
Prince Says Internet Is Over Screenshot-sm 450

the_arrow writes "According to the artist currently known as Prince, 'The internet's completely over.' At least that what he says in an interview with the British newspaper Mirror. Quoting Prince: 'The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you.'"
United Kingdom

Boy Builds Wall-Climbing Machine Using Recycled Vacuums Screenshot-sm 96

Joe McIntosh writes "Hibiki Kono just might be a boy genius. The 13-year-old decided he wanted to climb vertical surfaces like his hero, Spiderman. So, he used two 1,400-watt recycled vacuum cleaners and a little bit of elbow grease to make a machine that allows him to scale walls. Kono has been scaling the walls of his UK school and has told the media that he hopes his invention will help window washers eliminate clumsy ladders from their daily routine."

Halo Elite Cosplay Puts Others To Shame Screenshot-sm 115

AndrewGOO9 writes "Pete Mander, a special effects artist from Ontario, Canada seems like he might have either had way too much time on his hands or just really enjoys Halo. Either way, this is one of those costumes that makes all of the cosplayers at a con feel like their best efforts just weren't quite up to par."

Plagiarism Inc. Screenshot-sm 236

Here's an interesting article on the life and times of 24-year-old Jordan Kavoosi, who has made a business of plagiarism. His Essay Writing Company employs writers from across the country, and will deliver a paper on any subject for $23 per page. In addition, his company will get it done in 48 hours, and he guarantees at least a B grade or your money back. From the article: "'Sure it's unethical, but it's just a business,' Kavoosi explains. 'I mean, what about strip clubs or porn shops? Those are unethical, and city-approved.'"
The Courts

Kagan Recuses Herself From Vampire v. Werewolf 3

It looks like Elena Kagan's Supreme Court confirmation hearings have finally started tackling the tough issues, namely whether she is team Edward or team Jacob. Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota asked the nominee her thoughts on the daunting question of vampires or werewolves. To her credit Kagan dodged the question. From the article: "Ms. Kagan said she was not able to see Eclipse, but Ms. Klobuchar nonetheless continued, 'I keep wanting to ask you about the famous case of Edward versus Jacob or the vampire versus the werewolf.' 'I wish you wouldn't,' Ms. Kagan said. 'I know you can't comment on future cases,' Ms. Klobuchar said. 'So I'll leave that alone.'"

Mom Arrested After Son Makes Dry Ice "Bombs" 571

formfeed writes "Police were called to a house in Omaha where a 14-year-old made some 'dry ice bombs' (dry ice in soda bottles). Since his mom knew about it, she is now facing felony charges for child endangment and possession of a destructive device. From the article: 'Assistant Douglas County Attorney Eric Wells said the boy admitted to making the bomb and that his mother knew he was doing so. The boy was set to appear Tuesday afternoon in juvenile court, accused of possessing a destructive device.'" She's lucky they didn't find the baking soda volcano in the basement.

Woman Claims Vampire Caused Her Car Crash Screenshot-sm 3

It appears that the popularity of the Twilight series has emboldened the vampire population to the point where they are as common on the road as raccoons. It is one such vampire crossing the road that caused a Colorado woman to crash her SUV. At least that's what she told the police. From the article: "State Troopers say the woman's husband arrived at the scene and took her home. The vampire, which was not seen by anyone else, apparently let her get away."
Social Networks

"David After Dentist" Made $150k For Family Screenshot-sm 234

It turns out recording your drugged child pays pretty well. 7-year-old David DeVore became an overnight sensation when his father posted a video of his ramblings after dental surgery. To date that video has made the DeVore family around $150,000. Most of the money came from YouTube, but the family has made $50k from licensing and merchandise. From the article: "The one seemingly minor decision to make the video available all over the Internet set off a whirlwind of changes for the DeVore family. Within just four days, 'David After Dentist' received 3 million views on YouTube and the younger David quickly became an Internet celebrity. His father quit his job in residential real estate (did we mention they live in Florida?), and the family started selling T-shirts featuring cartoon drawings of their son post-dental surgery."

Seattle Writer Wins 2010 Bad Writing Contest Screenshot-sm

The judges took one look at "Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil" and knew they had the grand prize winner of the 2010 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. Molly Ringle came up with the gem for the contest that honors the memory of 19th century writer Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton.

