
World's First Transcontinental Anesthesia Screenshot-sm 83

An anonymous reader writes "Medical Daily reports: 'Video conferences may be known for putting people to sleep, but never like this. Dr. Thomas Hemmerling and his team of McGill's Department of Anesthesia achieved a world first on August 30, 2010, when they treated patients undergoing thyroid gland surgery in Italy remotely from Montreal. The approach is part of new technological advancements, known as 'Teleanesthesia', and it involves a team of engineers, researchers and anesthesiologists who will ultimately apply the drugs intravenously which are then controlled remotely through an automated system.'"

Ganja Yoga Combines Marijuana and Meditation 1

Yoga class not relaxing enough for you? Try taking one were all the students are high. Dee Duss's "Ganja Yoga" lets students enjoy some marijuana before each session. Dee says the pot makes people more receptive to the poses and philosophies involved with yoga. 35-year-old enhancement smoker Tanya Pillay says, "I like the idea of smoking pot as a spiritual experience, not just for recreational use. When you take an activity like yoga and take the altered state smoking pot creates, it combines to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Yoga and marijuana, together, it’s like putting salt on your food. It’s just a little enhancement.”

Optical Speedbumps Create Illusion of Little Girl Screenshot-sm 9

An anonymous reader writes "Civil authorities around the world have tried all kinds of tricks to get drivers to slow down: speed bumps, rumble strips, flashing lights, the decoy police cruiser, and of course the good old-fashioned speed trap. The British Columbia Automobile Association Traffic Safety Foundation is taking a different tack: scaring the living hell out of drivers. In an effort to brusquely remind drivers of the consequences of wanton acceleration, they're painting an elongated image of a child chasing a ball into the street in 2-D on the pavement in such a way that it appears three-dimensional."

The Real 'Stuff White People Like' Screenshot-sm 286

Here's an interesting and funny look at 526,000 OkCupid users, divided into groups by race and gender and all the the things each groups says it likes or is interested in. While it is far from being definitive, the groupings give a glimpse of what makes each culture unique. According to the results, white men like nothing better than Tom Clancy, Van Halen, and golfing.

Anti-Product Placement For Negative Branding 130

An anonymous reader writes "Product placement to promote your brand just isn't enough any more. These days, apparently, some companies are resorting to anti-product placement in order to get competitors' products in the hands of 'anti-stars.' The key example being Snooki from Jersey Shore, who supposedly is being sent handbags by companies... but the bags being sent are of competitors' handbags as a way to avoid Snooki carrying their own handbag, and thus potentially damaging their brand."

Microsoft Suspends Gamer For Being From Fort Gay 490

maclizard writes "The town's name is real. But when Josh Moore tried to tell Seattle-based Microsoft and the enforcement team at Xbox Live that Fort Gay was a real place, they wouldn't take his word for it. Or Google it. Or check the US Postal Service website for a ZIP code. I personally feel for those of you from Big Bone Lick, KY."

Vandals Held Captive and Forced To Dance Screenshot-sm 1

A pair of graffiti vandals were caught by a couple and forced to dance until police arrived. The vandals identified only as Karl and Shane were "kidnapped" after being caught in the act of tagging a fence. Their kidnappers, the homeowners, made them dance while being questioned and filmed them in this NSFW video."

University Offers Class In Zombie Studies Screenshot-sm 118

Young people at The University of Baltimore will be able to study the zombie condition thanks to the newly available English 333. Students in the class will watch 16 classic zombie films and read zombie comics. Instead of writing a final research paper they may write a script or draw storyboards for their own zombie movie. Unfortunately the class doesn't seems to cover brain appreciation.

Researchers Discover Irresistible Dance Moves Screenshot-sm 215

sciencehabit writes "To find out if certain dance moves are more attractive to women than others, researchers recruited a bunch of college guys and used motion-capture to create avatars of them dancing. When women watched the avatars (2 videos included in story), the men they found most attractive were those who kept their heads and torsos moving without flailing their arms and legs. The researchers say dancing is thus an honest signal to women of the man's strength and health, just as it is in crabs and hummingbirds, who also move in special ways to attract mates."

Toy Pony Sparks Bomb Scare In Orlando Screenshot-sm 3

A toy pony caused a bomb scare Tuesday morning in Orange County, Florida. The bomb squad was called in to investigate the suspicious equine which was left in a playground near an elementary school. Realizing that no child would forget such a fine example of stuffed horse, a robot was sent in to investigate. This initiated a partial lockdown of the school, and evacuating homes in the area. After deciding that a full lockdown and evacuation might not be a big enough overreaction to an abandoned toy on a playground, they decided to play it safe and just blow it up. After a thorough investigation the pony was determined to be non-threatening. Check out the video footage of the pony being taken down a peg."

White House Correspondent Tweets His Heart Attack Screenshot-sm 77

Tommy Christopher, who writes for mediate.com, has reporting in his blood, so much so that he livetweeted every part of his recent heart attack. "I gotta be me. Livetweeting my heart attack. Beat that!" and "This is not like the movies. Most deadpan heart attack evar. Still hurts even after the morphine," were among his updates as he was rushed to the hospital. Christopher is now in stable condition after recovering from emergency surgery.

