpenAI's security wasn't strong enough to protect against the theft of key secrets if foreign actors were to infiltrate the company.

Ransomware Locks Credit Union Users Out of Bank Accounts (arstechnica.com) 27

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A California-based credit union with over 450,000 members said it suffered a ransomware attack that is disrupting account services and could take weeks to recover from. "The next few days -- and coming weeks -- may present challenges for our members, as we continue to navigate around the limited functionality we are experiencing due to this incident," Patelco Credit Union CEO Erin Mendez told members in a July 1 message (PDF) that said the security problem was caused by a ransomware attack. Online banking and several other services are unavailable, while several other services and types of transactions have limited functionality.

Patelco Credit Union was hit by the attack on June 29 and has been posting updates on this page, which says the credit union "proactively shut down some of our day-to-day banking systems to contain and remediate the issue... As a result of our proactive measures, transactions, transfers, payments, and deposits are unavailable at this time. Debit and credit cards are working with limited functionality." Patelco Credit Union is a nonprofit cooperative in Northern California with $9 billion in assets and 37 local branches. "Our priority is the safe and secure restoration of our banking systems," a July 2 update said. "We continue to work alongside leading third-party cybersecurity experts in support of this effort. We have also been cooperating with regulators and law enforcement."

Patelco says that check and cash deposits should be working, but direct deposits have limited functionality. Security expert Ahmed Banafa "said Tuesday that it looks likely that hackers infiltrated the bank's internal databases via a phishing email and encrypted its contents, locking out the bank from its own systems," the Mercury News reported. Banafa was paraphrased as saying that it is "likely the hackers will demand an amount of money from the credit union to restore its systems back to normal, and will continue to hold the bank's accounts hostage until either the bank finds a way around the hack or until the hackers are paid." Patelco hasn't revealed details about how it will recover from the ransomware attack but acknowledged to customers that their personal information could be at risk. "The investigation into the nature and scope of the incident is ongoing," the credit union said. "If the investigation determines that individuals' information is involved as a result of this incident, we will of course notify those individuals and provide resources to help protect their information in accordance with applicable laws."
While ATMs "remain available for cash withdrawals and deposits," Patelco said many of its other services remain unavailable, including online banking, the mobile app, outgoing wire transfers, monthly statements, Zelle, balance inquiries, and online bill payments. Services with "limited functionality" include company branches, call center services, live chats, debit and credit card transactions, and direct deposits.

OpenAI's ChatGPT Mac App Was Storing Conversations in Plain Text (theverge.com) 15

OpenAI's ChatGPT app for macOS contained a security vulnerability until Friday, potentially exposing users' conversations to unauthorized access, according to a developer's findings. The flaw allowed stored chats to be easily located and read in plain text on users' computers. Pedro Jose Pereira Vieito demonstrated the issue on social media, showing how a separate application could access and display recent ChatGPT conversations.

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