
The Museum Of Bad Art Screenshot-sm

There are plenty of places you can go to look at fine works of art, but where can you find the stuff that doesn't even belong on a refrigerator door? The Museum of Bad Art just outside of Boston is dedicated to art gone wrong in one way or another. Head of the museum Michael Frank says, "What we look for are pieces of work that are produced in an attempt to make some sort of artistic statement — but clearly something has gone wrong. There has to be something about it that makes you stop, and very often wonder why the artist continued down the path to produce what he or she did."

Portland Health Inspector Shuts Down Lemonade Stand Screenshot-sm 8

In a one-man crusade against the scourge of unlicensed lemonade stands in Portland, a Multnomah County health inspector shut down a 7-year-old's drink operation by threatening to fine her $500 if she didn't close shop. With a shocking disregard for the law, 7-year-old Julie Murphy tried to sell her illicit beverage without first obtaining a $120 temporary restaurant license. "I understand the reason behind what they're doing and it's a neighborhood event, and they're trying to generate revenue," said Jon Kawaguchi, environmental health supervisor for the Multnomah County Health Department. "But we still need to put the public's health first."

AmigaOS Twenty-Five Years of Check-Ins Visualized Screenshot-sm 82

the_arrow writes "As a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Amiga computer, Hyperion Entertainment has made a video using the Gource CVS visualization software showing a time-compressed version of 25 years of Amiga development, from the early days of AmigaOS 1.0 to the present. Personal commentary added by one of the current core full-time AmigaOS developers, Hans-Joerg Frieden (a.k.a. 'Rogue')."

Churchill Accused of Sealing UFO Files, Fearing Public Panic Screenshot-sm 615

Newly released secret files show that Winston Churchill ordered a cover-up of an alleged encounter between a UFO and a RAF bomber because he feared public panic. From the article: "Mr Churchill is reported to have made a declaration to the effect of the following: 'This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic among the general population and destroy one's belief in the Church.'"

Lego 'CubeDudes' By PIXAR Animator Screenshot-sm 34

An anonymous reader writes "PIXAR Animator Angus MacLane has created an incredible series of LEGO 'CubeDudes' modeled after beloved characters from sci-fi movies and comic books. From Star Wars heroes R2D2 and C-3PO to Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear and Jessie, the pixellated creations bear a remarkable likeness to their forebears. MacLane says, 'When I had a moment here and there I chip away at a few at a time. I'll have the body of one Dude and a head of another that I will be working on at the same time. It takes me about 10-15 minutes to make one CubeDude and I average about two a day.' The hardest part is the color palette — LEGO doesn't make purple bricks, so villains like Lex Luthor, The Joker, and Grimace are a challenge."

Dog Eats Man's Toe and Saves His Life Screenshot-sm 207

Have you ever been so drunk that you passed out and your dog ate your toe? I haven't either, but luckily for Michigander Jerry Douthett, he has. It turns out Jerry has type 2 diabetes and a wound on his toe had becoming dangerously infected. After a night of drinking Jerry passed out in his chair and the family dog Kiko decided to do a little doggy doctoring. From the article: "'The toe was gone,' said Douthett. 'He ate it. I mean, he must have eaten it, because we couldn't find it anywhere else in the house. I look down, there's blood all over, and my toe is gone.' [Douthett's wife] Rosee, 40, rushed her husband to the hospital where she's a gerontology nurse — Spectrum Health's Blodgett Campus. Kiko had gnawed to a point below the nail-line. When tests revealed an infection to the bone, doctors amputated what was left of the toe."

Man Sick of Waiting In ER Sews His Own Gashed Leg Screenshot-sm 5

A 32-year-old Swedish man known only as Jonas is in trouble for improper use of hospital equipment after he grew tired of waiting, and closed a wound on his leg himself. Jonas had waited an hour in the emergency room for someone to stitch up a deep cut before he grabbed a needle, and did a diy job on his leg. From the article: "After an hour-long wait in a treatment room, he lost patience and proceeded to sew up his own wound. 'They had set out a needle and thread and so I decided to take the matter into my hands,' he said. But hospital staff were not as impressed by his initiative and have reported the man on suspicion of arbitrary conduct for having used hospital equipment without authorization."

Superman Comic Saves Family Home From Foreclosure Screenshot-sm 217

A couple's home was saved from foreclosure after they found a copy of Action Comics #1 in a box in the basement. From the article: "In a statement released through ComicConnect, the owner of the prized comic book said the family was still 'a little shell shocked' after the unexpected find. 'I was so nervous when I realized what it was worth,' the owner said. 'I know I am very fortunate but I will be greatly relieved when this book finds a new home.'"

Officials Use Google Earth To Find Unlicensed Pools Screenshot-sm 650

Officials in Riverhead, New York are using Google Earth to root out the owners of unlicensed pools. So far they've found 250 illegal pools and collected $75,000 in fines and fees. Of course not everyone thinks that a city should be spending time looking at aerial pictures of backyards. from the article: "Lillie Coney, associate director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, DC, said Google Earth was promoted as an aid to curious travelers but has become a tool for cash-hungry local governments. 'The technology is going so far ahead of what people think is possible, and there is too little discussion about community norms,' she said."