Researchers Say Happiness Costs $75K Screenshot-sm 772

SpuriousLogic writes "Does happiness rise with income? In one of the more scientific attempts to answer that question, researchers from Princeton have put a price on happiness. It's about $75,000 in income a year. They found that not having enough money definitely causes emotional pain and unhappiness. But, after reaching an income of about $75,000 per year, money can't buy happiness. More money can, however, help people view their lives as successful or better. The study found that people's evaluations of their lives improved steadily with annual income. But the quality of their everyday experiences — their feelings — did not improve above an income of $75,000 a year. As income decreased from $75,000, people reported decreasing happiness and increasing sadness, as well as stress. The study found that being divorced, being sick and other painful experiences have worse effects on a poor person than on a wealthier one."

4chan Gives 90-Year-Old Vet a Great Birthday Screenshot-sm 363

Hugh Pickens writes "Members of 4chan aren't known for doing things that are cute and heart-warming and when they decide to go after someone, it's typically to subject them to ridicule. But not this time. Someone at 4chan decided that the Internet should get together and wish 90-year-old WWII veteran William J. Lashua a happy birthday, and soon Lashua's local branch of the American Legion was deluged by birthday calls from people as far away as Sweden. The account someone set up for Mr. Lashua's birthday on Facebook had 3,956 'likes' and over 500 comments, most of which wished him a happy birthday and thanked him for his military service. It's not clear how 4chan originally came across a photo of Lashua, but a member of the site posted a snapshot of a flyer that was on the bulletin board at a store in Ashburnham, Massachusetts asking for guests to attend the nonagenarian's birthday on at the American Legion hall and the post took off. In contrast to their usual behavior, 4chan members 'were giving him nice phone calls and sending him nice notes' and discouraging those who wanted to do something stupid or mean. 'They were all being.. well, shucks, awful nice.'"

Gubernatorial Candidate Wants to Sell Speeding Passes for $25 Screenshot-sm 825

If Nevada gubernatorial candidate Eugene "Gino" DiSimone gets his way, $25 will buy you the right to drive up to 90mph for a day. DiSimone estimates his "free limit plan" will raise $1 billion a year for Nevada. From the article: "First, vehicles would have to pass a safety inspection. Then vehicle information would be loaded into a database, and motorists would purchase a transponder. After setting up an account, anyone in a hurry could dial in, and for $25 charged to a credit card, be free to speed for 24 hours."

Firm Can't Fire Man For 1.8 Cent Theft Screenshot-sm 4

An anonymous reader writes "A German company that fired a man for the theft of 1.8 euro cents (two US cents) worth of electricity had no grounds for sacking him, a court ruled, dismissing the firm's appeal against his reinstatement. Network administrator Oliver Beel lost his job after charging his Segway, a two-wheeled electric vehicle, at work in May 2009. After he connected the vehicle to the firm's power source for 1-1/2 hours, his boss asked him to remove it. Twelve days later Beel found himself without a job."

Winnie-the-Pooh Parodied In Wookie-the-Chew Screenshot-sm 58

pickens writes "Erik Hayden writes in the Atlantic that children will see endearing portraits of Chewbacca rendered in the style of "Winnie-the-Pooh" in the book of drawings "Wookie the Chew," a tribute to the combined genius of George Lucas, A.A.Milne and E.H.Sheppard, by artist James Hance released on September 1st. Samples from the book are available at Hance's web site. Hance bases his right to parody Winnie-the-Pooh on Fair Use as parody under which certain uses of copyrighted works, which would otherwise be considered infringing, are permissible. Interestingly enough, the rights to the original Winnie-the-Pooh were the subject of an 18-year feud in which Walt Disney corporation fought off a challenge to its ownership of the rights ending in 2009 when a judge in Los Angeles struck out a claim against Disney lodged by the family of Stephen Slesinger, a comic book pioneer who bought the copyright to Pooh in 1930 from the bear's British creator, A.A. Milne. Stories of Pooh's adventures were originally created by Milne in the 1920s, based on a toy bear owned by the author's son, Christopher Robin."

The Push For Colbert's "Restoring Truthiness" Rally Screenshot-sm 703

jamie writes "A grassroots campaign has begun to get Stephen Colbert to hold a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to counter Glenn Beck's recent 'Restoring Honor' event. The would-be rally has been dubbed 'Restoring Truthiness' and was inspired by a recent post on Reddit, where a young woman wondered if the only way to point out the absurdity of the Tea Party's rally would be if Colbert mirrored it with his own Colbert Nation.'"

Court Bans Sandwiches Because They Could Be Thrown Screenshot-sm 4

The High Wycombe Magistrates' Court has banned sandwiches, bottled water and even potato chips due to fear of the items being turned into "missiles." From the article: "An official at the court said: 'The concern is that people are going to use their food as a missile and fling it down the stairs at people. Apparently there have been incidents of lunches being thrown around in the past — so we have had to introduce these rules for everyone regardless of who they are or why they are here.'" Who knows what will happen when court officials learn you can throw things other than lunch.

Russians Urged To Drink and Smoke More Screenshot-sm 1

Alexei Kudrin, Russia's finance minister, has a plan to drink and smoke his country out of its financial woes. He has urged his countrymen to drink and smoke more to help boost government revenues. "If you smoke a pack of cigarettes, that means you are giving more to help solve social problems. People should understand: Those who drink, those who smoke are doing more to help the state," he said.

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