
Scientists Find a Better Way To Pour Champagne Screenshot-sm 15

BuzzSkyline writes "It's better to pour Champagne the way a good bartender draws a beer, by running it down the inside surface of the glass. The revelation, which appears in July 2010 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, flies in the face of age-old French traditions, which require the bubbly to be poured in a stream that free-falls straight down the center of a champagne flute. By using infrared thermography to image the carbon dioxide that escapes over the rim of a Champagne glass for various style pours, the researchers proved that the gentler, beer-like technique allows the wine to retain more of the dissolved gas that is critical to the whole Champagne experience."
Classic Games (Games)

Researchers Reprogram Voting Machine To Run Pac-man Screenshot-sm 132

Philom writes "Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that electronic voting machines can be reprogrammed to steal votes, so when researchers Alex Halderman and Ari Feldman got their hands on a machine called the Sequoia AVC Edge, they decided to do something different: they reprogrammed it to run Pac-Man. As states move away from insecure electronic voting, there's a risk that discarded machines will clog our landfills. Fortunately, these results show that voting machines can be recycled to provide countless hours of entertainment."

Lies, Damned Lies and Cat Statistics Screenshot-sm 175

spopepro writes "While un-captioned cats might be of limited interest to the /. community, I found this column on how a fabricated statistic takes on a life of its own interesting. Starting with the Humane Society of the United States' (HSUS) claim that the unsterilized offspring of a cat will '...result in 420,000 cats in 5 years,' the author looks at other erroneous numbers, where they came from and why they won't go away."

Google's CEO Warns Kids Will Have to Change Names to Escape "Cyber Past" Screenshot-sm 706

Google's Eric Schmidt says that people's private lives are so well documented now that the young will have to change their names when reaching adulthood to avoid their youthful indiscretions. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal Schmidt says: "I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time." A fresh start from the stupid things you did as a kid seems like a good thing. Now we just need a way to get rid of the dreaded family photo album.

Russian Scholar Warns Of US Climate Change Weapon Screenshot-sm 415

According to Russian political scientist, and conspiracy aficionado Andrei Areshev the high heat, and poor crop yields of Russia, and other Central Asian countries may be the result of a climate weapon created by the US military. From the article: "... Areshev voiced suspicions about the High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP), funded by the US Defense Department and the University of Alaska. HAARP, which has long been the target of conspiracy theorists, analyzes the ionosphere and seeks to develop technologies to improve radio communications, surveillance, and missile detection. Areshev writes, however, that its true aim is to create new weapons of mass destruction 'in order to destabilize environmental and agricultural systems in local countries.'"

Icelandic Company Designs Human Pylons Screenshot-sm 142

Lanxon writes "An architecture and design firm called Choi+Shine has submitted a design for the Icelandic High-Voltage Electrical Pylon International Design Competition which proposes giant human-shaped pylons carrying electricity cables across the country's landscape, reports Wired. The enormous figures would only require slight alterations to existing pylon designs, says the firm, which was awarded an Honorable mention for its design by the competition's judging board. It also won an award from the Boston Society of Architects Unbuilt Architecture competition."

French Police To Fine Shirtless Tourists Screenshot-sm 3

The locals of such seaside French towns as Cannes and St. Tropez are sick of looking at the pasty white skin and hairy chests or tourists who invade their towns every year. If you walk around shirtless you now face a $48 fine. From the article: "The tough laws came into force after locals were shocked by a group of British rugby fans who took off their shirts while watching a match. 'We're not saying there has been a general moral decline, but some people have complained,' Perpignan security chief Pierre Parrat said."

Chinese Park Installs Spiked Benches Screenshot-sm 2

Visitors who hog the benches at Yantai Park in Shangdong province, eastern China will get a sharp surprise. The park benches have been fitted with steel spikes on a coin operated timer. A park official is quoted as saying: "We have to make sure the facilities are shared out evenly and this seems like a fair way to stop people grabbing a bench at dawn and staying there all day."

First 3-D IMAX Porn Movie Made In Hong Kong Screenshot-sm 201

tekgoblin writes "Christopher Sun of Hong Kong is directing a new porn movie that will actually be in 3-D. The movie is being called 3-D Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy and will be the first 3-D IMAX porn movie. From the article: 'First out of the gates, the soft porn Hong Kong film comes as the stricken industry, hit hard by free Internet porn in recent years, turns to 3-D as a potential money-spinner, following on from the success of Hollywood blockbusters such as James Cameron's Avatar.'"

Town Gets Patent On Being the Center of Europe Screenshot-sm 169

An anonymous reader writes "And you thought software patents were going to far? How about geography patents? Apparently, as a part of the weird fight over what place in Europe represents the 'geophysical center of Europe,' the Austrian town of Frauenkirchen has received a patent (Austrian patent AM 7738/2003) declaring it the center of Europe. Not clear how one 'infringes' on such a patent, but then again, it's not clear why anyone's patenting this either."