Chinese Companies Rent White Foreigners Screenshot-sm 145

The job market may look bad here, but if you're in China, and you happen to be white, all you need is a suit and tie. An increasing number of Chinese companies are willing to pay any price to have a few fair-skinned faux employees walking around. From the article: "'Face, we say in China, is more important than life itself,' said Zhang Haihua, author of Think Like Chinese. 'Because Western countries are so developed, people think they are more well off, so people think that if a company can hire foreigners, it must have a lot of money and have very important connections overseas. So when they really want to impress someone, they may roll out a foreigner.' Or rent one."

Singer Murdered Hours After Denying Death Rumors Screenshot-sm 1

Mexican singer Sergio Vega may have spoken too soon when he denied reports of his death. He was murdered a few hours after telling entertainment website La Oreja that rumors of his demise were a bit premature. From the article: "Mexican media said that Vega's car was shot at by unidentified men who were following the vehicle in a truck. The shots injured Vega, making him lose control of the vehicle and crash it, according to El Debate newspaper. The gunmen then shot Vega again while he lay trapped in the car wreck."

iPhone4 vs. HTC Evo *NSFW* 5

iPhone 4, there is no substitute.

German Airports Use Bees To Monitor Air Quality 44

The Düsseldorf International Airport and seven other airports in Germany have come up with a unique way of monitoring air quality; they use bees. The airports test the bees' honey twice a year for toxins, and batches that turn up clean are bottled and given away. From the article: "Assessing environmental health using bees as 'terrestrial bioindicators' is a fairly new undertaking, said Jamie Ellis, assistant professor of entomology at the Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory, University of Florida in Gainesville. 'We all believe it can be done, but translating the results into real-world solutions or answers may be a little premature.' Still, similar work with insects to gauge water quality has long been successful."

iPhone 3G vs. Solar Death Ray Screenshot-sm 104

You'll note that after its destruction, the phone still plays music.

Futurama's New New York Built In Lego Screenshot-sm

Lanxon writes "We've seen some impressive Lego creations (sniper rifles, printers, full-size houses ...), and Matt De Lanoy's Futurama diorama is a worthy addition. For starters, it's huge. It measures 1.5m by 2.1m, and it's been in construction for about two years. Almost every part of the city is represented, including Planet Express, its ship, the Robot Arms Apartments where Bender and Fry live, Momcorp HQ, the Head museum, Elzar's fine cuisine, Applied Cryogenics, the sewers where the mutants live, the Madison Cube Garden (which lights up at night!) and more."

The "King of All Computer Mice" Finally Ships Screenshot-sm 207

An anonymous reader writes "The much-anticipated, much-mocked 18-button joystick mouse from WarMouse is now shipping. The press release features an impressive set of user quotes from game designer Chris Taylor, new SFWA president John Scalzi, and a doctor who runs a medical software company. Crazy or not, it's obviously more than just a gaming mouse."

Believing You Are Very Good Or Evil Boosts Your Physical Capabilities Screenshot-sm 192

Research by Kurt Gray, a doctoral student in psychology at Harvard, shows that a person's capacity for willpower and physical endurance increases if they perceive themselves as good or evil. "Evil" acts in particular give a person a large boost in physical strength. From the article: “'People perceive those who do good and evil to have more efficacy, more willpower, and less sensitivity to discomfort,' Gray said. 'By perceiving themselves as good or evil, people embody these perceptions, actually becoming more capable of physical endurance.' Gray’s findings run counter to the notion that only those blessed with heightened willpower or self-control are capable of heroism, suggesting instead that simply attempting heroic deeds can confer personal power."

Need a Friend? Rent One Online Screenshot-sm 134

crimeandpunishment writes "Housewives, college students, and others are working for a website that charges users an hourly rate for their companionship. No, it's not an escort service — at least it's not one 'with benefits.' It's a site called rentafriend.com, that's trying to carve out a niche in the 'everything's available online' business world. The seven-month-old site, patterned after hugely successful sites in Asia, has nearly 2,000 members who pay either a monthly or yearly fee to check out the pictures and profiles of more than 160,000 potential pals." I thought Craigslist had already cornered the market on renting a friend for an hour or two.

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