Wendy's Robber Calls Back to Complain Screenshot-sm

Nothing is more frustrating than taking the time to rob a restaurant and escape only to discover the whole job paid under $1K. It's no surprise then that the man who held up an Atlanta Wendy's called back to complain about the measly $586 he got from the heist. The robber remains at large but did call back a second time warning that the register better have more in it when he returns.

Radioactive Boar On the Rise In Germany Screenshot-sm 165

Germans who go out in the woods today are sure of a big surprise, radioactive boars. A portion of the wild boar population in Germany was irradiated after the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, and the boars are thriving. In the last two years government payments to compensate hunters for radioactive boar have quadrupled. From the article: "According to the Environment Ministry in Berlin, almost €425,000 ($555,000) was paid out to hunters in 2009 in compensation for wild boar meat that was too contaminated by radiation to be sold for consumption. That total is more than four times higher than compensation payments made in 2007." I think the Germans are overlooking just how much money there is to be made from regenerating bacon.

Indian Police Using Facebook to Catch Scofflaw Drivers Screenshot-sm 130

New Delhi police have a new weapon in the battle against bad drivers, Facebook. Two months ago the police created a Facebook page that allowed people to inform on others breaking traffic laws, and upload pictures of the violations. The page has more than 17,000 fans, and 3,000 pictures currently. From the article: "The online rap sheet was impressive. There are photos of people on motorcycles without helmets, cars stopped in crosswalks, drivers on cellphones, drivers in the middle of illegal turns and improperly parked vehicles. Using the pictures, the Delhi Traffic Police have issued 665 tickets, using the license plate numbers shown in the photos to track vehicle owners, said the city’s joint commissioner of traffic, Satyendra Garg."

Fur Flies Over Squirrel Meat Sales Screenshot-sm 4

Hugh Pickens writes "BBC reports that supermarket owner Andrew Thornton in North London is selling squirrel meat as a sustainable way of feeding people and predicts that more people will eat 'the other, other white meat' in the future. 'I think it's lovely. It's a bit like rabbit. I think there will be a lot of fuss about this now, but in a few years it will become accepted practice that we eat squirrels,' says Thornton owner of a Budgens supermarket in Crouch End where most of the 2004 British horror comedy Shaun of the Dead was filmed. Thorton adds that squirrel meat is more sustainable than beef. 'It takes about 15 tonnes of grain to produce one tonne of beef, which is not sustainable.' But not everyone is happy as animal welfare group Viva accuses Budgens of profiting from a wildlife massacre. 'If this store is attempting to stand out from the crowd by selling squirrel, the only message they are giving out is that they are happy to have the blood of a beautiful wild animal on their hands for the sake of a few quid,' says Viva founder and director, Juliet Gellatley. 'Squirrels will be culled anyway,' responds Thorton. 'You have two choices. Either you dispose of them or you eat them.'"
The Internet

Woman's Nude Pics End Up Online After Call To Tech Support 197

Tara Fitzgerald couldn't find the nude pictures she planned on sending to her boyfriend, but instead of just taking more, she decided to see if a Dell tech support call could fix her problem. Apparently the tech support guy found them. Unfortunately, he then put them up on a site called "bitchtara."

Tokyo's 'Oldest Man' Had Been Dead 30 Years Screenshot-sm 1

Japanese officials estimate that Sogen Kato, Japan's oldest living man, hasn't been living for at least 30 years. His family now stands accused of collecting his pension payments fraudulently. From the article: "Welfare officials had tried to meet Mr. Kato since early this year. But when they went to visit, family members repeatedly chased them away, according to Tomoko Iwamatsu, an Adachi ward official. Authorities grew suspicious and sought an investigation by police, who forced their way into the house on Wednesday. They discovered a mummified body, believed to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pajamas, covered with a blanket."

The Science of Caddyshack Screenshot-sm 55

astroengine writes "Thirty years after the release of the cult classic comedy Caddyshack, Discovery News has geeked out and gone on the hunt for any trace amount of science they can find in the movie (video). From gopher territoriality to seismic deformation, from pool poop bacteria to the color of lightning, it turns out there's quite a lot of science to talk about..."

Man Wants to Donate His Heart Before He Dies Screenshot-sm 456

Gary Phebus wants to donate his heart, lungs, and liver. The problem is he wants to donate them before he dies. Gary was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease, in 2008. Phebus says he'd like to be able to donate his organs before they deteriorate, and doesn't consider his request suicide because he's "dead anyway."

Churchill's Dentures Sold At Auction Screenshot-sm

A partial set of dentures that once had the honor of sitting inside Winston Churchill's mouth were sold at auction Thursday for 15,200 pounds ($23,723.) From the article: "The upper dentures, one of several sets specially made for the wartime prime minister, were used to maintain his distinctively slurred speaking style. They were bought by a British collector of Churchill memorabilia at an auction in England at three times the estimated price."

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