Schools Requiring Kids To Bring Their Own Toilet Paper Screenshot-sm 11

Across the country schools are asking students to bring in supplies to help offset budget cuts. Kids in Moody, Alaska received a must bring list for the start of the school year including: two double rolls of paper towels, three packages of Clorox wipes, three boxes of baby wipes, two boxes of garbage bags, liquid soap, Kleenex and Ziplocs. Pre-kindergartners at McClendon Elementary in Nevada, Tex. must bring: a package of cotton balls, two containers of facial tissue, rolls of paper towels, sheaves of manila and construction paper, and a package of paper sandwich bags. From the article: "'Some of the things that have been historically provided by schools, we’re not able to provide at this point,' said Barbara A. Chester, president of the National Association of Elementary School Principals."

Geek Squad Sends Cease-and-Desist Letter To God Squad Screenshot-sm 357

An anonymous reader writes "A Wisconsin priest has God on his car but Best Buy's lawyers on his back. Father Luke Strand at the Holy Family Parish in Fond Du Lac says he has received a cease-and-desist letter from the electronics retailer. From the article: 'At issue is Strand's black Volkswagen Beetle with door stickers bearing the name "God Squad" in a logo similar to that of Best Buy's Geek Squad, a group of electronics troubleshooters. Strand told the Fond du Lac Reporter that the car is a creative way to spur discussion and bring his faith to others. Best Buy Co. tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that it appreciates what Strand is trying to do, but it's bad precedent to let groups violate its trademarks.'"

Journalism Warning Labels Screenshot-sm 1

An anonymous reader writes "Tired of newspapers reprinting press releases as if they're articles? Or reporters writing about stuff they obviously know nothing about? Now someone's put together a nice set of newspaper warning labels you can place on newspapers, including such gems as: 'Warning: This article is basically just a press release, copied and pasted' and 'Warning: Journalist does not understand the subject they are writing about.' Perhaps best of all: 'Warning: To ensure future interview with subject, important questions were not asked.'"

The Fuel Cost of Obesity Screenshot-sm 285

thecarchik writes "America loves to complain about gas mileage and the cost of gasoline. As it turns out, part of the problem is us. How much does it really matter? A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found a 1.1 percent increase in self-reported obesity, which translates into extra weight that your vehicle has to haul around. The study estimates that 1 billion extra gallons of fuel were needed to compensate for passenger weight gained between 1960 and 2002."

Four Men Go Bar-Hopping For 26 Years Screenshot-sm 1

Peter and Joe Hill, John Drew, and Karl Bradley have spent the last 26 years drinking themselves into the Guinness World Records. The beer guzzling team have had a drink in 15,000 different pubs covering every county in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. "We have so many stories to tell I can't remember them all," said Hill, a 54-year-old engineer. "We have slept in fields, barns, stables and even graveyards and still do occasionally."

Man Takes Up Internal Farming Screenshot-sm 136

RockDoctor writes "'A Massachusetts man who was rushed to hospital with a collapsed lung came home with an unusual diagnosis: a pea plant was growing in his lung.' Just that summary should tell you enough to work out most of the rest of the details, but it does raise a number of questions unaddressed by the article: How did the pea roots deal with the patient's immune system? What would have happened if the situation had continued un-treated? I bet the guy has a career awaiting him in PR for a pea-growing company."

Rupert Murdoch Claims To Own the 'Sky' In 'Skype' Screenshot-sm 186

Crudely_Indecent writes "Not content to own just news stories, Rupert Murdoch is now going after individual words! His BSkyB is fighting a legal battle with Skype, claiming that it owns the 'Sky' in 'Skype.' From the article: 'A spokesman for Sky confirmed that the company has been involved in a "five-year dispute with Skype" over trademark applications filed by the telecomms company. These are, the spokesman added: "including, but not limited to, television-related goods and services."'"

Gambler Plays Poker to Avoid Prison Screenshot-sm 3

Prosecutors have worked out an unusual deal with a Albuquerque stockbroker who admitted to stealing from clients to support a gambling habit. Samuel McMaster, Jr. will have his sentencing delayed six months so he can enter poker tournaments and try to win the money back. From the article: "He must make payments of $7,500 a month. If he misses two payments he will face immediate sentencing of up to 12 years in prison."

Man Patents Self-Burying Coffin Screenshot-sm 159

disco_tracy writes "A California inventor has filed a patent for a coffin that screws into the ground vertically. The reason? It greatly reduces excavation labor and burial costs, decreases land use, and opens up more space for burials in unused areas of a cemetery. Writer Clark Boyd also lists 5 other unconventional burial options, including lye, ecopods, GPS devices that track bodies buried without headstones, cryogenics and — my favorite — getting buried in the sky."

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